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Year 2011, Volume: 9 Issue: 36, 115 - 136, 16.11.2012



As a segment of telecommunication industry that is a
major supplier and driving force of almost all industries, VoIP
is an internet-based industry offering opportunities to
hardware and software producers and service providers, while
challenging the conventional telecommunication. For
developing competitive strategies, VoIP companies need to
understand their environment. By the aim of presenting a
strategic analysis framework that provides inputs to policy
makers, this paper analyzes the external strategic factors of
VoIP Services Industry in Turkey through practicing PEST,
Five Forces, Value Chain and partial SWOT analyses. These
environmental factors act as potential opportunities and
threats that need to be considered in industrial and corporate
strategy making processes. VoIP services industry has a
complex value chain where buyers and suppliers have high
bargaining powers. Besides threat and opportunities of
substitution are significant, causing an intense competition
that is also highly affected by social, economic and especially
legal factors as well as technological issues.


Günümüzde telekomünikasyon sektörü, tüm diğer
sektörlere, bilgi ve iletişim altyapısı sağlayan kritik bir
tedarikçi olarak küresel ekonomide önemli bir rol
oynamaktadır. Telekomünikasyon endüstrisinin, VoIP (Voice
Over IP- Internet Protokolü üzerinden ses iletimi) alt sektörü
ise, donanım ve yazılım üreticilerine ve servis sağlayıcılara ses
iletişiminde düşük maliyet ve veri tabanlı yapısı gibi gelecek
fırsatları sunmakta, aynı zamanda da geleneksel
telekomunikasyonu tehdit etmektedir. Bu fırsatlar özellikle,
bilişim altyapılarını, çok kısıtlı kaynakları ile geliştirmek
amacı güden Türkiye gibi gelişmekte olan ülkeler açısından
önem taşımaktadır. Bu çalışma, Türkiye’deki VoIP hizmetleri
endüstrisindeki sektörel ve kurumsal strateji geliştirme
süreçlerine girdi sağlayabilecek bir çerçeve sunmak amacıyla,
PEST, Rekabet (Beş Güç), değer zinciri ve SWOT analizleri
uygulayarak Türkiye’deki VoIP servisleri endüstrisine, fırsat
ve tehdit teşkil eden çevresel stratejik faktörleri incelemektedir.
Çalışma sonuçları, karmaşık bir değer zincirine sahip bu
endüstride, alıcı ve tedarikçilerin pazarlık güçleri yüksek;
ikame tehdit ve fırsatlarının belirgin olduğu, teknolojik
faktörler kadar, sosyal, ekonomik ve özellikle yasal faktörler
endüstrideki rekabeti artırdığnı göstermektedir.


  • Gross, J.P. (2010). Telecommunications SWOT Analysis. ( s-swot-analysis.html). [04.03.2011].
  • Wang, C. & Kishore, A. (2009) Comparative Research on the Marketing Strategies of Telecommunication Industry in China and India. Proceedings of International Conference on Pacific Rim Management, 19th Annual Meeting July 30- August 1, 2009, San Francisco, USA, 75-78.
  • Li, F. & Whalley, J. (2002). Deconstruction of The Telecommunications Industry: From Value Chains to Value Networks. Research Paper No. 2002/2, Management Science Theory, Method and Practice, Strathclyde Business School.
  • Seaberg, J.G.; Hawn, J.; Dincerler, G.E, Eugster, C.C. & Rao, N. (1997). Attackers versus incumbents: The battle for value in an IP-networked world. The McKinsey Quarterly, (4), 138-153.
  • Melody, W.H. (2000). Shaping liberalized telecom markets. Telecommunications Policy, 24(10-11), 803-806.
  • Gabelmann, A. (2001). Regulating European Telecommunications Markets: Unbundled Access to the Local Loop Outside Urban Areas. Telecommunications Policy, 25(10-11), 803-806.
  • Bortolotti, B.; D’Souza, J.; Fantini, M. & Megginson, W.L. (2002). Privatization and the sources of performance improvement in the global telecommunications industry. Telecommunications Policy, 26(5-6), 243-268.
  • Wallsten, S. J. (2003). An Econometric Analysis of Telecom Competition, Privatization, and Regulation in Africa and Latin America. The Journal of Industrial Economics, 49(1), 1–9.
  • Jonason, A. & Eliasson, G. (2001). Mobile Internet revenues: an empirical study of the I-mode portal. Internet Research, 11(4), 341-348 .
  • Schwartz, S. (2006). Mobile Operators Race to Embrace Retail Models. Billing World and OSS Today, 10/2006 ( article.cfm?PID=7798). [30.07.2010]
  • Aydın, S. & Özer, S. (2005). The analysis of antecedents of customer loyalty in the Turkish mobile telecommunication market. European Journal of Marketing, 39(7/8), 910-925.
  • Peddy, G.; Bloxham, M. & Jenkins, G. (2006). Telecom for Beginners 2007– Industry and Technology Primer. London, Deutsche Bank /Europe Telecommunications. [13] Brock, G. (1999). Toward a Competitive Telecommunication Industry: Selected Papers from the 1994 Telecommunications Policy Research Conference. (Ed.: Brock, G.), Mahvah, New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 3-13.
  • Dugal, I.; Jiang, J. & Bangstad, K. (2010). VoIP. ( [22.09.2010].
  • (2010). A Guide to VoIP History - The Rise of VoIP. ( [11.05.2011].
  • Computer Economics Inc. (2008). VoIP Adoption Moves into the Mainstream, VoIP Usage Ramps, But ROI Sometimes Illusive. ( custom.cfm?name=postPaymentGateway.cfm&id=1302). [24.01.2011].
  • Walder, B. (2010) SIP Trunking: Six Deployment Considerations at the Network Edge. In proceedings of the 6th Annual VoIP Conference and Expo, Illinois, USA. ( and-expo/custom-19- e2f0ff38a9134f21a84258e29285fafa.aspx) [22.02.2011].
  • Rundzio, R. (2010). PSAP Standards - Recording/Logging in Next Generation 9-1-1: Beyond Voice and Wire. In proceedings of the 6th Annual VoIP Conference and Expo, Illinois, USA, ( voip-conference-and-expo/custom-19- e2f0ff38a9134f21a84258e29285fafa.aspx) [22.02.2011].
  • Bensoussan, B. & Fleisher, C. (2008). Analysis Without Paralysis- 10 Tools to Make Better Decisions, New Jersey: Pearson Education Inc.
  • Wheelen, T.L. & Hunger, J.D. (2004), Strategic Management and Business Policy Concepts and Cases. New Jersey: Prentice Hall.
  • Downey, J. (2007), Strategic Analysis Tools-Topic Gateway Series No. 34. The Chartered Institute of Management Accountants. documents/ImportedDocuments/cid_tg_strategic_analysis_t ools_nov07.pdf.pdf). [21.04. 2011].
  • Henry, A. (2008), Understanding Strategic Management. New York: Oxford University Press.
  • Muensriphum, C.; Vichcacichien,
  • Attayuwat, P. & Mujtaba, B.G. (2010). Strategic
  • Exploration of Salt International Company in Thailand: Can
  • they have Sustainable Growth and Profits? Journal of
  • Business Studies Quarterly, 1(3), 68-81. S.; Jinarac, S.;
  • Thompson, A. & Strickland, A.J. (2003). Strategic Management Concepts and Cases, Boston: Irwin-McGraw- Hill. [25] Chapman, A. (2009). ( m). [11.02.2010]. PEST Analysis.
  • Drummond, G. & Ensor, J. (2001). Strategic marketing: planning and control. 2nd Ed., Burlington: Butterworth- Heinemann Publishing.
  • Grant, R.M. (2009). Contemporary Strategy Analysis. 7th - Ed., Malden: Blackwell Publishing.
  • Porter, M.E. (2004). Competitive Advantage - Creating and sustaining superior performance. 1st Ed. New York: The Free Press.
  • Tarr, P. (2005). Data communications and enterprise networking – Vol. 2, 2910222, University of London Press, 5-21.
  • Porter, M.E. (1998). Competitive Strategy - Techniques for Analyzing Industries and Competitors. New York: The Free Press.
  • Hannick, L.I. (2002). Information Technology Strategy: Interlinked Technology, Strategy, And Organizational Factors. Spring 2002 Lecture Notes, MIT Open Course Ware, Sloan School of Management. Integrating E systems:
  • Stabell, C. B. and O. D. Fjeldstad (1998). Configuring Value for Competitive Advantage. Strategic Management Journal, 19(5): 413-437.
  • Enqvist, H. & Casey, T. (2010), Mobile Communications Industry Scenarios and Strategic Implications. European Regional ITS Conference, Copenhagen, 13-15 September, 10-31. 21st
  • Wireless Federation, (2011). Turkish Regulator sets lower interconnection news/15276-turkish-regulator-sets-lower-interconnection- rates/). [11.05.2011].
  • (
  • Argiropoulos, J. (2010) Transition to NG 911 - Cloud Computing and Storage in 911. In proceedings of the 6th Annual VoIP Conference and Expo, Illinois, USA. ( and-expo/custom-19- e2f0ff38a9134f21a84258e29285fafa.aspx) [22.02.2011].
  • TUIK. (2010). 2010 Yılı Hanehalkı Bilişim Teknolojileri Kullanım Araştırması Sonuçları. Haber Bulteni 18/8/2010, ( [30.03.2011].
  • TUIK. (2006). Population and Demography Indicators. ( [14.03.2011].
  • The Economic Times. (2009). IB asks govt to block all net telephony services. ( IB-asks-govt-to-block-all-net-telephony-services/ articleshow/5029548.cms). [10/06/2010].
  • Takanen, A. (2010). Recommendations for VoIP and IMS Security, Conference ( and-expo/custom-19- e2f0ff38a9134f21a84258e29285fafa.aspx) [22.02.2011].
  • VoIP Anti-blocking. (2009). VoIP Anti-blocking, Articles Base articles/voip-antiblocking-891774.html#ixzz1CgTLFWr3). [11.05.2011].
  • Wimmrauter, W. (2010). Client Agnostic Authentication for VoIP Endpoints. In proceedings of the 6th Annual VoIP Conference ( and-expo/custom-19- e2f0ff38a9134f21a84258e29285fafa.aspx) [22.02.2011].
  • Unuth, N. (2010). The Effects Of The US Economic Slowdown markettrends/a/USEconCrisis08.htm). [25.02.2011].
  • (
  • Hardman & Co. (2006). Leaders in Corporate Research, ( 006.pdf). [12 .06.2010].
  • Bond, G. (2010). Real-World Deployment of SIP: Issues and Solutions. In proceedings of the 6th Annual VoIP Conference ( and-expo/custom-19- e2f0ff38a9134f21a84258e29285fafa.aspx) [22.02.2011].
  • Sinha, S. (2010). VoIP Traffic Exchange Over IP. In proceedings of the 6th Annual VoIP Conference and Expo, Illinois, USA. ( voip-conference-and-expo/custom-19- e2f0ff38a9134f21a84258e29285fafa.aspx) [22.02.2011].
  • Ketchen, D., & Eisner, A. (2008). Strategy 2008-2009. Boston: Irwin-Mc Graw-Hill.
  • Nokia Siemens Networks. (2009). Business needs study 2009: CSPs sharpen focus on customer satisfaction. Annual Study ( Exec_summary_BNS.pdf). [11.06.2011]. Networks. Nihan YILDIRIM
  • (
  • (
Year 2011, Volume: 9 Issue: 36, 115 - 136, 16.11.2012



  • Gross, J.P. (2010). Telecommunications SWOT Analysis. ( s-swot-analysis.html). [04.03.2011].
  • Wang, C. & Kishore, A. (2009) Comparative Research on the Marketing Strategies of Telecommunication Industry in China and India. Proceedings of International Conference on Pacific Rim Management, 19th Annual Meeting July 30- August 1, 2009, San Francisco, USA, 75-78.
  • Li, F. & Whalley, J. (2002). Deconstruction of The Telecommunications Industry: From Value Chains to Value Networks. Research Paper No. 2002/2, Management Science Theory, Method and Practice, Strathclyde Business School.
  • Seaberg, J.G.; Hawn, J.; Dincerler, G.E, Eugster, C.C. & Rao, N. (1997). Attackers versus incumbents: The battle for value in an IP-networked world. The McKinsey Quarterly, (4), 138-153.
  • Melody, W.H. (2000). Shaping liberalized telecom markets. Telecommunications Policy, 24(10-11), 803-806.
  • Gabelmann, A. (2001). Regulating European Telecommunications Markets: Unbundled Access to the Local Loop Outside Urban Areas. Telecommunications Policy, 25(10-11), 803-806.
  • Bortolotti, B.; D’Souza, J.; Fantini, M. & Megginson, W.L. (2002). Privatization and the sources of performance improvement in the global telecommunications industry. Telecommunications Policy, 26(5-6), 243-268.
  • Wallsten, S. J. (2003). An Econometric Analysis of Telecom Competition, Privatization, and Regulation in Africa and Latin America. The Journal of Industrial Economics, 49(1), 1–9.
  • Jonason, A. & Eliasson, G. (2001). Mobile Internet revenues: an empirical study of the I-mode portal. Internet Research, 11(4), 341-348 .
  • Schwartz, S. (2006). Mobile Operators Race to Embrace Retail Models. Billing World and OSS Today, 10/2006 ( article.cfm?PID=7798). [30.07.2010]
  • Aydın, S. & Özer, S. (2005). The analysis of antecedents of customer loyalty in the Turkish mobile telecommunication market. European Journal of Marketing, 39(7/8), 910-925.
  • Peddy, G.; Bloxham, M. & Jenkins, G. (2006). Telecom for Beginners 2007– Industry and Technology Primer. London, Deutsche Bank /Europe Telecommunications. [13] Brock, G. (1999). Toward a Competitive Telecommunication Industry: Selected Papers from the 1994 Telecommunications Policy Research Conference. (Ed.: Brock, G.), Mahvah, New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 3-13.
  • Dugal, I.; Jiang, J. & Bangstad, K. (2010). VoIP. ( [22.09.2010].
  • (2010). A Guide to VoIP History - The Rise of VoIP. ( [11.05.2011].
  • Computer Economics Inc. (2008). VoIP Adoption Moves into the Mainstream, VoIP Usage Ramps, But ROI Sometimes Illusive. ( custom.cfm?name=postPaymentGateway.cfm&id=1302). [24.01.2011].
  • Walder, B. (2010) SIP Trunking: Six Deployment Considerations at the Network Edge. In proceedings of the 6th Annual VoIP Conference and Expo, Illinois, USA. ( and-expo/custom-19- e2f0ff38a9134f21a84258e29285fafa.aspx) [22.02.2011].
  • Rundzio, R. (2010). PSAP Standards - Recording/Logging in Next Generation 9-1-1: Beyond Voice and Wire. In proceedings of the 6th Annual VoIP Conference and Expo, Illinois, USA, ( voip-conference-and-expo/custom-19- e2f0ff38a9134f21a84258e29285fafa.aspx) [22.02.2011].
  • Bensoussan, B. & Fleisher, C. (2008). Analysis Without Paralysis- 10 Tools to Make Better Decisions, New Jersey: Pearson Education Inc.
  • Wheelen, T.L. & Hunger, J.D. (2004), Strategic Management and Business Policy Concepts and Cases. New Jersey: Prentice Hall.
  • Downey, J. (2007), Strategic Analysis Tools-Topic Gateway Series No. 34. The Chartered Institute of Management Accountants. documents/ImportedDocuments/cid_tg_strategic_analysis_t ools_nov07.pdf.pdf). [21.04. 2011].
  • Henry, A. (2008), Understanding Strategic Management. New York: Oxford University Press.
  • Muensriphum, C.; Vichcacichien,
  • Attayuwat, P. & Mujtaba, B.G. (2010). Strategic
  • Exploration of Salt International Company in Thailand: Can
  • they have Sustainable Growth and Profits? Journal of
  • Business Studies Quarterly, 1(3), 68-81. S.; Jinarac, S.;
  • Thompson, A. & Strickland, A.J. (2003). Strategic Management Concepts and Cases, Boston: Irwin-McGraw- Hill. [25] Chapman, A. (2009). ( m). [11.02.2010]. PEST Analysis.
  • Drummond, G. & Ensor, J. (2001). Strategic marketing: planning and control. 2nd Ed., Burlington: Butterworth- Heinemann Publishing.
  • Grant, R.M. (2009). Contemporary Strategy Analysis. 7th - Ed., Malden: Blackwell Publishing.
  • Porter, M.E. (2004). Competitive Advantage - Creating and sustaining superior performance. 1st Ed. New York: The Free Press.
  • Tarr, P. (2005). Data communications and enterprise networking – Vol. 2, 2910222, University of London Press, 5-21.
  • Porter, M.E. (1998). Competitive Strategy - Techniques for Analyzing Industries and Competitors. New York: The Free Press.
  • Hannick, L.I. (2002). Information Technology Strategy: Interlinked Technology, Strategy, And Organizational Factors. Spring 2002 Lecture Notes, MIT Open Course Ware, Sloan School of Management. Integrating E systems:
  • Stabell, C. B. and O. D. Fjeldstad (1998). Configuring Value for Competitive Advantage. Strategic Management Journal, 19(5): 413-437.
  • Enqvist, H. & Casey, T. (2010), Mobile Communications Industry Scenarios and Strategic Implications. European Regional ITS Conference, Copenhagen, 13-15 September, 10-31. 21st
  • Wireless Federation, (2011). Turkish Regulator sets lower interconnection news/15276-turkish-regulator-sets-lower-interconnection- rates/). [11.05.2011].
  • (
  • Argiropoulos, J. (2010) Transition to NG 911 - Cloud Computing and Storage in 911. In proceedings of the 6th Annual VoIP Conference and Expo, Illinois, USA. ( and-expo/custom-19- e2f0ff38a9134f21a84258e29285fafa.aspx) [22.02.2011].
  • TUIK. (2010). 2010 Yılı Hanehalkı Bilişim Teknolojileri Kullanım Araştırması Sonuçları. Haber Bulteni 18/8/2010, ( [30.03.2011].
  • TUIK. (2006). Population and Demography Indicators. ( [14.03.2011].
  • The Economic Times. (2009). IB asks govt to block all net telephony services. ( IB-asks-govt-to-block-all-net-telephony-services/ articleshow/5029548.cms). [10/06/2010].
  • Takanen, A. (2010). Recommendations for VoIP and IMS Security, Conference ( and-expo/custom-19- e2f0ff38a9134f21a84258e29285fafa.aspx) [22.02.2011].
  • VoIP Anti-blocking. (2009). VoIP Anti-blocking, Articles Base articles/voip-antiblocking-891774.html#ixzz1CgTLFWr3). [11.05.2011].
  • Wimmrauter, W. (2010). Client Agnostic Authentication for VoIP Endpoints. In proceedings of the 6th Annual VoIP Conference ( and-expo/custom-19- e2f0ff38a9134f21a84258e29285fafa.aspx) [22.02.2011].
  • Unuth, N. (2010). The Effects Of The US Economic Slowdown markettrends/a/USEconCrisis08.htm). [25.02.2011].
  • (
  • Hardman & Co. (2006). Leaders in Corporate Research, ( 006.pdf). [12 .06.2010].
  • Bond, G. (2010). Real-World Deployment of SIP: Issues and Solutions. In proceedings of the 6th Annual VoIP Conference ( and-expo/custom-19- e2f0ff38a9134f21a84258e29285fafa.aspx) [22.02.2011].
  • Sinha, S. (2010). VoIP Traffic Exchange Over IP. In proceedings of the 6th Annual VoIP Conference and Expo, Illinois, USA. ( voip-conference-and-expo/custom-19- e2f0ff38a9134f21a84258e29285fafa.aspx) [22.02.2011].
  • Ketchen, D., & Eisner, A. (2008). Strategy 2008-2009. Boston: Irwin-Mc Graw-Hill.
  • Nokia Siemens Networks. (2009). Business needs study 2009: CSPs sharpen focus on customer satisfaction. Annual Study ( Exec_summary_BNS.pdf). [11.06.2011]. Networks. Nihan YILDIRIM
  • (
  • (
There are 53 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Eski Sayılar

Nihan Yıldırım This is me

Aslı Erbaş This is me

Publication Date November 16, 2012
Published in Issue Year 2011 Volume: 9 Issue: 36




This web is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.


Marmara UniversityInstitute of Social Sciences

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