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Year 1999, Volume: 2 Issue: 11, 175 - 182, 20.01.1999


A distribution channel can be defined as an array of exchange relationships that create cııstomer value in the consumption of products and Services. This defınition implies that exchange relationships emerge from market needs. The distributioıı channel whiclı consists of exchange partners may also be considered as a social system. In these sense exchange partners must negotiate with one another to determine who will control key channel resources.


  • (1) - RİDGEWAY V. (1957). "Administration of Manufacturer- Dealer Systems", Administrative Science Ouarterly. Vol.4(4), s.464-483.
  • (2) - LOUİS W. Stern (1967). "The Concept of Channel Control", Journal of Retailing. Vol.43(2), s. 14-20.
  • (3) - PİRTİNİ Serdar (1998). İhracat Dağıtım Kanallarında İşlem Maliyetleri Yaklaşımı Açısından Kontrolün Belirlenmesi ve Bir Uygulama, Yayımlanmamış Doktora Tezi, T.C. Marmara Üniversitesi. Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, İstanbul.
  • (4) - LOUİS W. Stern, Torger Reve (1980). "Distribution Channels as Political Economies: A Framework for Comparative Analysis", Journal of Marketine, Vol.44. Summer. s.52-64.
  • (5) - PİRTİNİ Serdar (1998). İhracat Dağıtım Kanallarında İşlem Maliyetleri Yaklaşımı Açısından Kontrolün Belirlenmesi ve Bir Uygulama. Yayımlanmamış Doktora Tezi. T.C. Marmara Üniversitesi. Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, İstanbul.
  • (6) - STEVEN J. Skinner. Joseph P. Guiltinan (1985). "Perceptions of Channel Control". Journal of Retailing , Vol.61 (4). Winter. s.65-88.
  • (7) - AHMED A. Ahmed (1977). "Channel Control in Internatioanal Markets". European JournaJ of Marketine, Vol.l 1 (4). s.327-336.
  • (8) - SAUL Klein (1989). "A Transaction Cost Explanation of Vertical Control in International Markets", Journal of the Academy of Marketine Science. Vol.l7 (3), s.253-260.
  • (9) - HARASH .1. Sachdev, Daniel C. Bello. Bruce K. Pilling (1994). "Control Mechanisms Within Export Channels of Distribution". Journal of Global Marketine, Vol.8 (2), s.31-51.
  • (10) - AHMED A. Al-Motawa, Ahmed A. Ahmed (1996). "Control, Conflict and Satisfaction in International Channels: Autos in a Middle- Eastern Market", Journal of Marketine Channels, Vol.5 (3/4), s.49-69.
  • (11) - SYED H. Akhter (1994). Global Marketing: Concepts, Strategies, Practice;Text and Readings, South-Western College Publishing.
  • (12) - JEAN L. Johnson, Tomoaki Sakano. Naoto Onzo (1990). "Behavioral Relations in Across-Culture Distribution Systems: influence, Control and Conflict in U.S.-Japanese Marketing Channels", Journal of International Business Studies. Fourth Quarter, s.639-655.
  • (13) - LOUİSE C. Young, lan F. Wilkinson (1989). "The Role of Trust and Co-operation in Marketing Channels: A Preliminary Study". European Journal of Marketine.Vol.23 (2). s. 109-122.
  • (14) - WİLTON Thomas Anderson, Wayne D. Hoyer (1991). "Marketing in the Age of Intelligence: The Case for Control", European Journal of Marketing, VoJ.25 (8), s.32-54.
  • (15) - LYNN W. Phillips (1982). "Explaining Control Losses in Corporate Marketing Channels: An Organizational Analysis", Journal of Marketing Research. Vol.l9, November. s.525-549.
  • (16) - GLENN C. Walters, Blaise J. Bergiel (1982). Marketing Channels, Scott. Foresman and Company.
  • (17) - LYNN W. Phillips (1982). "Explaining Control Losses in Corporate Marketing Channels: An Organizational Analysis". Journal of Marketing Research. Vol. 19. November. s.525-549.
  • (18) - THOMAS W. Speh. E. H. Bonfıeld (1978). "The Control Process in Marketing Channels: An Exploratory Investigation". Journal of Retailing, Vol.54 (1), Spring, s. 13-26.
  • (19) - ROBERT F. Lusch, Bernard .1. Jaworski (1991). "Management Controls, Role Stress. and Retail Store Manager Performance". Journal of Retailing. Vol.67 (4), Winter. s.397-419.
  • (20) - KATHRYN Rudie Harrigan (1985). "Vertical Integration and Corporate Strategy". Academy of Management Journal. Vol.28 (2). s.397-425.
  • (21) - JAMES C. Anderson, James A. Narus (1990)., "A Model of Distribütör Firm and Manufacturer Firm Working Partnerships", Journal of Marketing. Vo.1.54, January, s.42-58.
  • (22) - JOHN A. Dawson. Susan A. Shaw (1989). "The Move to Administered Vertical Marketing Systems by British Retailers", European Journal of Marketing, Vol.23 (7), s.42-52.
  • (23) - NİRMALYA Kumar, Louis W. Stern, Ravi S. Achrol (1992). "Assessing Reseller Performance from the Perspective of the Supplier", Journal of Marketine Research. Vol.29. May. s.238-253.
  • (24) - IAN F. Wilkinson (1979). "Po\ver and Satisfaction in Channels of Distribution". Journal of Retailina. Vol.55 (2). s.79-94.
  • (25) - CHRİSTİNE M. Levvis. Douglas M. Lambert (1991). "A Model of Channel Member Performance. Dependence. and Satisfaction". Journal of Retailina. Vol.67 (2). Summer. s.205-225.
  • (26) - PUNAM Aııand. Louis W. Steril (1985). "A Sociopsyclıological Esplanation for Why Marketing Channel Members Relinquish Control". Journal of Marketing Research. Vol.22. November. s.365-376.
  • (27) - DONALD .1. Bowersox. M. Bixby Cooper (1992). Strategic Marketing Channel Management. McGraw-Hill. İne.
  • (28) - CHRİSTİNE M. Levvis. Douglas M. Lambert (1991). "A Model of Channel Member Performance. Dependence. and Satisfaction", Journal of Retailina. Vol.67 (2). Summer. s.205-225.
  • (29) - BERT Rosenbloom (1991). Marketing Channels: A Management Vievv. The Drydeıı Press. Fourth Editioıı. 182
Year 1999, Volume: 2 Issue: 11, 175 - 182, 20.01.1999



  • (1) - RİDGEWAY V. (1957). "Administration of Manufacturer- Dealer Systems", Administrative Science Ouarterly. Vol.4(4), s.464-483.
  • (2) - LOUİS W. Stern (1967). "The Concept of Channel Control", Journal of Retailing. Vol.43(2), s. 14-20.
  • (3) - PİRTİNİ Serdar (1998). İhracat Dağıtım Kanallarında İşlem Maliyetleri Yaklaşımı Açısından Kontrolün Belirlenmesi ve Bir Uygulama, Yayımlanmamış Doktora Tezi, T.C. Marmara Üniversitesi. Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, İstanbul.
  • (4) - LOUİS W. Stern, Torger Reve (1980). "Distribution Channels as Political Economies: A Framework for Comparative Analysis", Journal of Marketine, Vol.44. Summer. s.52-64.
  • (5) - PİRTİNİ Serdar (1998). İhracat Dağıtım Kanallarında İşlem Maliyetleri Yaklaşımı Açısından Kontrolün Belirlenmesi ve Bir Uygulama. Yayımlanmamış Doktora Tezi. T.C. Marmara Üniversitesi. Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, İstanbul.
  • (6) - STEVEN J. Skinner. Joseph P. Guiltinan (1985). "Perceptions of Channel Control". Journal of Retailing , Vol.61 (4). Winter. s.65-88.
  • (7) - AHMED A. Ahmed (1977). "Channel Control in Internatioanal Markets". European JournaJ of Marketine, Vol.l 1 (4). s.327-336.
  • (8) - SAUL Klein (1989). "A Transaction Cost Explanation of Vertical Control in International Markets", Journal of the Academy of Marketine Science. Vol.l7 (3), s.253-260.
  • (9) - HARASH .1. Sachdev, Daniel C. Bello. Bruce K. Pilling (1994). "Control Mechanisms Within Export Channels of Distribution". Journal of Global Marketine, Vol.8 (2), s.31-51.
  • (10) - AHMED A. Al-Motawa, Ahmed A. Ahmed (1996). "Control, Conflict and Satisfaction in International Channels: Autos in a Middle- Eastern Market", Journal of Marketine Channels, Vol.5 (3/4), s.49-69.
  • (11) - SYED H. Akhter (1994). Global Marketing: Concepts, Strategies, Practice;Text and Readings, South-Western College Publishing.
  • (12) - JEAN L. Johnson, Tomoaki Sakano. Naoto Onzo (1990). "Behavioral Relations in Across-Culture Distribution Systems: influence, Control and Conflict in U.S.-Japanese Marketing Channels", Journal of International Business Studies. Fourth Quarter, s.639-655.
  • (13) - LOUİSE C. Young, lan F. Wilkinson (1989). "The Role of Trust and Co-operation in Marketing Channels: A Preliminary Study". European Journal of Marketine.Vol.23 (2). s. 109-122.
  • (14) - WİLTON Thomas Anderson, Wayne D. Hoyer (1991). "Marketing in the Age of Intelligence: The Case for Control", European Journal of Marketing, VoJ.25 (8), s.32-54.
  • (15) - LYNN W. Phillips (1982). "Explaining Control Losses in Corporate Marketing Channels: An Organizational Analysis", Journal of Marketing Research. Vol.l9, November. s.525-549.
  • (16) - GLENN C. Walters, Blaise J. Bergiel (1982). Marketing Channels, Scott. Foresman and Company.
  • (17) - LYNN W. Phillips (1982). "Explaining Control Losses in Corporate Marketing Channels: An Organizational Analysis". Journal of Marketing Research. Vol. 19. November. s.525-549.
  • (18) - THOMAS W. Speh. E. H. Bonfıeld (1978). "The Control Process in Marketing Channels: An Exploratory Investigation". Journal of Retailing, Vol.54 (1), Spring, s. 13-26.
  • (19) - ROBERT F. Lusch, Bernard .1. Jaworski (1991). "Management Controls, Role Stress. and Retail Store Manager Performance". Journal of Retailing. Vol.67 (4), Winter. s.397-419.
  • (20) - KATHRYN Rudie Harrigan (1985). "Vertical Integration and Corporate Strategy". Academy of Management Journal. Vol.28 (2). s.397-425.
  • (21) - JAMES C. Anderson, James A. Narus (1990)., "A Model of Distribütör Firm and Manufacturer Firm Working Partnerships", Journal of Marketing. Vo.1.54, January, s.42-58.
  • (22) - JOHN A. Dawson. Susan A. Shaw (1989). "The Move to Administered Vertical Marketing Systems by British Retailers", European Journal of Marketing, Vol.23 (7), s.42-52.
  • (23) - NİRMALYA Kumar, Louis W. Stern, Ravi S. Achrol (1992). "Assessing Reseller Performance from the Perspective of the Supplier", Journal of Marketine Research. Vol.29. May. s.238-253.
  • (24) - IAN F. Wilkinson (1979). "Po\ver and Satisfaction in Channels of Distribution". Journal of Retailina. Vol.55 (2). s.79-94.
  • (25) - CHRİSTİNE M. Levvis. Douglas M. Lambert (1991). "A Model of Channel Member Performance. Dependence. and Satisfaction". Journal of Retailina. Vol.67 (2). Summer. s.205-225.
  • (26) - PUNAM Aııand. Louis W. Steril (1985). "A Sociopsyclıological Esplanation for Why Marketing Channel Members Relinquish Control". Journal of Marketing Research. Vol.22. November. s.365-376.
  • (27) - DONALD .1. Bowersox. M. Bixby Cooper (1992). Strategic Marketing Channel Management. McGraw-Hill. İne.
  • (28) - CHRİSTİNE M. Levvis. Douglas M. Lambert (1991). "A Model of Channel Member Performance. Dependence. and Satisfaction", Journal of Retailina. Vol.67 (2). Summer. s.205-225.
  • (29) - BERT Rosenbloom (1991). Marketing Channels: A Management Vievv. The Drydeıı Press. Fourth Editioıı. 182
There are 29 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Eski Sayılar

Serdar Pirtini This is me

Publication Date January 20, 1999
Published in Issue Year 1999 Volume: 2 Issue: 11




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