Crisis in the social Sciences also started
crisis of existence epistemological premises of
social theories. It can be argued that recent
social theories vary in their way of looking at
social realities but ali these varied social theories constitute (what Clocke label) a postpositivist unified rejection of positivist epistemology.
Amariglio,J(1990)”Economics as a postmodem Discourse” ın W J;Samuels(ed)Economics As Discourse, Kluwer academic Publişhers,Boston
Bhaskar,R(1989) Reclaiming Reality, London, Verso
Cloke,P etal.(1991 )Approaching Human Geography,New York, the Guilford Press
Fıne.B and L,Hanis (1979) Rereading Capital, London, Macmillan
Fincher,F(19839 “The Inconsistency of eclectism’'Environment and Planning;A, vol:15/4,pp.607-622
Gregoıy,D(1990)”Areal differantation and postmodem human geography” m D.Gergoıy and
R.Walford(eds) Horizons in Human Gography, Londan,Macmillan
Johnston,R,J(1991) “Radical approaches” in R,J,Johnston,Geography and Geographies, London, Edward Amold, pp.217-290
Lovering,J(1990) “Neither Fundementalizm nor New Realizm,A Critical Realist Perspectıve on Current
Dıvisıons of Socıalist Theory” Capital and Class,No,42, pp.30-55.
Pratt,G(1989)”Reilections on Critical Reaîism and Geography, Antipode,vol.23/2,pp.248-255
Resnıck,S,A ve Wolf,R,D (1987) Knowledge and Class, Chicago, Univ.of Chicago
Sayer,A(1984)Method in Social Science, Londan, Routledge
Sayer,A and K.Morgan (1985) “A modem Industry in a Declininng Region:Method,theoıy and Policy”
D.Massey and R.Meageen(eds)Politics And Methods Contrasting Studies in Industrial Geography,
London, Methuen, pp. 144-169
T ekeli,İ(1994)Demokratik Düşüncenin Temellendirmesi ve Eleştirel Kuram Üzerine
Düşünceler, UnpııbLished Papper
Vailancourt,P,M(l 986) When Marxist Do research, New York,Greenwood Press
Amariglio,J(1990)”Economics as a postmodem Discourse” ın W J;Samuels(ed)Economics As Discourse, Kluwer academic Publişhers,Boston
Bhaskar,R(1989) Reclaiming Reality, London, Verso
Cloke,P etal.(1991 )Approaching Human Geography,New York, the Guilford Press
Fıne.B and L,Hanis (1979) Rereading Capital, London, Macmillan
Fincher,F(19839 “The Inconsistency of eclectism’'Environment and Planning;A, vol:15/4,pp.607-622
Gregoıy,D(1990)”Areal differantation and postmodem human geography” m D.Gergoıy and
R.Walford(eds) Horizons in Human Gography, Londan,Macmillan
Johnston,R,J(1991) “Radical approaches” in R,J,Johnston,Geography and Geographies, London, Edward Amold, pp.217-290
Lovering,J(1990) “Neither Fundementalizm nor New Realizm,A Critical Realist Perspectıve on Current
Dıvisıons of Socıalist Theory” Capital and Class,No,42, pp.30-55.
Pratt,G(1989)”Reilections on Critical Reaîism and Geography, Antipode,vol.23/2,pp.248-255
Resnıck,S,A ve Wolf,R,D (1987) Knowledge and Class, Chicago, Univ.of Chicago
Sayer,A(1984)Method in Social Science, Londan, Routledge
Sayer,A and K.Morgan (1985) “A modem Industry in a Declininng Region:Method,theoıy and Policy”
D.Massey and R.Meageen(eds)Politics And Methods Contrasting Studies in Industrial Geography,
London, Methuen, pp. 144-169
T ekeli,İ(1994)Demokratik Düşüncenin Temellendirmesi ve Eleştirel Kuram Üzerine
Düşünceler, UnpııbLished Papper
Vailancourt,P,M(l 986) When Marxist Do research, New York,Greenwood Press