Writing Rules

At the beginning of the paper, after the title of the article and the name of the author, a Turkish summary of 50 to 150 words stating the purpose of the article, the methods used and the issues in the study must be written, followed by the keywords related to the article. Then, the English title of the article and the English abstract text that is consisted of 50 to 150 words (with the title of Abstract) and the English keywords related to the article must be included. Furthermore, in addition to keywords, JEL code(s) mustbe written according to JEL (Journal of Economic Literature) classification..

•The title of the article must be written centered on the page and the names of the author(s) and their academic titles should be written on the bottom right of the title. The institution and e-mail address of the author should be given as footnotes on the first page.

•The articles to be sent must be written in Microsoft Word program with Times New Roman font, 12 points, 1.5 line spacing and justified. The abstract must be written with 10 point size and 1 line spacing.

• Margins must be top 2.5 cm, left 2.5 cm, right 2.5 cm, and the spacing between paragraphs must be  0 pt first, then 6 pt.

• The main title should be written in all capital letters, while the other headings should only be written in capital letters.

The rules stated in TÜBİTAK http://www.tubitak.gov.tr/ardeb-kaynakca address are valid in the bibliography writing rules.


Authors are written in alphabetical order according to their surnames.

In Periodic Publications: Author's surname, Author's initials. Year. “Article Title”, Journal Title, Volume (Issue), Page Numbers.


Huth, E. J. 1986. “Guidelines on authorship of medical papers”, Annals of Internal Medicine, 104, 269-274.

Books: Author's surname, Author's initials. Year. Title of the book (Number of Editions). Place of Publication: Publisher.


Dobson, S. and Palfreman, S. 2004. Introduction to Economics (5th Edition). Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Chapter in the Book: Author's surname, Author's initials. Year. “Chapter title” or page numbers. The title of the book. Editor(s)/Preparer(s): Editor's/Preparer's surname, Editor's/Preparer's initials. Place of Publication: Publisher.

Arıman, A. 1978. Sayfa 41. Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics. Editör: Wilconsin, D. New York: Pergamon.

Texts available on the Internet: Author's surname, Author's initials. “Title of the Text”. The name of the internet address where the text was published. Internet address, Latestaccess date: Day Month Year.

Clark, C. “Physicists Crack Another Piece of The Glass Puzzle”. R&D Magazine.
Last access date: December 15, 2012.

Institutional report/statistics/figure/table on the Internet: Institution/organization to which the page belongs. “Cited section/table/figure title”. Internet address, Last access date: Day Month Year.

Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey. “Ratio of R&D Expenditures to GDP”.
Last access date: December 15, 2017.


- For the papers written by a single author, only the surname of the author and the year of publication in parentheses are indicated.

Example: Williams (1990).

- For the papers written by two authors, the surnames of the authors are written with the conjunction "and" respectively.

Example: Newman and Taylor (2008).

- For the papers written by two or more authors, the surname of the first author and "et al." expression is used.

Example: Robertson et al. (2000).

- For multiple works published on different dates by the same author at the same time, the dates are shown in chronological order. For multiple works of an author published in the same year, a distinction is made after the year in alphabetical order.

Example: McLean (2000a, 2000b, 2004).

- If the citation is used in parentheses, the year is not given in parentheses. If more than one source is to be cited in parentheses, “;” is used to separate sources.

Example: (Cameron et al., 2000; Proctor, 2012).

-Internet addresses are cited as shown in the examples below.

Example: Richards (2012),

Example: National Transportation Safety Board (2012).

When citing authors' names in the text, it is mandatory to indicate the year.

Example: According to Aksu (2021), organizational memory studies are divided into three.

Example: Organizational memory studies can be divided into three (Aksu, 2021).

Page numbers should also be given in directly quoted statements which do not exceed 3 lines.

Example: Most of the members who form the core of the scientific community work in colleges and universities (Neuman, 2009: 14).

Direct quotations that exceed 3 lines should be written in quotation marks, italicized and placed on both sides of the normal text space.


"Marmara Journal of Social Research , which started to be published in 2011, is an international, open access, peer-reviewed and scientific electronic journal published at least twice a year (June and December) by Marmara University Vocational School of Social Sciences. A double-blind referee process is applied to articles submitted in Turkish and English in Marmara Journal of  Social Research." (Marusad, 2020: 3)