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Year 1999, Volume: 2 Issue: 11, 161 - 167, 20.01.1999


Turizm özellikle pazarlama alanında bilgisayar teknolojisindeki gelişmelerden önemli ölçüde ve süratli bir şekilde yararlanabilme avantajına sahiptir. Bununla beraber bir çok turistik tesise ve özellikle bir zincire bağlı olmadan faaliyet gösteren münferit turizm kuruluşlarında enformasyon teknolojilerinden yeterince yararlanamadığı görülmektedir.


  • 1. ALFORD. P.. Barnsley. D. (i998). "Usung Information Tecnology to Access Overseas Markets" Information and Communication Tecnologies in Tourism 1998. İstanbul. Turkey. s. 1,9.
  • 2. ANON.. (1996). "A View of the Next Millennium". Anderson World Widc SC/New York University. New York.
  • 3. BAĞAMA. C. (1998). "Avrupa Turizminde Yeni Eğilimler ve Türk Tur Oparatörleri Paneli". İstanbul. Ekim.
  • 4. BEAVER. A. (1995). "Lack of CRS Accessibility May be Strangling Small Hotelliers. the Lil'eblood of European Tourism". Tourism Economics. Vol. 1 No.4. s. 345.
  • 5. BİRKAN. I. (1993). "Distribution Channel Systems of Resort Hotels in Turkey". 6'h Bi-Annval World Marketing Congress. Academy of Marketing Science. Vol. VI. Sirgy. M.J.. Bahn. K.. Ereni T. (eds). (Temmuz. İstanbul), s. 132-133.
  • 6. BİRKAN.I. (1994). "Resort Otellerin Pazarlama Kanallarının Analizi: Türkiye Üzerine Bir İnceleme ve Araştırma" Marmara Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü İşletme Anabilim Dalı Üretim Yönetimi ve Pazarlama Bilim Dalı Doktora Tezi. s. 139.
  • 7. BUHALİS. D.. Main. H. (1998). "Information Technology in Peripheral Small and Mediunı Hospitality Enterprises: Strategic Analysis and Critical Factors". International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Managment. 10/5. s. 198.
  • 8. DOMBEY. A. (1998). "Separating the Emotioıı From the Fact - The Effects of New lntermediaries on Electronic Travel Distribution". Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism 1998. Proceedings of the International Conference in İstanbul. Turkev. s. 129.
  • 9. DUKE. C. ve Persia. M. (1993). "ElTects of Distribution Channel Level on Tour ptırchasing Attributes end Information Sources". Journal of Travel and Tourism Marketing. s. 37.
  • 10. DUKE. C.R.. Persia. M.A. (1993). "ElTects on Distribution Channel Level on Tour Ptırchasing Attributes and Information Sources". Journal of Travel and Tourism Marketing. s. 37-55.
  • 11. ECHTERMEYER, M. (1993). "Global Information Technologies in the Airlines Tourism Business" VNR'S Encylopedia of Hospitality and Tourism. Nevv York: Van Nostrand Reinhold.
  • 12. EMMER. R.. Wilkinson S.. Moore. G. (1993). "Marketing Hotels. Usiııg Global Distribution Systems". Cornell Hotel and Restaurant Administration Quaıterly. No: 5. s. 80.
  • 13. HAC1SÜLEYMAN. Y. (1998). II. Bilkent Turizm Formun'da sunulan Tebliğ.
  • 14. HANNA. .1. ve Millar. R. (1997). "Promoting Tourism on the Internet". Tourism Managment. Vol. 18. No: 7 s. 469.
  • 15. HENSDİLL . C. (1998 a)." The Ne\v Breed of CRES. the Internet is Paving the Way for Nevv. More Economical Approaches to Central Reservations". Hotels The Magazine of the Worldwide Hotel İndustry. s. 105.
  • 16. HENSDİLL. C. (1998 b). "Net Leverage. Hoteliers use the Internet's Greatest Assets to Market to Individual Needs". Flotels. The Magazine of the Worldvvide Hotel lndusty. s. 113.
  • 17. HOTELS. The Magasine of the Worldwide Hotel İndustry. Temmuz 1998. s. 56.
  • 18. IHA. (1996). "Iııto The Nevv Millennium", International Hotel Association. Paris.
  • 19. KİRK. D.. Pine. R. (1998). "Research in Hospitality Systems and Technology". International Journal of Hospitality Managment. 17. s. 204.
  • 20. KOTLER. P.. Bloom. P.N. (1984). Marketing Professional Services. Englevvood Cliffs. N..İ. Prentice I-Iall. s. 147 "
  • 21. KUNZ. R. (1998). "Changes in World Tourism - From Marketplace to Marketspace. Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism". International Conference in İstanbul., s. 9.1.
  • 22. LEVİTT. T. (1981). "Marketing Intagible Products and Products Intangible". Harvvard Busines Revievv (Mayıs-Haziran).
  • 23. LOBAN. S. (1998). "Desining Effective Documents for Destination Information Systems". Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism 1998. Proceedings
Year 1999, Volume: 2 Issue: 11, 161 - 167, 20.01.1999



  • 1. ALFORD. P.. Barnsley. D. (i998). "Usung Information Tecnology to Access Overseas Markets" Information and Communication Tecnologies in Tourism 1998. İstanbul. Turkey. s. 1,9.
  • 2. ANON.. (1996). "A View of the Next Millennium". Anderson World Widc SC/New York University. New York.
  • 3. BAĞAMA. C. (1998). "Avrupa Turizminde Yeni Eğilimler ve Türk Tur Oparatörleri Paneli". İstanbul. Ekim.
  • 4. BEAVER. A. (1995). "Lack of CRS Accessibility May be Strangling Small Hotelliers. the Lil'eblood of European Tourism". Tourism Economics. Vol. 1 No.4. s. 345.
  • 5. BİRKAN. I. (1993). "Distribution Channel Systems of Resort Hotels in Turkey". 6'h Bi-Annval World Marketing Congress. Academy of Marketing Science. Vol. VI. Sirgy. M.J.. Bahn. K.. Ereni T. (eds). (Temmuz. İstanbul), s. 132-133.
  • 6. BİRKAN.I. (1994). "Resort Otellerin Pazarlama Kanallarının Analizi: Türkiye Üzerine Bir İnceleme ve Araştırma" Marmara Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü İşletme Anabilim Dalı Üretim Yönetimi ve Pazarlama Bilim Dalı Doktora Tezi. s. 139.
  • 7. BUHALİS. D.. Main. H. (1998). "Information Technology in Peripheral Small and Mediunı Hospitality Enterprises: Strategic Analysis and Critical Factors". International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Managment. 10/5. s. 198.
  • 8. DOMBEY. A. (1998). "Separating the Emotioıı From the Fact - The Effects of New lntermediaries on Electronic Travel Distribution". Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism 1998. Proceedings of the International Conference in İstanbul. Turkev. s. 129.
  • 9. DUKE. C. ve Persia. M. (1993). "ElTects of Distribution Channel Level on Tour ptırchasing Attributes end Information Sources". Journal of Travel and Tourism Marketing. s. 37.
  • 10. DUKE. C.R.. Persia. M.A. (1993). "ElTects on Distribution Channel Level on Tour Ptırchasing Attributes and Information Sources". Journal of Travel and Tourism Marketing. s. 37-55.
  • 11. ECHTERMEYER, M. (1993). "Global Information Technologies in the Airlines Tourism Business" VNR'S Encylopedia of Hospitality and Tourism. Nevv York: Van Nostrand Reinhold.
  • 12. EMMER. R.. Wilkinson S.. Moore. G. (1993). "Marketing Hotels. Usiııg Global Distribution Systems". Cornell Hotel and Restaurant Administration Quaıterly. No: 5. s. 80.
  • 13. HAC1SÜLEYMAN. Y. (1998). II. Bilkent Turizm Formun'da sunulan Tebliğ.
  • 14. HANNA. .1. ve Millar. R. (1997). "Promoting Tourism on the Internet". Tourism Managment. Vol. 18. No: 7 s. 469.
  • 15. HENSDİLL . C. (1998 a)." The Ne\v Breed of CRES. the Internet is Paving the Way for Nevv. More Economical Approaches to Central Reservations". Hotels The Magazine of the Worldwide Hotel İndustry. s. 105.
  • 16. HENSDİLL. C. (1998 b). "Net Leverage. Hoteliers use the Internet's Greatest Assets to Market to Individual Needs". Flotels. The Magazine of the Worldvvide Hotel lndusty. s. 113.
  • 17. HOTELS. The Magasine of the Worldwide Hotel İndustry. Temmuz 1998. s. 56.
  • 18. IHA. (1996). "Iııto The Nevv Millennium", International Hotel Association. Paris.
  • 19. KİRK. D.. Pine. R. (1998). "Research in Hospitality Systems and Technology". International Journal of Hospitality Managment. 17. s. 204.
  • 20. KOTLER. P.. Bloom. P.N. (1984). Marketing Professional Services. Englevvood Cliffs. N..İ. Prentice I-Iall. s. 147 "
  • 21. KUNZ. R. (1998). "Changes in World Tourism - From Marketplace to Marketspace. Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism". International Conference in İstanbul., s. 9.1.
  • 22. LEVİTT. T. (1981). "Marketing Intagible Products and Products Intangible". Harvvard Busines Revievv (Mayıs-Haziran).
  • 23. LOBAN. S. (1998). "Desining Effective Documents for Destination Information Systems". Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism 1998. Proceedings
There are 23 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Eski Sayılar

İbrahim Birkan This is me

Publication Date January 20, 1999
Published in Issue Year 1999 Volume: 2 Issue: 11




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