Research Article
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Year 2007, , 49 - 59, 10.01.2007


Güven konusunda yapılan çalışmalar, çalışan açısından güvenin farklı düzeylerde ve farklı boyutlar içerisinde ele alınabileceğini ortaya koymaktadır. Literatürde bu boyutların ortaya konmasında kullanılabilecek farklı güven ölçeklerinin bulunmaktadır. Ancak, bu ölçekle incelendiğinde güvenin bütüncül bir yaklaşım içerisinde ele alındığı ve çoğunun yabancı literatürden tercüme edildiği dikkat çekmektedir. Oysa güven; yöneticiye güven, çalışma arkadaşlarına güven, kuruma güven açısından farklı anlamlar ifade edebilir. Diğer yandan literatürdeki güven anketlerinin tercüme yolu ile literatüre katılan güven ölçekleri Türk kültürü içerisinde güveni tanı olarak ortaya koyamayabilir. Bu noktadan hareketle bu çalışmada çalışanlar açısından farklı düzeylerde (yöneticiye güven, çalışma arkadaşlarına güven, kuruma güven ) güven duymada gerekli olan unsurlar ortaya konmaya çalışılarak, bir güven anketi geliştirilmeye çalışılmıştır. Yapılan analizler sonucunda yöneticiye güvenin 10 faktör başlığı altında toplanan 40 ifade ile, çalışma arkadaşlarına güvenin 9 faktör altında toplanan 38 ifade ile ve kuruma güvenin 10 faktör başlığı altında toplanan 38 ifade ile ölçülebildiği bulunmuştur.


  • [1] Hans-Werner, B. & Bernd, V. (2004). Analyse und Kritik. The Social Psyclıology of Trust with Applications in the İnternet Wiesbaden, 26(1), 48-63.
  • [2] Kramer, R.M. (1999). Trust and Distrust in Organizations: Emerging Perspectives, Etıduring Questions. Annual Review of Psychology, 50(1), 569-598.
  • [3] Hosmer, L.T. (1995). Trust: The connecting link betvveen organizational theory and philosophical ethics. Academy of Management Review, 20(2), 379-402.
  • [4] Carnevale, D.G. (1995). Trustworthy Government: Leadership and Management Strategies for Building Trust andHigh Performance. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
  • [5] Robinson, S. (1996). Trust and breach of the psychological contract. Administrative Science Quarterly, 41(4), 574-599.
  • [6] Küskü, F. (1999). Yöneten-Yönetilen İlişkisinde Güven: Ampirik Bir İnceleme. Amme idaresi Dergisi, 32(1), 137- 145.
  • [7] Mishra, J. & Morrissey, M.A. (1990). Trust in employee/employer relationships: A survey of West Michigan managers. Public Personnel Management, 19(4), Winter, 443- 463.
  • [8] Demircan, N. (2003). Örgütsel Güven Kavrami: Nedenleri ve Sonuçlan. Celal Bayar Üniversitesi Dergisi, 10(2), 139- 150.
  • [9] Mayer, R.; James, H.; Davis, F. & David, S. (1995). An Integrative Model of Organizational Trust. Academy of Management Review, 20(3), 709-735.
  • [10] Whitener, E.M. (1997). The impact of human resource activities on employee trust. Human Resource Management Review, 7(4), 389-404.
  • [11] Lewicki, R.J.; McAllister, D. & Bies, R.H. (1998). Trust and distrust: New relationships and realities. Academy of Management Review, 23(3), 438-459.
  • [12] Caudron, S. (1996). Rebuilding employee trust. Training and Development Journal, 50(8), 19-21.
  • [13] Şimşek, S. & Taşçı. A. (2004). Örgütlerde "Güven" Konsepti ve Emniyet Örgütü’nde Güven Modellerinin Değerlendirilmesi. Polis Dergisi, 34(1), 1-8.
  • [14] Nyhan, R. (1999). Increasing Affective Organizational Commitment in Public Organizations. Review of Public Personnel Administration, 19(3), 58-70.
  • [15] Madzar, S. (2001). Subordinates' Information Inquiry: Exploring The Effect of Perceived Leadership Style And Individual Differences. Journal of Occupational & Organizational Psychology, 74(2), 221-233.
  • [16] Gilbert, J.A. & Tang, T.L.P. (1988). An examination of organizational trust antecedents. Public Personnel Management Washington, 27(3), 321-338.
  • [17] Hartog, D. (2003). Trusting Others in Organizations: leaders, management and co-workers. (Eds.: Nooteboom, B. & Six, F.). Trust Process in Organizations: Emprical Studies of Determinants and The Process of Trust Development. NewYork: E. Elgar Publishing, 125-145.
  • [18] Butler, J.K.Jr. (1991). Toward understanding and measuring conditions of trust: Evolution of a conditions of trust inventory. Journal of Management, 17(3), 643-663.
  • [19] Stratton, D.; Pelton, L.E. & Tanner, J.F.Jr. (1996). Shall we gather in the garden: The effect of ingratiatory behaviors on buyer trust in salespeople. Industrial Marketing Management, 25(2), 151-62.
  • [20] Whitener, H.; Brodt, S.; Korsgaard, M.A. & Werner, J. (1998). Managers as Initiators of Trust: An Exchange Relationship Framework for Understanding Managerial Trustworthy Behaviour. Academy of Management Review, 23(3), 513-30.
  • [21] Cummings, L.L. & Bromiley, P. (1997). The Organizational Trust inventory (OTI): Development and validation. Trust in organizations: Frontiers of theory and research. (Eds.: Kramer, R.M. & Tyler, T.R.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
  • [22] Mayer, R.C., Davis, J.H. & Schoorman, F. D. (1995). An integrative model of organizational trust. Academy of Management Review, 20(3), 709-34.
  • [23] McKnight, D.H.; Cummings, L. & Chervany, N.L. (1998). İnitial trust formation in new organizational relationships. The Academy of Management Review, 23(3), 473-90.
  • [24] Mishra, A. K. (1996). Organizational responses to crisis: The centrality of trust. (Eds.: Kramer, R.M. & Tyler, T.R.). Trust in organizations: Frontiers of theory and research. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 261-287.
  • [25] Swan, J.E.; Trawick, F. & Silva, D.W. (1985). How industrial salespeople gain customer trust. Industrial Marketing Management, 14(3), 203-11.
  • [26] Borü, D. (2001). Örgütlerde Güvenilir İnsanın Yaratılmasında İlk Adım... Güvenilir İnsan Kim? 9. Ulusal Yönetim ve Organizasyon Kongresi, 24-26 Mayıs, Silivri - İstanbul, 189-204.
  • [27] Butler, J.K. & Cantrell, R.S. (1984). A behavioral decision theory approach to modeling dyadic trust in superiors and subordinates. Psychological Reports, 55(1), 19-28.
  • [28] Schindler, P.L. & Thomas, C.C. (1993). The structure of interpersonal trust in the workplace. Psychological Reports, Oct., 73 (2), 563-574.
  • [29] Svensson, G. & Wood, G. (2004). Corporate ethics and trust in intra-corporate relationships: An in-depth and longitudinal case description. Employee Relations, 26(3), 320-336.
  • [30] Cook, J. & Wall, T.D.. (1980). New Work Attitude Measures of Trust, Organizational Commitment and Personal Need Non-fulfillment. Journal of Occupational Psychology, 53(1), 39-52.
  • [31] Deutsch, M. (1958). Trust and suspicion. Conflict Resolution, 2(4), 265-279.
  • [32] Jones, A.P.; James, L.R. & Bruni, J.R. (1975). Perceived leadership behavior and employee confîdence in the leader as moderated by job involvement. Journal of Applied Psychology, 60(1), 146-149.
  • [33] Sitkin, S.B. & Roth, N.L. (1993). Explaining the limited effectiveness of legalistic "remedies" for trust/distrust. Organization Science, 4(3), 367-392.
  • [34] Hovland, C.I.; Janis, I.L. & Kelley, H.H. (1953). Communications and persuasion: Psychological studies in opinion change. New Haven, CT: Yale University Pres.
  • [35] Cohen, D. & Prusak, L. (2001). Kavrayamadığımız Zenginlik Kuruluşların Sosyal Sermayesi. (Çev.: Kardem, A.). İstanbul: Türkiye Metal Sanayicileri Sendikası.
  • [36] Yılmaz, E. (2005). Okullarda Örgütsel Güven Ölçeğinin Geçerlik ve Güvenirlik Çalışması. Selçuk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 14(1), 567-580.
  • [37] Morgan, R.M. & Hunt, S.D. (1994). The commitment-trust theory of relationship marketing. Journal of Marketing, 58(3), July, 20-38.
  • [38] McAllister, D.J. (1995). Affect- and cognition-based trust as foundations for interpersonal cooperation in organizations. Academy of Management Journal, 38(1), 24- 59.
Year 2007, , 49 - 59, 10.01.2007



  • [1] Hans-Werner, B. & Bernd, V. (2004). Analyse und Kritik. The Social Psyclıology of Trust with Applications in the İnternet Wiesbaden, 26(1), 48-63.
  • [2] Kramer, R.M. (1999). Trust and Distrust in Organizations: Emerging Perspectives, Etıduring Questions. Annual Review of Psychology, 50(1), 569-598.
  • [3] Hosmer, L.T. (1995). Trust: The connecting link betvveen organizational theory and philosophical ethics. Academy of Management Review, 20(2), 379-402.
  • [4] Carnevale, D.G. (1995). Trustworthy Government: Leadership and Management Strategies for Building Trust andHigh Performance. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
  • [5] Robinson, S. (1996). Trust and breach of the psychological contract. Administrative Science Quarterly, 41(4), 574-599.
  • [6] Küskü, F. (1999). Yöneten-Yönetilen İlişkisinde Güven: Ampirik Bir İnceleme. Amme idaresi Dergisi, 32(1), 137- 145.
  • [7] Mishra, J. & Morrissey, M.A. (1990). Trust in employee/employer relationships: A survey of West Michigan managers. Public Personnel Management, 19(4), Winter, 443- 463.
  • [8] Demircan, N. (2003). Örgütsel Güven Kavrami: Nedenleri ve Sonuçlan. Celal Bayar Üniversitesi Dergisi, 10(2), 139- 150.
  • [9] Mayer, R.; James, H.; Davis, F. & David, S. (1995). An Integrative Model of Organizational Trust. Academy of Management Review, 20(3), 709-735.
  • [10] Whitener, E.M. (1997). The impact of human resource activities on employee trust. Human Resource Management Review, 7(4), 389-404.
  • [11] Lewicki, R.J.; McAllister, D. & Bies, R.H. (1998). Trust and distrust: New relationships and realities. Academy of Management Review, 23(3), 438-459.
  • [12] Caudron, S. (1996). Rebuilding employee trust. Training and Development Journal, 50(8), 19-21.
  • [13] Şimşek, S. & Taşçı. A. (2004). Örgütlerde "Güven" Konsepti ve Emniyet Örgütü’nde Güven Modellerinin Değerlendirilmesi. Polis Dergisi, 34(1), 1-8.
  • [14] Nyhan, R. (1999). Increasing Affective Organizational Commitment in Public Organizations. Review of Public Personnel Administration, 19(3), 58-70.
  • [15] Madzar, S. (2001). Subordinates' Information Inquiry: Exploring The Effect of Perceived Leadership Style And Individual Differences. Journal of Occupational & Organizational Psychology, 74(2), 221-233.
  • [16] Gilbert, J.A. & Tang, T.L.P. (1988). An examination of organizational trust antecedents. Public Personnel Management Washington, 27(3), 321-338.
  • [17] Hartog, D. (2003). Trusting Others in Organizations: leaders, management and co-workers. (Eds.: Nooteboom, B. & Six, F.). Trust Process in Organizations: Emprical Studies of Determinants and The Process of Trust Development. NewYork: E. Elgar Publishing, 125-145.
  • [18] Butler, J.K.Jr. (1991). Toward understanding and measuring conditions of trust: Evolution of a conditions of trust inventory. Journal of Management, 17(3), 643-663.
  • [19] Stratton, D.; Pelton, L.E. & Tanner, J.F.Jr. (1996). Shall we gather in the garden: The effect of ingratiatory behaviors on buyer trust in salespeople. Industrial Marketing Management, 25(2), 151-62.
  • [20] Whitener, H.; Brodt, S.; Korsgaard, M.A. & Werner, J. (1998). Managers as Initiators of Trust: An Exchange Relationship Framework for Understanding Managerial Trustworthy Behaviour. Academy of Management Review, 23(3), 513-30.
  • [21] Cummings, L.L. & Bromiley, P. (1997). The Organizational Trust inventory (OTI): Development and validation. Trust in organizations: Frontiers of theory and research. (Eds.: Kramer, R.M. & Tyler, T.R.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
  • [22] Mayer, R.C., Davis, J.H. & Schoorman, F. D. (1995). An integrative model of organizational trust. Academy of Management Review, 20(3), 709-34.
  • [23] McKnight, D.H.; Cummings, L. & Chervany, N.L. (1998). İnitial trust formation in new organizational relationships. The Academy of Management Review, 23(3), 473-90.
  • [24] Mishra, A. K. (1996). Organizational responses to crisis: The centrality of trust. (Eds.: Kramer, R.M. & Tyler, T.R.). Trust in organizations: Frontiers of theory and research. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 261-287.
  • [25] Swan, J.E.; Trawick, F. & Silva, D.W. (1985). How industrial salespeople gain customer trust. Industrial Marketing Management, 14(3), 203-11.
  • [26] Borü, D. (2001). Örgütlerde Güvenilir İnsanın Yaratılmasında İlk Adım... Güvenilir İnsan Kim? 9. Ulusal Yönetim ve Organizasyon Kongresi, 24-26 Mayıs, Silivri - İstanbul, 189-204.
  • [27] Butler, J.K. & Cantrell, R.S. (1984). A behavioral decision theory approach to modeling dyadic trust in superiors and subordinates. Psychological Reports, 55(1), 19-28.
  • [28] Schindler, P.L. & Thomas, C.C. (1993). The structure of interpersonal trust in the workplace. Psychological Reports, Oct., 73 (2), 563-574.
  • [29] Svensson, G. & Wood, G. (2004). Corporate ethics and trust in intra-corporate relationships: An in-depth and longitudinal case description. Employee Relations, 26(3), 320-336.
  • [30] Cook, J. & Wall, T.D.. (1980). New Work Attitude Measures of Trust, Organizational Commitment and Personal Need Non-fulfillment. Journal of Occupational Psychology, 53(1), 39-52.
  • [31] Deutsch, M. (1958). Trust and suspicion. Conflict Resolution, 2(4), 265-279.
  • [32] Jones, A.P.; James, L.R. & Bruni, J.R. (1975). Perceived leadership behavior and employee confîdence in the leader as moderated by job involvement. Journal of Applied Psychology, 60(1), 146-149.
  • [33] Sitkin, S.B. & Roth, N.L. (1993). Explaining the limited effectiveness of legalistic "remedies" for trust/distrust. Organization Science, 4(3), 367-392.
  • [34] Hovland, C.I.; Janis, I.L. & Kelley, H.H. (1953). Communications and persuasion: Psychological studies in opinion change. New Haven, CT: Yale University Pres.
  • [35] Cohen, D. & Prusak, L. (2001). Kavrayamadığımız Zenginlik Kuruluşların Sosyal Sermayesi. (Çev.: Kardem, A.). İstanbul: Türkiye Metal Sanayicileri Sendikası.
  • [36] Yılmaz, E. (2005). Okullarda Örgütsel Güven Ölçeğinin Geçerlik ve Güvenirlik Çalışması. Selçuk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 14(1), 567-580.
  • [37] Morgan, R.M. & Hunt, S.D. (1994). The commitment-trust theory of relationship marketing. Journal of Marketing, 58(3), July, 20-38.
  • [38] McAllister, D.J. (1995). Affect- and cognition-based trust as foundations for interpersonal cooperation in organizations. Academy of Management Journal, 38(1), 24- 59.
There are 38 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Eski Sayılar

Deniz Börü This is me

Güler İslamoğlu This is me

Melek Birsel This is me

Publication Date January 10, 2007
Published in Issue Year 2007


APA Börü, D., İslamoğlu, G., & Birsel, M. (2007). GÜVEN: BİR ANKET GELİŞTİRME ÇALIŞMASI. Öneri Dergisi, 7(27), 49-59.


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