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Year 2009, Issue: 27, 1 - 22, 01.01.2009


Bu çalışmada, firma için hayati öneme sahip olan nakit akımlarının tahmin edilmesiyle ilgili oluşturulan modeller test edilmiştir. İşletme faaliyet nakit akımları tahminlemesinde geçmiş dönem işletme faaliyet nakit akımlarının, karların ve tahakkukların tahminleme gücü bulunmaya çalışılmıştır. Çok değişkenli modeller içinde değişkenleri t –1 yılı işletme faaliyet nakit akımı, tahakkuklar ve t–2 yılına ait işletme faaliyet nakit akımı olan modeldiğer çok değişkenli modellerle karşılaştırıldığında işletme faaliyet nakit akımı tahminlemesinde daha iyi sonuçvermiştir


  • Aboody, D.; Barth, M.;Kasznik, R.; “ Revaluations, of Fixed Assets and Firm Performance:Evidence From The U.K.” Journal of Accounting and Economics, 26 1999, 149-178.
  • Akdoğan, Nalan; Aydın, Hamdi.; Muhasebe Teorileri, Gazi Üniversitesi Yayınları No: 98, 1987, Ankara.
  • Akgüç, Öztin; Kredi Taleplerinin Değerlendirilmesi, 5. Baskı, Avcıol Matbası, 1991, İstanbul.
  • Ali, A.; “The Incremental Information Content of Earnings, Working Capital from Operations, and Cash Flows”, Journal of Accounting Research, 32 1994, 61-74.
  • Ball, Ray; Philip Brown “An Empirical Evaluation of Accounting Income Numbers” The Journal of Accounting Research, Autumn 1968, 159–178.
  • Barth, E. Mary; Cram, P. Donald; Nelson, K. Karen; “Accruals And The Prediction of Future Cash Flow”, The Barwise, Patrick; Marsh, R. Paul; Wensley, Robin; “Must Finance and Strategy Clash”Harvard Business Review, Sep. Oct. 1989, 85–90.
  • Beaver, William,; Dukes, R.; “ Interperiod Tax Allocation, Earning Expectation, and The Behavior of Security Price”, The Accounting Review, April 1972, 320-332.
  • Bernard, L. Victor; Stober, L. Thomas; “The Nature And Amount of Information In Cash Flows And Accruals” , The Accounting Review, October 1989, 64 (4), 624–652.
  • Bowen, M., Robert; Burgstahler, David; Daley, A. Lane; “Notes,Evidence on The Relationship Between Earni- nigs and Various Measures of Cash Flow”, The Accounting Review, October 1986, vol;LXI, 713-725.
  • Bowen , M., Robert; Burgstahler, David; Daley, A. Lane; “The Incremental Information Content of Accrual Ver- sus Cash Flow” , The Accounting Review, October 1987, 62 (4), 723-747.
  • Brown, L. D. ; Rozelf, M. S.; “Univariate Time Series Models of Quarterly Accounting Earning Per Share: A pro- posed Model”, Journal of Accounting Research, Spring 1979, 179-189.
  • Chambers, R.,Nurgül, “Nakit Akımının Firmalar Açısından Önemi”, MUFAD Muhasebe ve Finansman Dergisi, Nisan 2002, 14, 49-60.
  • Dechow, M.Patricia; Kothari, S.P.; Watts, L. Ross;. “The Relation Between Earnings And Cash Flow”, Journal of Accounting And Economics, 1998 25, 133–168.
  • Dechow, M.Patricia; “Accounting Earnings and Cash Flow As Measures of Firm Performance The Role of Ac- counting Accruals”, Journal of Accounting And Economics, 1994, 18, 3–42.
  • Dyckman, Thomas R., Dukes E. Roland E., Davis, Charles, J., Intermediate Accounting, Irwin McGraw-Hill, Vo- lume II, Fourt Edition,1998.
  • Finger, A.Catherine; “The Ability of Earnings To Predict Future Earnings and Cash Flow”, Journal of Accoun- ting Research, Autumn 1994, 32 (2), 210–223.
  • Cheng, A.; Liu, S.; Schaefer, T.; “Earnings Performance and The Inremental Information Content of Cash Flow From Operations”, Journal of Accounting Research, Vol.34, 1997, 563-594.
  • Hopwood, S. William; McKeown, James, C.; “Empirical Evidence on The Time-Series Properties of Operating Cash Flow”, Managerial Finance, 18 (59) 1992, 62-78.
  • Hwee, Ghim, Ng; Tiong, K. L. Robet; “Model On Cash Flow Forecasting And Risk Analysis For Contracting Firms” , International Journal of Project Management, 2002 20, 351–363.
  • Greenberg, Robert, R.; Glenn, O.; Johnson, Krishnamoorthy; “Earning vs. Cash Flow as a Predictor of Future Cash Flow Measures”, Journal of Accounting, Auditing, and Finance, Fall 1986, 266-277.
  • Griffin, P.A.; “ The Time-Series Behavior of Quarterly Earnings: Preliminary Evidence”, Journal of Accounting Research, Spring 1977, 71-83.
  • Guay, R. Wayner; Sidhu, K. Baljıt; “The Usefulness of Long-Term Accruals”, Abacus, 2001, 37 (1), 110–131.
  • Kısakürek, M., Mustafa; İşletme Faaliyet Nakit Akımlarının Tahmin Edilmesi - İMKB’de Bir Uygulama,Hacet- tepe Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi, Ankara, 2005.
  • Krishan, V. Gopal; Largay, A. James III; “ The predictive Ability of Direct Method Cash Flow Information”, Jo- urnal of Business & Accounting, Jannuary/March 2000 27 (1) &(2), 215–245.
  • Lorek, S. Kenneth; Schaefer, F. Thomas; Willinger, Lee,G.; “Time-Series Properties And Predictive Ability of Funds Flow Variable”, The Accounting Review, January 1993, 68 (1), 151-163.
  • Lorek, S. Kenneth; Willinger, Lee, G.; “A Multivariate Time-Series Prediction Model For Cash-Flow Data”, The McBeth, H. Kevin; “Forecasting Operating Cash Flow: Evidence On The Comperative Predictive Abilities of Net Income And Operating Cash Flow From actual Cash Flow Data”, The-Mid- Atlantic Journal Of Business; Jun ; 29 (2) 173–187. McNichols, M.; Wilson, G. P.; “Evidence of Earnings Management From The Provision For Bad Debts”, Jour- nal of Accounting Research”, 26 1988, 1-40.
  • Murdoch, Brock; Paul, Krause; “An Empirical Investigation of The Predictive Power of Accrual and Cash Flow Data in Forecasting Operating Cash Flow”, Akron Business and Economic Review, 1989, 20 (3) 100–113.
  • Murdoch, Brock; Paul, Krause; “ Further Evidence on The Comperative Ability of Accounting Data to Predict Operating Cash Flows”, The Mid-Atlantic Journal of Business, 1990 26 (2), 1–14.
  • Nassiripour, Sia.; Greenberg, Robert, R.; Johnson, Glenn, L.; “Prediction Future Cash Flows : Current Cash Flow vs. Current Earnings”, Journal of Accounting and Finance Research , Fall 1996, 113-120.
  • Pfeiffer, J. Ray, Jr; Elgers, T. Pieter; Lo, H. May; Rees, L. Lynn; “Additional Evidence On The Incremental In- formation Content of Cash Flow and Accruals: The Impact of Errors In Measuring Market Expectation”, The Ac- counting Review, July 1998, 73 (3), 373–385.
  • Rayburn, Judy; “The Assocation of Operating Cash Flow and Accruals With Security Returns”, Journal of Acco- unting Research, Supplement 1986, 112–133.
  • Stammerjohan, W. William., Nassiripour, Sia., “Predicting SFAS Cash Flows: The Relative Importance Of Prior Earninigs, Cash Flow, And Accruals”,Accounting Enquiries,Fall 2000/2001;10(1), 87-143.
  • Sloan, G.,Richard; “Do Stock Prices Fully Reflect Information In Accruals and Cash Flows About Future Ear- nings?”, The Accounting Review, July 1996, 71 (3), 289-315.
  • Wearing, R.T.; “Cash Flow and The Eurotunnel”, Accoynting and Business Resaerch, V. 20, 1989, 13-24.


Year 2009, Issue: 27, 1 - 22, 01.01.2009


In this study, given the significance for the firm, the models pertaining to the prediction of cash flows have been tested. The predictive power of cash flows of the previous periods, profits and accruals has been explored inpredicting the cash flow from operations. Among the multivariate models, the model having cash flow from operation belonging year t-1 and t-2 as the variables gave better results in predicting cash flow from operations ofthe firm when compared with other multivariate models employed in this study


  • Aboody, D.; Barth, M.;Kasznik, R.; “ Revaluations, of Fixed Assets and Firm Performance:Evidence From The U.K.” Journal of Accounting and Economics, 26 1999, 149-178.
  • Akdoğan, Nalan; Aydın, Hamdi.; Muhasebe Teorileri, Gazi Üniversitesi Yayınları No: 98, 1987, Ankara.
  • Akgüç, Öztin; Kredi Taleplerinin Değerlendirilmesi, 5. Baskı, Avcıol Matbası, 1991, İstanbul.
  • Ali, A.; “The Incremental Information Content of Earnings, Working Capital from Operations, and Cash Flows”, Journal of Accounting Research, 32 1994, 61-74.
  • Ball, Ray; Philip Brown “An Empirical Evaluation of Accounting Income Numbers” The Journal of Accounting Research, Autumn 1968, 159–178.
  • Barth, E. Mary; Cram, P. Donald; Nelson, K. Karen; “Accruals And The Prediction of Future Cash Flow”, The Barwise, Patrick; Marsh, R. Paul; Wensley, Robin; “Must Finance and Strategy Clash”Harvard Business Review, Sep. Oct. 1989, 85–90.
  • Beaver, William,; Dukes, R.; “ Interperiod Tax Allocation, Earning Expectation, and The Behavior of Security Price”, The Accounting Review, April 1972, 320-332.
  • Bernard, L. Victor; Stober, L. Thomas; “The Nature And Amount of Information In Cash Flows And Accruals” , The Accounting Review, October 1989, 64 (4), 624–652.
  • Bowen, M., Robert; Burgstahler, David; Daley, A. Lane; “Notes,Evidence on The Relationship Between Earni- nigs and Various Measures of Cash Flow”, The Accounting Review, October 1986, vol;LXI, 713-725.
  • Bowen , M., Robert; Burgstahler, David; Daley, A. Lane; “The Incremental Information Content of Accrual Ver- sus Cash Flow” , The Accounting Review, October 1987, 62 (4), 723-747.
  • Brown, L. D. ; Rozelf, M. S.; “Univariate Time Series Models of Quarterly Accounting Earning Per Share: A pro- posed Model”, Journal of Accounting Research, Spring 1979, 179-189.
  • Chambers, R.,Nurgül, “Nakit Akımının Firmalar Açısından Önemi”, MUFAD Muhasebe ve Finansman Dergisi, Nisan 2002, 14, 49-60.
  • Dechow, M.Patricia; Kothari, S.P.; Watts, L. Ross;. “The Relation Between Earnings And Cash Flow”, Journal of Accounting And Economics, 1998 25, 133–168.
  • Dechow, M.Patricia; “Accounting Earnings and Cash Flow As Measures of Firm Performance The Role of Ac- counting Accruals”, Journal of Accounting And Economics, 1994, 18, 3–42.
  • Dyckman, Thomas R., Dukes E. Roland E., Davis, Charles, J., Intermediate Accounting, Irwin McGraw-Hill, Vo- lume II, Fourt Edition,1998.
  • Finger, A.Catherine; “The Ability of Earnings To Predict Future Earnings and Cash Flow”, Journal of Accoun- ting Research, Autumn 1994, 32 (2), 210–223.
  • Cheng, A.; Liu, S.; Schaefer, T.; “Earnings Performance and The Inremental Information Content of Cash Flow From Operations”, Journal of Accounting Research, Vol.34, 1997, 563-594.
  • Hopwood, S. William; McKeown, James, C.; “Empirical Evidence on The Time-Series Properties of Operating Cash Flow”, Managerial Finance, 18 (59) 1992, 62-78.
  • Hwee, Ghim, Ng; Tiong, K. L. Robet; “Model On Cash Flow Forecasting And Risk Analysis For Contracting Firms” , International Journal of Project Management, 2002 20, 351–363.
  • Greenberg, Robert, R.; Glenn, O.; Johnson, Krishnamoorthy; “Earning vs. Cash Flow as a Predictor of Future Cash Flow Measures”, Journal of Accounting, Auditing, and Finance, Fall 1986, 266-277.
  • Griffin, P.A.; “ The Time-Series Behavior of Quarterly Earnings: Preliminary Evidence”, Journal of Accounting Research, Spring 1977, 71-83.
  • Guay, R. Wayner; Sidhu, K. Baljıt; “The Usefulness of Long-Term Accruals”, Abacus, 2001, 37 (1), 110–131.
  • Kısakürek, M., Mustafa; İşletme Faaliyet Nakit Akımlarının Tahmin Edilmesi - İMKB’de Bir Uygulama,Hacet- tepe Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi, Ankara, 2005.
  • Krishan, V. Gopal; Largay, A. James III; “ The predictive Ability of Direct Method Cash Flow Information”, Jo- urnal of Business & Accounting, Jannuary/March 2000 27 (1) &(2), 215–245.
  • Lorek, S. Kenneth; Schaefer, F. Thomas; Willinger, Lee,G.; “Time-Series Properties And Predictive Ability of Funds Flow Variable”, The Accounting Review, January 1993, 68 (1), 151-163.
  • Lorek, S. Kenneth; Willinger, Lee, G.; “A Multivariate Time-Series Prediction Model For Cash-Flow Data”, The McBeth, H. Kevin; “Forecasting Operating Cash Flow: Evidence On The Comperative Predictive Abilities of Net Income And Operating Cash Flow From actual Cash Flow Data”, The-Mid- Atlantic Journal Of Business; Jun ; 29 (2) 173–187. McNichols, M.; Wilson, G. P.; “Evidence of Earnings Management From The Provision For Bad Debts”, Jour- nal of Accounting Research”, 26 1988, 1-40.
  • Murdoch, Brock; Paul, Krause; “An Empirical Investigation of The Predictive Power of Accrual and Cash Flow Data in Forecasting Operating Cash Flow”, Akron Business and Economic Review, 1989, 20 (3) 100–113.
  • Murdoch, Brock; Paul, Krause; “ Further Evidence on The Comperative Ability of Accounting Data to Predict Operating Cash Flows”, The Mid-Atlantic Journal of Business, 1990 26 (2), 1–14.
  • Nassiripour, Sia.; Greenberg, Robert, R.; Johnson, Glenn, L.; “Prediction Future Cash Flows : Current Cash Flow vs. Current Earnings”, Journal of Accounting and Finance Research , Fall 1996, 113-120.
  • Pfeiffer, J. Ray, Jr; Elgers, T. Pieter; Lo, H. May; Rees, L. Lynn; “Additional Evidence On The Incremental In- formation Content of Cash Flow and Accruals: The Impact of Errors In Measuring Market Expectation”, The Ac- counting Review, July 1998, 73 (3), 373–385.
  • Rayburn, Judy; “The Assocation of Operating Cash Flow and Accruals With Security Returns”, Journal of Acco- unting Research, Supplement 1986, 112–133.
  • Stammerjohan, W. William., Nassiripour, Sia., “Predicting SFAS Cash Flows: The Relative Importance Of Prior Earninigs, Cash Flow, And Accruals”,Accounting Enquiries,Fall 2000/2001;10(1), 87-143.
  • Sloan, G.,Richard; “Do Stock Prices Fully Reflect Information In Accruals and Cash Flows About Future Ear- nings?”, The Accounting Review, July 1996, 71 (3), 289-315.
  • Wearing, R.T.; “Cash Flow and The Eurotunnel”, Accoynting and Business Resaerch, V. 20, 1989, 13-24.
There are 34 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Article

Ö Mustafa İpçi This is me

M Mustafa Kısakürek This is me

Publication Date January 1, 2009
Published in Issue Year 2009 Issue: 27


APA İpçi, Ö. M., & Kısakürek, M. M. (2009). İŞLETME FAALİYET NAKİT AKIMLARININ TAHMİNİ ÜZERİNE İMKB’DE UYGULAMA. Muhasebe Ve Denetime Bakış(27), 1-22.