This article takes a comparative view on the models of ‘New Public Management’ and ‘Excellence for Local Government’. As NPM has become a dominant movement in the theory and practice of public administration worldwide, it has been in application in local governments as well as central government. However, the Excellence Model for Local Government, which has been created by a generalisation of innovation efforts in such cities as Tilburg and Christchurch, is a different model, although it has a number of similarities with NPM. The former aims at creating an indigenous model for local government by major adjustments in NPM.
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Year 2003,
Volume: 5 Issue: 19, 93 - 99, 31.01.2003
[1] NASCHOLD, F.; DALEY, G., "Learning from the Pioneers: Modernizing Local Government", IPMJ, Cilt: 2, No: 1, 1999, ss.25,31,32.
[2] ATEŞ, H., "An Exploration of the Theory and Practice of the New Public Management", Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi, Liverpool Üniversitesi, 1999.
[3] PALLOT, J. "Local Government Reform in New Zealand: Options for Public management Reform As Governance", IPMN International Conference on New Public Management, St. Gallen, Isvicre, 1998, ss.16,17,19.
[4] ERYILMAZ, B., "Yeni Yönetim Anlayışının Belediyelere Etkileri”, Yerel Gündem 21, 1999, ss.43-51.
[5] EREN, V., "Yeni Kama Yönetimi Anlayışımız Belediyelere Etkileri ", Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi, Sakarya Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2001.
[6] MANDELARTZ, H., "Possibilities for Germany’s Lander to Influence Modernisation in Municipal Administrative Authorities", PUMA, Responsiveness in Local Governments, OECD: Paris, 1997.
[7] ADAMASCHEK, B., Intermunicipal Comparative Performance Measurement: Innovation Through Competition, Bertelsmann Foundation Publishers, Gutersloh, 1998.
[8] FENWICK, J.; BAILEY, M., "Local Government Reorganisation in the UK: Decentralisation or Corporatism?", The International Journal of Public Sector Management, Vol: 12, No: 3, 1999.
[9] PALLACH, U.C.; PROHL, M. (editorler), Carl Bertelsmann Prize 1993: Democracy and Efficiency in Local Government, Cilt: 1, Bertelsmann Foundation Publishers, Gutersloh, 1993.
[10] MARTIN, B., "Better Service for Less Money: Can the Tilburg Model Be Copied?", Public Services International, BP 9, 01211, ss.3,4.
[11] BROKX, G., "The Public Sector: Managing it as a Business", Tilburg Belediye Başkanı’nın Konuşmaları, Tilburg Belediyesi, Ağustos 1994.
[12] Consumers’ Institute of New Zealand (CCC), "How Good Is Your Local Council?", Consumer, No. 345, 1996, ss.1-9.
[13] ANDERSON, B., "Do We Have Better Local Government?", The Accountants Journal, Cilt: 72, No: 10, 1993, s.65-67.
[14] SHARPE, L.J., "Theories and Values of Local Government", Political Studies, Cilt: 18, No: 2, 1970, ss.153-174.