, pp. 85-175, on pp. 155-156 cit. in. [12; 7]," />
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Year 1996, Volume: 1 Issue: 4, 169 - 176, 10.01.1996


Görüşümüzce, bütünleşmede dışsal değişkenlere
ilişkin bir çalışmanın öncelikle Neumann’ınki türünden bir
süreklilik üzerindeki yerini saptaması gerekir (bu, yaklaşımda
ne ölçüde içsel ne ölçüde de dışsal değişkenlere yer
verileceğinin kararlaştırılması demektir). Ardından, içsel ve
dışsal değişkenlerin geçerliğini güvenceye almak için Waever 'in
Avrupa tanımlarından birine ya da görece güncelleştirilmiş
diğer bir Avrupa tanımına gönderme yoluyla Avrupa'nın
sınırlan kararlaştırılmalıdır.

Dışsal değişkenler alanına girilmesinin ardından bu
alanda bir bölütleme gerçekleştirilmelidir. Şimdiki durumda
hazır bir bölütleme kalıbı olmadığından kuramcı kendince bir
bölütlemeye gitmekte özgür gözükmektedir. Bu aşamada,
yazımız, bir seçenek olmak üzere yalın bir bölütleme kalıbı
önermektedir: dışsal değişkenler ilkin, işletsel bir benzetmeyle,
‘çeken etkenler’ ve 'iten etkenler’ olarak ikiye ayrılmaktadır.
Ardından iten etkenler de kendi içinde ‘bölücü’ ve
‘bütünleştirici ’ iten etkenler diye yeniden bölütlenmektedir.


  • [1] -Pentland’ s model is explained extensively in his book International Theory and European integration, N ew York: The Free Press, 1973. In addition, his view can be foıınd in summarised form in his article 'Political Theories of European integration: Betvveen Science and Ideology' in Lasok, Dominik and Soldatos, Panayotis (ed.s), Les Communautes Europeennes En Fonctionnement/The European Communities in Aetion, Bmssels: Establissements Em ile Bmylant, S.A., 1981, pp.545-569.
  • [2] -Except a mention consisted o f tvvo paragraphs m hisInternational Theory and European integration, N ew York: The Free Press, 1973, (pp. 227-228).
  • [3] -Haas, Em est B. ’Turbulent Fields and the Theory o f Regional integration' in International Organization, 30, Spring 1976, pp. 173-212.
  • [4] -Archer, Clive, International Organizations, Routledge, 1992
  • [5] -Etzioni, Amitai, T h e Epigenesis o f Political Communities at the International Level' in Rosenau, James N. (ed.), International Politics and Foreign Policy: A Reader in Research and Theory, The Free Press, 1969, pp.346-358.
  • [6] -Nye, S. J. Jr. "Pattems and Catalysts in Regional Organisatıon" International Organisation XIX cit. in [10],
  • [7] -Sandholtz&Zysman "Recasting the European Bargam" orld Politics XLH cit. in [10].
  • [8] -Regelsberger, E. "EPC in the 1980s: Reaching Another Plateau?" in Regelsberger et. al.(ed.s) European Political Co-operation in the 1980s, Martinus N ijhoff cit. in [10],
  • [9] -Rummel, R. Zusammengesetzte Aussenpolitik: EPZ als Intemationaler Akteur, Strasbourg cit. in [10].
  • [10] -Pedersen, Thomas, ’Problems o f Enlargement: Political integration in a Pan-European E C in Cooperation and Cönflict, Vol.25, No.2, 1990, pp.83-99 (Pedersen does not give page numbers in his references).
  • [11] -Mikkelsen, Jeppe Tranholm, TSfeo-functionalism: Obstinate or Obsolote? A Reappraisal in the Light of the New Dynamism of the EC' in Millenium, Vol.20, N o .l, Spring, 1991, pp.1-20.
  • [12] -Except the extra references added, this depiction of Neumann’s continuum has been summarised from Neumann, iver B. Regions in International Relations Theory: The Casefor a Region Building Approach, Norsk Utenrikspolitisk Institutt, 1993, pp. 6- 12; his references has been omitted.
  • [13] -Edmund Burke (ed. by. F. W. Rafferty), "Letters on the Proposals for Peace with the Regicide Directory o f France", letter one, the Works o f the Right Honourable Edmund Burke, London, Oxford University Press, 1907 <1796>, pp. 85-175, on pp. 155-156 cit. in. [12; 7],
  • [14] -V. C. Finch "Geographical Science and Social Philosophy" Annals o f the Association o f American Geographers, 29, 1 , 1939, p. 14 cit. in. Russet, Bnıce M ., International Regions and the International System: A Study in Political Ecology, Chicago: Rand M c Nally and Company.
  • [15] -Except especially inserted footnotes, the follovving discussion about the limits o f Europe w as taken from (Buzan Bery; Kelstm p, Morten; Lemaitre, Pierre; Tromer, Elzbieta and YVeaver, Ole, The European SecurityOrder Recast: Scenarios fo r the Post-C.old War Era, London: Pinter Publishers, 1991).
  • [16] -Waever, Ole 'Conflicts o f Vision-Visions o f Conflicf in Waever, Lemaitre and Tromer (eds.) European Polyphony, pp. 283-325 cit. in [15],
  • [17] -Moi'si, Dominique and Mertes, M ichael, 'Europe's Map, Compass, and Horizon1 in Foreign Affairs, January/February 1995, p p.122-134.
  • [18] -Etzioni, A., Political Unifıcation, Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1965, (no page) cit. in [10; 84],
  • [19] -The (Chairman o f the) Reflection Group, Progress Report, SN 509/1/95 R E V 1 (REFLEX 10) OR. es, Madrid, 1 September, 1995.
  • [20] -Mayall, James and M iall, Hugh, '(Conclusion): Towards a Redefınition o f European Order' in M iall, Hugh (ed.) Redefıning Europe: New Pattems o f Conflict and Cooperation, London: Pinter Publishers, 1994, op. cit, pp.262-277.
  • [21] -Lindberg, Leon N ., The Political Dynamics of European Economic Integration, Stanford University Press, 1963.
  • [22] -Feld, Wemer J., 'An Introduction to Regional Theory' in in Lasok, Dominik and Soldatos, Panayotis (ed.s), Les Communautes Europeennes En Fonctionnement/The EuropeanCommunities in Action, Brussels: establissements Emile Bruylant, S.A ., 1981, 501-518.
  • [23] -Keohane, Robert O. and Hoffinann, Stanley, 'Institutional Change in Europe in the 1980s' in Nelsen, Brent F. and Stubb, Alexander C. G. (ed.s), The European Union: Readings on the Theory and Practice o f European Integration, London: Lynne Rienner Publishers, 1994, p.237-255.
  • [24] -Fitzmaurice, John, 'Regional Co-operation in Central Europe' in fVest European Politics, V ol.16, No.3, July 1993, pp.380-400, 1993.
  • [25] -Keohane, Robert O. and Nye, Joseph S., Power and Interdependence, Harper and Collin s,1989.
  • [26] -Miall, Hugh, 'W ider Europe, Fortress Europe, Fragmented Europe?' in M iall, Hugh (ed.) Redefıning Europe: New Pattems of Conflict and Co-operation, London: Pinter Publishers, 1994, p p .1-15.
Year 1996, Volume: 1 Issue: 4, 169 - 176, 10.01.1996



  • [1] -Pentland’ s model is explained extensively in his book International Theory and European integration, N ew York: The Free Press, 1973. In addition, his view can be foıınd in summarised form in his article 'Political Theories of European integration: Betvveen Science and Ideology' in Lasok, Dominik and Soldatos, Panayotis (ed.s), Les Communautes Europeennes En Fonctionnement/The European Communities in Aetion, Bmssels: Establissements Em ile Bmylant, S.A., 1981, pp.545-569.
  • [2] -Except a mention consisted o f tvvo paragraphs m hisInternational Theory and European integration, N ew York: The Free Press, 1973, (pp. 227-228).
  • [3] -Haas, Em est B. ’Turbulent Fields and the Theory o f Regional integration' in International Organization, 30, Spring 1976, pp. 173-212.
  • [4] -Archer, Clive, International Organizations, Routledge, 1992
  • [5] -Etzioni, Amitai, T h e Epigenesis o f Political Communities at the International Level' in Rosenau, James N. (ed.), International Politics and Foreign Policy: A Reader in Research and Theory, The Free Press, 1969, pp.346-358.
  • [6] -Nye, S. J. Jr. "Pattems and Catalysts in Regional Organisatıon" International Organisation XIX cit. in [10],
  • [7] -Sandholtz&Zysman "Recasting the European Bargam" orld Politics XLH cit. in [10].
  • [8] -Regelsberger, E. "EPC in the 1980s: Reaching Another Plateau?" in Regelsberger et. al.(ed.s) European Political Co-operation in the 1980s, Martinus N ijhoff cit. in [10],
  • [9] -Rummel, R. Zusammengesetzte Aussenpolitik: EPZ als Intemationaler Akteur, Strasbourg cit. in [10].
  • [10] -Pedersen, Thomas, ’Problems o f Enlargement: Political integration in a Pan-European E C in Cooperation and Cönflict, Vol.25, No.2, 1990, pp.83-99 (Pedersen does not give page numbers in his references).
  • [11] -Mikkelsen, Jeppe Tranholm, TSfeo-functionalism: Obstinate or Obsolote? A Reappraisal in the Light of the New Dynamism of the EC' in Millenium, Vol.20, N o .l, Spring, 1991, pp.1-20.
  • [12] -Except the extra references added, this depiction of Neumann’s continuum has been summarised from Neumann, iver B. Regions in International Relations Theory: The Casefor a Region Building Approach, Norsk Utenrikspolitisk Institutt, 1993, pp. 6- 12; his references has been omitted.
  • [13] -Edmund Burke (ed. by. F. W. Rafferty), "Letters on the Proposals for Peace with the Regicide Directory o f France", letter one, the Works o f the Right Honourable Edmund Burke, London, Oxford University Press, 1907 <1796>, pp. 85-175, on pp. 155-156 cit. in. [12; 7],
  • [14] -V. C. Finch "Geographical Science and Social Philosophy" Annals o f the Association o f American Geographers, 29, 1 , 1939, p. 14 cit. in. Russet, Bnıce M ., International Regions and the International System: A Study in Political Ecology, Chicago: Rand M c Nally and Company.
  • [15] -Except especially inserted footnotes, the follovving discussion about the limits o f Europe w as taken from (Buzan Bery; Kelstm p, Morten; Lemaitre, Pierre; Tromer, Elzbieta and YVeaver, Ole, The European SecurityOrder Recast: Scenarios fo r the Post-C.old War Era, London: Pinter Publishers, 1991).
  • [16] -Waever, Ole 'Conflicts o f Vision-Visions o f Conflicf in Waever, Lemaitre and Tromer (eds.) European Polyphony, pp. 283-325 cit. in [15],
  • [17] -Moi'si, Dominique and Mertes, M ichael, 'Europe's Map, Compass, and Horizon1 in Foreign Affairs, January/February 1995, p p.122-134.
  • [18] -Etzioni, A., Political Unifıcation, Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1965, (no page) cit. in [10; 84],
  • [19] -The (Chairman o f the) Reflection Group, Progress Report, SN 509/1/95 R E V 1 (REFLEX 10) OR. es, Madrid, 1 September, 1995.
  • [20] -Mayall, James and M iall, Hugh, '(Conclusion): Towards a Redefınition o f European Order' in M iall, Hugh (ed.) Redefıning Europe: New Pattems o f Conflict and Cooperation, London: Pinter Publishers, 1994, op. cit, pp.262-277.
  • [21] -Lindberg, Leon N ., The Political Dynamics of European Economic Integration, Stanford University Press, 1963.
  • [22] -Feld, Wemer J., 'An Introduction to Regional Theory' in in Lasok, Dominik and Soldatos, Panayotis (ed.s), Les Communautes Europeennes En Fonctionnement/The EuropeanCommunities in Action, Brussels: establissements Emile Bruylant, S.A ., 1981, 501-518.
  • [23] -Keohane, Robert O. and Hoffinann, Stanley, 'Institutional Change in Europe in the 1980s' in Nelsen, Brent F. and Stubb, Alexander C. G. (ed.s), The European Union: Readings on the Theory and Practice o f European Integration, London: Lynne Rienner Publishers, 1994, p.237-255.
  • [24] -Fitzmaurice, John, 'Regional Co-operation in Central Europe' in fVest European Politics, V ol.16, No.3, July 1993, pp.380-400, 1993.
  • [25] -Keohane, Robert O. and Nye, Joseph S., Power and Interdependence, Harper and Collin s,1989.
  • [26] -Miall, Hugh, 'W ider Europe, Fortress Europe, Fragmented Europe?' in M iall, Hugh (ed.) Redefıning Europe: New Pattems of Conflict and Co-operation, London: Pinter Publishers, 1994, p p .1-15.
There are 26 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Eski Sayılar

Armağan Emre Çakır This is me

Publication Date January 10, 1996
Published in Issue Year 1996 Volume: 1 Issue: 4


APA Çakır, A. E. (1996). THE EXTERNAL ENVIRONMENT OF THE EUROPEAN POLITICAL INTEGRATION: DESIGNING THE SETTING OF THE PLAY ODYSSEY. Öneri Dergisi, 1(4), 169-176. https://doi.org/10.14783/maruoneri.713047


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