Evaluation of sewage sludge effects on soil fertility and silage maize growth
Year 2023,
, 147 - 152, 04.12.2023
Aylin Zambak Özgür
Şule Orman
Hüseyin Ok
İsmail Emrah Tavalı
Different methods are being tried all over the world for the safe disposal of sewage sludge. One of these methods is to evaluate the waste in plant production by applying it to the soil. In this study, the potential of using stabilized and dried sewage sludge in silage maize cultivation was investigated. Silage maize was grown by applying the sewage sludge to the soil at different rates [0 t ha-1 (SS0-Control), 20 t ha-1 (SS2), 40 t ha-1 (SS4), 60 t ha-1 (SS6), and 80 t ha-1 (SS8)]. Thus, the material's effects on soil fertility and plant growth were examined. According to the results, the sewage sludge enriched the soil, which contains restrictive factors in terms of fertility and on which maize growth is carried out, with humus and nutrients. However, it was observed that the material does not cause salinity problems in the soil. It was determined that sewage sludge positively affected the growth of silage maize but could not provide sufficient nutrition for the plant in terms of macronutrients. Considering the economic benefits and environmental risks, applying the sewage sludge with a maximum of 60 t ha-1 in silage maize growth is appropriate. However, it would be incredibly beneficial to support the material with chemical fertilizers to increase the silage yield and quality of the plant.
Project Number
- Aldatmaz G (2006) Toprağa uygulanabilir nitelikteki arıtma çamurlarının topraktaki bazı enzim aktiviteleri üzerine etkileri. Yüksek lisans tezi, Uludağ Üniversitesi, Bursa, s. 108.
- Angın İ (2008) Arıtma çamurlarının fiziksel ve kimyasal toprak düzenleyicisi olarak kullanımı. Doktora tezi, Atatürk Üniversitesi, Erzurum.
- Angın İ, Yağanoğlu AV (2009) Arıtma çamurlarının fiziksel ve kimyasal toprak düzenleyicisi olarak kullanımı. Ekoloji 19(73): 39-47.
- Black CA (1965) Methods of Soil Analysis. Part 2. AmericanSociety of Agronomy Inc., Publisher Madison, Wisconsin, USA.
- Bouyoucos GJ (1955) A Recalibration of the Hydrometer Method for making mechanical analysis of the soils. Agronomy Journal 4(9): 434.
- Çağlar KÖ (1949) Toprak Bilgisi. Ankara Üniv. Ziraat Fak. Yayınları, Sayı: 10.
- Dwyer LM, Stewart DW, Glenn F (1998) Silage yields of leafy and normal hybrids. Com and Sorghum Conf. Am. Seed Trade. Assoc.Washington D.C.
- Gasco G, Lobo MC (2007) Composition of a Spanish sewage sludge and effects on treated soil and olive trees. Waste Management 27(11): 1494-1500.
- Göçmez S (2006) Menemen Ovası Topraklarında İzsu Kentsel Arıtma Çamuru Uygulamalarının Mikrobiyal Aktivite ve Biyomas ile Bazı Fiziksel ve Kimyasal Toprak Özellikleri Üzerine Etkisi. Doktora Tezi, Ege Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Toprak Anabilim Dalı, İzmir.
- Hallauer AB, Miranda JB (1987) Quantitative Genetics in Maize Breeding. pp 118-119. Lowa State Unıv. Press, Ames, Lowa.
- Jackson ML (1967) Soil Chemical Analysis. Prentice Hall of India Private Limited, New Delhi, India.
- Kacar B, İnal A (2008) Bitki Analizleri. Nobel Yayınları, Ankara, No: 1241.
- Kacar B (2009) Toprak Analizleri. Nobel Yayın No: 1387, Fen Bilimleri: 90, Nobel Bilim ve Araştırma Merkezi Yayın No. 44 ISBN 978-605-395-184-1. s. 467.
- Khan NA, Yu P, Ali M, Cone JW, Hendriks WH (2015) Nutritive value of maize silage in relation to dairy cow performance and milk quality. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 95(2): 238-252.
- Loue A (1968) DiagonisticPetiolaire de Prospection. Etudes Sur la Nutrition et al Fertilisation Potassiques de la Vigne. Societe Commerciale des Potasses d'Alsace Sevices Agronomiques pp. 31-41.
- Manios T, Stentiford E (2003) The effect of heavy metals accumulation on the chlorophyll concentration of typha latifolia plants growing in a substrate containing sewage sludge compost and watered with metalliferous water. Ecological Engineering 20: 65-74.
- Minitab (2010) Minitab Inc. MINITAB: Minitab for Windows Version Release 17. State College, PA, USA: Minitab Inc.
- Navas A, Bermudez F, Machin J (1998) Influence of sewage sludge application on physical and chemical properties of Gypsisols. Geoderma 87: 123-135.
- Olsen SR, Sommers LE (1982) Phosphorus. In: Page, A.L., Miller, R.H. and Keeney, D.R., Eds., Methods of Soil Analysis. Part 2: Chemical and Microbiological Properties, American Society of Agronomy, Inc., Madison, pp. 403-427.
- Pizer NH (1967) Some advisory aspects of potassium and magnesium. Technology Bulletin 14: 184.
- Sağlam MT, Bahtiyar M, Cangir C, Tok HH (1993) Toprak Bilimi. Trakya Üniversitesi Tekirdağ Ziraat Fakültesi Toprak Bölümü Ders Kitabı, Anadolu Matbaa Tic. Koll. Şti., Tekirdağ.
- Sauvé S, McBride MB, Hendershot WH (1997) Copper solubility and speciation of in-situ contaminated soils: effect of copper level, pH and organic matter. Water, Air and Soil Pollution 100: 133-149.
- Schowanek D, Carr R, David H, Douben P, Hall J, Kirchmann H, Patria H, Sequi P, Smith S, Webb S (2004) A risk-based methodology for deriving quality standards for organic contaminants in sewage sludge for use in agriculture conceptual framework. Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology 40: 227-251.
- Sims JT, Kline JS (1991) Chemical fractionation and plant uptake of heavy metals in soil amended with co-composted sewage sludge. Journal of Environmental Quality 20: 387-395.
- Tezel M (2018) Türkiye'de silajlık mısır üretimi ve hayvan beslemede yeri. TÜRKTOB Dergisi 25: 17-19.
- Türkan İ (2008) Bitki Fizyolojisi, Palme Yayınları: 455, Palme Yayıncılık.
- U.S. EPA (2007) Method 3051A (SW-846): Microwave Assisted Acid Digestion of Sediments, Sludges, and Oils. Revision 1. Washington, DC.
- Uyanık M (1984) Mısır Bitkisinin Botanik Özellikleri. Karadeniz Bölge Zirai Araştırma Enstitüsü Yayınları No: 1984-1, Samsun.
- Van Soest PJ, Robertson JB, Lewis BA (1991) Method for Dietary Fiber, Neutral Detergent Fiber, and Nostarch Polysaccharides in Relation to Animal Nutrition. Journal of Dairy Science 74: 3583-3597.
- Williams S (1984) Official Methods of Analysis of the Association of Official Analytic Chemists. Published by the Association of Official Analytical Chemists. Inc. Wircini, 22.209, USA, p. 140, pp. 59-60.
- Yılmaz C (2004) Bitkisel Üretimde Besin Elementleri. Hasad Yayıncılık, ISBN 975-8377-36-1, İstanbul.
- Zhang MK, Ke ZX (2004) Heavy metals, phosphorus and some other elements in urban soils of Hangzhou City, China. Pedosphere 14(2): 177-185.
Evaluation of sewage sludge effects on soil fertility and silage maize growth
Year 2023,
, 147 - 152, 04.12.2023
Aylin Zambak Özgür
Şule Orman
Hüseyin Ok
İsmail Emrah Tavalı
Different methods are being tried all over the world for the safe disposal of sewage sludge. One of these methods is to evaluate the waste in plant production by applying it to the soil. In this study, the potential of using stabilized and dried sewage sludge in silage maize cultivation was investigated. Silage maize was grown by applying the sewage sludge to the soil at different rates [0 t ha-1 (SS0-Control), 20 t ha-1 (SS2), 40 t ha-1 (SS4), 60 t ha-1 (SS6), and 80 t ha-1 (SS8)]. Thus, the material's effects on soil fertility and plant growth were examined. According to the results, the sewage sludge enriched the soil, which contains restrictive factors in terms of fertility and on which maize growth is carried out, with humus and nutrients. However, it was observed that the material does not cause salinity problems in the soil. It was determined that sewage sludge positively affected the growth of silage maize but could not provide sufficient nutrition for the plant in terms of macronutrients. Considering the economic benefits and environmental risks, applying the sewage sludge with a maximum of 60 t ha-1 in silage maize growth is appropriate. However, it would be incredibly beneficial to support the material with chemical fertilizers to increase the silage yield and quality of the plant.
Supporting Institution
Akdeniz University
Project Number
This study was financially supported by the Scientific Research Projects Coordination Unit of Akdeniz University (Project no. FYL-2017-2688)
- Aldatmaz G (2006) Toprağa uygulanabilir nitelikteki arıtma çamurlarının topraktaki bazı enzim aktiviteleri üzerine etkileri. Yüksek lisans tezi, Uludağ Üniversitesi, Bursa, s. 108.
- Angın İ (2008) Arıtma çamurlarının fiziksel ve kimyasal toprak düzenleyicisi olarak kullanımı. Doktora tezi, Atatürk Üniversitesi, Erzurum.
- Angın İ, Yağanoğlu AV (2009) Arıtma çamurlarının fiziksel ve kimyasal toprak düzenleyicisi olarak kullanımı. Ekoloji 19(73): 39-47.
- Black CA (1965) Methods of Soil Analysis. Part 2. AmericanSociety of Agronomy Inc., Publisher Madison, Wisconsin, USA.
- Bouyoucos GJ (1955) A Recalibration of the Hydrometer Method for making mechanical analysis of the soils. Agronomy Journal 4(9): 434.
- Çağlar KÖ (1949) Toprak Bilgisi. Ankara Üniv. Ziraat Fak. Yayınları, Sayı: 10.
- Dwyer LM, Stewart DW, Glenn F (1998) Silage yields of leafy and normal hybrids. Com and Sorghum Conf. Am. Seed Trade. Assoc.Washington D.C.
- Gasco G, Lobo MC (2007) Composition of a Spanish sewage sludge and effects on treated soil and olive trees. Waste Management 27(11): 1494-1500.
- Göçmez S (2006) Menemen Ovası Topraklarında İzsu Kentsel Arıtma Çamuru Uygulamalarının Mikrobiyal Aktivite ve Biyomas ile Bazı Fiziksel ve Kimyasal Toprak Özellikleri Üzerine Etkisi. Doktora Tezi, Ege Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Toprak Anabilim Dalı, İzmir.
- Hallauer AB, Miranda JB (1987) Quantitative Genetics in Maize Breeding. pp 118-119. Lowa State Unıv. Press, Ames, Lowa.
- Jackson ML (1967) Soil Chemical Analysis. Prentice Hall of India Private Limited, New Delhi, India.
- Kacar B, İnal A (2008) Bitki Analizleri. Nobel Yayınları, Ankara, No: 1241.
- Kacar B (2009) Toprak Analizleri. Nobel Yayın No: 1387, Fen Bilimleri: 90, Nobel Bilim ve Araştırma Merkezi Yayın No. 44 ISBN 978-605-395-184-1. s. 467.
- Khan NA, Yu P, Ali M, Cone JW, Hendriks WH (2015) Nutritive value of maize silage in relation to dairy cow performance and milk quality. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 95(2): 238-252.
- Loue A (1968) DiagonisticPetiolaire de Prospection. Etudes Sur la Nutrition et al Fertilisation Potassiques de la Vigne. Societe Commerciale des Potasses d'Alsace Sevices Agronomiques pp. 31-41.
- Manios T, Stentiford E (2003) The effect of heavy metals accumulation on the chlorophyll concentration of typha latifolia plants growing in a substrate containing sewage sludge compost and watered with metalliferous water. Ecological Engineering 20: 65-74.
- Minitab (2010) Minitab Inc. MINITAB: Minitab for Windows Version Release 17. State College, PA, USA: Minitab Inc.
- Navas A, Bermudez F, Machin J (1998) Influence of sewage sludge application on physical and chemical properties of Gypsisols. Geoderma 87: 123-135.
- Olsen SR, Sommers LE (1982) Phosphorus. In: Page, A.L., Miller, R.H. and Keeney, D.R., Eds., Methods of Soil Analysis. Part 2: Chemical and Microbiological Properties, American Society of Agronomy, Inc., Madison, pp. 403-427.
- Pizer NH (1967) Some advisory aspects of potassium and magnesium. Technology Bulletin 14: 184.
- Sağlam MT, Bahtiyar M, Cangir C, Tok HH (1993) Toprak Bilimi. Trakya Üniversitesi Tekirdağ Ziraat Fakültesi Toprak Bölümü Ders Kitabı, Anadolu Matbaa Tic. Koll. Şti., Tekirdağ.
- Sauvé S, McBride MB, Hendershot WH (1997) Copper solubility and speciation of in-situ contaminated soils: effect of copper level, pH and organic matter. Water, Air and Soil Pollution 100: 133-149.
- Schowanek D, Carr R, David H, Douben P, Hall J, Kirchmann H, Patria H, Sequi P, Smith S, Webb S (2004) A risk-based methodology for deriving quality standards for organic contaminants in sewage sludge for use in agriculture conceptual framework. Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology 40: 227-251.
- Sims JT, Kline JS (1991) Chemical fractionation and plant uptake of heavy metals in soil amended with co-composted sewage sludge. Journal of Environmental Quality 20: 387-395.
- Tezel M (2018) Türkiye'de silajlık mısır üretimi ve hayvan beslemede yeri. TÜRKTOB Dergisi 25: 17-19.
- Türkan İ (2008) Bitki Fizyolojisi, Palme Yayınları: 455, Palme Yayıncılık.
- U.S. EPA (2007) Method 3051A (SW-846): Microwave Assisted Acid Digestion of Sediments, Sludges, and Oils. Revision 1. Washington, DC.
- Uyanık M (1984) Mısır Bitkisinin Botanik Özellikleri. Karadeniz Bölge Zirai Araştırma Enstitüsü Yayınları No: 1984-1, Samsun.
- Van Soest PJ, Robertson JB, Lewis BA (1991) Method for Dietary Fiber, Neutral Detergent Fiber, and Nostarch Polysaccharides in Relation to Animal Nutrition. Journal of Dairy Science 74: 3583-3597.
- Williams S (1984) Official Methods of Analysis of the Association of Official Analytic Chemists. Published by the Association of Official Analytical Chemists. Inc. Wircini, 22.209, USA, p. 140, pp. 59-60.
- Yılmaz C (2004) Bitkisel Üretimde Besin Elementleri. Hasad Yayıncılık, ISBN 975-8377-36-1, İstanbul.
- Zhang MK, Ke ZX (2004) Heavy metals, phosphorus and some other elements in urban soils of Hangzhou City, China. Pedosphere 14(2): 177-185.