Research Article
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Elementary Students’ Opinions About Using The Drama Method in Science and Technology Course

Year 2011, Volume: 1 Issue: 1, 161 - 178, 12.06.2011


The terms alpha, beta and gamma diversity introduced by Whittaker. Species diversity is determined as Alpha or Beta level. Beta diversity is the variation in species composition among sites in a geographic region. Beta diversity is a key concept for understanding the functioning of ecosystems, for the conservation of biodiversity and for ecosystem management.


  • Adıgüzel, H. Ö. ve Tokgöz, N. (2000). Müze Ortamında Drama ile Yaşantılara Dayalı Öğrenme- Anadolu Medeniyetleri Müzesi Örneği-. N. Aslan (Ed.) "Dramaya Çok Yönlü Bakış". Türkiye 2. Drama Liderleri Buluşması ve Ulusal Drama Semineri. Ankara: Oluşum Yayınları.
  • Anderson, M.J., Crist, T.O., Chase, J.M., Vellend, M., Inouye B.D., Freestone, A.L., Sanders N.J., Cornell, H.V., Comita, L.S., Davies, K.F., Harrison, S.P., Kraft, N.J.B., Stegen, J.C. ve Swenson N.G. (2011). Navigating the Multiple Meanings of B diversity: a Roadmap for the Practicing Ecologist. Ecology Letters, 14(1): 19–28.
  • Anderson, M.J., Ellingsen, K.E. ve McArdle, B.H. (2006). Multivariate Dispersion as a Measure of Beta Diversity. Ecology Letters, 9(6): 683–693.
  • Aslan, Ebru Gül (2007). Çığlıkara, Dibek ve Kasnak Meşesi Tabiatı Koruma Alanlarındaki Altıcinae (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) Türlerinin Dağılımı ve Çeşitliliği. Yayınlanmış Doktora Tezi. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Isparta.
  • Balmford, A., Bennun, L., Brink, B. ten, Cooper, D., Côté, I.M., Crane, P., Dobson, A., Dudley, N., Dutton, I., Green, R.E., Gregory, R.D., Harrison, J., Kennedy, E.T., Kremen, C., Leader-Williams, N., Lovejoy, T.E., Mace, G., May, R., Mayaux, P., Morling, P., Redford, K., Ricketts, T.H., Rodríguez, J.P., Sanjayan, M., Schei, P.J., Jaarsveld, A.S. van, Walther, B.A., (2005)a. The Convention on Biological Diversity‟s 2010 Target. Science, 307(5707), 212-213.
  • Balmford, A., Crane, P., Dobson, A., Green, R.E., Mace, G.M., (2005)b. The 2010 challenge: Data Availability, Information Needs and Extraterrestrial Insights. Philosophical Transactions The Royal Society B Biological Science, 360(1454), 221-228.
  • Duelli, P. ve Obrist, M.K. (2003). Biodiversity Indicators: the Choice of Values and Measures. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 98(1-3), 87–98. European Environment Agency. (2007) Halting The Loss of Biodiversity by 2010: Proposal for a First set of Indicators to Monitor Progress in Europe. European Environment Agency Techical Report. (11), 1-182.
  • Ferrier, S., Manion, G., Elith, J. ve Richardon K. (2007). Using Generalized Dissimilarity Modelling to Analyse and Predict Patterns of Beta Diversity in Regional Biodiversity Assessment. Diversity and Distributions, 13(3), 252–264.
  • Gallardo-Cruz J.A., Perez-Garcia, E.A., ve Meave, J.A. (2009). B-Diversity and Vegetation Structure as Influenced by Slope Aspect and Altitude in a Seasonally Dry Tropical Landscape. Landscape Ecology, 24(4),473-482.
  • Gülsoy, S., Özkan, K. (2008). Tür Çeşitliliğin Ekolojik Açıdan Önemi ve Kullanılan Bazı İndisler. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Orman Fakültesi Dergisi, A(1), 168-178.
  • Güner A., Özhatay N., Ekim T., Başer K.H.C. (2000), Flora of Turkey and The East Aegean Islands (Supplement 2) Vol 11, Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh.
  • Hammer, Ø. (2010, Eylül) PAST (PAleontological STatistics) Version 2.00 < > (2011, Nisan 24)
  • Heywood, V.H., Watson, (1995), The Global Biodiversity Assessment. (Editör Watson, R.T.) Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1140.
  • Işık, D., Uğurlu, E. Ve Oldeland, J. (2011, Haziran) Patterns of Alpha- and Beta-Diversity of Vegetation Types at The Kula Volcano, Turkey. 54. International Association Vegetation Science Meeting (IAVS), Vegatation in and around water: patterns, processes and threats, sayfa 87‟de özet olarak basıldı ve poster olarak sunuldu, Lyon, Fransa.
  • Jurasinski G., Retzer V., Beierkuhnlein C. (2008). Inventory, Differentiation, and Proportional Diversity: a Consistent Terminology for Quantifying Species Diversity. Oecologia, 159(1), 15-26.
  • Kılınç, M., Kutbay, H. G., Yalçın, E., Bilgin, A. (2006), Bitki Ekolojisi ve Bitki Sosyolojisi Uygulamaları, Palme Kitabevi, Ankara.
  • Koleff, P., Gaston K.J. & Lennon, J.J. (2003). Measuring Beta Diversity for Presence -Absence Data. Journal of Animal Ecology, 72(3), 367–382.
  • Legendre P. (2008). Studying Beta Diversity: Ecological Variation Partitioning by Multiple Regression and Canonical Analysis. Journal of Plant Ecology, 1(1), 1-8.
  • Mark, V. (2001). Do Commonly Used Indices of B -Diversity Measure Species Turnover?. Journal of Vegetation Science, 12(4), 545-552. Qian, H. (2009). Beta Diversity in Relation to Dispersal Ability for Vascular Plants in North America. Global Ecology and Biogeograph, 18(3), 327–332.
  • Sala, O.E., Chapin, F.S., III, Armesto, J.J., Berlow, E., Bloomfield, J., Dirzo, R., Huber Sanwald, E., Huenneke, L.F., Jackson, R.B., Kinzig, A., Leemans, R., Lodge, D.M., Mooney, H.A., Oesterheld, M., LeRoy Poff, N., Sykes, M.T., Walker, B.H., Walker, M., Wall, D.H. (2000). Global Biodiversity Scenarios for the Year 2100. Science, 287(5459), 1770-1774.
  • Tichy, L., Jason, H., Martina, N. (2011). JUICE Program for Management, Analysis and Classification of Ecological Data, 2. Edition of the Program Manual.
  • Tichy, L. ve Holt, J. (2010, Eylül 22 ) JUICE (Program For Management, Analysis and Classification of Ecological Data) <> (2011, Nisan 25) Tichy, L., Milan, C. (2006). Statistical Determination of Diagnostic Species for Site Groups of Unequal Size. Journal of Vegetation Science, 17(6): 809-818.

Bitki Kommunitelerinde Beta Çeşitlilik

Year 2011, Volume: 1 Issue: 1, 161 - 178, 12.06.2011


“Alfa, beta ve gama çeşitlilik“ terimleri Whittaker tarafından ortaya konmuştur. Tür çeşitliliği alfa veya beta düzeyinde belirlenmektedir. Beta çeşitlilik coğrafik bir bölgedeki alanlar arasındaki tür komposizyonundaki çeşitliliktir. Ekosistemin işlevi, biyoçeşitliliğin korunması ve ekosistem yönetimini anlamak için beta çeşitlilik anahtar bir kavramdır.


  • Adıgüzel, H. Ö. ve Tokgöz, N. (2000). Müze Ortamında Drama ile Yaşantılara Dayalı Öğrenme- Anadolu Medeniyetleri Müzesi Örneği-. N. Aslan (Ed.) "Dramaya Çok Yönlü Bakış". Türkiye 2. Drama Liderleri Buluşması ve Ulusal Drama Semineri. Ankara: Oluşum Yayınları.
  • Anderson, M.J., Crist, T.O., Chase, J.M., Vellend, M., Inouye B.D., Freestone, A.L., Sanders N.J., Cornell, H.V., Comita, L.S., Davies, K.F., Harrison, S.P., Kraft, N.J.B., Stegen, J.C. ve Swenson N.G. (2011). Navigating the Multiple Meanings of B diversity: a Roadmap for the Practicing Ecologist. Ecology Letters, 14(1): 19–28.
  • Anderson, M.J., Ellingsen, K.E. ve McArdle, B.H. (2006). Multivariate Dispersion as a Measure of Beta Diversity. Ecology Letters, 9(6): 683–693.
  • Aslan, Ebru Gül (2007). Çığlıkara, Dibek ve Kasnak Meşesi Tabiatı Koruma Alanlarındaki Altıcinae (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) Türlerinin Dağılımı ve Çeşitliliği. Yayınlanmış Doktora Tezi. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Isparta.
  • Balmford, A., Bennun, L., Brink, B. ten, Cooper, D., Côté, I.M., Crane, P., Dobson, A., Dudley, N., Dutton, I., Green, R.E., Gregory, R.D., Harrison, J., Kennedy, E.T., Kremen, C., Leader-Williams, N., Lovejoy, T.E., Mace, G., May, R., Mayaux, P., Morling, P., Redford, K., Ricketts, T.H., Rodríguez, J.P., Sanjayan, M., Schei, P.J., Jaarsveld, A.S. van, Walther, B.A., (2005)a. The Convention on Biological Diversity‟s 2010 Target. Science, 307(5707), 212-213.
  • Balmford, A., Crane, P., Dobson, A., Green, R.E., Mace, G.M., (2005)b. The 2010 challenge: Data Availability, Information Needs and Extraterrestrial Insights. Philosophical Transactions The Royal Society B Biological Science, 360(1454), 221-228.
  • Duelli, P. ve Obrist, M.K. (2003). Biodiversity Indicators: the Choice of Values and Measures. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 98(1-3), 87–98. European Environment Agency. (2007) Halting The Loss of Biodiversity by 2010: Proposal for a First set of Indicators to Monitor Progress in Europe. European Environment Agency Techical Report. (11), 1-182.
  • Ferrier, S., Manion, G., Elith, J. ve Richardon K. (2007). Using Generalized Dissimilarity Modelling to Analyse and Predict Patterns of Beta Diversity in Regional Biodiversity Assessment. Diversity and Distributions, 13(3), 252–264.
  • Gallardo-Cruz J.A., Perez-Garcia, E.A., ve Meave, J.A. (2009). B-Diversity and Vegetation Structure as Influenced by Slope Aspect and Altitude in a Seasonally Dry Tropical Landscape. Landscape Ecology, 24(4),473-482.
  • Gülsoy, S., Özkan, K. (2008). Tür Çeşitliliğin Ekolojik Açıdan Önemi ve Kullanılan Bazı İndisler. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Orman Fakültesi Dergisi, A(1), 168-178.
  • Güner A., Özhatay N., Ekim T., Başer K.H.C. (2000), Flora of Turkey and The East Aegean Islands (Supplement 2) Vol 11, Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh.
  • Hammer, Ø. (2010, Eylül) PAST (PAleontological STatistics) Version 2.00 < > (2011, Nisan 24)
  • Heywood, V.H., Watson, (1995), The Global Biodiversity Assessment. (Editör Watson, R.T.) Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1140.
  • Işık, D., Uğurlu, E. Ve Oldeland, J. (2011, Haziran) Patterns of Alpha- and Beta-Diversity of Vegetation Types at The Kula Volcano, Turkey. 54. International Association Vegetation Science Meeting (IAVS), Vegatation in and around water: patterns, processes and threats, sayfa 87‟de özet olarak basıldı ve poster olarak sunuldu, Lyon, Fransa.
  • Jurasinski G., Retzer V., Beierkuhnlein C. (2008). Inventory, Differentiation, and Proportional Diversity: a Consistent Terminology for Quantifying Species Diversity. Oecologia, 159(1), 15-26.
  • Kılınç, M., Kutbay, H. G., Yalçın, E., Bilgin, A. (2006), Bitki Ekolojisi ve Bitki Sosyolojisi Uygulamaları, Palme Kitabevi, Ankara.
  • Koleff, P., Gaston K.J. & Lennon, J.J. (2003). Measuring Beta Diversity for Presence -Absence Data. Journal of Animal Ecology, 72(3), 367–382.
  • Legendre P. (2008). Studying Beta Diversity: Ecological Variation Partitioning by Multiple Regression and Canonical Analysis. Journal of Plant Ecology, 1(1), 1-8.
  • Mark, V. (2001). Do Commonly Used Indices of B -Diversity Measure Species Turnover?. Journal of Vegetation Science, 12(4), 545-552. Qian, H. (2009). Beta Diversity in Relation to Dispersal Ability for Vascular Plants in North America. Global Ecology and Biogeograph, 18(3), 327–332.
  • Sala, O.E., Chapin, F.S., III, Armesto, J.J., Berlow, E., Bloomfield, J., Dirzo, R., Huber Sanwald, E., Huenneke, L.F., Jackson, R.B., Kinzig, A., Leemans, R., Lodge, D.M., Mooney, H.A., Oesterheld, M., LeRoy Poff, N., Sykes, M.T., Walker, B.H., Walker, M., Wall, D.H. (2000). Global Biodiversity Scenarios for the Year 2100. Science, 287(5459), 1770-1774.
  • Tichy, L., Jason, H., Martina, N. (2011). JUICE Program for Management, Analysis and Classification of Ecological Data, 2. Edition of the Program Manual.
  • Tichy, L. ve Holt, J. (2010, Eylül 22 ) JUICE (Program For Management, Analysis and Classification of Ecological Data) <> (2011, Nisan 25) Tichy, L., Milan, C. (2006). Statistical Determination of Diagnostic Species for Site Groups of Unequal Size. Journal of Vegetation Science, 17(6): 809-818.
There are 22 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Other Fields of Education
Journal Section Research Articles

Deniz Işık This is me

Emin Uğurlu This is me

Publication Date June 12, 2011
Submission Date March 8, 2011
Published in Issue Year 2011 Volume: 1 Issue: 1


APA Işık, D., & Uğurlu, E. (2011). Bitki Kommunitelerinde Beta Çeşitlilik. Manisa Celal Bayar Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 1(1), 161-178.