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Din Psikolojisinde Tarihsel-Kültürel Yaklaşım: Disiplinlerarası Araştırmalar İçin Bakış Açıları

Year 2007, Issue: 33, 221 - 240, 05.03.2014


  • Akerberg, H. 1975. Omvandsele och kamp: en empirisk religionspsykologisk un- dersb'kning au den unge Nathan Saderbloms religiosa utveckling 1866-1894 [Conversion and struggle: An empirical psychological study of the religions de— velopment of the young Nathan S&derblom 1866—1894]. Ph.D.diss., University of Lund, Sweden (Studia Psychologiae Religionum Lundensia 1). 1978. Attempts to escape: A psychological study on the autobiographical notes of Herbert Tingsten 1971-1972. In Psychological studies on religious man, edited by T. Kallstad, 71—92. Stockholm: Almqvist & Wiksell.
  • ” bk. üçüncü dipnot (çev).
  • Disiplinlerarası Araştırmalar İçin Bakış Açıları + 233
  • Tillvaron och religionen: Psyhologiska studier kring personlighet och mystik
  • Existence and religion: Psychological studies in personality and mysticism]
  • Lund: Studentlitteratur.
  • Anders, G. 1956. Die Antiquiertheit des Menschen: iiber die Seele im Zeitalter der zweiten industriellen Revolution. [The antiquity of mankind: The soul during the second industrial revolution] Munchen: Beck.
  • Andrae, T. 1932. Die Frage der religiosen Anlage religionsgeschichtlich beleuchtet. [On the problem of genuine religious disposition] Uppsala: Universitets Arsskrift.
  • Aries, Ph. and A. Bejin, eds. 1986. Western sexuality: Practice and precept in past and present times. Öxford: Blackwell (orig. publ. in French, 1984).
  • Armen-Jones, C. 1986. The thesis of constructionism. In The social construction of emotions, edited by R. Harte, 32—56. Oxford: Blackwell.
  • Averill, ]. R. 1985. The social construction} of emotion: With special reference to love. ln The social construction of the person, edited by K. ]. Gergen and K. E. Davis, 89-109. New York: Springer.
  • Bairoch, P. 1993. Economics and world history -—-— Myth and paradoxes. New York: Harvester Wheatsheaf.
  • Berry, ]. W. 1992. Cross—cultural psychology: Research and applications. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Billig, M. 1987. Arguing and thinking: A rhetorical approach to social psychology. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 1991. Ideology and opinions: Studies in rhetorical psychology. London: Sage
  • Boer, Th. de 1983. Foundations of a critical psychology Pittsburgh. Duquesne Univer- sity Press (orig. published ın Dutch, 1980).
  • Bourdieu, P. 1990. Thel logic of practice. Cambridge: Polity Press (orig. publ. in French, 1980).
  • Bouvy, A. M. ed. 1994. Journeys into cross—cultural psychology. Lisse: Swets & Zeitlin— ger.
  • Brown, L. B. 1987. The psychology of religious belief. London: Academic Press.
  • Bruner, ]. 1990. Acts of meaning. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. 1992. The narrative construction of reality. 1n Piaget‘s theory: Prospects and possibilities, edited by H. Beih'n and P. B. Putall, 229—48. Hillsdale: Erlbaum.
  • Buhle‘r, K. 1927. Die Kn'se tier Psychology [The crisis of psychology]. lena: Fischer. Burke, P. 1980. Sociology and history. London: Allen & Unwin.
  • Capps, D. and]. E. Dittes, eds. 1990. The hunger of the heart: Reflections on the confes- sions of Augustine. West Lafayette, IN: Society for the Scientific Study of Re- ligion.
  • Carroll M. P. 1986. The cult of the Virgin Mary: Psychological origins. Princeton: Princeton University Press.
  • Carruthers, M. J. 1990. The book of memory: A study of memory in medieval culture. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Cohen, C. L. 1986. God's caress: The psychology of Puritan religious experience. New York: Oxford University Press
  • Corbin, A. 1986. The foul and the fragrant: Odor and the French social imagination. Leamington: Berg (orig. publ. in French, 1982).
  • Delumeau, ). 1990. Sin and fear: The emergence of a Western guilt culture, 13th'18th centuries. New York: Saint Martin's Press (orig. publ. in French, 1982).
  • DcMauae, L 1982. Foundations ofpsychohistory. New York: Creative Roots.
  • Demos. ]. 1988. Shame and guilt in early New England. In Emotion and social change: Toward a new psychohistory, edited by C. Z. Stearns and P. N. Stearns, 69— 86. New York: Holmes & Meier.
  • Dunde. S. R. ed. 1993. Worterbuch der Religionspsychologie [Dictionary of psychology of religion]. Giltersloh: Guursloh Veriagshaus Gerd Mohn
  • Edwards, D and]. Potter. 1992. Discursioe psychology. London: Sage.
  • Elias N 1979~82. The civilizing process (2 vols). Oxford : Blackwell (orig. publ. in German, 1939).
  • Erikson. E H. 19&8 Young man Luther: A study in psychoanalysis and history. New York: Norton.
  • Febvre, L. 1982. The problem of unbelief in the sixteenth century: The religion of Rabelais. Cambridge, MA: Harvard Universty Press (orig. publication. in French, 1942).
  • Festinger L. H. W. Riecken, and S. Schachter. 1956. When prophecy fills. Minneapo- lis: University of Minnesota Press.
  • Foucault M. 1977. Discipline and punish: The birth of the prison. London: Lane (orig. publ. in French, 1975).
  • Disiplinlerarası Araştırmalar İçin Bakış Açıları <> 235
  • Geels, A. 1960. Mystikema Hjalmar Ekstrom 1882—1962 [Mystic Hjalmar Ekstrom 1885-19621. Malmş: Doxa. '
  • Skapande mystik: En psykologUk studie av "Violet Tengbergs religiosa
  • visioner och konstndrliga skapande
  • Creative mysticism: A psychological study of Violet Tengberg's religious visions and artistic creations]. Loberod: le Ultra.
  • Geertz, C. 1973. 77K interpretation of cultures. New York: Basic Books.
  • Gehlen, A. 1961. Anthropologische Fomenting zur Selbstbegegnungund Selbstentdeckung des Menschen [Anthropological research for anencountering and selfdiscover- ing of mankind]. Hamburg: Rowohlt.
  • Gergra, K. ]. 1973. Social psychology as history. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 26 (2): 309-20. :
  • The social constructionist *movement in modern psychology. The
  • American Psychologist 40: 266-75.
  • Ginzburg, C. 1989. Clues, myths, and the historical method. Baltimore: John Hopkins University (orig. publ. in Italian, 1966).
  • Giorgi, A. 1976. Phenomenology and the foundations of psychology. In Conceptual
  • foundations of psychology: Nebraska symposium, on motivation, 2975, edited by W.
  • J. Arnold, 281—408. Lincoln/London: University of Nebraska Press.
  • Goflman, E. 1961. Asylums: Essays on the social situation of mental patients and other inmates. Chicago: Aldine.
  • Grad, H., A. Blanco and J. Georgas, eds. 1996. Key issues in cross—cultural psychology. Iisse: Swets & Zeitlinger. Hall, G. S. 1917. Jesus, the Christ, in the light ofpsychol— ogy. New York: Doubleday.
  • Harrt, R. and G. Gillett 1994 The discursive mind. London: Sage Publications.
  • Haire, R. and P. Stearns. 1995. Discursive psychology ın practice. London: Sage Publi— cations.
  • Herdt, G., and M. Stephen, eds. 1989. The religious imagination in New Guinea. New Brunswick/London: Rutgers University Press.
  • Hermans, H. J. M. and H. J. G. Kempen. 1993. The dialogical self: Meaning as move- ment. San Diego, CA: Academic Press.
  • Hoffman, D. 1982. Der Wage zur Reife: Eine religiompsychologische Untersuchung der
  • religiosen Entwicklung Gerhard Tersteegens [The way to maturity: A psychologi—
  • ‘cal investigation of Gerhard Tersteegen's religious development]. Ph.D. dim,
  • University of Lund, Sweden (Studia Psychologiae Religionum Lundensia 3).
  • Holm, N. G. 1987. ]oels Gud: En religionspsykologisk studie. [Joel's God: A study in psychology of religion] Abo: Abo Akademi.
  • Hood, R. W., B. Spilka, B. Hunsberger, and R. Gorsuch. 1996. The psychology of religion: The empirical approach, (Zd ed). New York: Guilford Press.
  • Z36 <> Jacob A. Belzen (Çev. Ali Ayten)
  • Huls, B. 1986. Historische veranden'ngen in geheugenprocessen bij kinderen [Historical changes in children's memory processes]. In De menselijke levensloop in his- torisch perspectief [The human course of life in historical perspective], edited by H. F. M. Peeters and F. J. Monks, 139—53. Assen/Maastricht: Van Gorcum.
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Year 2007, Issue: 33, 221 - 240, 05.03.2014


  • Akerberg, H. 1975. Omvandsele och kamp: en empirisk religionspsykologisk un- dersb'kning au den unge Nathan Saderbloms religiosa utveckling 1866-1894 [Conversion and struggle: An empirical psychological study of the religions de— velopment of the young Nathan S&derblom 1866—1894]. Ph.D.diss., University of Lund, Sweden (Studia Psychologiae Religionum Lundensia 1). 1978. Attempts to escape: A psychological study on the autobiographical notes of Herbert Tingsten 1971-1972. In Psychological studies on religious man, edited by T. Kallstad, 71—92. Stockholm: Almqvist & Wiksell.
  • ” bk. üçüncü dipnot (çev).
  • Disiplinlerarası Araştırmalar İçin Bakış Açıları + 233
  • Tillvaron och religionen: Psyhologiska studier kring personlighet och mystik
  • Existence and religion: Psychological studies in personality and mysticism]
  • Lund: Studentlitteratur.
  • Anders, G. 1956. Die Antiquiertheit des Menschen: iiber die Seele im Zeitalter der zweiten industriellen Revolution. [The antiquity of mankind: The soul during the second industrial revolution] Munchen: Beck.
  • Andrae, T. 1932. Die Frage der religiosen Anlage religionsgeschichtlich beleuchtet. [On the problem of genuine religious disposition] Uppsala: Universitets Arsskrift.
  • Aries, Ph. and A. Bejin, eds. 1986. Western sexuality: Practice and precept in past and present times. Öxford: Blackwell (orig. publ. in French, 1984).
  • Armen-Jones, C. 1986. The thesis of constructionism. In The social construction of emotions, edited by R. Harte, 32—56. Oxford: Blackwell.
  • Averill, ]. R. 1985. The social construction} of emotion: With special reference to love. ln The social construction of the person, edited by K. ]. Gergen and K. E. Davis, 89-109. New York: Springer.
  • Bairoch, P. 1993. Economics and world history -—-— Myth and paradoxes. New York: Harvester Wheatsheaf.
  • Berry, ]. W. 1992. Cross—cultural psychology: Research and applications. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Billig, M. 1987. Arguing and thinking: A rhetorical approach to social psychology. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 1991. Ideology and opinions: Studies in rhetorical psychology. London: Sage
  • Boer, Th. de 1983. Foundations of a critical psychology Pittsburgh. Duquesne Univer- sity Press (orig. published ın Dutch, 1980).
  • Bourdieu, P. 1990. Thel logic of practice. Cambridge: Polity Press (orig. publ. in French, 1980).
  • Bouvy, A. M. ed. 1994. Journeys into cross—cultural psychology. Lisse: Swets & Zeitlin— ger.
  • Brown, L. B. 1987. The psychology of religious belief. London: Academic Press.
  • Bruner, ]. 1990. Acts of meaning. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. 1992. The narrative construction of reality. 1n Piaget‘s theory: Prospects and possibilities, edited by H. Beih'n and P. B. Putall, 229—48. Hillsdale: Erlbaum.
  • Buhle‘r, K. 1927. Die Kn'se tier Psychology [The crisis of psychology]. lena: Fischer. Burke, P. 1980. Sociology and history. London: Allen & Unwin.
  • Capps, D. and]. E. Dittes, eds. 1990. The hunger of the heart: Reflections on the confes- sions of Augustine. West Lafayette, IN: Society for the Scientific Study of Re- ligion.
  • Carroll M. P. 1986. The cult of the Virgin Mary: Psychological origins. Princeton: Princeton University Press.
  • Carruthers, M. J. 1990. The book of memory: A study of memory in medieval culture. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Cohen, C. L. 1986. God's caress: The psychology of Puritan religious experience. New York: Oxford University Press
  • Corbin, A. 1986. The foul and the fragrant: Odor and the French social imagination. Leamington: Berg (orig. publ. in French, 1982).
  • Delumeau, ). 1990. Sin and fear: The emergence of a Western guilt culture, 13th'18th centuries. New York: Saint Martin's Press (orig. publ. in French, 1982).
  • DcMauae, L 1982. Foundations ofpsychohistory. New York: Creative Roots.
  • Demos. ]. 1988. Shame and guilt in early New England. In Emotion and social change: Toward a new psychohistory, edited by C. Z. Stearns and P. N. Stearns, 69— 86. New York: Holmes & Meier.
  • Dunde. S. R. ed. 1993. Worterbuch der Religionspsychologie [Dictionary of psychology of religion]. Giltersloh: Guursloh Veriagshaus Gerd Mohn
  • Edwards, D and]. Potter. 1992. Discursioe psychology. London: Sage.
  • Elias N 1979~82. The civilizing process (2 vols). Oxford : Blackwell (orig. publ. in German, 1939).
  • Erikson. E H. 19&8 Young man Luther: A study in psychoanalysis and history. New York: Norton.
  • Febvre, L. 1982. The problem of unbelief in the sixteenth century: The religion of Rabelais. Cambridge, MA: Harvard Universty Press (orig. publication. in French, 1942).
  • Festinger L. H. W. Riecken, and S. Schachter. 1956. When prophecy fills. Minneapo- lis: University of Minnesota Press.
  • Foucault M. 1977. Discipline and punish: The birth of the prison. London: Lane (orig. publ. in French, 1975).
  • Disiplinlerarası Araştırmalar İçin Bakış Açıları <> 235
  • Geels, A. 1960. Mystikema Hjalmar Ekstrom 1882—1962 [Mystic Hjalmar Ekstrom 1885-19621. Malmş: Doxa. '
  • Skapande mystik: En psykologUk studie av "Violet Tengbergs religiosa
  • visioner och konstndrliga skapande
  • Creative mysticism: A psychological study of Violet Tengberg's religious visions and artistic creations]. Loberod: le Ultra.
  • Geertz, C. 1973. 77K interpretation of cultures. New York: Basic Books.
  • Gehlen, A. 1961. Anthropologische Fomenting zur Selbstbegegnungund Selbstentdeckung des Menschen [Anthropological research for anencountering and selfdiscover- ing of mankind]. Hamburg: Rowohlt.
  • Gergra, K. ]. 1973. Social psychology as history. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 26 (2): 309-20. :
  • The social constructionist *movement in modern psychology. The
  • American Psychologist 40: 266-75.
  • Ginzburg, C. 1989. Clues, myths, and the historical method. Baltimore: John Hopkins University (orig. publ. in Italian, 1966).
  • Giorgi, A. 1976. Phenomenology and the foundations of psychology. In Conceptual
  • foundations of psychology: Nebraska symposium, on motivation, 2975, edited by W.
  • J. Arnold, 281—408. Lincoln/London: University of Nebraska Press.
  • Goflman, E. 1961. Asylums: Essays on the social situation of mental patients and other inmates. Chicago: Aldine.
  • Grad, H., A. Blanco and J. Georgas, eds. 1996. Key issues in cross—cultural psychology. Iisse: Swets & Zeitlinger. Hall, G. S. 1917. Jesus, the Christ, in the light ofpsychol— ogy. New York: Doubleday.
  • Harrt, R. and G. Gillett 1994 The discursive mind. London: Sage Publications.
  • Haire, R. and P. Stearns. 1995. Discursive psychology ın practice. London: Sage Publi— cations.
  • Herdt, G., and M. Stephen, eds. 1989. The religious imagination in New Guinea. New Brunswick/London: Rutgers University Press.
  • Hermans, H. J. M. and H. J. G. Kempen. 1993. The dialogical self: Meaning as move- ment. San Diego, CA: Academic Press.
  • Hoffman, D. 1982. Der Wage zur Reife: Eine religiompsychologische Untersuchung der
  • religiosen Entwicklung Gerhard Tersteegens [The way to maturity: A psychologi—
  • ‘cal investigation of Gerhard Tersteegen's religious development]. Ph.D. dim,
  • University of Lund, Sweden (Studia Psychologiae Religionum Lundensia 3).
  • Holm, N. G. 1987. ]oels Gud: En religionspsykologisk studie. [Joel's God: A study in psychology of religion] Abo: Abo Akademi.
  • Hood, R. W., B. Spilka, B. Hunsberger, and R. Gorsuch. 1996. The psychology of religion: The empirical approach, (Zd ed). New York: Guilford Press.
  • Z36 <> Jacob A. Belzen (Çev. Ali Ayten)
  • Huls, B. 1986. Historische veranden'ngen in geheugenprocessen bij kinderen [Historical changes in children's memory processes]. In De menselijke levensloop in his- torisch perspectief [The human course of life in historical perspective], edited by H. F. M. Peeters and F. J. Monks, 139—53. Assen/Maastricht: Van Gorcum.
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There are 125 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Article

JACOB Belzen This is me

ALİ Ayten

Publication Date March 5, 2014
Published in Issue Year 2007 Issue: 33


Chicago Belzen, JACOB, and ALİ Ayten. “Din Psikolojisinde Tarihsel-Kültürel Yaklaşım: Disiplinlerarası Araştırmalar İçin Bakış Açıları”. Marmara Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi, no. 33 (March 2014): 221-40.

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