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Research Article
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Year 2000, , 23 - 30, 15.01.2000


Exploring by playiııg games is a method of letırning. Chitdren a re naturul investigators. E.vpioring by ptaying games lıelps thenı to leum basic coııcepts of Science through Iheir life. Tltis method encourages the chitdren work togetlıer. in this wuy chitdren ’s social progress is improved in İeaming by ptaying games. There should be materials attract and kııoıvn by theın iveli planned experiments by teachers can also be used as games.


  • Mclntvre. M.. Early Childhood and Science. 1742 Connecticııt Aveııue N.W.. Washington. D.C.. 1984.
  • Merrill. C.F.... A Curricıılum for Childreıı Çare Centers. A. BelI & Howell Company Colombos. Olıio. 1974. ss. 176- 198.
  • Britz. .1.. Problem Solving in Early Childhood Classroonts. Eric Cleariııhaııse Elemcntary and Early Childhood Edııcatioıı. Eric Digesl. 1993.
  • Britz. .1.: Riehard. N.. Problemi Solving in tlıe Early Childhood Classroom. Washington. DC: National Edııcatioıı Association.
  • Bolton, G.. "Chatıges in Thinking Aboııl Drama in Education". Theory and Practice. 16(3). 1985.
  • Heatcoat. D.: Herberl. P. A. "Drama ol'l.earııing : Maııtle ol’ the Expert". Theory in to Practice. 16(3). 1985.
  • Peaıiman. S.: Speclor. K.P.. "Yoımg Children Iııvestigate Science". Day Çare and Early Education. Summer. 1995. ss. 1-8.
  • Westbrook. L.S.: Marek. E.A.. "A Cross Age Snıdy ol’ Undeı standing of the Concept ol' I loıııeoslasis". Journal of Research in Science Teaclıiııg. 29( I). 1992. ss.51-61. 38
Year 2000, , 23 - 30, 15.01.2000



  • Mclntvre. M.. Early Childhood and Science. 1742 Connecticııt Aveııue N.W.. Washington. D.C.. 1984.
  • Merrill. C.F.... A Curricıılum for Childreıı Çare Centers. A. BelI & Howell Company Colombos. Olıio. 1974. ss. 176- 198.
  • Britz. .1.. Problem Solving in Early Childhood Classroonts. Eric Cleariııhaııse Elemcntary and Early Childhood Edııcatioıı. Eric Digesl. 1993.
  • Britz. .1.: Riehard. N.. Problemi Solving in tlıe Early Childhood Classroom. Washington. DC: National Edııcatioıı Association.
  • Bolton, G.. "Chatıges in Thinking Aboııl Drama in Education". Theory and Practice. 16(3). 1985.
  • Heatcoat. D.: Herberl. P. A. "Drama ol'l.earııing : Maııtle ol’ the Expert". Theory in to Practice. 16(3). 1985.
  • Peaıiman. S.: Speclor. K.P.. "Yoımg Children Iııvestigate Science". Day Çare and Early Education. Summer. 1995. ss. 1-8.
  • Westbrook. L.S.: Marek. E.A.. "A Cross Age Snıdy ol’ Undeı standing of the Concept ol' I loıııeoslasis". Journal of Research in Science Teaclıiııg. 29( I). 1992. ss.51-61. 38
There are 8 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Eski Sayılar

Fatma Şahin This is me

Saime Çağlar This is me

Publication Date January 15, 2000
Published in Issue Year 2000


APA Şahin, F., & Çağlar, S. (2000). OKULÖNCESİNDE OYUNLARLA FEN KAVRAMLARININ GELİŞTİRİLMESİ ÜZERİNE BİR ARAŞTIRMA. Öneri Dergisi, 3(13), 23-30. https://doi.org/10.14783/maruoneri.732465


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Öneri Dergisi

Marmara Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü

Göztepe Kampüsü Enstitüler Binası Kat:5 34722  Kadıköy/İstanbul

e-ISSN: 2147-5377