Year 2008,
Volume: 8 Issue: 30, 9 - 17, 10.06.2008
Salih Durer
Arzu Özsözgün Çalışkan
Halil Emre Akbaş
Sürdürülebilir rekabetçi avantajın elde edilmesinin temel unsuru; müşteriye sunulan değerin arttırılmasıdır. Müşteri değerinin arttırılması için ise müşteriye sunulan hizmetin kalitesinin geliştirilmesi zorunludur. Finans sektörünün en önemli kuruluşlarından olan bankalar daha üstün bir müşteri değeri yaratabilmek amacıyla teknolojiden geniş ölçüde faydalanmaktadırlar. Bu çalışmanın amacı; banka çalışanlarının ve müşterilerinin görüşleri doğrultusunda Internet bankacılığı, telefon bankacılığı, ATM’ler, WAP- bankacılığı, Kiosk bankacılığı ve TV-bankacılığı gibi teknolojinin yoğun olarak kullanıldığı elektronik dağıtım kanallarının öneminin ortaya konmasıdır. Bu amaç çerçevesinde banka çalışanları ve müşterilerini kapsayan bir anket çalışması yapılmıştır. Araştırmanın sonuçlarına göre bankacılık hizmetlerinin sunulmasında internet bankacılığının hem banka çalışanları hem de müşterileri tarafından gerek günümüzde ve gerekse de gelecekte en önemli dağıtım kanalı olarak algılandığı tespit edilmiştir.
- [1] Angur, M.G.; Nataraajan, R. & Jahera, Jr.J.S. (1999). Service Quality in the Banking Industry: An Assessment in a Development. International Journal of Bank Marketing, 17(3), 116-123.
- [2] Pereira, M.J. (2004). Impacts of Information Systems and Technology on Productivity and Competitiveness of the Portuguese Banking Sector: An Empirical Study. International Transactions in Operational Research, 11(1), 43-62.
- [3] Curry, A. & Penman, S. (2004). The Relative Importance of Technology in Enhancing Customer Relationships in Banking - A Scottish Perspective. Managing Service Quality, 14(4), 331-341.
- [4] Johnson, B.A.; Ott, J.H.; Stephenson, J.M. & Weberg, P.K. (1995). Banking on Multimedia. The McKinsey Quarterly, (2), 94-106.
- [5] Porter, M.E. (1985). Technology and Competitive Advantage. Journal of Business Strategy, 5(3), 60-78.
- [6] Hwayn-Boon, O. & Yu, C. (2003). Success Factors In E- Channels: The Malaysian Banking Scenario. International Journal of Bank Marketing, 21(6-7), 369-377.
- [7] Joseph, M. & Stone, G. (2003). An Empirical Evaluation of US Bank Customer Perceptions of The Impact of Technology on Service Delivery In the Banking Sector. International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, 31(4), 190-202.
- [8] Joseph, M.; Mcclure, C. & Joseph, B. (1999). Service Quality in The Banking Sector: The Impact of Technology on Service Delivery. International Journal of Bank Marketing, 17(4), 182-191.
- [9] İbrahim, E.E.; Joseph, M. & Ibeh, K.I.N. (2006). Customers’ Perception of Electronic Service Delivery in the UK Retail Banking Sector. International Journal of Bank Marketing, 24(7), 475-493.
- [10] Davies, H. (2000). The Uncertain but Exciting Future for Banking. Balance Sheet, 8(6), 11-16.
- [11] Karjaluoto, H.; Mattila, M. & Pento, T. (2002). Factors Underlying Attitude Formation tovvards Online Banking in Finland. International Journal of Bank Marketing, 20(6), 261-272.
- [12] Daniel, E. (1999). Provision of Electronic Banking in the UK and the Republic of Ireland. International Journal of Bank Marketing, 17(2), 72-82.
- [13] Prendergast, G. & Marr, N. (1994). Tovvards A Branchless Banking Society? International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, 22(2), 18-26.
- [14] Korkmaz, S. & Gövdeli, Y.E. (2005). Türk Bankacılığında Alternatif Dağıtım Kanalları ve Ürünleri İle Bunların Gelişiminde ve Pazarlanmasında Eğitimin Önemi. Endüstriyel Sanatlar Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, (15), Kasım- Aralık, ( 15_pdf/15-a.pdf). [28.04.2008].
- [15] Ramsay, J. & Smith, M. (1999). Managing Customer Channel Usage In the Australian Banking Sector. Managerial Auditing Journal, 14(7), 329-338.
- [16] Daniel, E. & Storey, C. (1997). On-line Banking: Strategic and Management Challenges. LongRange Planning, 30(6), 890-898.
- [17] Akinci, S.; Aksoy, Ş. & Atilgan, E. (2004). Adoption of Internet Banking Among Sophisticated Consumer Segments in an Advanced Developing Country. International Journal of Bank Marketing, 22(3), 212-232.
- [18] Sathye, M. (1999). Adoption of Internet Banking by Australian Consumers: An Empirical Investigation. International Journal of Bank Marketing, 17(7), 324-334.
- [19] (2007). Bankalarımız 2007. Türkiye Bankalar Birliği ( [28.04.2007],
- [20] Polatoğlu, V. & Ekin, S. (2001). An Empirical Investigation of The Turkish Consumers Acceptance of Internet banking Services. International Journal of Bank Marketing, 19(4), 156-165.
- [21] Bankalararası Kart Merkezi. ( [25.03.2008].
- [22] Gurau, C. (2002). Online Banking in Transition Economies: The Implementation and development of Online Banking Systems in Romania. International Journal of Bank Marketing, 20(6), 285-296.
- [23] Howcroft, B.; Hamilton, R. & Hewer, P. (2002). Consumer Attitude and The Usage and Adoption of Home-based Banking in the United Kingdom. International Journal of Bank Marketing, 20(3), 111-121.
- [24] Lymberopoulos, C. & Chaniotakis, I.E. (2003). Differences Between Bank Employees’ Perceptions towards Implications of Electronic Banking In Greece. Journal of Financial Services Marketing, 8(1), 35-47.
- [25] Pikkarainen, T.; Pikkarainen, K.; Karjaluoto, H. & Pahnila, S. (2004). Consumer Acceptance of Online Banking: An Extension of the Technology Acceptance Model. İnternet Research, 14(13), 224-235.
- [26] Lloyd-Walker, B. & Cheung, Y.P. (1998). IT to Support Service Quality Excellence in the Australian Banking Industry. Managing Service Quality, 8(5), 350-358.
Year 2008,
Volume: 8 Issue: 30, 9 - 17, 10.06.2008
Salih Durer
Arzu Özsözgün Çalışkan
Halil Emre Akbaş
- [1] Angur, M.G.; Nataraajan, R. & Jahera, Jr.J.S. (1999). Service Quality in the Banking Industry: An Assessment in a Development. International Journal of Bank Marketing, 17(3), 116-123.
- [2] Pereira, M.J. (2004). Impacts of Information Systems and Technology on Productivity and Competitiveness of the Portuguese Banking Sector: An Empirical Study. International Transactions in Operational Research, 11(1), 43-62.
- [3] Curry, A. & Penman, S. (2004). The Relative Importance of Technology in Enhancing Customer Relationships in Banking - A Scottish Perspective. Managing Service Quality, 14(4), 331-341.
- [4] Johnson, B.A.; Ott, J.H.; Stephenson, J.M. & Weberg, P.K. (1995). Banking on Multimedia. The McKinsey Quarterly, (2), 94-106.
- [5] Porter, M.E. (1985). Technology and Competitive Advantage. Journal of Business Strategy, 5(3), 60-78.
- [6] Hwayn-Boon, O. & Yu, C. (2003). Success Factors In E- Channels: The Malaysian Banking Scenario. International Journal of Bank Marketing, 21(6-7), 369-377.
- [7] Joseph, M. & Stone, G. (2003). An Empirical Evaluation of US Bank Customer Perceptions of The Impact of Technology on Service Delivery In the Banking Sector. International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, 31(4), 190-202.
- [8] Joseph, M.; Mcclure, C. & Joseph, B. (1999). Service Quality in The Banking Sector: The Impact of Technology on Service Delivery. International Journal of Bank Marketing, 17(4), 182-191.
- [9] İbrahim, E.E.; Joseph, M. & Ibeh, K.I.N. (2006). Customers’ Perception of Electronic Service Delivery in the UK Retail Banking Sector. International Journal of Bank Marketing, 24(7), 475-493.
- [10] Davies, H. (2000). The Uncertain but Exciting Future for Banking. Balance Sheet, 8(6), 11-16.
- [11] Karjaluoto, H.; Mattila, M. & Pento, T. (2002). Factors Underlying Attitude Formation tovvards Online Banking in Finland. International Journal of Bank Marketing, 20(6), 261-272.
- [12] Daniel, E. (1999). Provision of Electronic Banking in the UK and the Republic of Ireland. International Journal of Bank Marketing, 17(2), 72-82.
- [13] Prendergast, G. & Marr, N. (1994). Tovvards A Branchless Banking Society? International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, 22(2), 18-26.
- [14] Korkmaz, S. & Gövdeli, Y.E. (2005). Türk Bankacılığında Alternatif Dağıtım Kanalları ve Ürünleri İle Bunların Gelişiminde ve Pazarlanmasında Eğitimin Önemi. Endüstriyel Sanatlar Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, (15), Kasım- Aralık, ( 15_pdf/15-a.pdf). [28.04.2008].
- [15] Ramsay, J. & Smith, M. (1999). Managing Customer Channel Usage In the Australian Banking Sector. Managerial Auditing Journal, 14(7), 329-338.
- [16] Daniel, E. & Storey, C. (1997). On-line Banking: Strategic and Management Challenges. LongRange Planning, 30(6), 890-898.
- [17] Akinci, S.; Aksoy, Ş. & Atilgan, E. (2004). Adoption of Internet Banking Among Sophisticated Consumer Segments in an Advanced Developing Country. International Journal of Bank Marketing, 22(3), 212-232.
- [18] Sathye, M. (1999). Adoption of Internet Banking by Australian Consumers: An Empirical Investigation. International Journal of Bank Marketing, 17(7), 324-334.
- [19] (2007). Bankalarımız 2007. Türkiye Bankalar Birliği ( [28.04.2007],
- [20] Polatoğlu, V. & Ekin, S. (2001). An Empirical Investigation of The Turkish Consumers Acceptance of Internet banking Services. International Journal of Bank Marketing, 19(4), 156-165.
- [21] Bankalararası Kart Merkezi. ( [25.03.2008].
- [22] Gurau, C. (2002). Online Banking in Transition Economies: The Implementation and development of Online Banking Systems in Romania. International Journal of Bank Marketing, 20(6), 285-296.
- [23] Howcroft, B.; Hamilton, R. & Hewer, P. (2002). Consumer Attitude and The Usage and Adoption of Home-based Banking in the United Kingdom. International Journal of Bank Marketing, 20(3), 111-121.
- [24] Lymberopoulos, C. & Chaniotakis, I.E. (2003). Differences Between Bank Employees’ Perceptions towards Implications of Electronic Banking In Greece. Journal of Financial Services Marketing, 8(1), 35-47.
- [25] Pikkarainen, T.; Pikkarainen, K.; Karjaluoto, H. & Pahnila, S. (2004). Consumer Acceptance of Online Banking: An Extension of the Technology Acceptance Model. İnternet Research, 14(13), 224-235.
- [26] Lloyd-Walker, B. & Cheung, Y.P. (1998). IT to Support Service Quality Excellence in the Australian Banking Industry. Managing Service Quality, 8(5), 350-358.