Year 2019,
Volume: 27 Issue: 2, 217 - 239, 31.12.2019
Mustafa Tayyar Karayiğit
Barış Hocaoğlu
AB tasarruflarının yargısal denetimi iptal veya ihmal davası yoluyla doğrudan yargı yollarıyla olabildiği gibi, ön karar usulü ve hukuka aykırılık def’i gibi dolaylı yargı yollarıyla da mümkündür. ABİDA 277. maddede düzenlenen hukuka aykırılık def’i, genel nitelikli ana tasarruflara ilişkin zamanaşımı süresine tabi olmaksızın AB yargısı önünde yargısal korunma imkanı sağlamaktadır. Bu itibarla Andlaşma’nın başka bir hükmüne istinaden doğrudan yargı yollarıyla AB yargısı önünde açılan derdest davalarda ileri sürülebilen hukuka aykırılık def’i doğrudan yargı yollarına alternatif veya onları tamamlayan ve onlara bağlı bir yargı yolu olarak yargısal korunma sisteminin etkili tam bir koruma temin etmesinde ön karar usulü yanında önemli bir işlev görmektedir.
- Barav, A. (1974) “The Exception of Illegality in Community Law: A Critical Analysis”, 11 CMLRev. 366.
- Bebr, G. (1966) “Judicial Remedy of Private Parties against Normative Acts of the European Communities: The Role of the Exception of Illegality” 4 CMLRev 7.
- Bebr, G. (1981) Development of Judicial Control of the European Communities, (Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, The Hague, Boston, London).
- Birleşik Davalar C-140, 146, 221 and C-226/82 Walzstahl-Vereinigung and Thyssen Aktiengesellschaft v Commission, EU:C:1984:66.
- Birleşik Davalar C-189/02 P, C-202/02 P, C 205/02 P to C 208/02 P and C 213/02 P Dansk Rørindustri A/S and others, EU:C:2005:408.
- Birleşik Davalar C-31 and 33/62 Milchwerke Heinz Wohrmann & Sohn KG and Alfons Lütticke GmbH v Commission, EU:C:1962:49.
- Birleşik Davalar C-87, C-130/77, C-22/83, C-9 and C-10/84 Salerno and others v Commission and Council, EU:C:1985:318.
- Birleşik Davalar C-90/63 and 91/63 Commission v Luxembourg and Belgium, EU:C:1964:80.
- Birleşik Davalar F-69/07 and F-60/08 O v Commission, EU:F:2009:128.
Year 2019,
Volume: 27 Issue: 2, 217 - 239, 31.12.2019
Mustafa Tayyar Karayiğit
Barış Hocaoğlu
Judicial review of EU acts can be through either/both direct actions such as actions for annulment and for failure to act or/and indirect actions such as the preliminary ruling procedure and the plea of illegality. The plea of illegality enshrined in Article 277 TFEU provides judicial protection against EU acts of general application before the CJEU notwithstanding the expiry of the period laid down in Article 263 TFEU. In that regard the plea of illegality, which could be invoked before the CJEU in the pending cases brought within the context of direct actions articulated in the TFEU, has a significant function alongside the preliminary ruling procedure either as an alternative or a complementary remedy to those direct actions in the provision of complete effective judicial protection.
- Barav, A. (1974) “The Exception of Illegality in Community Law: A Critical Analysis”, 11 CMLRev. 366.
- Bebr, G. (1966) “Judicial Remedy of Private Parties against Normative Acts of the European Communities: The Role of the Exception of Illegality” 4 CMLRev 7.
- Bebr, G. (1981) Development of Judicial Control of the European Communities, (Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, The Hague, Boston, London).
- Birleşik Davalar C-140, 146, 221 and C-226/82 Walzstahl-Vereinigung and Thyssen Aktiengesellschaft v Commission, EU:C:1984:66.
- Birleşik Davalar C-189/02 P, C-202/02 P, C 205/02 P to C 208/02 P and C 213/02 P Dansk Rørindustri A/S and others, EU:C:2005:408.
- Birleşik Davalar C-31 and 33/62 Milchwerke Heinz Wohrmann & Sohn KG and Alfons Lütticke GmbH v Commission, EU:C:1962:49.
- Birleşik Davalar C-87, C-130/77, C-22/83, C-9 and C-10/84 Salerno and others v Commission and Council, EU:C:1985:318.
- Birleşik Davalar C-90/63 and 91/63 Commission v Luxembourg and Belgium, EU:C:1964:80.
- Birleşik Davalar F-69/07 and F-60/08 O v Commission, EU:F:2009:128.