Bu çalışmada istatistik, ekonomi ve yöneylem araştırması alanlarında sıkça kullanılan
zaman serisi yöntemleri ile ilgili genel bilgiler verilmekte ve örnekle yöntemler açıklanmaktadır.
Zaman serisine ait öngörü, birçok alanda karşımıza çıkmakta ve birden çok öngörü yönteminin
söz konusu olduğu durumda en uygunun seçilmesi önem kazanmaktadır.
Anderson,O.D.(1977). "A Commantary on "A Survey of Time Series," International Statistical Review.VoI.45,ss.273-297.
Chambers J.C., S.K.Mullick ve D.D.Smith(1971). " How to Choose the Rigth Forecasting Technique," Harvvard Business Review(July-August 197 l),ss.45-74.
Chatfield,C.(1989). The Analysis of the Time Series: an Introduction. Chapman and Hail Pub.Comp.:USA.
Chisholm,R.K and G.R.Whıtaker(1974). Forecasting Methods. Rıchard D.Irvvm Inc.:USA.
Makridakis, S. (1976)." A Survey of Time Seires," International Statistical Review Vol.44.No: l,ss.20-70.
McCleay,R and R. AHay (1983). Applied Time Series Analysis: for the Social Sciences.Sage Pub.Comp.:USA
Pnns,J.(1982). "Interactive Comparison for Forecasting Methods," Time Series Analysis İçinde ed.O.D.Anderson. North-Holland Pub.Comp,:Amsterdam,ss.443-462.
Reid,R.D.(1971). " A comparison of Forecasting Techniques on Economic Time Series," Proceedings of the 1971 confenece on Forecasting.
Year 1994,
Volume: 1 Issue: 1, 52 - 69, 10.06.1994
Anderson,O.D.(1977). "A Commantary on "A Survey of Time Series," International Statistical Review.VoI.45,ss.273-297.
Chambers J.C., S.K.Mullick ve D.D.Smith(1971). " How to Choose the Rigth Forecasting Technique," Harvvard Business Review(July-August 197 l),ss.45-74.
Chatfield,C.(1989). The Analysis of the Time Series: an Introduction. Chapman and Hail Pub.Comp.:USA.
Chisholm,R.K and G.R.Whıtaker(1974). Forecasting Methods. Rıchard D.Irvvm Inc.:USA.
Makridakis, S. (1976)." A Survey of Time Seires," International Statistical Review Vol.44.No: l,ss.20-70.
McCleay,R and R. AHay (1983). Applied Time Series Analysis: for the Social Sciences.Sage Pub.Comp.:USA
Pnns,J.(1982). "Interactive Comparison for Forecasting Methods," Time Series Analysis İçinde ed.O.D.Anderson. North-Holland Pub.Comp,:Amsterdam,ss.443-462.
Reid,R.D.(1971). " A comparison of Forecasting Techniques on Economic Time Series," Proceedings of the 1971 confenece on Forecasting.