Volume: 7 Issue: 2, 8/1/06

Year: 2006

Research Article


1. Infant Deaths and Stillbirths in Aydin Province in 2004


3. Residency Training at Medical Schools of Ege and Adnan Menderes Universities: The Residents’ Perspective


4. Comparision of Clinical and Electrophysiological Staging in Carpal Tunnel Syndrome


5. Evaluation of Efficacy of Caudal Analgesia on Pediatric Surgery


6. Review of Transrectal Ultrasonography Findings in the Diagnosis of Prostate Cancer: Radiopathological Correlation


7. Evaluation of the Effects of Remifentanyl and Alfentanyl on Spirometric Parameters in Endotracheal Intubations


9. An Unusual Complication of Clean Intermittent Self-Catheterization; Urethral, Glandular Cavernosal Tissue Loss

Case Report


8. Delayed Presentation of A Penetrating Subclavian Arterial Injury: Case Report

Letter to Editor


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