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Yapay Zekâ Ve Silahlanma Yarışı: ABD Ve Çin Arasındaki Güç Dengesinin Değişen Dinamikleri

Year 2024, Volume: 12 Issue: 2, 175 - 200, 05.10.2024


21. yüzyılda yapay zekâ teknolojileri uluslararası güvenlik gündemi üzerinde önemli bir değişim yaratma potansiyeli taşımaktadır. Günümüzde söz konusu teknolojiler devletlerin ulusal güvenlik ve askeri stratejilerinde gözlemlenebilir bir değişime neden olmakta ve aynı şekilde, savaş sahası üzerinde ve savaşın icra ediliş biçiminde de hızlı bir dönüşüm yaratmaktadır. Bununla birlikte, yapay zeka teknolojileri istihbarat, siber, uzay ve bilgi operasyonları alanlarına da her geçen daha fazla sirayet etmektedir. Uluslararası sistemin iki büyük gücü olan ABD ve Çin mevcut şartlarda yapay zekânın askeri uygulamalarına en fazla bütçe ayıran ve bu teknolojileri askeri modernizasyon sürecine en hızlı dahil eden devletler olarak ortaya çıkmaktadır. Her iki devlet ordu kuvvetlerinin neredeyse tamamına yapay zekâ teknolojilerini hızlı bir şekilde entegre etmekte ve bu teknolojileri gerek konvansiyonel gerekse nükleer silah sistemlerinin ayrılmaz bir parçası haline getirmektedir. Bu çalışma, yapay zekânın askeri uygulamalarının ABD ve Çin arasındaki güvenlik gündemini nasıl şekillendirdiği sorusu üzerine odaklanmakta ve yapay zekâ teknolojilerinin ABD ve Çin arasında bir silahlanma yarışına dönüştüğünü iddia etmektedir. Silahlanma yarışı çerçevesinde ABD ve Çin arasındaki güç dengesi üzerinde bir değişim yaratan yapay zekâ teknolojileri iki devlet arasındaki güvenlik ikilemi, nükleer caydırıcılık, savaş eşiği ve ittifak sistemlerinin gündemini yeniden şekillendirmektedir.


  • Ayoub, K. & Payne, K. (2016). Strategy in the age of artificial intelligence. Journal of Strategic Studies, 39(5-6), 793-819.
  • Borchert, H., Schütz, T. & Verbovszky, J. (2021). Beware the hype. What military conflicts in Ukraine, Syria, Libya, and Nagorno-Karabakh (don't) tell us about the future of war. Defense AI Observatory.
  • Boulanin, V. & Verbruggen, M. (2017). Mapping the development of autonomy in weapon systems. SIPRI.
  • Boulanin, V. (2019). The future of machine learning and autonomy in nuclear weapon systems. İçinde V. Boulanin (Eds.), The impact of artificial intelligence on strategic stability and nuclear risk (s.53-62). SIPRI.
  • Boulanin, V., Saalman, L., Topychkanov, P., Su F. & Carlsson P. (2020). Artificial intelligence, strategic stability and nuclear risk. SIPRI.
  • Cebul, D. (2018, 18 Haziran). Strict export regulations may be costing us industry billions in foreign sales. Defense News.
  • Central Committee of the Communist Party of China. (2016). The 13th Five-Year Plan for Economic and Social Development of The People’s Republic of China.
  • Chen, S. (2018, 4 Şubat). China’s plan to use artificial intelligence to boost the thinking skills of nuclear submarine commanders. South China Morning Post.
  • China Defense White Paper. (2015). China State Council.
  • China Defense White Paper. (2019). China State Council.
  • China State Council. (2017). China issues guideline on artificial intelligence development.
  • Condliffe, J. (2020, 2 Nisan). Dueling neural networks. MIT Technology Review.
  • Davis, Z. S. (2019). Artificial intelligence on the battlefield: An initial survey of potential implications for deterrence, stability, and strategic surprise. Lawrance Livermore National Library.
  • Defense-Aerospace. (2020, 19 Mayıs). Pentagon contract announcement. Defense-Aerospace.
  • Department of Navy. (2021). Unmanned campaign framework.
  • Demarest, C. (2024, 10 Ocak). From drones to sonobuoys, AUKUS partners betting on AI. C4ISRNET.
  • Dominguez, G. (2023, 14 Kasım). Japan joins U.S.-led effort to regulate military use of AI. The Japan Times.
  • Egel, D., Robinson, E., Cleveland, C. T. & Oates, C. (2019, 31 Ekim). AI and irregular warfare: An evolution, not a revolution. War on the Rocks.
  • Ewers, E.C., Fish, L., Horowitz, M.C., Sander, A. & Scharre, P. (2017). Drone proliferation. Center for A New American Century.
  • Fedasiuk, R., Melot, J. & Murphy, B. (2021). Harnessed lightning: How the Chinese military is adopting artificial intelligence. Center for Security and Emerging Technology.
  • Gadiyar R., Zhang T. & Sankaranarayanan A. (2019). Artificial intelligence software and hardware platforms’. İçinde M. Gilbert (Eds.), Artificial intelligence for autonomous networks (s.165–188). CRC Press.
  • Gao, C. (2021, 19 Şubat). Meet the 5 most dangerous drones on the planet. National Interest.
  • Geist, E. ve Lohn, A.J. (2018). How might artificial intelligence affect the risk of nuclear war?. RAND Corporation.
  • Gill, J. (2022, 2 Şubat). Pentagon’s new data and AI office hits IOC milestone, gets $500M budget. Breaking Defense.
  • Godement, F. (2018). The China dream goes digital: Technology in the age of Xi. European Council on Foreign Affairs.
  • Hagström, M. (2019). Military applications of machine learning and autonomous systems. İçinde V. Boulanin (Eds.), The impact of artificial intelligence on strategic stability and nuclear risk (s.32-38). SIPRI
  • Heckman, L. (2023, 30 Ocak). Just in: Navy’s first ‘extra’ large unmanned sub to go underwater ‘very soon’. National Defense.
  • Herz, J. (1950). Idealist internationalism and security dilemma. World Politics, 2(2), 157-180,
  • Hillner, E. P. (2019). The third offset strategy and the army modernization priorities. U.S. Army Center for Army Lessons Learned.
  • Hirsh, M. (2023, 11 Nisan). How AI will revolutionize warfare. Foreign Policy.
  • Horowitz, M.C. (2018, 23 Nisan). The promise and peril of military applications of artificial intelligence. Bulletin of the Atomic Scientist.
  • Huang, K. (2022, 13 Kasım). China showcases never before seen range of unmanned maritime vehicles at Zhuhai air show. South China Morning Post.
  • Hunter, L.Y., Albert, C.D., Henningan C. & Rutland, J. (2023). The military application of artificial intelligence technology in the United States, China, And Russia and the implications for global security. Defense & Security Analysis, 39(2), 207-232.
  • Hynek, N. & Solovyeva, A. (2022). Militarizing artificial intelligence: Theory, technology and, regulation. Routledge. International Data Corporation. (2022). China’s artificial intelligence market will exceed us$26.7 billion by 2026, according to idc.
  • Jervis, R. (1978). Cooperation under the security dilemma. World Politics, 30(2), 167-214.
  • Johnson, J. (2019). Artificial intelligence & future warfare: Implications for international security. Defense & Security Analysis, 35(2), 147-169.
  • Johnson. J. (2020). Artificial intelligence. Strategic Studies Quarterly, 14(1), 16-39.
  • Kania, E.B. (2019). Chinese military innovation in artificial intelligence. Center for a New American Century.
  • Kania, E. B. (2020). AI weapons in China’s military innovation. Brookings Institution.
  • Katagiri, N. (2023). Artificial intelligence and cross-domain warfare: Balance of power and unintended escalation. Global Society, 38(1), 34-48.
  • Kinder, T. (2023, 30 Temmuz). How Silicon Valley is helping the Pentagon in the AI arms race. Financial Times.
  • Lee, K. (2021, 11 Eylül). The third revolution in warfare. The Atlantic.
  • Maaser, L. & Verlaan, S. (2022). When the Pentagon Comes to Silicon Valley. Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung.
  • Magnuson, S. (2017). Project maven’s objectives. National Defense, 102(764).
  • Military Factory. (2023). Chinese drone aircraft.
  • Morgan, F. E., Boudreaux, B. Lohn, A. J., Ashby, M., Curriden, C., Klima, K. & Grossman, D. (2020). Military applications of artificial intelligence: Ethical concerns in an uncertain world. RAND Corporation.
  • O’Rourke, R. (2023). Navy large unmanned surface and undersea vehicles: Background and issues for congress. Congressional Research Service.
  • Peck, M. (2019, 3 Şubat). Meet the marine lizard: Is China’s new tank all hype?. The National Interest.
  • Qiao-Franco G. & Bode, I. (2023). Weaponised artificial intelligence and Chinese practices of human–machine interaction. The Chinese Journal of International Politics, 16, 106-128.
  • Rickli, J. (2020). The strategic implications of artificial intelligence. İçinde A. Naqvi ve J.M. Mark (Eds.), Handbook of artificial intelligence and robotic process automation: Policy and government applications, (s.41–56). Anthem Press.
  • Rickli, J. & Mantellassi, F. (2023). Artificial intelligence in warfare: Military uses of ai and their international security implications. İçinde M. Raska & R. A. Bitzinger (Eds.), The AI wave in defence innovation: Assessing military artificial intelligence strategies capabilities, and trajectories. Routledge.
  • Sayler, K. M. (2020). Artificial intelligence and national security. Congressional Research Service.
  • Schmidt, E. (2021). Final report: National security commission on artificial intelligence. NSCAI. Science of Military Strategy. (2020). National Defense University Press.
  • SIPRI. (2023, 24 Nisan). World military expenditure reaches new record high as European spending surges. SIPRI.
  • Springer P.J. (2018). Outsourcing war to machines: The military robotics revolution. Praeger.
  • Stokes, J. (2024). Military artificial intelligence, the People’s Liberation Army, and U.S.-China strategic competition. Center for a New American Security.
  • Sutton, H. I. (2023, 23 Şubat). China reveals new heavily armed extra-large uncrewed submarine. Naval News.
  • Tangredi S.J. & Galdorisi G. (2021). Introduction. İçinde S. J. Tangredi & G. Galdorisi (Eds.), AI at war: How big data, artificial intelligence, and machine learning are changing naval warfare. Naval Institute Press.
  • Tegler, E. (2024, 19 Ocak). As ‘cerberus’ is flight testing, future b-21 bases are being weighed. Forbes.
  • The US House Committee on Armed Services. (2023). Statement by Alexandr Wang: Man and machine: Artificial intelligence on the battlefield. The US House Committee on Armed Services.
  • The US Navy. (2022). Chief of naval operations: Navigation plan. The US Department of Defense.
  • Vecchio, A. (2019, 18 Haziran). China operating the scavenger satellites: Only in anti-debris function?. Difesa Online.
  • Wang, D. (2021, 29 Temmuz). China’s sputnik moment?: How Washington boosted Beijing’s quest for tech dominance. Foreign Affairs.
  • West, D. M. (2018, 4 Kasım). What is artificial intelligence. Brookings Institutions.
  • Zhu, Q. & Long, K. (2019). How will artificial intelligence impact Sino–US relations?. China International Strategy Review, 1, 139-151. Doi:10.1007/s42533-019-00008-9.
Year 2024, Volume: 12 Issue: 2, 175 - 200, 05.10.2024



  • Ayoub, K. & Payne, K. (2016). Strategy in the age of artificial intelligence. Journal of Strategic Studies, 39(5-6), 793-819.
  • Borchert, H., Schütz, T. & Verbovszky, J. (2021). Beware the hype. What military conflicts in Ukraine, Syria, Libya, and Nagorno-Karabakh (don't) tell us about the future of war. Defense AI Observatory.
  • Boulanin, V. & Verbruggen, M. (2017). Mapping the development of autonomy in weapon systems. SIPRI.
  • Boulanin, V. (2019). The future of machine learning and autonomy in nuclear weapon systems. İçinde V. Boulanin (Eds.), The impact of artificial intelligence on strategic stability and nuclear risk (s.53-62). SIPRI.
  • Boulanin, V., Saalman, L., Topychkanov, P., Su F. & Carlsson P. (2020). Artificial intelligence, strategic stability and nuclear risk. SIPRI.
  • Cebul, D. (2018, 18 Haziran). Strict export regulations may be costing us industry billions in foreign sales. Defense News.
  • Central Committee of the Communist Party of China. (2016). The 13th Five-Year Plan for Economic and Social Development of The People’s Republic of China.
  • Chen, S. (2018, 4 Şubat). China’s plan to use artificial intelligence to boost the thinking skills of nuclear submarine commanders. South China Morning Post.
  • China Defense White Paper. (2015). China State Council.
  • China Defense White Paper. (2019). China State Council.
  • China State Council. (2017). China issues guideline on artificial intelligence development.
  • Condliffe, J. (2020, 2 Nisan). Dueling neural networks. MIT Technology Review.
  • Davis, Z. S. (2019). Artificial intelligence on the battlefield: An initial survey of potential implications for deterrence, stability, and strategic surprise. Lawrance Livermore National Library.
  • Defense-Aerospace. (2020, 19 Mayıs). Pentagon contract announcement. Defense-Aerospace.
  • Department of Navy. (2021). Unmanned campaign framework.
  • Demarest, C. (2024, 10 Ocak). From drones to sonobuoys, AUKUS partners betting on AI. C4ISRNET.
  • Dominguez, G. (2023, 14 Kasım). Japan joins U.S.-led effort to regulate military use of AI. The Japan Times.
  • Egel, D., Robinson, E., Cleveland, C. T. & Oates, C. (2019, 31 Ekim). AI and irregular warfare: An evolution, not a revolution. War on the Rocks.
  • Ewers, E.C., Fish, L., Horowitz, M.C., Sander, A. & Scharre, P. (2017). Drone proliferation. Center for A New American Century.
  • Fedasiuk, R., Melot, J. & Murphy, B. (2021). Harnessed lightning: How the Chinese military is adopting artificial intelligence. Center for Security and Emerging Technology.
  • Gadiyar R., Zhang T. & Sankaranarayanan A. (2019). Artificial intelligence software and hardware platforms’. İçinde M. Gilbert (Eds.), Artificial intelligence for autonomous networks (s.165–188). CRC Press.
  • Gao, C. (2021, 19 Şubat). Meet the 5 most dangerous drones on the planet. National Interest.
  • Geist, E. ve Lohn, A.J. (2018). How might artificial intelligence affect the risk of nuclear war?. RAND Corporation.
  • Gill, J. (2022, 2 Şubat). Pentagon’s new data and AI office hits IOC milestone, gets $500M budget. Breaking Defense.
  • Godement, F. (2018). The China dream goes digital: Technology in the age of Xi. European Council on Foreign Affairs.
  • Hagström, M. (2019). Military applications of machine learning and autonomous systems. İçinde V. Boulanin (Eds.), The impact of artificial intelligence on strategic stability and nuclear risk (s.32-38). SIPRI
  • Heckman, L. (2023, 30 Ocak). Just in: Navy’s first ‘extra’ large unmanned sub to go underwater ‘very soon’. National Defense.
  • Herz, J. (1950). Idealist internationalism and security dilemma. World Politics, 2(2), 157-180,
  • Hillner, E. P. (2019). The third offset strategy and the army modernization priorities. U.S. Army Center for Army Lessons Learned.
  • Hirsh, M. (2023, 11 Nisan). How AI will revolutionize warfare. Foreign Policy.
  • Horowitz, M.C. (2018, 23 Nisan). The promise and peril of military applications of artificial intelligence. Bulletin of the Atomic Scientist.
  • Huang, K. (2022, 13 Kasım). China showcases never before seen range of unmanned maritime vehicles at Zhuhai air show. South China Morning Post.
  • Hunter, L.Y., Albert, C.D., Henningan C. & Rutland, J. (2023). The military application of artificial intelligence technology in the United States, China, And Russia and the implications for global security. Defense & Security Analysis, 39(2), 207-232.
  • Hynek, N. & Solovyeva, A. (2022). Militarizing artificial intelligence: Theory, technology and, regulation. Routledge. International Data Corporation. (2022). China’s artificial intelligence market will exceed us$26.7 billion by 2026, according to idc.
  • Jervis, R. (1978). Cooperation under the security dilemma. World Politics, 30(2), 167-214.
  • Johnson, J. (2019). Artificial intelligence & future warfare: Implications for international security. Defense & Security Analysis, 35(2), 147-169.
  • Johnson. J. (2020). Artificial intelligence. Strategic Studies Quarterly, 14(1), 16-39.
  • Kania, E.B. (2019). Chinese military innovation in artificial intelligence. Center for a New American Century.
  • Kania, E. B. (2020). AI weapons in China’s military innovation. Brookings Institution.
  • Katagiri, N. (2023). Artificial intelligence and cross-domain warfare: Balance of power and unintended escalation. Global Society, 38(1), 34-48.
  • Kinder, T. (2023, 30 Temmuz). How Silicon Valley is helping the Pentagon in the AI arms race. Financial Times.
  • Lee, K. (2021, 11 Eylül). The third revolution in warfare. The Atlantic.
  • Maaser, L. & Verlaan, S. (2022). When the Pentagon Comes to Silicon Valley. Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung.
  • Magnuson, S. (2017). Project maven’s objectives. National Defense, 102(764).
  • Military Factory. (2023). Chinese drone aircraft.
  • Morgan, F. E., Boudreaux, B. Lohn, A. J., Ashby, M., Curriden, C., Klima, K. & Grossman, D. (2020). Military applications of artificial intelligence: Ethical concerns in an uncertain world. RAND Corporation.
  • O’Rourke, R. (2023). Navy large unmanned surface and undersea vehicles: Background and issues for congress. Congressional Research Service.
  • Peck, M. (2019, 3 Şubat). Meet the marine lizard: Is China’s new tank all hype?. The National Interest.
  • Qiao-Franco G. & Bode, I. (2023). Weaponised artificial intelligence and Chinese practices of human–machine interaction. The Chinese Journal of International Politics, 16, 106-128.
  • Rickli, J. (2020). The strategic implications of artificial intelligence. İçinde A. Naqvi ve J.M. Mark (Eds.), Handbook of artificial intelligence and robotic process automation: Policy and government applications, (s.41–56). Anthem Press.
  • Rickli, J. & Mantellassi, F. (2023). Artificial intelligence in warfare: Military uses of ai and their international security implications. İçinde M. Raska & R. A. Bitzinger (Eds.), The AI wave in defence innovation: Assessing military artificial intelligence strategies capabilities, and trajectories. Routledge.
  • Sayler, K. M. (2020). Artificial intelligence and national security. Congressional Research Service.
  • Schmidt, E. (2021). Final report: National security commission on artificial intelligence. NSCAI. Science of Military Strategy. (2020). National Defense University Press.
  • SIPRI. (2023, 24 Nisan). World military expenditure reaches new record high as European spending surges. SIPRI.
  • Springer P.J. (2018). Outsourcing war to machines: The military robotics revolution. Praeger.
  • Stokes, J. (2024). Military artificial intelligence, the People’s Liberation Army, and U.S.-China strategic competition. Center for a New American Security.
  • Sutton, H. I. (2023, 23 Şubat). China reveals new heavily armed extra-large uncrewed submarine. Naval News.
  • Tangredi S.J. & Galdorisi G. (2021). Introduction. İçinde S. J. Tangredi & G. Galdorisi (Eds.), AI at war: How big data, artificial intelligence, and machine learning are changing naval warfare. Naval Institute Press.
  • Tegler, E. (2024, 19 Ocak). As ‘cerberus’ is flight testing, future b-21 bases are being weighed. Forbes.
  • The US House Committee on Armed Services. (2023). Statement by Alexandr Wang: Man and machine: Artificial intelligence on the battlefield. The US House Committee on Armed Services.
  • The US Navy. (2022). Chief of naval operations: Navigation plan. The US Department of Defense.
  • Vecchio, A. (2019, 18 Haziran). China operating the scavenger satellites: Only in anti-debris function?. Difesa Online.
  • Wang, D. (2021, 29 Temmuz). China’s sputnik moment?: How Washington boosted Beijing’s quest for tech dominance. Foreign Affairs.
  • West, D. M. (2018, 4 Kasım). What is artificial intelligence. Brookings Institutions.
  • Zhu, Q. & Long, K. (2019). How will artificial intelligence impact Sino–US relations?. China International Strategy Review, 1, 139-151. Doi:10.1007/s42533-019-00008-9.
There are 65 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects International Relations (Other)
Journal Section Research Articles

Orhan Çifçi 0000-0002-5746-4258

Publication Date October 5, 2024
Submission Date February 13, 2024
Acceptance Date April 4, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024 Volume: 12 Issue: 2


APA Çifçi, O. (2024). Yapay Zekâ Ve Silahlanma Yarışı: ABD Ve Çin Arasındaki Güç Dengesinin Değişen Dinamikleri. Marmara Üniversitesi Siyasal Bilimler Dergisi, 12(2), 175-200.