Kayan Kipli Kontrol (KKK) Yöntemleriyle Haptik-Teleoperasyon Sisteminin Kontrolü
Year 2022,
Volume: 3 Issue: 1, 1 - 11, 29.06.2022
Tayfun Abut
Servet Soygüder
Haptik-Teleoperasyon sistemleri, insan-robot etkileşiminde önemli rol oynayan sistemlerdir. Bu sistemlerin kontrolünde temel amaç iki yönlü kesintisiz etkileşim elde etmektir. Fakat bu kesintisiz etkileşim hedefini olumsuz yönde etkileyen problemler vardır. Bunlardan biri sistemi oluşturan robotların dinamik belirsizlikleridir ve bu problem sistemlerin performansını önemli ölçüde olumsuz etkilemektedir. Bu çalışmada bu belirsizliklerin üstesinden gelmek için Kayan Kipli Kontrol (KKK) yöntemi tercih edilmiştir. Ancak bilindiği üzere KKK yönteminde kullanılan işaret (signum) fonksiyonu çatırmada problemine neden olmaktadır. Bu çalışmada çatırdama probleminin de giderilmesi için saturasyon ve quasi tabanlı KKK yöntemleri önerilmiş ve uygulanmıştır. Sistemin iki yönlü kontrolü, önerilen yöntemler kullanılarak benzetim ortamında gerçekleştirilmiştir. Performans kriterleri (Ortalama Karesel Hata (MSE) ve Ortalama Mutlak Hata (MAE)) kullanılarak sayısal sonuçlar elde edilmiştir. Elde edilen sonuçlar grafikler ve tablolar halinde verilmiş, karşılaştırılmış ve irdelenmiştir.
- 1. Lv, H., Kong, D., Pang, G., Wang, B., Yu, Z., Pang, Z., Yang, G. GuLiM: A Hybrid Motion Mapping Technique for Teleoperation of Medical Assistive Robot in Combating the COVID-19 Pandemic. IEEE Transactions on Medical Robotics and Bionics, 4 (1), 106-117, 2022.
- 2. Abut, T, Soyguder, S. Haptik-Teleoperasyon Sistemleri için PID ve SMC Kontrol Yöntemlerinin Tasarımı ve Bilgisayar Simülasyonu. Journal of New Results in Engineering and Natural Sciences, (12), 12-21,2020.
- 3. Abut, T, Soyguder, S. Motion control in virtual reality based teleoperation system. In 2015 23nd Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU), IEEE, 2682-2685,2015.
- 4. Bhaskar, S., Bradley, S., Sakhamuri, S., Moguilner, S., Chattu, V. K., Pandya, S., Starr, S., Ray, D., Banach, M. Designing futuristic telemedicine using artificial intelligence and robotics in the COVID-19 era. Frontiers in public health, 8, 708, 2020.
- 5. Abut, T., Soyguder, S. Sabit Zaman Gecikmeli Tek Serbestlik Dereceli Bir Haptik-Teleoperasyon Sisteminin Kontrolü. Fırat Üniversitesi Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi, 33.1,133-140, 2021.
- 6. Liu, Y. C., Khong, M. H., Adaptive control for nonlinear teleoperators with uncertain kinematics and dynamics. IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, 20(5), 2550-2562, 2015.
- 7. Abut, T.,Soyguder, S. Optimal adaptive computed torque control for haptic-teleoperation system with uncertain dynamics. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part I: Journal of Systems and Control Engineering, 236(4), 800-817, 2022.
- 8. Mahya, S., Farokh, A. S., Talebi, H. A., Towhidkhan, F. A sliding-mode controller for dual-user teleoperation with unknown constant time delays, Robotica, 31(4), 589-598, 2013.
- 9. Garcia-Valdovinos, L. G., Lopez-Segovia, A., Jimenez-Hernandez, H., Santacruz-Reyes, H., Garcia-Zarco, L. A. Transparent higher-order sliding mode control for nonlinear master-slave systems without velocity measurement. International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems, 12(4), 28, 2015.
- 10. Ryu, J. H., Kwon, D. S. A novel adaptive bilateral control scheme using similar closed‐loop dynamic characteristics of master/slave manipulators. Journal of Robotic Systems, 18(9), 533-543, 2001.
- 11. Lee, H. K., Chung, M. J. Adaptive controller of a master-slave system for transparent teleoperation. Journal of Robotic systems, 15(8), 465-475, 1998.
- 12. Chopra, N., Spong, M. W., Lozano, R. Synchronization of bilateral teleoperators with time delay. Automatica, 44(8), 2142-2148, 2008.
- 13. Soyguder, S., Abut, T. Haptic industrial robot control with variable time delayed bilateral teleoperation. Industrial Robot: An International Journal, 43(4), 390-402. 2016.
- 14. Abut, T., Soyguder, S. Real-time control of bilateral teleoperation system with adaptive computed torque method. Industrial Robot: An International Journal. 44(3), 299-311, 2017.
- 15. Zhao, L., Zhang, H., Yang, Y., Yang, H. Integral sliding mode control of a bilateral teleoperation system based on extended state observers. International Journal of Control, Automation and Systems, 15(5), 2118-2125, 2017.
- 16. Vafaei, A.,Yazdanpanah, M. J. Terminal sliding mode impedance control for bilateral teleoperation under unknown constant time delay and uncertainties. In 2013 European Control Conference (ECC), IEEE, 3748-3753, 2013.
- 17. Abadi, A. S. S., Hosseinabadi, P. A., Mekhilef, S., Ordys, A. Chattering‐free fixed‐time sliding mode control for bilateral teleoperation under unknown time‐varying delay via disturbance and state observers. Advanced Control for Applications: Engineering and Industrial Systems, 2(4), e52. 2020.
- 18. Al-Wais, S., Khoo, S., Lee, T. H., Shanmugam, L., Nahavandi, S. Robust H∞ cost guaranteed integral sliding mode control for the synchronization problem of nonlinear tele-operation system with variable time-delay. ISA transactions, 72, 25-36, 2018.
- 19. Utkin, V. Variable structure systems with sliding modes. IEEE Transactions on Automatic control, 22(2), 212-222, 1977.
- 20. Abut, T., Soyguder, S. Sliding Mode Control of the Haptic-Teleoperation System Based on a Real and Virtual Robot. In 2019 International Artificial Intelligence and Data Processing Symposium (IDAP), IEEE, 1-7,2019.
- 21. Abut, T. Position Controller Design and Implementation of Ball and Beam System with SMC and PD Control Methods. Energy Engineering and Control Systems, 6(2), 120-126, 2020.
- 22. Milosavljevic, D. General conditions for existence of a quasi-sliding mode on the switching hyperplane in discrete variable structure systems. Autom. Remote Control, 46, 307-314, 1985.
- 23. Corradini, M. L., Leo, T., Orlando, G. Robust stabilization of a mobile robot violating the nonholonomic constraint via quasi-sliding modes. In Proceedings of the 1999 American Control Conference (Cat. No. 99CH36251), IEEE, 6, 3935-3939, 1999.
- 24. Huang, C. F., Liao, T. L., Chen, C. Y., Yan, J. J. The design of quasi-sliding mode control for a permanent magnet synchronous motor with unmatched uncertainties. Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 64(5), 1036-1043, 2012.
- 25. Perić, S. L., Antić, D. S., Milovanović, M. B., Mitić, D. B., Milojković, M. T., Nikolić, S. S. Quasi-sliding mode control with orthogonal endocrine neural network-based estimator applied in anti-lock braking system. IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, 21(2), 754-764, 2015.
- 26. Cui, Y., Xu, L., Ji, J., Shi, R.,Wang, Z. Quasi-sliding mode control for discrete-time uncertain systems with time-varying delay and stochastic disturbance. International Journal of Control, 95(1), 249-258, 2022.
Year 2022,
Volume: 3 Issue: 1, 1 - 11, 29.06.2022
Tayfun Abut
Servet Soygüder
- 1. Lv, H., Kong, D., Pang, G., Wang, B., Yu, Z., Pang, Z., Yang, G. GuLiM: A Hybrid Motion Mapping Technique for Teleoperation of Medical Assistive Robot in Combating the COVID-19 Pandemic. IEEE Transactions on Medical Robotics and Bionics, 4 (1), 106-117, 2022.
- 2. Abut, T, Soyguder, S. Haptik-Teleoperasyon Sistemleri için PID ve SMC Kontrol Yöntemlerinin Tasarımı ve Bilgisayar Simülasyonu. Journal of New Results in Engineering and Natural Sciences, (12), 12-21,2020.
- 3. Abut, T, Soyguder, S. Motion control in virtual reality based teleoperation system. In 2015 23nd Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU), IEEE, 2682-2685,2015.
- 4. Bhaskar, S., Bradley, S., Sakhamuri, S., Moguilner, S., Chattu, V. K., Pandya, S., Starr, S., Ray, D., Banach, M. Designing futuristic telemedicine using artificial intelligence and robotics in the COVID-19 era. Frontiers in public health, 8, 708, 2020.
- 5. Abut, T., Soyguder, S. Sabit Zaman Gecikmeli Tek Serbestlik Dereceli Bir Haptik-Teleoperasyon Sisteminin Kontrolü. Fırat Üniversitesi Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi, 33.1,133-140, 2021.
- 6. Liu, Y. C., Khong, M. H., Adaptive control for nonlinear teleoperators with uncertain kinematics and dynamics. IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, 20(5), 2550-2562, 2015.
- 7. Abut, T.,Soyguder, S. Optimal adaptive computed torque control for haptic-teleoperation system with uncertain dynamics. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part I: Journal of Systems and Control Engineering, 236(4), 800-817, 2022.
- 8. Mahya, S., Farokh, A. S., Talebi, H. A., Towhidkhan, F. A sliding-mode controller for dual-user teleoperation with unknown constant time delays, Robotica, 31(4), 589-598, 2013.
- 9. Garcia-Valdovinos, L. G., Lopez-Segovia, A., Jimenez-Hernandez, H., Santacruz-Reyes, H., Garcia-Zarco, L. A. Transparent higher-order sliding mode control for nonlinear master-slave systems without velocity measurement. International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems, 12(4), 28, 2015.
- 10. Ryu, J. H., Kwon, D. S. A novel adaptive bilateral control scheme using similar closed‐loop dynamic characteristics of master/slave manipulators. Journal of Robotic Systems, 18(9), 533-543, 2001.
- 11. Lee, H. K., Chung, M. J. Adaptive controller of a master-slave system for transparent teleoperation. Journal of Robotic systems, 15(8), 465-475, 1998.
- 12. Chopra, N., Spong, M. W., Lozano, R. Synchronization of bilateral teleoperators with time delay. Automatica, 44(8), 2142-2148, 2008.
- 13. Soyguder, S., Abut, T. Haptic industrial robot control with variable time delayed bilateral teleoperation. Industrial Robot: An International Journal, 43(4), 390-402. 2016.
- 14. Abut, T., Soyguder, S. Real-time control of bilateral teleoperation system with adaptive computed torque method. Industrial Robot: An International Journal. 44(3), 299-311, 2017.
- 15. Zhao, L., Zhang, H., Yang, Y., Yang, H. Integral sliding mode control of a bilateral teleoperation system based on extended state observers. International Journal of Control, Automation and Systems, 15(5), 2118-2125, 2017.
- 16. Vafaei, A.,Yazdanpanah, M. J. Terminal sliding mode impedance control for bilateral teleoperation under unknown constant time delay and uncertainties. In 2013 European Control Conference (ECC), IEEE, 3748-3753, 2013.
- 17. Abadi, A. S. S., Hosseinabadi, P. A., Mekhilef, S., Ordys, A. Chattering‐free fixed‐time sliding mode control for bilateral teleoperation under unknown time‐varying delay via disturbance and state observers. Advanced Control for Applications: Engineering and Industrial Systems, 2(4), e52. 2020.
- 18. Al-Wais, S., Khoo, S., Lee, T. H., Shanmugam, L., Nahavandi, S. Robust H∞ cost guaranteed integral sliding mode control for the synchronization problem of nonlinear tele-operation system with variable time-delay. ISA transactions, 72, 25-36, 2018.
- 19. Utkin, V. Variable structure systems with sliding modes. IEEE Transactions on Automatic control, 22(2), 212-222, 1977.
- 20. Abut, T., Soyguder, S. Sliding Mode Control of the Haptic-Teleoperation System Based on a Real and Virtual Robot. In 2019 International Artificial Intelligence and Data Processing Symposium (IDAP), IEEE, 1-7,2019.
- 21. Abut, T. Position Controller Design and Implementation of Ball and Beam System with SMC and PD Control Methods. Energy Engineering and Control Systems, 6(2), 120-126, 2020.
- 22. Milosavljevic, D. General conditions for existence of a quasi-sliding mode on the switching hyperplane in discrete variable structure systems. Autom. Remote Control, 46, 307-314, 1985.
- 23. Corradini, M. L., Leo, T., Orlando, G. Robust stabilization of a mobile robot violating the nonholonomic constraint via quasi-sliding modes. In Proceedings of the 1999 American Control Conference (Cat. No. 99CH36251), IEEE, 6, 3935-3939, 1999.
- 24. Huang, C. F., Liao, T. L., Chen, C. Y., Yan, J. J. The design of quasi-sliding mode control for a permanent magnet synchronous motor with unmatched uncertainties. Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 64(5), 1036-1043, 2012.
- 25. Perić, S. L., Antić, D. S., Milovanović, M. B., Mitić, D. B., Milojković, M. T., Nikolić, S. S. Quasi-sliding mode control with orthogonal endocrine neural network-based estimator applied in anti-lock braking system. IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, 21(2), 754-764, 2015.
- 26. Cui, Y., Xu, L., Ji, J., Shi, R.,Wang, Z. Quasi-sliding mode control for discrete-time uncertain systems with time-varying delay and stochastic disturbance. International Journal of Control, 95(1), 249-258, 2022.