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Year 2003, , 15 - 25, 29.06.2003


İşletmelerin çalışanlardan oluşan iç pazarında, pazarlama benzeri bir yaklaşım sergilemesini ifade eden içsel pazarlama’ kavramı, çalışan yani 'iç müşteri' tatminini ve dolaylı olarak pazara sunulan mal ve hizmet kalitesini artırmayı amaçlamaktadır. İçsel pazarlama kavramı kısa sayılabilecek tarihsel gelişim sürecinde tanım ve kapsam olarak oldukça genişlemiştir. Buna karşılık kavramla ilgili teorik belirsizlik ve farklılaşma artmış; buna paralel olarak az sayıda şirket içsel pazarlama kavramından uygulamada yeterince yararlanabilmiştir. Bu çalışma ile içsel pazarlamanın tanımları ve tarihsel gelişimi incelenmiş; böylesi bir kavrama neden ihtiyaç olduğu, kavramın ortaya çıkardığı sorunlar, kavramın uygulanması ile ilgili önemli kavramlar, modeller ve araçlar gözden geçirilmiştir. Ayrıca iç ve dış müşteri tatmini arasındaki ilişki ile iç müşterilerin hizmet kalitesini değerlendirmede kullanabilecekleri boyutlar özel olarak ele alınmıştır.


  • [1] BROOKS, R.F.; LINGS, I.N.; BOTSCHEN, M.A., "Internal Marketing and Customer Driven Wavefronts", The Service Industries Journal, Londra, Ekim 1999, ss.49-67.
  • [2] RAFIQ, M.; PERVAIZ, K.A.; "The Scope of Internal Marketing: Defining the Boundary Between Marketing and Human Resource Management", Journal of Marketing Management, 9, 1993, ss.219-222,227-228.
  • [3] STERSHIC, S.E., "Leveraging Your Greatest Weapons", Marketing Management, Temmuz-Ağustos 2001, ss.40- 43.
  • [4] PITT, L.F.; FOREMAN, S., "Internal Marketing Role in Organizations: A Transaction Cost Perspective", Journal of Business Research, 44, 1999, ss.25,26,31
  • [5] WISNER, J.D.; STANLEY, L.L., "Internal Relationships and Activities Associated with High Levels of Purchasing Service Quality", The Journal of Supply Chain Management: A Global Review of Purchasing and Supply, Ağustos 1999, s.26.
  • [6] YAPRAKLI, Ş.; ÖZER, S., "Çağdaş Pazarlamada Yeni Bir Yaklaşım-İçsel Pazarlama", Pazarlama Dünyası, Kasım-Aralık 2001, s.60.
  • [7] MUCUK, İ., Pazarlama İlkeleri, 13.Baskı, İstanbul, 2001, s.290.
  • [8] RAFIQ, M. PERVAIZ, K.A., "Advances in the internal marketing concept:definition, synthesis and extension", Journal of Services Marketing, Cilt.14, 2000, ss.449-453, 455-457.
  • [9] QUESTER, P.G.; KELLY, A., "Internal Marketin Practices in the Australian Financial Sector: An Exploratory Study" Journal of Applied Management Studies, Cilt. 8, Abingdon, Aralık 1999, ss.217-229.
  • [10] REYNOSO, J.P.; MOORES, B., "Internal Relationships", in BUTTLE F., (ed) Relationship Marketing: Theory and Practice, Paul Chapman Publishing, 1996, ss.56-58,60.
  • [11] ZEITHAML, V.A.; BERRY, L.L.; PARASURAMAN, A., "The Behavioral Consequences of Service Quality", Journal of Marketing, Cilt.60, Nisan 1996, s.31.
  • [12] HOMBURG, c.; WORKMAN, Jr.J.P.; JENSEN, O., "Fundamental Changes in Marketing Organization: The Movement Toward a Customer-Focused Organizational Structure", Academy of Marketing Science Journal, Greenvale, Güz 2000, s.459.
  • [13] FRANKWICK, GL; PORTER, S.S.; CROSBY, L.A., "Dynamics of Relationship Selling: A longitudinal Examination of Changes in Salesperson-Customer Relationship Status", The Journal of Personal Selling&Sales Management, New York, Bahar 2001.
  • [14] SCHNEIDER, B.; BOWEN, D.E., "Personnel/Human Resources Management In The Service Sector", Research in Personnel and Human Resources Management, Cilt.10, 1992, 5.22.
  • [15] WEBSTER, C., "A Note on Cultural Consistency within the Service Firm: The Efects of Employee Position on Attitudes Toward Marketing Culture", Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Cilt.19, 1991, ss.341-343,346
  • [16] SNEE, R.D., "Listening to the Voice of the Employee", Quality Progress, Ocak 1995, s.91.
  • [17] SERGEANT, A.; FRENKEL, S., "When do customer contact employees satisfy customers?", Journal of Service Research, Cilt.3, Thousand Oaks, Ağustos 2000, ss.18-34.
  • [18] KANWAR, R.; VANIER, D., "The Influence Of The Firm ’s Internal Environment On The Job Commitment And Satisfaction Of Employees In New Product Development", Developments in Marketing Science, Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Academy of Marketing Science, San Diego, 22-25 Nisan 1992, s.425.
  • [19] BARNES, B.R.; MORRIS, D.S., "Revising Quality Awareness Through Internal Marketing: An Exploratory Study Among French and English Medium-Sized Enterprises", Total Quality Management, Cilt 11, Abingdon, Haziran 2000.
  • [20] STAPLETON, S.H., "Satisfied Employees Generate. Greater Customer Satisfaction", Creating a Customer Focused Organization, The Conference Board and Mercer Management Consulting, Inc., Report No: 1030, 1993, s.21.
  • [21] KELLEY, S.W., "Developing Customer Orientation Among Service Employees", Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Cilt.20, 1992, s.34.
  • [22] HARTLINE, M.D.; FERRELL, O.C., "The Management of Customer-Contact Service Employees: An Empirical; Investigation", Journal of Marketing, Cilt.60, 1996, s.53,63.
  • [23] AY, C.; GÜLGÜN, A., "2000’li Yıllarda Hizmet İşletmelerinde İşgören Tatmininin Müşteri Tatminine Dönüşmesi ve Örnek Bir Araştırma", 5. Ulusal İşletmecilik Kongresi, Ankara, Kasım 1997, s.5.
  • [24] DREW, J.H.; FUSSELL, T.R. "Becoming Partners with Internal Customers", Quality Progress, Ekim 1996, s.51.
  • [25] RUCCI, A.J.; KIRN, SP.; QUINN, R.T., "The Employee - Customer Profit Chain At Sears", Harvard Busines Review, Ocak-Şubat 1998, s.91.
  • [26] LIU, A.H.; LEACH, M.P., "Developing Loyal Customers with a Value-Adding Sales Force: Examining Customer Satisfaction and the Perceived Credibility of Consultative Salespeople", The Journal of Personal Selling&Sales Management, New York, Bahar 2001, ss.147-156.
  • [27] AMBLER, T., "What Does Marketing Success Look Like?", Marketing Management, Cilt.10, Chicago, Bahar 2001, ss.112-118.
  • [28] PIERCHY, N.F., "Barriers to implementing relationship marketing: analysing the internal market-place", Journal of Strategic Marketing, 6, 1998, ss.209-227.
  • [29] CONDUIT, J.; MAVONDO, F.T., "Internal Customer Orientation: Antecedents and Consequences", Developments in Marketing Science, Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Academy of Marketing Science, Cilt.1 1, Mayıs 1998, s.209.
  • [30] BROOKS, R., "Internal Service Quality - A theoretical development", Proceedings of the Annual Conference Making Marketing Works, University of Bradford, Cilt.1, 1995, s.80.
  • [31] MAFI, S.L., "Managing the HRD Functions and Service Quality: A Call for a New Approach", Human Resource Development Quarterly, Cilt.11, San Francisco, Bahar 2000.
  • [32] REEVES, C.A.; BEDNAR, D.A.; LAWRENCE, R.C., "Back To The Beginning: What Do Customers Care About In Service Firms?", QMU, 3, 1995, s.64.
  • [33] CZAPLEWSKI, A.J.; FERGUSON, J.M.; MILLIMAN, J.F., "Southwest Airlines: How Internal Marketing Pilots Success", Marketing Management, Cilt.10, Chicago, Eylül-Ekim 2001, ss.14-17.
Year 2003, , 15 - 25, 29.06.2003



  • [1] BROOKS, R.F.; LINGS, I.N.; BOTSCHEN, M.A., "Internal Marketing and Customer Driven Wavefronts", The Service Industries Journal, Londra, Ekim 1999, ss.49-67.
  • [2] RAFIQ, M.; PERVAIZ, K.A.; "The Scope of Internal Marketing: Defining the Boundary Between Marketing and Human Resource Management", Journal of Marketing Management, 9, 1993, ss.219-222,227-228.
  • [3] STERSHIC, S.E., "Leveraging Your Greatest Weapons", Marketing Management, Temmuz-Ağustos 2001, ss.40- 43.
  • [4] PITT, L.F.; FOREMAN, S., "Internal Marketing Role in Organizations: A Transaction Cost Perspective", Journal of Business Research, 44, 1999, ss.25,26,31
  • [5] WISNER, J.D.; STANLEY, L.L., "Internal Relationships and Activities Associated with High Levels of Purchasing Service Quality", The Journal of Supply Chain Management: A Global Review of Purchasing and Supply, Ağustos 1999, s.26.
  • [6] YAPRAKLI, Ş.; ÖZER, S., "Çağdaş Pazarlamada Yeni Bir Yaklaşım-İçsel Pazarlama", Pazarlama Dünyası, Kasım-Aralık 2001, s.60.
  • [7] MUCUK, İ., Pazarlama İlkeleri, 13.Baskı, İstanbul, 2001, s.290.
  • [8] RAFIQ, M. PERVAIZ, K.A., "Advances in the internal marketing concept:definition, synthesis and extension", Journal of Services Marketing, Cilt.14, 2000, ss.449-453, 455-457.
  • [9] QUESTER, P.G.; KELLY, A., "Internal Marketin Practices in the Australian Financial Sector: An Exploratory Study" Journal of Applied Management Studies, Cilt. 8, Abingdon, Aralık 1999, ss.217-229.
  • [10] REYNOSO, J.P.; MOORES, B., "Internal Relationships", in BUTTLE F., (ed) Relationship Marketing: Theory and Practice, Paul Chapman Publishing, 1996, ss.56-58,60.
  • [11] ZEITHAML, V.A.; BERRY, L.L.; PARASURAMAN, A., "The Behavioral Consequences of Service Quality", Journal of Marketing, Cilt.60, Nisan 1996, s.31.
  • [12] HOMBURG, c.; WORKMAN, Jr.J.P.; JENSEN, O., "Fundamental Changes in Marketing Organization: The Movement Toward a Customer-Focused Organizational Structure", Academy of Marketing Science Journal, Greenvale, Güz 2000, s.459.
  • [13] FRANKWICK, GL; PORTER, S.S.; CROSBY, L.A., "Dynamics of Relationship Selling: A longitudinal Examination of Changes in Salesperson-Customer Relationship Status", The Journal of Personal Selling&Sales Management, New York, Bahar 2001.
  • [14] SCHNEIDER, B.; BOWEN, D.E., "Personnel/Human Resources Management In The Service Sector", Research in Personnel and Human Resources Management, Cilt.10, 1992, 5.22.
  • [15] WEBSTER, C., "A Note on Cultural Consistency within the Service Firm: The Efects of Employee Position on Attitudes Toward Marketing Culture", Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Cilt.19, 1991, ss.341-343,346
  • [16] SNEE, R.D., "Listening to the Voice of the Employee", Quality Progress, Ocak 1995, s.91.
  • [17] SERGEANT, A.; FRENKEL, S., "When do customer contact employees satisfy customers?", Journal of Service Research, Cilt.3, Thousand Oaks, Ağustos 2000, ss.18-34.
  • [18] KANWAR, R.; VANIER, D., "The Influence Of The Firm ’s Internal Environment On The Job Commitment And Satisfaction Of Employees In New Product Development", Developments in Marketing Science, Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Academy of Marketing Science, San Diego, 22-25 Nisan 1992, s.425.
  • [19] BARNES, B.R.; MORRIS, D.S., "Revising Quality Awareness Through Internal Marketing: An Exploratory Study Among French and English Medium-Sized Enterprises", Total Quality Management, Cilt 11, Abingdon, Haziran 2000.
  • [20] STAPLETON, S.H., "Satisfied Employees Generate. Greater Customer Satisfaction", Creating a Customer Focused Organization, The Conference Board and Mercer Management Consulting, Inc., Report No: 1030, 1993, s.21.
  • [21] KELLEY, S.W., "Developing Customer Orientation Among Service Employees", Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Cilt.20, 1992, s.34.
  • [22] HARTLINE, M.D.; FERRELL, O.C., "The Management of Customer-Contact Service Employees: An Empirical; Investigation", Journal of Marketing, Cilt.60, 1996, s.53,63.
  • [23] AY, C.; GÜLGÜN, A., "2000’li Yıllarda Hizmet İşletmelerinde İşgören Tatmininin Müşteri Tatminine Dönüşmesi ve Örnek Bir Araştırma", 5. Ulusal İşletmecilik Kongresi, Ankara, Kasım 1997, s.5.
  • [24] DREW, J.H.; FUSSELL, T.R. "Becoming Partners with Internal Customers", Quality Progress, Ekim 1996, s.51.
  • [25] RUCCI, A.J.; KIRN, SP.; QUINN, R.T., "The Employee - Customer Profit Chain At Sears", Harvard Busines Review, Ocak-Şubat 1998, s.91.
  • [26] LIU, A.H.; LEACH, M.P., "Developing Loyal Customers with a Value-Adding Sales Force: Examining Customer Satisfaction and the Perceived Credibility of Consultative Salespeople", The Journal of Personal Selling&Sales Management, New York, Bahar 2001, ss.147-156.
  • [27] AMBLER, T., "What Does Marketing Success Look Like?", Marketing Management, Cilt.10, Chicago, Bahar 2001, ss.112-118.
  • [28] PIERCHY, N.F., "Barriers to implementing relationship marketing: analysing the internal market-place", Journal of Strategic Marketing, 6, 1998, ss.209-227.
  • [29] CONDUIT, J.; MAVONDO, F.T., "Internal Customer Orientation: Antecedents and Consequences", Developments in Marketing Science, Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Academy of Marketing Science, Cilt.1 1, Mayıs 1998, s.209.
  • [30] BROOKS, R., "Internal Service Quality - A theoretical development", Proceedings of the Annual Conference Making Marketing Works, University of Bradford, Cilt.1, 1995, s.80.
  • [31] MAFI, S.L., "Managing the HRD Functions and Service Quality: A Call for a New Approach", Human Resource Development Quarterly, Cilt.11, San Francisco, Bahar 2000.
  • [32] REEVES, C.A.; BEDNAR, D.A.; LAWRENCE, R.C., "Back To The Beginning: What Do Customers Care About In Service Firms?", QMU, 3, 1995, s.64.
  • [33] CZAPLEWSKI, A.J.; FERGUSON, J.M.; MILLIMAN, J.F., "Southwest Airlines: How Internal Marketing Pilots Success", Marketing Management, Cilt.10, Chicago, Eylül-Ekim 2001, ss.14-17.
There are 33 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Eski Sayılar

Canan Ay This is me

Burak Kartal

Publication Date June 29, 2003
Published in Issue Year 2003


APA Ay, C., & Kartal, B. (2003). İÇSEL PAZARLAMA: LİTERATÜR İNCELEMESİ. Öneri Dergisi, 5(20), 15-25. https://doi.org/10.14783/maruoneri.680615


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Öneri Dergisi

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e-ISSN: 2147-5377