Marmara Journal of European Studies is devoted mainly to studies of issues pertinent to European integration and the position of Turkey in that context that is published twice a year by the European Union Institute. It also provides a forum for discussion of related topics and an oppurtunity for the publication of the results of interdisciplinary research focusing attention especially on politics, economics, international relations and law.
Every article published in the Marmara Journal of European Studies has been subject to a double blind peer review process to ensure its relevance and quality. Editiorial board would appreciate your interest in this journal and your cooperation in informing your colleagues of its existence as well as helping us with future issues for articles and notes of a size suitable for this kind of publication will be welcome.
MJES is indexed in EconLit since 2013 issue; EBSCO Academic Search Complete since 2011 issue, in national ASOS Index since 2009 issue.