ABD firmalarının dünya pazarlarında diğer kültürlerle rekabet sırasında karşılaşmış oldukları güçlükler ve edinmiş oldukları deneyimler ile örgütleri çeşitli yönleri anlama konusundaki çabaların üst üste gelmesi konuyu çekici kılmıştır (Trice ve Beyer. 1993). Batı toplumlarındaki yapısal eşitsizlikler de konunun güncelleşmesinde diğer bir neden olarak sayılmaktadır (Meek, 1988). Bu ortam koşullarında Ouchi’in “Teori Z”, (Ouchi, 1989), Peters ve Watermanfm “Mükemmeli Arayış” (Peters ve Waterman, 1987) eserlerinin yayınlanması konuyu yönetim ve örgüt yazınına taşımakta önemli rol oynamıştır.
Barney, Jay B., (1986) Organizational Cıılture: Can it be a Source of Sustained Coıııpetitive Advantage, Academy ofManagementReview, 11/3,656-
Bozkurt, Tülay. (1996) İşletme Kültürü: Kavram Tanımı ve MetodolojikSorunlar,Endüstri ve Örgüt Psikolojisi, (Ed: Suna Tevriiz). İstanbul: Türk Psikologlar Demeği.
Calon, Roland, Philippe Samin, (1991) Corporate Cultııre and Ecouomic Perfomıanee: A Freııch Study, Organization Studies, 12/1,49-74.
Check-Teck, Foo, (1992) Cıılture. Productivity and Struclure: A SingaporeStudy,O rganization Studies. 13/4, 589-609.
Coonıbs, Rod, David Knights, Hugb C. Willmott, (1992), Cıılture, and Competition; Towards a
Conceptual Fraıııeıvork for the Study of Information Teclmology in Organizations, Organization Studies, 13/1,51-72.
Dicle, İ. Atilla, (1987) Japonya’da İnsangücü Yönetimi ve Türkiye Açısından Önemi, ODTÜ Gelişme Dergisi, 14/3, 245-269. Erdoğan,İlhan,(1991 )İşletmelerde Davranış, İstanbul:1.0.
Golden, Karen, (1992) The Individual and Organizational Cultııre: Strategies for Action in Highly-Ordered Contexts, .Journal of Management Studies, 29/1, 1- 21.
Gordon, George G., Nancy DıTomosa, (1992) Predicting Corporate Perfomıanee Froın Organization Culture, Journal o f Management Studies, 29/6, 783-798.
Güvenç,Bozkurt,(1991)İnsan ve K ültür,(5.B)İstanbul. Remzi Kitabevi.
Hampden, Charles, Tumer-Alfons Trompenaars, (1995), Kapitalizmin YediKültürü, (Çev:Füsun Doruker), İstanbul, Gençlik Yayınları.
Heilpem, Jetleri D., David A. Nadler, (1992) İmplementery Total Qııality Management: A Processes ofCulturalChange,O rganizational ArchitectureıDesignsfor Clıanging
Organizations (DerDavid Neadle) New York, l'he .lossey-Bassey.
Hofstede, Geert, Braın Neuıjeıı, Danise Ohavv, Geert Sanders, (1990) Measuring Organizational Cultures: A Qııalitative Study across Twenty Cases, Adminislratitive Science Quarterly, 35:286-316.
Keenoy, Tom, Mike Noon, (1992) Eıııployment Relatioııs in the Enterprise Cııltureffhemes and Issues, J o u r n a l
Leviaten, Uri, (1984) Research Note: The Kibbııtz as a Situation for Cross-Cultural Research, Organization Studies, 5/1,67-75.
Macomides, George A.. Ronald H. Heck, ( 1993) Organizational Cıılture and Perfomianee: ProposingandTestingaModel,Organization S c ie n c e . 4/2, 209-225.
Moran, Thonıas E.. .1. Frederiks Volkıvein, (1992) Tlıe Cultural Approach to the Fonnation of Organizational Climate, Human Relations , 45/1, 19-47. Özlem. Doğan, (1993) Kültür Bilimler ve Kültür Fantezisi , İstanbul: Remzi Kitabevi.
Peters. Thomas J., Robert, H. VVatemıaıı. (1987) Y ö n e t m e v e YükselmeSanatı:Mükemmeli Arayış, (Çev:Selanıi Sargut), İstanbul: Altın Kitaplar.
Rowlinson, Michael, John Hassard, (1993), The hıvention of Corporate Cultııre: A Hislory of the Histories of
Cadbury,Human Relations, 46/3,299-326.
Sackman, Sonja, A., ( 1992) Cultııre and Subcultures: An Aııalysis of Organizational Knowledge, Administrative Science Quarterlv, 37:140- 161.
Schem, Edgar, FI., (1990) Organizational cıılture, A m e r i c a n Psyciıologıst, 45/2:109-119.
Trice, Harrison M., Janice M. Beyer, (1984) Stııdving Organizational Cultures Tlırough Rites and
Ceremonials,A cadem y o fM anagem ent Review, 9/4, 653-669.
Trice, Harrison M., Janice M. Beyer, (1991) Cultural Leadership in Organizatioııs, Organization Science, 2/2,149-169.
Trice, Plarrison M., Janice M. Beyer, (1993) The Culture of Work Organizations, London, Prentice Hall Intemational.
Tunıer, Charles Hampden, Alfons Trompenars, (1995) Kapitalizmin YediKültüm, (Çev:Füsun Doruker), İstanbul, Gençlik Yayınları.
Weslley, Frances R., (1990) The Eve of the Needle: Cultural and Personal Traıısfomıation in a Traditional Organization, Human Relations , 43/3, 273-293.
Young. Ed, (1989) On the Nanıing of the Rose: Iııterests and Multiple Meanings as Elements of OrganizationalCultııre,O rganization Studies, 10/2, 187-206.
of Management Studies, 29/5,563-570.
Year 1997,
Volume: 2 Issue: 8, 39 - 45, 15.03.1997
Barney, Jay B., (1986) Organizational Cıılture: Can it be a Source of Sustained Coıııpetitive Advantage, Academy ofManagementReview, 11/3,656-
Bozkurt, Tülay. (1996) İşletme Kültürü: Kavram Tanımı ve MetodolojikSorunlar,Endüstri ve Örgüt Psikolojisi, (Ed: Suna Tevriiz). İstanbul: Türk Psikologlar Demeği.
Calon, Roland, Philippe Samin, (1991) Corporate Cultııre and Ecouomic Perfomıanee: A Freııch Study, Organization Studies, 12/1,49-74.
Check-Teck, Foo, (1992) Cıılture. Productivity and Struclure: A SingaporeStudy,O rganization Studies. 13/4, 589-609.
Coonıbs, Rod, David Knights, Hugb C. Willmott, (1992), Cıılture, and Competition; Towards a
Conceptual Fraıııeıvork for the Study of Information Teclmology in Organizations, Organization Studies, 13/1,51-72.
Dicle, İ. Atilla, (1987) Japonya’da İnsangücü Yönetimi ve Türkiye Açısından Önemi, ODTÜ Gelişme Dergisi, 14/3, 245-269. Erdoğan,İlhan,(1991 )İşletmelerde Davranış, İstanbul:1.0.
Golden, Karen, (1992) The Individual and Organizational Cultııre: Strategies for Action in Highly-Ordered Contexts, .Journal of Management Studies, 29/1, 1- 21.
Gordon, George G., Nancy DıTomosa, (1992) Predicting Corporate Perfomıanee Froın Organization Culture, Journal o f Management Studies, 29/6, 783-798.
Güvenç,Bozkurt,(1991)İnsan ve K ültür,(5.B)İstanbul. Remzi Kitabevi.
Hampden, Charles, Tumer-Alfons Trompenaars, (1995), Kapitalizmin YediKültürü, (Çev:Füsun Doruker), İstanbul, Gençlik Yayınları.
Heilpem, Jetleri D., David A. Nadler, (1992) İmplementery Total Qııality Management: A Processes ofCulturalChange,O rganizational ArchitectureıDesignsfor Clıanging
Organizations (DerDavid Neadle) New York, l'he .lossey-Bassey.
Hofstede, Geert, Braın Neuıjeıı, Danise Ohavv, Geert Sanders, (1990) Measuring Organizational Cultures: A Qııalitative Study across Twenty Cases, Adminislratitive Science Quarterly, 35:286-316.
Keenoy, Tom, Mike Noon, (1992) Eıııployment Relatioııs in the Enterprise Cııltureffhemes and Issues, J o u r n a l
Leviaten, Uri, (1984) Research Note: The Kibbııtz as a Situation for Cross-Cultural Research, Organization Studies, 5/1,67-75.
Macomides, George A.. Ronald H. Heck, ( 1993) Organizational Cıılture and Perfomianee: ProposingandTestingaModel,Organization S c ie n c e . 4/2, 209-225.
Moran, Thonıas E.. .1. Frederiks Volkıvein, (1992) Tlıe Cultural Approach to the Fonnation of Organizational Climate, Human Relations , 45/1, 19-47. Özlem. Doğan, (1993) Kültür Bilimler ve Kültür Fantezisi , İstanbul: Remzi Kitabevi.
Peters. Thomas J., Robert, H. VVatemıaıı. (1987) Y ö n e t m e v e YükselmeSanatı:Mükemmeli Arayış, (Çev:Selanıi Sargut), İstanbul: Altın Kitaplar.
Rowlinson, Michael, John Hassard, (1993), The hıvention of Corporate Cultııre: A Hislory of the Histories of
Cadbury,Human Relations, 46/3,299-326.
Sackman, Sonja, A., ( 1992) Cultııre and Subcultures: An Aııalysis of Organizational Knowledge, Administrative Science Quarterlv, 37:140- 161.
Schem, Edgar, FI., (1990) Organizational cıılture, A m e r i c a n Psyciıologıst, 45/2:109-119.
Trice, Harrison M., Janice M. Beyer, (1984) Stııdving Organizational Cultures Tlırough Rites and
Ceremonials,A cadem y o fM anagem ent Review, 9/4, 653-669.
Trice, Harrison M., Janice M. Beyer, (1991) Cultural Leadership in Organizatioııs, Organization Science, 2/2,149-169.
Trice, Plarrison M., Janice M. Beyer, (1993) The Culture of Work Organizations, London, Prentice Hall Intemational.
Tunıer, Charles Hampden, Alfons Trompenars, (1995) Kapitalizmin YediKültüm, (Çev:Füsun Doruker), İstanbul, Gençlik Yayınları.
Weslley, Frances R., (1990) The Eve of the Needle: Cultural and Personal Traıısfomıation in a Traditional Organization, Human Relations , 43/3, 273-293.
Young. Ed, (1989) On the Nanıing of the Rose: Iııterests and Multiple Meanings as Elements of OrganizationalCultııre,O rganization Studies, 10/2, 187-206.
of Management Studies, 29/5,563-570.