Writing Rules

Articles sent for publication in our journal must be prepared according to the journal article writing format. General information regarding the writing rules is summarized below.


Studies accepted for publication after peer-review should be uploaded to the system after they are rearranged by the authors in accordance with the print format. No typesetting will be done except for the format-related application procedures of our editors. Studies must be written with an Office 2013 or higher word processing application.


For works to be prepared in A4 size, 2.5 cm margins should be left on all sides. The header should be marked differently on odd and even pages. The header should be written in 8-point Times New Roman font. The page should be arranged as a single column.


Turkish: The title of the article should be written in Times New Roman font, 12 points, only the initials should be capitalized, centered on both sides and in dark font, and 1 line space should be left before and after the Turkish title.

English: Only the initials should be capitalized, centered and bold, with Times New Roman font and 10 points. One line space should be left after the English title.


Author names should be written in Times New Roman font, centered, bold and 10 point. There should be no spaces between the names of the authors and the address. Address references of author names should be specified in exponential 5 font size.


Addresses should be written in Times New Roman font, centered and 9 points. Only the e-mail address of the responsible author should be written at the bottom of the address lines in the same font and size. The e-mail address should be written in 9 points, without leaving any spaces, just below the address.


Turkish: The abstract should be written in bold Times New Roman font, 9 points, the initials should be capitalized and written at the beginning of the first line. The abstract should be written in a single paragraph and not exceeding 150 words, at least 50.

English: The abstract should be written in bold Times New Roman font, as in the Turkish abstract, in 9 font size, with capital letters, and not exceeding 150 words, with a single paragraph of at least 50.


Turkish: Key words to be written in 9 font size, capitalized and bold Times New Roman format, after leaving 1 line of space under the abstract text, must be at least 3 and at most 6 words. There should be 2 lines of space after the keywords.

English: Key words to be written in 9 font size, capitalized and bold Times New Roman, after leaving 1 line space under the abstract text, must be at least 3 and at most 6 words. There should be 2 lines of space after the keywords.


Headings should be numbered, all headings should be in Times New Roman font and 10 points;

• In first-degree titles, all letters of all words are capitalized,
• In secondary sub-headings, the first letter of all words is capitalized,
• In third degree titles, only the first letter of the first word should be capitalized.

One line space should be left before and after the headings. Headings should be left aligned.

The titles of the articles should be able to express the following contents in order;

• Introduction
• Material and Method
• Experimental Part
• Materials and Methods Discussion
• Conclusion


The text should be written in 10 font size with single line spacing, leaving 1 line space (10 points) after the Keywords. Paragraph indent should be 0.7 cm and 6 pt spacing should be left before and after paragraphs. The text should be written in justified form.


Tables and figures should be numbered in the order in which they are used. The titles of the tables should be in the upper-middle position, and the titles of the figures must be in the lower-middle position. Each table and figure must be written as Table 1, Figure 1 without breaking the order, and must be in 10 pt Times New Roman bold. In the explanations of tables and figures, only the first letter should be capitalized, Times New Roman 10 points and should not be written in bold font. Formulas and equations should be written using Math Type or Word Equation Editor.


References in our article should be cited in square brackets by numbering “[1]”, references should be given in their original language. References should be written in Times New Roman 9 points. Sample bibliography content is as follows:

1. Chen Y. R., Chao K., Kim M. S. Machine vision technology for agricultural applications, Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 36 173-191, 2002.
2. Kumar A. Computer vision based fabric defect detection: a survey, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 55 348-363, 2008.
3. Yetis H., Baygin M., Karaköse M. A New Micro Genetic Algorithm Based Image Stitching Approach for Camera Arrays at Production Lines, The 5th International Conference on Manufacturing Engineering and Process (ICMEP 2016), 25-27 May, 2016.

Last Update Time: 11/23/24, 10:21:41 AM