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Year 1994 ,
Volume: 1 Issue: 1, 92 - 98, 10.06.1994
Ezel Tavşancıl
Kovaryans analizi özünde, istenmeyen değişkenlerin bağımlı değişkene yaptığı etkilerin doğrusal
regresyonla dengelendiği varyans analizidir. Bu analizde önce doğrusal regresyon yapılarak istenmeyen
değişkenlerin gruplara etkileri hesaplanmaktadır. Regresyon katsayıları hesaplandıktan sonra da, bu
katsayılar kullanılarak bağımlı değişkenden istenmeyen değişkenlerin (kontrol değişkenlerinin)
hesaplanan etkileri çıkarılmakta ve bu şekilde dengelenmiş olan verilere varyans analizi uygulanarak daha
sağlıklı sonuçlar elde edilmektedir.
Ferguson, G.A. Statistical Analvsis in Psychology and Education. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1971.
Frigon, J Y and L. Laurencelle., "Analysis of Covariance: A Proposal Algorithm." Educational and
Psvchological Measurement.1993 53:1-18.
Goehring, Harvey, J. Jr. Statistical Methods in Education, Virginia : Information Resources Press, 1981.
Guenther, W.C. Analysis of Variance, New Jersey; Prentice-Hall, 1964.
Howell, C.David. Statistical Methods for Psvchology.Third Edition. Califomia : Duxbury Press, 1992.
Kirk, E. Roger; Experimental Design: Procedures for the behavioral Sciences. Califonia: Cole
Publishing Company. 1968.
Popham, W. James. Educational Statistics. Use and Interoretation , Los Angeles: Harper And Row
Publishers, 1967.
Tabacnick, G.B., Abd L.S.Fidell, Using Multivariate Statistics, Second edition, Northridge:Harper
Collins Publishers, 1969.
Winer, B.J. Statistical Priııciples in Experimental Design, Second Edition, New York; McGraw-Hill
Book Company, 1971.
Year 1994 ,
Volume: 1 Issue: 1, 92 - 98, 10.06.1994
Ezel Tavşancıl
Ferguson, G.A. Statistical Analvsis in Psychology and Education. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1971.
Frigon, J Y and L. Laurencelle., "Analysis of Covariance: A Proposal Algorithm." Educational and
Psvchological Measurement.1993 53:1-18.
Goehring, Harvey, J. Jr. Statistical Methods in Education, Virginia : Information Resources Press, 1981.
Guenther, W.C. Analysis of Variance, New Jersey; Prentice-Hall, 1964.
Howell, C.David. Statistical Methods for Psvchology.Third Edition. Califomia : Duxbury Press, 1992.
Kirk, E. Roger; Experimental Design: Procedures for the behavioral Sciences. Califonia: Cole
Publishing Company. 1968.
Popham, W. James. Educational Statistics. Use and Interoretation , Los Angeles: Harper And Row
Publishers, 1967.
Tabacnick, G.B., Abd L.S.Fidell, Using Multivariate Statistics, Second edition, Northridge:Harper
Collins Publishers, 1969.
Winer, B.J. Statistical Priııciples in Experimental Design, Second Edition, New York; McGraw-Hill
Book Company, 1971.
There are 9 citations in total.
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Journal Section
Eski Sayılar
Ezel Tavşancıl
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Publication Date
June 10, 1994
Published in Issue
Year 1994
Volume: 1 Issue: 1
Tavşancıl, E. (1994). KOVARYANS ANALİZİ. Öneri Dergisi, 1(1), 92-98. https://doi.org/10.14783/maruoneri.698566