Research Article
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Year 1998, Volume: 2 Issue: 9, 223 - 230, 20.01.1998


Organizational culture, defined as shared vahıes by all employees, has an impact on the employees’ values, attitudes, and behaviors. Organizations attract employees who would fit to the evisting culture In the same way, job seekers tend to apply to firms in which they think they can fit This article examines the effects of organizational culture on supervisors.


  • [ 1 ] - Ouclıi. VVilliaııı G., Theory Z, New York: Avon Books, 1982..
  • [ 2 ] -Pascale, Rıchard T. ve Anthony G. Athos, The Arı of Japonese Management, Nevv York: Wames Books, 1982.
  • [3] - Silverzvveig, S tan ve Robert F. Alleıı, “Changiııg the Corporate Culture”, Sloan Management Review, Spring 1976, 17(3), s: 33.
  • [4] - Özdevecioğlu, Mahmut, "Organizasyon Kültürü", (haz) Mustafa Özel, Stratejik Yönetim ve Liderlik, İstanbul: İz Yay., 1994, s. 121.
  • [ 5 ] - Harris, Philip R. ve Robert T. Moran, Managing Cultural Dijferences, 4.print., Houston,Texas: Gulf Pub.Com., 1987, s. 123.
  • [6] - Ergun, Doğan, 100 Soruda Sosyoloji El Kitabı, 4.baskı, İstanbul: Gerçek Yay., 1984, s. 125.
  • [7] - Schein, Edgar H., "Organizational Culture", American Psvchologist, February 1990, 45(2), s.109.
  • [8] - Hellriegel, Don ve John W. Slocumjr., Management, 6tlı ed., Reading: Addison-Wesley Pub. Coııı., 1992, s.555.
  • [9] - Peters, Thornas ve Robert H. Waterman,Jr., in Search of Excellence, New York: Harper & Rovv, 1982, s.75.
  • [10) - Schein, Edgar H., Organizational Culture and Leadership, San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Pub., 1985, s.9.
  • [11]- Luthans, Fred, OrganizationalBehavior, 6th ed., Nevv York: McGraw-Hill, Inc., 1992, ss.563-65.
  • [12] - Dyer, Gibb W. Jr., “The Cycle of Cultural Evolution in Orgaııizations”, (der) Ralph H. Killman, Marry J. Saxton ve Roy Serpa, Gaining Control of Corporate Culture, San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Pııb., 1986, s.210.
  • [13] - Evan, William M., Organization Theory: Research and Design, Nevv York: Macmillan Pub., 1993, s.301.
  • [ 14] - Killman, Ralph H., “Five Steps for Closing Culture- Gaps", (der) Ralph IT. Killman, Marry J. Saxton ve Roy Serpa, Gaining t’ontrol of Corporate Culture, Saıı Francisco: Jossey- Bass Pub., 1986, ss. 356-57.
  • [ 15] - Erdoğan, İlhan, İşletmelerde Kişi Değerlemede Psikoteknik, İstanbul: İ.Ü.İyletme Fakültesi Yay. No.243, 4.bas., 1 991, s.145.
  • [ 16] - O'Reüly III, Charles A., Jeımifer Chatman ve David F. Caldvvell, "People and Organizational Culture: A Profile Comparison Approach to Assessing Person-Organization Fit", Acadeıvv of Management Journal, 1991, 34(3), ss. 487-516.
  • [ 17] - O'Reilly, Charles, “Corporations, Culture, and Commilment: Motivation and Social Control in Orgaııizations”, Calijornia Management Revievv, Sumıner 1989, 31(4), ss. 17- 18. '
  • [ 18] - Erdoğan, İlhan, işletmelerde Davranış, İstanbul: İ.Ü. İşletme Fakültesi Yayın No.242, 1991, s.198.
  • [19] - Davis, Tim R. V.. “Managing Culture at the Bottorn”, (der) Ralph H. Killman, Marry J. Saxton ve Roy Serpa, Gaining Control of Corporate Culture, San Francisco: Jossey- Bass Pub., 1986, ss. 163-180.
  • [20] - Sargut, A. Selami, Kiiltiirlerarası Farklılaşma ve Yönetim. Ankara: V Yay., 1994, ss.81-86.
  • [21] - Varol, Muharrem, "Örgüt Kültürü ve Örgüt ğklinıi", Ankara Üniversitesi, Siyasal Bilgiler Fak. Dergisi, Ocak- Ha/.iraıı 1989, c.44, no. 1-2, s.203.
  • [22 ] - Erdoğan, İlhan, Kiiltiir ve Davranış Ders Notları, İ.Ü. İşletme Fakültesi, İşletme-Persoırel Yönetim Organizasyon Anabilim Dalı Doktora Programı, 1994-95 I. Yarıyıl.
  • [23] - Gray, Jerry L. ve Frederick A. Starke, Organizational Behavior: Concepts and Applications, 4.ed., Columbus: Merrill Pub.Com., 1988, ss.447-8.
  • [24] - Schein, Edgar H., "Corning to aNew Awareness of Orgaııizational Culture", Sloan Management Review, Winter 1984, s.3.
Year 1998, Volume: 2 Issue: 9, 223 - 230, 20.01.1998



  • [ 1 ] - Ouclıi. VVilliaııı G., Theory Z, New York: Avon Books, 1982..
  • [ 2 ] -Pascale, Rıchard T. ve Anthony G. Athos, The Arı of Japonese Management, Nevv York: Wames Books, 1982.
  • [3] - Silverzvveig, S tan ve Robert F. Alleıı, “Changiııg the Corporate Culture”, Sloan Management Review, Spring 1976, 17(3), s: 33.
  • [4] - Özdevecioğlu, Mahmut, "Organizasyon Kültürü", (haz) Mustafa Özel, Stratejik Yönetim ve Liderlik, İstanbul: İz Yay., 1994, s. 121.
  • [ 5 ] - Harris, Philip R. ve Robert T. Moran, Managing Cultural Dijferences, 4.print., Houston,Texas: Gulf Pub.Com., 1987, s. 123.
  • [6] - Ergun, Doğan, 100 Soruda Sosyoloji El Kitabı, 4.baskı, İstanbul: Gerçek Yay., 1984, s. 125.
  • [7] - Schein, Edgar H., "Organizational Culture", American Psvchologist, February 1990, 45(2), s.109.
  • [8] - Hellriegel, Don ve John W. Slocumjr., Management, 6tlı ed., Reading: Addison-Wesley Pub. Coııı., 1992, s.555.
  • [9] - Peters, Thornas ve Robert H. Waterman,Jr., in Search of Excellence, New York: Harper & Rovv, 1982, s.75.
  • [10) - Schein, Edgar H., Organizational Culture and Leadership, San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Pub., 1985, s.9.
  • [11]- Luthans, Fred, OrganizationalBehavior, 6th ed., Nevv York: McGraw-Hill, Inc., 1992, ss.563-65.
  • [12] - Dyer, Gibb W. Jr., “The Cycle of Cultural Evolution in Orgaııizations”, (der) Ralph H. Killman, Marry J. Saxton ve Roy Serpa, Gaining Control of Corporate Culture, San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Pııb., 1986, s.210.
  • [13] - Evan, William M., Organization Theory: Research and Design, Nevv York: Macmillan Pub., 1993, s.301.
  • [ 14] - Killman, Ralph H., “Five Steps for Closing Culture- Gaps", (der) Ralph IT. Killman, Marry J. Saxton ve Roy Serpa, Gaining t’ontrol of Corporate Culture, Saıı Francisco: Jossey- Bass Pub., 1986, ss. 356-57.
  • [ 15] - Erdoğan, İlhan, İşletmelerde Kişi Değerlemede Psikoteknik, İstanbul: İ.Ü.İyletme Fakültesi Yay. No.243, 4.bas., 1 991, s.145.
  • [ 16] - O'Reüly III, Charles A., Jeımifer Chatman ve David F. Caldvvell, "People and Organizational Culture: A Profile Comparison Approach to Assessing Person-Organization Fit", Acadeıvv of Management Journal, 1991, 34(3), ss. 487-516.
  • [ 17] - O'Reilly, Charles, “Corporations, Culture, and Commilment: Motivation and Social Control in Orgaııizations”, Calijornia Management Revievv, Sumıner 1989, 31(4), ss. 17- 18. '
  • [ 18] - Erdoğan, İlhan, işletmelerde Davranış, İstanbul: İ.Ü. İşletme Fakültesi Yayın No.242, 1991, s.198.
  • [19] - Davis, Tim R. V.. “Managing Culture at the Bottorn”, (der) Ralph H. Killman, Marry J. Saxton ve Roy Serpa, Gaining Control of Corporate Culture, San Francisco: Jossey- Bass Pub., 1986, ss. 163-180.
  • [20] - Sargut, A. Selami, Kiiltiirlerarası Farklılaşma ve Yönetim. Ankara: V Yay., 1994, ss.81-86.
  • [21] - Varol, Muharrem, "Örgüt Kültürü ve Örgüt ğklinıi", Ankara Üniversitesi, Siyasal Bilgiler Fak. Dergisi, Ocak- Ha/.iraıı 1989, c.44, no. 1-2, s.203.
  • [22 ] - Erdoğan, İlhan, Kiiltiir ve Davranış Ders Notları, İ.Ü. İşletme Fakültesi, İşletme-Persoırel Yönetim Organizasyon Anabilim Dalı Doktora Programı, 1994-95 I. Yarıyıl.
  • [23] - Gray, Jerry L. ve Frederick A. Starke, Organizational Behavior: Concepts and Applications, 4.ed., Columbus: Merrill Pub.Com., 1988, ss.447-8.
  • [24] - Schein, Edgar H., "Corning to aNew Awareness of Orgaııizational Culture", Sloan Management Review, Winter 1984, s.3.
There are 24 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Eski Sayılar

Hüseyin Çırpan This is me

Mustafa Koyuncu This is me

Publication Date January 20, 1998
Published in Issue Year 1998 Volume: 2 Issue: 9




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