Research Article
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Year 1996, Volume: 1 Issue: 5, 81 - 90, 01.06.1996


Organızatıons and firms try to reach their goals by differing goods and Services. Service producing firms have some disadvantages with regard to the good producing and delivering firms. Particularly, because of the strategy development problems caused by the disadvantages deriving from the nature of Services, make the management practices more difficult. For this reason, in the strategy development attempts in service sector, the analysis of the limitations /deriving from the nature of the Services forms the focus point in the success of organizatıons and firms.


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Year 1996, Volume: 1 Issue: 5, 81 - 90, 01.06.1996



  • [1]- Cowell. Donald. The Marketing of Services. Heinemann Professional Publishing Ltd., London, 1989. s.20
  • [2] - Tayor, Weldon and Show. Roy Jr., Marketing: Ang Integrated Analytical Approach. Southwestern Pub. Co.. Cincinatti. 1969, s. 15
  • [3] - Normann. Richard, Service Management: Strategy and Leadership in Service Business. John Wiley Ltd.. New York. 1991. s.49
  • [4] -Stanton. .1. William, Fundamental of Marketing. McGarvv Mili. Book Co., Toronto. 1984, s.676
  • [5] -Ceınalcılar, İlhan. Pazarlama. Beta Basım. İstanbul, 1987. s.lll
  • [6] -Dinçer, Ömer. Stratejik Yönetim ve İşletme Politikası, MÜ. İİBF. İstanbul. 1991, s.317
  • [7] -Levitt. Theodora. "Production-Line Approach to Service”. Harvard Business Review. 1972. Eylül-Ekim, s.41
  • [8] -Fidan. Yahya. "Hizmet İşletmelerinde Strateji Geliştirme ve Bir Özel Finans Kurumu Uygulaması”. Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi. MÜ. SBE, İstanbul. 1991. s.5
  • [9] -Lovelock, H.Christopher. "Classifying Services to Gain Strategic Marketing Insights”. Journal of Marketing, Summer, 1983. C.47. s. 10
  • [10] -Cemalcılar. İlhan. Hizmetlerin Pazarlanması. Pazarlama Dünyası. Yıl. 4, Sayı. 2. Flaziran. 1979. s,5
  • [11] - Rothmall. M.John. "Hizmetler Kesiminde Pazarlama". Çev. Şükrü Aslanyürek. Türk Turizm Uzmanları Semineri. Bodrum. 1980, s.232
  • [12] -Bessom. M.Richard ve .lackson, W.David, “Services Retailing: A Strategic Marketing Approach”. Journal of Retailing. Vol. 8. Suınmer. 1975, s.45
  • [13]-Skinner, J.Steven, Marketing, Houghton Mifflin Co. Boston, 1990. s.47
  • [14]-George. R.Wİlliam, “The Retailing of Services:A Challenging Future”. Journal of Rc-tailing, Vol.53, 1977. s.85
  • [15] -Rosko, D.Michael and McKenna, Willianı. "Modelling Consumer Choices of Health Plans: A Comparison of Two Techniques”. Social Sciences Medicine. Great Britain. 1983. s.428
  • [16] -Thomas, Dan .R.E.. Strategy is different in Service Businesses, Harvard Business Review. July- August- 1978. s. 158
  • [17] -Levitt, Theodora, “The Industrialisation of Service", Harvard Business Review. Sept-Oct., 1976, s.627
  • [18] -Kempner. Thomas, A Handbook of Management. Peguin Books, Middlesex. 1980. s. 14.
  • [19] -Markin. R., Marketing-Strategy and Management, John Wiley, New York. 1982, s.48
  • [20] -Pamuk, Gündüz ve diğ.. Uzun Vadeli Planlama, Boğaziçi Üni. Yay.. No. 143, İstanbul. 1978, s.29
  • [21] -Eren, Erol, İşletmelerde Stratejik Planlama ve Yönetim, Cilt. 1. 3. Basım, Küre Ajans. İstanbul, 1990, s. 185
  • [22] -Channon, F. Derek. Bank Strategic Management and Marketing, John Wiley.. Chister. 1986, s. 103
  • [23 ]-Colher, R. James. Effective Long Range Business Plannig, Prentice-Hall. 1968. s.53
  • [24] -McCarthy. J.Daniel. ve diğ.. Business Strategy and PoIiciy:Concepts and Readings. Richard D. Irvvın.. Momewood Illions, 1977. s.107
  • [25] -Luffman A.George and Reed. R.. The Strategy and Performance of Business Industry 1970-80, McMillan Book.Co.,London, 1984, s.49.
There are 25 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Eski Sayılar

Yahya Fîdan This is me

Publication Date June 1, 1996
Published in Issue Year 1996 Volume: 1 Issue: 5


APA Fîdan, Y. (1996). HİZMET İŞLETMELERİNDE STRATEJİ SORUNLARI. Öneri Dergisi, 1(5), 81-90.


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