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Eleştirel Jeopolitik ve Uluslararası İlişkiler Disiplini: Mekânsallık, Söylem ve İktidar

Year 2023, , 163 - 187, 31.12.2023


Bu çalışma akademi, medya ve karar alma bağlamlarında sıklıkla karşılaşılan geleneksel jeopolitik varsayımları sorunsallaştıran “eleştirel jeopolitik” yaklaşımını incelemektedir. Eleştirel jeopolitik, her ne kadar Siyasi Coğrafya disiplininin bir alt kolu olarak ortaya çıkmış olsa da odaklandığı konular, kavramsal tartışmaları ve kuramsal argümanları göz önüne alındığında Uluslararası İlişkiler disiplini ile oldukça önemli ortak noktalar paylaşan bir yaklaşımdır. Dolayısıyla, eleştirel jeopolitiği, Uluslararası İlişkiler’de 1980’li yılların sonu, 1990’lı yılların başında oluşmaya başlayan diğer eleştirel yaklaşımların bir parçası olarak ele alıp değerlendirmek mümkündür. Bu çalışma, eleştirel jeopolitik yazınına dair bir literatür taraması sunmayı ve böylelikle bu yazının temellerini ortaya koymayı hedeflemektedir. Bu amaç doğrultusunda makale öncelikle 19. Yüzyıl itibariyle ortaya çıkan klasik jeopolitiğin muhtevasını tartışmakta ve bu yaklaşımın etkilerinin günümüze kadar hangi biçimlerde tezahür ettiğine bakmaktadır. Makale daha sonra eleştirel jeopolitik yaklaşımının ortaya çıkışına ve bu yaklaşımın temel argümanlarına odaklanmaktadır. Takip eden bölümde eleştirel jeopolitiğin geleneksel Uluslararası İlişkiler kuramlarına getirdiği eleştiriler “teritoryal tuzak” argümanı baz alınarak incelenmiştir. Çalışmanın son bölümünde ise eleştirel jeopolitik ve postyapısalcılık, Marksizm, feminizm ve postkolonyalizm gibi farklı eleştirel yaklaşımların arasındaki kesişim noktaları mercek altına alınmıştır.


Bu makalenin yazım aşamasındaki değerli katkıları için Hakan Sipahioğlu'na teşekkür ederim.


  • Agnew, J. (1994). The Territorial Trap: The Geographical Assumptions of International Relations Theory. Review of International Political Economy, 1(1), 53-80.
  • Agnew, J. ([1998]. 2003). Geopolitics: Re-visioning World Politics. London: Routledge.
  • Agnew, J. (2010). Still Trapped in Territory? Geopolitics, 15(4), 779-784.
  • Agnew, J. (2011). Capitalism, Territory and “Marxist Geopolitics.” Geopolitics, 16(1), 230-233.
  • Agnew, J. (2013). The Origins of Critical Geopolitics. Klaus Dodds, Merje Kuus & Joanne Sharp (Yay. haz.). The Ashgate Research Companion to Critical Geopolitics içinde (s. 19-32). London: Routledge.
  • Agnew, J. (2015). Revisiting the Territorial Trap. Nordia Geographical Publications, 44(4), 43–48.
  • Agnew, J., & Corbridge, S. (1995). Mastering Space: Hegemony, Territory, and International Political Economy. London: Routledge.
  • Astrov, A., & Morozova, N. (2012). Russia: Geopolitics from the Heartland. Stefano Guzzini (Yay. haz.), The Return of Geopolitics in Europe? Social Mechanisms and Foreign Policy Identity Crisis içinde (s. 192-216). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Baylis, J. (2020). International and Global Security. John Baylis, Steve Smith & Patricia Owens (Yay. haz.). The Globalization of World Politics: An Introduction to International Relations içinde (s.240-255). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Behnke, A. (2012). The Theme that Dare not Speak in its Name: Geopolitik, Geopolitics and German Foreign Policy Since Unification. Stefano Guzzini (Yay. haz.). The Return of Geopolitics in Europe? Social Mechanisms and Foreign Policy Identity Crisis içinde (s.101-126). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Bilgin, P. (2012). Turkey’s ‘Geopolitics Dogma.’ Stefano Guzzini (Yay. haz.). The Return of Geopolitics in Europe? Social Mechanisms and Foreign Policy Identity Crisis içinde (s. 151-173). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Dalby, S. (1990). American Security Discourse: The Persistence of Geopolitics. Political Geography Quarterly, 9, 171–188.
  • Dalby, S. (2008). Imperialism, Domination, Culture: The Continued Relevance of Critical Geopolitics. Geopolitics, 13(3), 413-436.
  • Dalby, S. (2018). Geopolitics in the Anthropocene. Al Bergeson & Christian Suter (Yay. haz.). The Return of Geopolitics içinde (s. 149-166). Zurich: Lit.
  • Dijkink, G. (1996). National Identity, and Geopolitical Visions: Maps of Pride and Pain. London: Routledge.
  • Dijkink, G. (1998). Geopolitical Codes and Popular Representations. GeoJournal, 46(4), 293-299.
  • Dijkink, G. (2006). When Geopolitics and Religion Fuse: A Historical Perspective. Geopolitics, 11(2), 192-208.
  • Dittmer, J. (2005). Captain America’s Empire: Reflections on Identity, Popular Culture, and Post 9/11 Geopolitics. Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 95(3), 626-643.
  • Dittmer, J., & Dodds, K. (2008). Popular Geopolitics Past and Future: Fandom, Identities and Audiences. Geopolitics, 13(3), 437-457.
  • Dittmer, J., & Gray, N. (2010). Popular Geopolitics 2.0: Towards New Methodologies of the Everyday. Geography Compass, 4(11), 1664-1677.
  • Dodds, K. (2005). Global Geopolitics: A Critical Introduction. Essex: Pearson Education Limited.
  • Dodds, K. (2006). Popular Geopolitics and Audience Dispositions: James Bond and the Internet Movie Database (IMDb). Transactions of the Institute of the British Geographers, 31(2), 116-130.
  • Dodds, K., Kuus, M., & Sharp, J. (2013). Introduction: Geopolitics and its Critics. Klaus Dodds, Merje Kuus & Joanne Sharp (Yay. haz.), The Ashgate Research Companion to Critical Geopolitics içinde (s. 1-14). Surrey: Ashgate Publishing Limited.
  • Dowler, L., & Sharp, J. (2001). A feminist Geopolitics? Space & Polity, 5, 165–176.
  • Geopolitical Forum. (2011). Geopolitics, 16(1), 211-238.
  • Guzzini, S. (2012a). Which Geopolitics? Stefano Guzzini (Yay. haz.), The Return of Geopolitics in Europe? Social Mechanisms and Foreign Policy Identity Crisis içinde (s. 18-44). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Guzzini, S. (2012b). (Yay. haz.). The Return of Geopolitics in Europe? Social Mechanisms and Foreign Policy Identity Crisis. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Guzzini, S. (2012c). Which puzzle? An Expected Return of Geopolitical Thought in Europe? Stefano Guzzini (Yay. haz.), The Return of Geopolitics in Europe? Social Mechanisms and Foreign Policy Identity Crisis içinde (s. 9-17). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Hepple, L. W. (1986). The Revival of Geopolitics. Political Geography Quarterly, 5(4), 21–36.
  • Hyndman, J. (2004). Mind the Gap: Bridging Feminist and Political Geography through Geopolitics. Political Geography, 23, 307–322.
  • Jones, L., & Sage, D. (2010). New Directions in Critical Geopolitics: An Introduction. GeoJournal, 75(4), 315-325.
  • Koopman, S., Dalby, S., Megoran, N., Sharp, J., Kearns, G., Squire, R., Jeffrey, A., Squire, V., & Toal, G. (2021). Critical Geopolitics/critical geopolitics 25 years on. Political Geography, 90, 1–9.
  • Koopman, S. (2011). Alter-Geopolitics: Other Securities are Happening. Geoforum, 42(3), 274-284.
  • Kuus, M. (2007). Intellectuals and Geopolitics: The “Cultural Politicians” of Central Europe. Geoforum, 38, 241-251.
  • Kuus, M. (2010). Critical Geopolitics. Robert Denemark (Yay. haz.), The International Studies Encyclopedia, Vol. II içinde (s. 683–701). Oxford: Blackwell.
  • Kuus, M. (2012). Banal Huntingtonianism: Civilisational Geopolitics in Estonia. Stefano Guzzini (Yay. haz.), The Return of Geopolitics in Europe? Social Mechanisms and Foreign Policy Identity Crisis içinde (s. 174-191). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Mamadouh, V. D. (1998). Geopolitics in the Nineties: One Flag, Many Meanings. Geojournal, 46(4), 237-253.
  • Mamadouh, V., & Dijkink, G. (2006). Geopolitics, International Relations, and Political Geography: The Politics of Geopolitical Discourse. Geopolitics, 11(3), 349-366.
  • Massaro, V., & J. Williams. (2013). Feminist Geopolitics. Geography Compass, 7(8), 567–77.
  • Mearsheimer, J. J. (2014). Why the Ukraine Crisis is the West’s Fault: the Liberal Delusions that Provoked Putin. Foreign Affairs, 93(5), 77–89.
  • Moisio, S. (2015). Geopolitics/Critical Geopolitics. John Agnew, Virginie Mamadouh, Anna Secor & Joanne Sharp (Yay. haz.), The Wiley-Blackwell Companion to Political Geography içinde (s. 220-234). Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell.
  • Murphy, A. B., Basin, M., Newman, D., Reuber, P. & Agnew, J. (2004). Is There a Politics to Geopolitics? Progress in Human Geography, 28(5), 619-640.
  • Müller, M. (2008). Reconsidering the Concept of Discourse for the Field of Critical Geopolitics: Towards Discourse as Language and Practice. Political Geography, 27(3), 322-338.
  • Müller, M. (2011). Doing Discourse Analysis in Critical Geopolitics. L'Espace Politique, 12, 1-18.
  • O’Loughlin, J. (2001). Geopolitical Fantasies, National Strategies and Ordinary Russians in the Post-Communist Era. Geopolitics, 6(3), 17-48.
  • O’Loughlin, J. & Kolossov, V. (2002). Still Not Worth the Bones of a Single Pomeranian Grenadier: The Geopolitics of Kosovo War 1999. Political Geography, 21, 573-599.
  • O’Loughlin, J., Ó Tuathail, G. & Kolossov, V. (2004a). A “Risky Westward Turn”? Putin’s 9-11 Script and Ordinary Russians. Europe-Asia Studies, 56(1), 3-34.
  • O'Loughlin, J., Ó Tuathail, G. & Kolossov. V. (2005). Russian Geopolitical Culture and Public Opinion: The Masks of Proteus Revisited. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, 30(3), 322-335.
  • Ó Tuathail, G. & Agnew, J. (1992). Geopolitics and Discourse: Practical Geopolitical Reasoning in American Foreign Policy. Political Geography, 11(2), 190-204.
  • Ó Tuathail, G., Dalby, S. Routledge, P. (1998). The Geopolitics Reader. London: Routledge.
  • Ó Tuathail, G. (1996) An Anti-Geopolitical Eye: Maggie O’Kane in Bosnia, 1992-93. Gender, Place & Culture: A Journal of Feminist Geography, 3(2), 171-186.
  • Ó Tuathail, G. O. (1998a). Introduction: Imperialist Geopolitics. Gearoid Ó Tuathail, Simon Darby & Paul Routledge (Yay. haz.), The Geopolitics Reader içinde (s. 15-25). London: Routledge.
  • Ó Tuathail, G. O. (1998b). Introduction: New World Order Geopolitics. Gearoid Ó Tuathail, Simon Darby & Paul Routledge (Yay. haz.), The Geopolitics Reader içinde (s. 103-112). London: Routledge.
  • Ó Tuathail, G. O. (1998c). Introduction: Thinking Critically about Geopolitics. Gearoid Ó Tuathail, Simon Darby & Paul Routledge (Yay. haz.), The Geopolitics Reader içinde (s. 1-12). London: Routledge.
  • Ó Tuathail, G., & Dalby, S. (1998). Introduction: Rethinking Geopolitics: Towards a Critical Geopolitics. Gearoid Ó. Tauthail & S. Dalby (Yay. haz.), Rethinking Geopolitics içinde (s. 1-15). London: Routledge.
  • Routledge, P. (1998). Anti-Geopolitics. Gearoid Ó Tuathail, Simon Darby & Paul Routledge (Yay. haz.), The Geopolitics Reader içinde (s. 245-255). London: Routledge.
  • Sharp, J. P. (1993). Publishing American Identity: Popular Geopolitics, Myth, and The Reader’s Digest. Political Geography, 12(6), 491-503.
  • Sharp, J. P. (2003). Feminist and Postcolonial Engagements. John Agnew, Katharyne Mitchell & G. Ó. Tuathail (Yay. haz.), A Companion to Political Geography içinde (s. 59-74). Oxford: Blackwell Publishing.
  • Sharp, J. (2011). Subaltern Geopolitics: Introduction. Geoforum, 42, 271–273.
  • Yanık, L. (2008). Those Crazy Turks’ that Got Caught in the ‘Metal Storm’: Nationalism in Turkey’s Best Seller Lists. EUI Working Papers RSCAS 2008/04, 1-16.
  • Yeşiltaş, M. & Durgun, S. (2015). Coğrafya ve Jeopolitiği Tartışmak: Eleştirel bir Değerlendirme. Murat Yeşiltaş, Sezgi Durgun & Pınar Bilgin (Yay. Haz.), Türkiye Dünyanın Neresinde? Hayali Coğrafyalar, Çarpışan Anlatılar içinde (s. 9-35). İstanbul: Koç Üniversitesi Yayınları.
Year 2023, , 163 - 187, 31.12.2023



  • Agnew, J. (1994). The Territorial Trap: The Geographical Assumptions of International Relations Theory. Review of International Political Economy, 1(1), 53-80.
  • Agnew, J. ([1998]. 2003). Geopolitics: Re-visioning World Politics. London: Routledge.
  • Agnew, J. (2010). Still Trapped in Territory? Geopolitics, 15(4), 779-784.
  • Agnew, J. (2011). Capitalism, Territory and “Marxist Geopolitics.” Geopolitics, 16(1), 230-233.
  • Agnew, J. (2013). The Origins of Critical Geopolitics. Klaus Dodds, Merje Kuus & Joanne Sharp (Yay. haz.). The Ashgate Research Companion to Critical Geopolitics içinde (s. 19-32). London: Routledge.
  • Agnew, J. (2015). Revisiting the Territorial Trap. Nordia Geographical Publications, 44(4), 43–48.
  • Agnew, J., & Corbridge, S. (1995). Mastering Space: Hegemony, Territory, and International Political Economy. London: Routledge.
  • Astrov, A., & Morozova, N. (2012). Russia: Geopolitics from the Heartland. Stefano Guzzini (Yay. haz.), The Return of Geopolitics in Europe? Social Mechanisms and Foreign Policy Identity Crisis içinde (s. 192-216). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Baylis, J. (2020). International and Global Security. John Baylis, Steve Smith & Patricia Owens (Yay. haz.). The Globalization of World Politics: An Introduction to International Relations içinde (s.240-255). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Behnke, A. (2012). The Theme that Dare not Speak in its Name: Geopolitik, Geopolitics and German Foreign Policy Since Unification. Stefano Guzzini (Yay. haz.). The Return of Geopolitics in Europe? Social Mechanisms and Foreign Policy Identity Crisis içinde (s.101-126). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Bilgin, P. (2012). Turkey’s ‘Geopolitics Dogma.’ Stefano Guzzini (Yay. haz.). The Return of Geopolitics in Europe? Social Mechanisms and Foreign Policy Identity Crisis içinde (s. 151-173). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Dalby, S. (1990). American Security Discourse: The Persistence of Geopolitics. Political Geography Quarterly, 9, 171–188.
  • Dalby, S. (2008). Imperialism, Domination, Culture: The Continued Relevance of Critical Geopolitics. Geopolitics, 13(3), 413-436.
  • Dalby, S. (2018). Geopolitics in the Anthropocene. Al Bergeson & Christian Suter (Yay. haz.). The Return of Geopolitics içinde (s. 149-166). Zurich: Lit.
  • Dijkink, G. (1996). National Identity, and Geopolitical Visions: Maps of Pride and Pain. London: Routledge.
  • Dijkink, G. (1998). Geopolitical Codes and Popular Representations. GeoJournal, 46(4), 293-299.
  • Dijkink, G. (2006). When Geopolitics and Religion Fuse: A Historical Perspective. Geopolitics, 11(2), 192-208.
  • Dittmer, J. (2005). Captain America’s Empire: Reflections on Identity, Popular Culture, and Post 9/11 Geopolitics. Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 95(3), 626-643.
  • Dittmer, J., & Dodds, K. (2008). Popular Geopolitics Past and Future: Fandom, Identities and Audiences. Geopolitics, 13(3), 437-457.
  • Dittmer, J., & Gray, N. (2010). Popular Geopolitics 2.0: Towards New Methodologies of the Everyday. Geography Compass, 4(11), 1664-1677.
  • Dodds, K. (2005). Global Geopolitics: A Critical Introduction. Essex: Pearson Education Limited.
  • Dodds, K. (2006). Popular Geopolitics and Audience Dispositions: James Bond and the Internet Movie Database (IMDb). Transactions of the Institute of the British Geographers, 31(2), 116-130.
  • Dodds, K., Kuus, M., & Sharp, J. (2013). Introduction: Geopolitics and its Critics. Klaus Dodds, Merje Kuus & Joanne Sharp (Yay. haz.), The Ashgate Research Companion to Critical Geopolitics içinde (s. 1-14). Surrey: Ashgate Publishing Limited.
  • Dowler, L., & Sharp, J. (2001). A feminist Geopolitics? Space & Polity, 5, 165–176.
  • Geopolitical Forum. (2011). Geopolitics, 16(1), 211-238.
  • Guzzini, S. (2012a). Which Geopolitics? Stefano Guzzini (Yay. haz.), The Return of Geopolitics in Europe? Social Mechanisms and Foreign Policy Identity Crisis içinde (s. 18-44). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Guzzini, S. (2012b). (Yay. haz.). The Return of Geopolitics in Europe? Social Mechanisms and Foreign Policy Identity Crisis. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Guzzini, S. (2012c). Which puzzle? An Expected Return of Geopolitical Thought in Europe? Stefano Guzzini (Yay. haz.), The Return of Geopolitics in Europe? Social Mechanisms and Foreign Policy Identity Crisis içinde (s. 9-17). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Hepple, L. W. (1986). The Revival of Geopolitics. Political Geography Quarterly, 5(4), 21–36.
  • Hyndman, J. (2004). Mind the Gap: Bridging Feminist and Political Geography through Geopolitics. Political Geography, 23, 307–322.
  • Jones, L., & Sage, D. (2010). New Directions in Critical Geopolitics: An Introduction. GeoJournal, 75(4), 315-325.
  • Koopman, S., Dalby, S., Megoran, N., Sharp, J., Kearns, G., Squire, R., Jeffrey, A., Squire, V., & Toal, G. (2021). Critical Geopolitics/critical geopolitics 25 years on. Political Geography, 90, 1–9.
  • Koopman, S. (2011). Alter-Geopolitics: Other Securities are Happening. Geoforum, 42(3), 274-284.
  • Kuus, M. (2007). Intellectuals and Geopolitics: The “Cultural Politicians” of Central Europe. Geoforum, 38, 241-251.
  • Kuus, M. (2010). Critical Geopolitics. Robert Denemark (Yay. haz.), The International Studies Encyclopedia, Vol. II içinde (s. 683–701). Oxford: Blackwell.
  • Kuus, M. (2012). Banal Huntingtonianism: Civilisational Geopolitics in Estonia. Stefano Guzzini (Yay. haz.), The Return of Geopolitics in Europe? Social Mechanisms and Foreign Policy Identity Crisis içinde (s. 174-191). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Mamadouh, V. D. (1998). Geopolitics in the Nineties: One Flag, Many Meanings. Geojournal, 46(4), 237-253.
  • Mamadouh, V., & Dijkink, G. (2006). Geopolitics, International Relations, and Political Geography: The Politics of Geopolitical Discourse. Geopolitics, 11(3), 349-366.
  • Massaro, V., & J. Williams. (2013). Feminist Geopolitics. Geography Compass, 7(8), 567–77.
  • Mearsheimer, J. J. (2014). Why the Ukraine Crisis is the West’s Fault: the Liberal Delusions that Provoked Putin. Foreign Affairs, 93(5), 77–89.
  • Moisio, S. (2015). Geopolitics/Critical Geopolitics. John Agnew, Virginie Mamadouh, Anna Secor & Joanne Sharp (Yay. haz.), The Wiley-Blackwell Companion to Political Geography içinde (s. 220-234). Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell.
  • Murphy, A. B., Basin, M., Newman, D., Reuber, P. & Agnew, J. (2004). Is There a Politics to Geopolitics? Progress in Human Geography, 28(5), 619-640.
  • Müller, M. (2008). Reconsidering the Concept of Discourse for the Field of Critical Geopolitics: Towards Discourse as Language and Practice. Political Geography, 27(3), 322-338.
  • Müller, M. (2011). Doing Discourse Analysis in Critical Geopolitics. L'Espace Politique, 12, 1-18.
  • O’Loughlin, J. (2001). Geopolitical Fantasies, National Strategies and Ordinary Russians in the Post-Communist Era. Geopolitics, 6(3), 17-48.
  • O’Loughlin, J. & Kolossov, V. (2002). Still Not Worth the Bones of a Single Pomeranian Grenadier: The Geopolitics of Kosovo War 1999. Political Geography, 21, 573-599.
  • O’Loughlin, J., Ó Tuathail, G. & Kolossov, V. (2004a). A “Risky Westward Turn”? Putin’s 9-11 Script and Ordinary Russians. Europe-Asia Studies, 56(1), 3-34.
  • O'Loughlin, J., Ó Tuathail, G. & Kolossov. V. (2005). Russian Geopolitical Culture and Public Opinion: The Masks of Proteus Revisited. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, 30(3), 322-335.
  • Ó Tuathail, G. & Agnew, J. (1992). Geopolitics and Discourse: Practical Geopolitical Reasoning in American Foreign Policy. Political Geography, 11(2), 190-204.
  • Ó Tuathail, G., Dalby, S. Routledge, P. (1998). The Geopolitics Reader. London: Routledge.
  • Ó Tuathail, G. (1996) An Anti-Geopolitical Eye: Maggie O’Kane in Bosnia, 1992-93. Gender, Place & Culture: A Journal of Feminist Geography, 3(2), 171-186.
  • Ó Tuathail, G. O. (1998a). Introduction: Imperialist Geopolitics. Gearoid Ó Tuathail, Simon Darby & Paul Routledge (Yay. haz.), The Geopolitics Reader içinde (s. 15-25). London: Routledge.
  • Ó Tuathail, G. O. (1998b). Introduction: New World Order Geopolitics. Gearoid Ó Tuathail, Simon Darby & Paul Routledge (Yay. haz.), The Geopolitics Reader içinde (s. 103-112). London: Routledge.
  • Ó Tuathail, G. O. (1998c). Introduction: Thinking Critically about Geopolitics. Gearoid Ó Tuathail, Simon Darby & Paul Routledge (Yay. haz.), The Geopolitics Reader içinde (s. 1-12). London: Routledge.
  • Ó Tuathail, G., & Dalby, S. (1998). Introduction: Rethinking Geopolitics: Towards a Critical Geopolitics. Gearoid Ó. Tauthail & S. Dalby (Yay. haz.), Rethinking Geopolitics içinde (s. 1-15). London: Routledge.
  • Routledge, P. (1998). Anti-Geopolitics. Gearoid Ó Tuathail, Simon Darby & Paul Routledge (Yay. haz.), The Geopolitics Reader içinde (s. 245-255). London: Routledge.
  • Sharp, J. P. (1993). Publishing American Identity: Popular Geopolitics, Myth, and The Reader’s Digest. Political Geography, 12(6), 491-503.
  • Sharp, J. P. (2003). Feminist and Postcolonial Engagements. John Agnew, Katharyne Mitchell & G. Ó. Tuathail (Yay. haz.), A Companion to Political Geography içinde (s. 59-74). Oxford: Blackwell Publishing.
  • Sharp, J. (2011). Subaltern Geopolitics: Introduction. Geoforum, 42, 271–273.
  • Yanık, L. (2008). Those Crazy Turks’ that Got Caught in the ‘Metal Storm’: Nationalism in Turkey’s Best Seller Lists. EUI Working Papers RSCAS 2008/04, 1-16.
  • Yeşiltaş, M. & Durgun, S. (2015). Coğrafya ve Jeopolitiği Tartışmak: Eleştirel bir Değerlendirme. Murat Yeşiltaş, Sezgi Durgun & Pınar Bilgin (Yay. Haz.), Türkiye Dünyanın Neresinde? Hayali Coğrafyalar, Çarpışan Anlatılar içinde (s. 9-35). İstanbul: Koç Üniversitesi Yayınları.
There are 61 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects International Relations (Other)
Journal Section Research Articles

Mine Nur Küçük 0000-0001-8579-7837

Publication Date December 31, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023


APA Küçük, M. N. (2023). Eleştirel Jeopolitik ve Uluslararası İlişkiler Disiplini: Mekânsallık, Söylem ve İktidar. Marmara Üniversitesi Siyasal Bilimler Dergisi, 11(Özel Sayı), 163-187.