Hadiths in terms of authentic were scrutinized in two parts as sahih (authentic) and da’if (weak) until the third century of hijri. Although expressed in different ways, this dual classification is the issue of alliance by hadith experts. Afterwards, upon the come out and spread of the concept of hasan (good) hadith, hadiths in terms of health were assessed into three categories: sahih, hasan and da’if. The birth of hasan hadith and its being into the agenda of the hadith scholar is directly proportional to the beginning of triple conceptualization of it. Hadith scholars have suggested various opinions about when it began to be used on a triple temperament. In this article, we will try to trace the concepts of sahih, hasan and da’if hadiths and when these concepts occur; when began to be used widely; evaluate opinions about the trio concept hadith scholars put forward.
Öz: Sıhhat bakımından hadîsler hicri üçüncü yüzyıla kadar sahîh ve zayıf olarak iki kısımda mütaala
edilmiştir. Bu ikili tasimat, farklı şekillerde ifade edilse de hadîs usûlcülerinin üzerinde ittifak ettiği
bir meseledir. Daha sonra hasen hadîs kavramı ortaya çıkıp yayılma sürecine girince hadîsler sıhhat
bakımından artık sahîh, hasen ve zayıf şeklinde üçlü taksimatta değerlendirilmiştir. Hasen hadîs
kavramının doğuşu ve muhaddislerin gündemine girmesi üçlü taksimatın başlangıcı ile doğrudan
orantılıdır. Hadîs âlimleri üçlü taksimatın ne zaman kullanılmaya başladığı ile ilgili muhtelif görüşler
ileri sürmüşlerdir. Bu makalede sahîh, hasen ve zayıf kavramlarının izini sürerek bu kavramların
ne zaman ortaya çıktığı, yaygın olarak kullanılmaya başlandığı ve hadîs âlimlerince ileri sürülen
üçlü taksimatın tarihleri ile ilgili görüşleri değerlendirmeye çalışacağız.
Anahtar Kelimeler: Hadis, Sünnet, Sahîh, Hasen, Zayıf
The Dıvısıon Of Hadıths In The Terms Of Authentıc And The Emergence Of Technıcal
Terms Of Hasan (Good) Hadıths
Abstract: Hadiths in terms of authentic were scrutinized in two parts as sahih (authentic) and da’if
(weak) until the third century of hijri. Although expressed in different ways, this dual classification
is the issue of alliance by hadith experts. Afterwards, upon the come out and spread of the concept
of hasan (good) hadith, hadiths in terms of health were assessed into three categories: sahih, hasan
and da’if. The birth of hasan hadith and its being into the agenda of the hadith scholar is directly
proportional to the beginning of triple conceptualization of it. Hadith scholars have suggested various
opinions about when it began to be used on a triple temperament. In this article, we will try to
trace the concepts of sahih, hasan and da’if hadiths and when these concepts occur; when began to
be used widely; evaluate opinions about the trio concept hadith scholars put forward.
Keywords: Hadith, Sunnah, Authentic, Hasan, Weak
Primary Language | Turkish |
Journal Section | Research Article |
Authors | |
Publication Date | June 3, 2014 |
Published in Issue | Year 2013 Volume: 45 Issue: 45 |
International Journal of Theological and Islamic Studies
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