Current Issue

Volume: 10 Issue: 2, 12/30/24

Year: 2024

The Medeniyet Art Journal aims to create a democratic platform for researchers to share their art, design, and architecture publications. In the information age we live in, access and distribution have become more critical than ever.

In this context, it is aimed at the Medeniyet Art Journal as a vital information distribution platform for research in our country. Scientific articles, criticism, and evaluation are given in photography, traditional arts, visual communication design, architecture, plastic arts, art management, communication studies, city and region planning, design and art criticism, and theater.

Medeniyet Art is an international, double-blind, peer-reviewed journal published twice a year digitally in June and December. The journal's languages are Turkish or English. There is no charge for the publication of the articles. Medeniyet Art has an open-access policy that allows all concerned parties to access all the articles published through the DergiPark platform.

The latest article submission date for the June issue is the 15th of April, and for the December issue is the 15th of October.

Publishing Conditions and Writing Rules for Journal of Medeniyet Art

Medeniyet Art is an internationally peer-reviewed journal. It is published at least twice a year, in June and December.

Publishing Conditions
Articles written in Turkish and English languages are published in the journal.

Research articles, review articles, and articles of an investigative nature submitted for publication in the journal must not have been previously published elsewhere.
It is a requirement that the articles to be published in the journal adhere to writing and grammar rules. Two separate referees evaluate articles that comply with these rules. In case one referee's opinion is positive and the other's is negative, a third referee is consulted. A minimum of two positive referee opinions is required to publish articles. Authors may be asked to make abbreviations and/or corrections based on referee opinions. Articles are published in sequence after receiving positive referee opinions.

The copyright of the articles published in the journal is transferred without compensation to Istanbul Medeniyet University by the author(s). For this purpose, authors must declare the transfer of their copyright by signing the "Copyright Transfer Agreement" form.

Opinions are expressed in the published articles, and the responsibility for these opinions belongs to the author(s).

In translated articles to be published in the journal, the translator must obtain written permission from the author of the work and/or the person or institution holding the copyright and submit this permission document to the editorial board.

Multiple articles by the same author cannot be published in one journal.

A similarity report must accompany all submitted articles to the journal. Articles with a similarity rate exceeding 15% are not published according to journal rules. Moreover, the similarity rate of individual sources should not exceed 3%.

For research conducted in all fields of science, including Social Sciences (studies that require surveys or scale applications, interviews, and observations; documents, images, surveys, etc., developed and requiring usage permission from others), and studies requiring approval from an ethics committee, separate ethical approval must be obtained. For studies requiring approval from ethics committees, necessary permissions from these committees or commissions must be received before the research is conducted, and they must be mentioned and submitted in addition to the article content. Without these permissions, the article will be returned to the author during the pre-review phase.

Writing Rules
1. Articles should be written in Microsoft Word.
2. Text should be written in Arial font, size 11, with single spacing. For page layout, the top margin should be 3 cm, the bottom margin 2.5 cm, the right margin 2.5 cm, and the left margin 2.5 cm, and each page should be numbered.
3. Quotations and references throughout the text should be prepared in the APA-6 format.
4. The length of your articles, excluding abstract, references, and footnotes, should be between 3000 and 7000 words.
5. The number of images used in your article should not exceed 15. Images should be included within the text and separately in a high-quality file (300 dpi, jpeg, tiff, or pdf formats).
6. The main title of the article should be left-aligned, in bold, size 12 font (with Initial Caps for Each Word).
7. The order of publication should be: Turkish title, followed by English title, Turkish abstract, and English abstract.
8. The author's affiliation and email address should be provided in size 10 bold font below and to the left of the title.
9. The author's affiliation and contact email should be provided at the bottom of the page in Arial font, size 8, and italicized. An asterisk (*) should be used in the footnote to indicate the insertion of this information. Additionally, the ORCID number of each author should be included.
10. Abstracts written in both Turkish and English should be between 150-250 words, in Arial font, size 8.
11. The abstract should cover the purpose, methodology, and results of the study and provide sufficient information about the article's content.
12. Keywords should be listed below the abstract in italics and font size 8. The number of keywords should be a minimum of 3 and a maximum of 5. Only the first letter of each keyword should be capitalized. "Anahtar Kelimeler" and "Keywords" should be in bold.
13. There should be a single line space between the abstract heading/other headings and between paragraphs throughout the text.
14. The article text should begin from the second page.
15. All headings in the text, except for "Introduction" and "References," should be numbered and in bold. All heading levels should be in size 11 font. First-level headings and subheadings should follow the rule of "Capitalizing the First Letter of Each Word." Headings should be left-aligned and without indentation.
16. Images without tables (photographs, drawings, diagrams, graphics, maps, etc.) should be called "Figures." Titles (sequential number and description) should be given to tables and figures. Table titles should be placed above, while figure titles should be placed below. Table and figure titles should be centered, in Arial font, size 11, and bold. Only the first letter of each word in the title should be capitalized. There should be a 6 pt space after the table title.
17. Possible source information for tables or figures should be indicated within the text. Additionally, all tables or figures used in the text should be listed under a separate heading, "VISUAL REFERENCES," in the references section, following the APA-6 citation style. For instance:
Figure 1. Bache, I. (2010). Europeanization and multi-level governance: EU cohesion policy and pre-accession aid in Southeast Europe. Southeast European and Black Sea Studies, 10(1), pp. 1–12.
Figure 2. ___________
Figure 3. ___________
Images should be referenced and formatted according to APA-6 standards under the "VISUAL REFERENCES" heading in the references section.
18. Tables should be cited within the text.
19. Self-created images (photos, drawings, illustrations, etc.) should be indicated next to the image's name in parentheses. (Photo from the author's archive or the illustration is based on data from …)
20. In tables, horizontal and vertical headers should be bold, while other values should be in regular font.
21. Only headings within the text should be in bold. Therefore, essential and emphasized points should be indicated in italics.
22. Items listed with bullet points in the text should be designated with Roman numerals for items of significance (i, ii…x) and with • for items without a specific order of importance.
23. If an explanation in footnotes refers to a source, it should be added following proper source citation rules.
24. If an additional source is to be provided within the text for further information, it should be indicated as a footnote. For these footnotes, after writing "See:," the complete source reference (by APA-6 citation style) should be provided. Furthermore, the sources provided for additional information should be listed in the "References" section at the end of the article.
25. In publications derived from theses, a footnote should be added.
26. The text should be justified on both sides.
27. If the same author has multiple sources, all source citations should include the surname to form the source entry. The same author's publications in the same year should be coded as a, b, and the older publication should be listed first.
28. The references section should be written in Latin script.

Note: Articles that do not adhere to these rules will not be considered for evaluation and will be directly rejected.

ICMJE (International Committee of Medical Journal Editors) recommendations and COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics) International Standards for Editors and Authors should be considered in scientific articles sent to the journal.

1- Studies requiring questionnaire or scale application, including interviews and observations; documents, pictures, questionnaires, etc., developed by others and requiring permission to use require the Ethics Committee's permission. For research conducted in all disciplines, including social sciences and ethics, that require a committee decision, ethics committee approval must be obtained separately, and this approval must be specified and documented in the article. Without these permissions, the publication is returned to the author during the pre-review phase.
2- In studies requiring ethics committee approval, information about the permission (name of the board, date, and number) should be included in the method section and on the article's first page. The information that the informed consent form was signed should be included in the report article.
3- It is necessary to comply with copyright regulations for the intellectual and artistic works used.
4- It is obligatory to submit the raw data of the research in the referee evaluations when requested by the referees. It is obligatory to provide the data after the article's publication when necessary.

Candidate articles should be sent with the originality report from the academic similarity prevention program (For example, ithenticate,, etc.). This rate is accepted up to 15%. Studies with a similarity rate of over 15% will be returned at the pre-check stage.

Ethical Rules for Authors
1- The authors guarantee that their work is original, and when they include other researchers' ideas, language, pictures, graphics, and tables in their work, they must cite it. Quotations without specifying the source are the reason for plagiarism.
2- Each author mentioned in the study is equally responsible for the content of the study. It is unacceptable that the researcher's name is not included or the name of the researcher is unfairly included even though he/she contributed to the study.
3- Authors must stay true to the findings of their research. Changing findings, making up findings and conclusions, and conducting research based on them is out of the question. Situations such as tampering, deletion, removal of data and materials, or skipping the interpretation of data that are difficult to handle are trust-breaking.
4- It is not possible to send the work simultaneously to journals. Authors cannot send previously published work to the journal.

Ethical Rules for Referees
1- Referees should know that the evaluation process is confidential and should not be shared with third parties.
2- Referees should submit an objective, impartial, scientific, understandable, and constructive evaluation report about the study within the specified time.
3- The referee reports will also include assessing the scientific nature of the article (subject matter, a method used, or appropriate use of the relevant literature). This evaluation must be made about the content, whether positive or negative.
4- When it is understood that the work is plagiarized or has been published elsewhere, the referees should report the situation to the editor.

No fees are charged for article submission or processing in our journal.

Our journal is indexed in Crossref, SOBIAD, ASOS Index, Index Copernicus, IAD, Academia, ResearchGate, and Google Scholar.Creative Commons Lisansı

All papers published by this journal have been licensed by  Creative Commons Atıf-GayriTicari 4.0 Uluslararası Lisansı.