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Year 1997, Volume: 2 Issue: 8, 17 - 28, 15.03.1997


iktisadi büyüme açısından ülkeler arasındaki uzun dönem performans farklılıklarının nedenleri öteden beri iktisatçıların üzerinde durduğu bir problemdir. Bu çalışmada Solow’un teknolojik gelişme ve büyüme analizlerinde çözümsüz olarak bıraktığı “artık” (reşidimi) kavramından hareketle, yeni sanayileşen Doğu Asya ülkelerinde toplumsal yetenek olgusunun büyümeyi nasıl etkilediği sorusu üzerinde durulacaktır.


  • Abramovitz, M., " The Element of Social Capability, " in Koo., B. And Perkiııs, D.H., eds., Social Capability and Long Temi Economic Grovvth. ( forthcoming ), 1995
  • Aoki, M., Evolution and Diversitv of Economic System. Toyo Keizai Shinpo, Tokyo, 1995 ( in .Tapanese )
  • Aoki, M .," Decentralized hılonııation Processing and Hierachical Moııitoring," in Koo., B. And
  • Perkins, D., eds., Social Capability and Long Temi Economic Grovvth. ( forthcoming ), 1995
  • Aoki, M., " Decentralizalion - Ceııtralization in Japanese Organizatioıı: A dnality Principle, " in K.unıoıı.
  • S and Rosovsky, H., ( eds. ), The Political Eeoııomv of Japan ( İD 1: Cııltural and Social Dynamics. Stanford University Press, 1992
  • Barro, R.J.. " Economic Grovvth in a Cross Section of Coııntries, " Ouarterlv Journal of Economics. May, 1991
  • Cole. R.E.," Soıııe Cııltural and Social Bases of Japanese Imıovation: Snıall Group Activities in
  • Comperative Perspective, " in Kumon and Rosovsky, Ibid.
  • Coleman, J.S.," Social Capital in tlıe Creation of Huıııan Capital," American Journal of Sociology 94, 1988(S95-S120)
  • Davis, L. And North, D .C .," hıstitutional Clıange and American Economic Grovvth, " Journal of Economic History. 30, 1970 Easterly, W .," Explaiııing Miracles: Grovvth Regressions Meet tlıe Gang of Four," The World Bank Policv Research Workiııg Paper. 1250, February, 1994
  • Inai. K .," Japaıı's Corporate Netvvork," in Kıınıon and Rosovsky, Ibid.
  • Inglelıart, R.," The Effect of Culture on Economic Development: Theory, Hvpotlıesis and Soıııe
  • Empirical Tests, American Journal of Political Science ( Forthcomina 1. 1995
  • Ishikavva, T., ed., Distribııtion of Wealth and hıconıe in Japan. University of Tokyo Press, 1944 ( in Japanese )
  • Koike, K .," Huıııan Resource Development and Labor- Management Relatioııs,", in Yananıııra, K and
  • Yasuba, Y., Tlıe Political Econonıy of Japan (I), The Doıııestic Transfonnation, Stanford University Press, 1987
  • Krugman, P .," The Myth of tlıe Asia's Miracle," Foreign Affairs, Nov-Dec. 1994
  • Kuroda. E., The Financial System of Japan, Bank of Japan, Tokyo, 1995 ( in Japanese )
  • Kuzuets, S., Modem Economic Grovvth: Rate, Strııcture and Spread, Yale University Press, Nevv Haveıı, 1966
  • Nakamura. M.,, eds., Occııpation and Reform, Tokyo, 1995 ( in Japanese )
  • North, D., institutions, hıstitutional Clıange and Economic Performance, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1990
  • Ohkavva, K., Grovvth Mechanism of Developiııg Economies: Investment, Prodııctivity and Employment, International Çenter for Economic Grovvth & IDCJ of Japan, 199.3
  • Ohkavva, K. And Rosovsky, H., Japanese Fİconomic Grovvth: Trend Acceleratioıı in tlıe Tvventieth Century, Stanford University Press, Stanford, 1973
  • Park, E., " Huıııan Resource Developmenl and Utilization in tlıe Asia-Pacilic: Korea, " HRD and Utilization, Iııstitııte of Southeast Asian Studies, Singapore, 1992
  • Putnam, R.D., Making Democracy Work: Civic Traditions in Modem Italy, Princeton University Press, 1993
  • Putnam, R .D .," Bowling Alone: Democracy in America At tlıe end of the Tıventieth Century," Nobel Symposium Paper. August, 1994
  • Rodrik, D., "Gettiııg interventıoııs Right: How South Korea and Tai\van Grew Rich, " NBER Paper, 4964, Dec.
  • Stiglitz, J.E., "Social Absorption Capability and Innovation," in Koo, B.H., and Perkins, D.H., eds., Ibid.
  • Urata, S., ed., Trade Liberalization and Productivity Growth in Asia and Latin America, Institute of Developing Economies, Tokyo, 1995
  • Uzawa, H., ed., Market, Public Good and Human: Political Economv of Social Overhead Capital, Tokyo, 1992
  • Williamson, O .E .," Iııstitııte and Economic Organization: The Govemance Perspective, "Paper Preseııted at
  • Annual Bank Coııference on Development Economic. The World Bank, Washington, D.C., April, 1994
  • Yoıuıg, A .," The Tyramıy of Nıımbers: Confronting the Statistical Realities of the East Asian Growth Experience," NBER Paper, 1994. 1994
  • Rohlen. T.P., "Leaming: The Mobilization of Knowledge i n Japanese Political Economy," inKumon and Rosovsky, Ibid.
  • Solow, R.M., "A Coııtribution t o the Theory of Economic Growth, "Quarterly Joıımal of Economics, February, 1956
  • Stiglitz, J.E., " On the Ecolıomic Role of the State, " in A. Heertje, ed., The Economic Role of the State, Oxford, 1989
Year 1997, Volume: 2 Issue: 8, 17 - 28, 15.03.1997



  • Abramovitz, M., " The Element of Social Capability, " in Koo., B. And Perkiııs, D.H., eds., Social Capability and Long Temi Economic Grovvth. ( forthcoming ), 1995
  • Aoki, M., Evolution and Diversitv of Economic System. Toyo Keizai Shinpo, Tokyo, 1995 ( in .Tapanese )
  • Aoki, M .," Decentralized hılonııation Processing and Hierachical Moııitoring," in Koo., B. And
  • Perkins, D., eds., Social Capability and Long Temi Economic Grovvth. ( forthcoming ), 1995
  • Aoki, M., " Decentralizalion - Ceııtralization in Japanese Organizatioıı: A dnality Principle, " in K.unıoıı.
  • S and Rosovsky, H., ( eds. ), The Political Eeoııomv of Japan ( İD 1: Cııltural and Social Dynamics. Stanford University Press, 1992
  • Barro, R.J.. " Economic Grovvth in a Cross Section of Coııntries, " Ouarterlv Journal of Economics. May, 1991
  • Cole. R.E.," Soıııe Cııltural and Social Bases of Japanese Imıovation: Snıall Group Activities in
  • Comperative Perspective, " in Kumon and Rosovsky, Ibid.
  • Coleman, J.S.," Social Capital in tlıe Creation of Huıııan Capital," American Journal of Sociology 94, 1988(S95-S120)
  • Davis, L. And North, D .C .," hıstitutional Clıange and American Economic Grovvth, " Journal of Economic History. 30, 1970 Easterly, W .," Explaiııing Miracles: Grovvth Regressions Meet tlıe Gang of Four," The World Bank Policv Research Workiııg Paper. 1250, February, 1994
  • Inai. K .," Japaıı's Corporate Netvvork," in Kıınıon and Rosovsky, Ibid.
  • Inglelıart, R.," The Effect of Culture on Economic Development: Theory, Hvpotlıesis and Soıııe
  • Empirical Tests, American Journal of Political Science ( Forthcomina 1. 1995
  • Ishikavva, T., ed., Distribııtion of Wealth and hıconıe in Japan. University of Tokyo Press, 1944 ( in Japanese )
  • Koike, K .," Huıııan Resource Development and Labor- Management Relatioııs,", in Yananıııra, K and
  • Yasuba, Y., Tlıe Political Econonıy of Japan (I), The Doıııestic Transfonnation, Stanford University Press, 1987
  • Krugman, P .," The Myth of tlıe Asia's Miracle," Foreign Affairs, Nov-Dec. 1994
  • Kuroda. E., The Financial System of Japan, Bank of Japan, Tokyo, 1995 ( in Japanese )
  • Kuzuets, S., Modem Economic Grovvth: Rate, Strııcture and Spread, Yale University Press, Nevv Haveıı, 1966
  • Nakamura. M.,, eds., Occııpation and Reform, Tokyo, 1995 ( in Japanese )
  • North, D., institutions, hıstitutional Clıange and Economic Performance, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1990
  • Ohkavva, K., Grovvth Mechanism of Developiııg Economies: Investment, Prodııctivity and Employment, International Çenter for Economic Grovvth & IDCJ of Japan, 199.3
  • Ohkavva, K. And Rosovsky, H., Japanese Fİconomic Grovvth: Trend Acceleratioıı in tlıe Tvventieth Century, Stanford University Press, Stanford, 1973
  • Park, E., " Huıııan Resource Developmenl and Utilization in tlıe Asia-Pacilic: Korea, " HRD and Utilization, Iııstitııte of Southeast Asian Studies, Singapore, 1992
  • Putnam, R.D., Making Democracy Work: Civic Traditions in Modem Italy, Princeton University Press, 1993
  • Putnam, R .D .," Bowling Alone: Democracy in America At tlıe end of the Tıventieth Century," Nobel Symposium Paper. August, 1994
  • Rodrik, D., "Gettiııg interventıoııs Right: How South Korea and Tai\van Grew Rich, " NBER Paper, 4964, Dec.
  • Stiglitz, J.E., "Social Absorption Capability and Innovation," in Koo, B.H., and Perkins, D.H., eds., Ibid.
  • Urata, S., ed., Trade Liberalization and Productivity Growth in Asia and Latin America, Institute of Developing Economies, Tokyo, 1995
  • Uzawa, H., ed., Market, Public Good and Human: Political Economv of Social Overhead Capital, Tokyo, 1992
  • Williamson, O .E .," Iııstitııte and Economic Organization: The Govemance Perspective, "Paper Preseııted at
  • Annual Bank Coııference on Development Economic. The World Bank, Washington, D.C., April, 1994
  • Yoıuıg, A .," The Tyramıy of Nıımbers: Confronting the Statistical Realities of the East Asian Growth Experience," NBER Paper, 1994. 1994
  • Rohlen. T.P., "Leaming: The Mobilization of Knowledge i n Japanese Political Economy," inKumon and Rosovsky, Ibid.
  • Solow, R.M., "A Coııtribution t o the Theory of Economic Growth, "Quarterly Joıımal of Economics, February, 1956
  • Stiglitz, J.E., " On the Ecolıomic Role of the State, " in A. Heertje, ed., The Economic Role of the State, Oxford, 1989
There are 37 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Eski Sayılar

Eul Yong Park This is me

Publication Date March 15, 1997
Published in Issue Year 1997 Volume: 2 Issue: 8


APA Park, E. Y. (1997). SOCIAL CAPABILITY AND ECONOMIC GROWTH. Öneri Dergisi, 2(8), 17-28.


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