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Estimation of genetic and environmental parameters for milk traits in jersey cows

Year 2018, , 311 - 315, 03.12.2018


The aim of this study was to estimate the genetic parameters and environmental factors for test day milk yield (TDMY), lactation milk yield (LMY), 305-day milk yield (305-DMY), milk fat percentage (FP) and milk protein percentage (PP) of Jersey cows raised on Karaköy Agricultural State Farm in Samsun province of Turkey. The data were obtained from 279 milk yield records of 170 heads cows calved from 2011 to 2013 years.  Parity, calving season and calving year were considered as fixed effects. Heritability, additive genetic variance and phenotypic variance were estimated by multiple trait derivative free restricted maximum likelihood (MTDFREML) with the animal model. Variance analysis results showed that except for FP, the effects of parity and calving year on TDMY, LMY, 305-DMY and PP were significantly important (P<0.05). However, calving season did not affect TDMY, LMY, 305-DMY, FP and PP (P>0.05). Heritability estimates for TDMY, LMY, 305-DMY, FP and PP were 0.38, 0.30, 0.28, 0.19, and 0.36, respectively. Repeatability for TDMY, LMY, 305-DMY, FP and PP were ranged from 0.35 to 0.45. The results indicate that these traits can be used as a selection criteria in genetic improvement of Jersey cattle this herd.  


  • Akman N (1998) Practical cattle breeding. 2nd Edition, Foundation of the Turkish Union of Agricultural Engineers Publication, Ankara.
  • Aspilcueta-Borquis RR, Araujo Neto FR, Baldi F, Bignardi AB, Albuquerque LG, Tonhati H (2010) Genetic parameters for buffalo milk yield and milk quality traits using Bayesian inference. J. Dairy Sci, 93: 2195–2201.
  • Atasever S, Stádník L (2015) Factors affecting daily milk yield, fat and protein percentage, and somatic cell count in primiparous Holstein cows. Indian J. Anim. Res, 49(3): 313-316.
  • Boldman KG, Kriese LA, Van Vleck LD, Kacman SD (1995) A manual for use of MTDFREML; USD-ARS, Clay Center, Nebraska, USA.
  • Buttchereit N, Stamer E, Junge W, Thaller G (2011) Short communication: Genetic relationships among daily energy balance, feed intake, body condition score, and fat to protein ratio of milk in dairy cows. J. Dairy Sci, 94: 1586–1591.
  • Cilek S, Sahin E (2009) Estimation of some genetic parameters (heritability and repeatability) for milk yield in the Anatolian population of Holstein cows. Arch. Zootech, 12: 57-64.
  • Cinar M, Serbester U, Ceyhan A, Gorgulu M (2015) Effect of somatic cell count on milk yield and composition of first and second lactation dairy cows. Italian Journal of Animal Science, 14(3646): 105-108.
  • Cole JB, Null DJ (2009) Genetic evaluation of lactation persistency for five breeds of dairy cattle. J. Dairy Sci, 92: 2248–2258.
  • El-Tahawy AS, El-Far AH (2010) Influences of somatic cell count on milk composition and dairy farm profitability. International Journal of Dairy Technology, 63(3): 463-469.
  • Erdem H, Atasever S, Kul E (2010) Determination of milk production characteristics and milk losses related to somatic cell count in Jersey cows raised in the black sea region of Turkey. Asian Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances, 5(3): 217-222.
  • Erfani‐Asl Z, Hashemi A, Farhadian M (2015) Estimates of repeatability and heritability of productive trait in Holstein dairy cattle. Iranian Journal of Applied Animal Science, 5(4): 827-832.
  • Gencurova V, Hanu O (1997) The effect of season on the composition of individual samples of cow milk with a focus on nitrogen fractions. Vyzkum-v-Chovu-Scotu, 39(1): 11-15.
  • Gurmesa J, Melaku A (2012) Effect of lactation stage, pregnancy, parity and age on yield and major components of raw milk in bred cross Holstein Friesian cows. World Journal of Dairy & Food Sciences, 7(2): 146-149.
  • Javed K, Atzal M, Mirza RH (2003) Estimated breeding values and genetic trend for milk yield in Jersey cows. Pakistan Veterinary Journal, 23(2): 103-105.
  • Lofgren DL, Vinson WE, Pearson RE, Powell RL (1985) Heritability of milk yield at different herd means and variance for production. J Dairy Sci, 68: 2737-2739.
  • Maiwashe A, Nephawe KA, Theron HE (2008) Estimates of genetic parameters and effect of inbreeding on milk yield and composition in South African Jersey cows. South African Journal of Animal Science, 38 (2): 119-125.
  • Meyer K, Hammond K, Parnell PF, Mackinnon MJ, Sivarajasingam S (1990) Estimates of heritability and repeatability for reproductive traits in Australian beef cattle. Livest. Prod. Sci, 25: 15-30.
  • Missanjo E, Imbayarwo-Chikosi V, Halimani T (2013) Estimation of genetic and phenotypic parameters for production traits and somatic cell count for Jersey dairy cattle in Zimbabwe. ISRN Veterinary Science, 1-5.
  • Pavel ER, Gavan C (2011) Seasonal and milking-to-milking variations in cow milk fat, protein and somatic cell counts. Not Sci Biol, 3(2): 20-23.
  • Pelmus SR, Grosu H, Rotar MC, Gras MA, Ghita E, Lazar C (2017) Estimation of the genetic parameters for test-day milk yield in Holstein cattle. Animal Science and Biotechnologies, 50(1): 85-89.
  • Rahayu AP, Johari S, Kurnianto E (2015) Genetic gains of milk yield and milk composition as realized response to dairy cow selection in Bbptu-Hpt Baturraden, Indonesia. J. Indonesian Trop. Anim. Agric, 40(2): 79-86.
  • Roman RM, Wilcox CJ, Martin FG (2000) Estimates of repeatability and heritability of productive and reproductive traits in a herd of Jersey cattle. Genet Mol Biol, 23(1): 113-119.
  • Sahin A, Ulutas Z, Adkinson AY, Adkinson RW (2012) Genetic and environmental parameters and trends for milk production of Holstein cattle in Turkey. Italian Journal of Animal Science, 11(3): 242-248.
  • Sargeant JM, Wayne Martin S, Lissemore KD, Leslie KE, Gibson JP, Scott HM, Kelton DF (1998) Associations between individual cow factors and milk-protein production. Preventive Veterinary Medicine, 34: 57-72.
  • Şahin A, Ulutaş A (2010) Genetic Parameters of Milk Production and Reproduction Traits of Holstein Cattle at a Tahirova State Farm Conditions. Kafkas Univ Vet Fak Derg, 16(6): 1051-1056.
  • SPSS (2004) Windows User’s Guide. Version 13.0, SPSS Inc., Michigan Ave., Illinois, USA, Chicago.
  • Ulutas Z, Sahin A, Saaatci M (2008) Genetic parameters of milk yield in Jersey cows. J. Appl. Anim. Res. 34: 29-32.
  • Unalan A, Cankaya S (2010) Genetic parameters and correlations for lactation milk yields according to lactation numbers in Jersey cows. Turk J. Vet. Anim. Sci, 28: 1043-1049.
  • Yoon JT, Lee JH, Kim CK, Chung YC, Kim CH (2004) Effects of milk production, season, parity and lactation period on variations of milk urea nitrogen concentration and milk components of Holstein dairy cows. Asian-Aust. J. Anim. Sci, 17(4): 479-484.

Jersey ineklerinde süt verim özelliklerine ait genetik ve çevresel parametrelerin tahmini

Year 2018, , 311 - 315, 03.12.2018


Bu çalışmanın amacı, Türkiye’nin Samsun ilinde bulunan
Karaköy Tarım İşletmesi’nde yetiştirilen Jersey ineklerinin test günü süt
verimi (TGSV), laktasyon süt verimi (LSV), 305-gün süt verimi (305-GSV), süt
yağ oranı (YO) ve süt protein oranı (PO) için genetik parametre ve çevresel
faktörleri tahmin etmektir.
Veriler, 2011 ve 2013 yılları arasında
buzağılamış 170 baş ineğin 279 süt verim kaydından elde edilmiştir. Laktasyon
sırası, buzağılama mevsimi ve buzağılama yılı sabit faktörler olarak dikkate
alınmıştır. Kalıtım derecesi, eklemeli genetik varyans ve fenotipik varyans,
bireysel hayvan modelinde
ile tahmin edilmiştir.
Varyans analiz
sonuçları, YO hariç, TGSV, LSV, 305-GSV, YO ve PO üzerine laktasyon sırası ve
buzağılama yılının etkilerinin istatistiksel olarak önemli olduğunu
göstermiştir (
P<0.05). Ancak,
buzağılama mevsimi
YO ve PO’nı etkilememiştir. TGSV, LSV, 305-GSV, YO ve PO için kalıtım
dereceleri sırasıyla
0.38, 0.30, 0.28, 0.19 ve
0.36 olarak tahmin edilmiştir.
TGSV, LSV, 305-GSV, YO ve PO için tekrarlama
dereceleri ise 0.35 ile 0.45 arasındadır. Sonuçlar, bu özelliklerin bu sürüde
Jersey sığırların genetik olarak iyileştirilmesinde bir seleksiyon kriterleri olarak
kullanılabileceğini göstermektedir.


  • Akman N (1998) Practical cattle breeding. 2nd Edition, Foundation of the Turkish Union of Agricultural Engineers Publication, Ankara.
  • Aspilcueta-Borquis RR, Araujo Neto FR, Baldi F, Bignardi AB, Albuquerque LG, Tonhati H (2010) Genetic parameters for buffalo milk yield and milk quality traits using Bayesian inference. J. Dairy Sci, 93: 2195–2201.
  • Atasever S, Stádník L (2015) Factors affecting daily milk yield, fat and protein percentage, and somatic cell count in primiparous Holstein cows. Indian J. Anim. Res, 49(3): 313-316.
  • Boldman KG, Kriese LA, Van Vleck LD, Kacman SD (1995) A manual for use of MTDFREML; USD-ARS, Clay Center, Nebraska, USA.
  • Buttchereit N, Stamer E, Junge W, Thaller G (2011) Short communication: Genetic relationships among daily energy balance, feed intake, body condition score, and fat to protein ratio of milk in dairy cows. J. Dairy Sci, 94: 1586–1591.
  • Cilek S, Sahin E (2009) Estimation of some genetic parameters (heritability and repeatability) for milk yield in the Anatolian population of Holstein cows. Arch. Zootech, 12: 57-64.
  • Cinar M, Serbester U, Ceyhan A, Gorgulu M (2015) Effect of somatic cell count on milk yield and composition of first and second lactation dairy cows. Italian Journal of Animal Science, 14(3646): 105-108.
  • Cole JB, Null DJ (2009) Genetic evaluation of lactation persistency for five breeds of dairy cattle. J. Dairy Sci, 92: 2248–2258.
  • El-Tahawy AS, El-Far AH (2010) Influences of somatic cell count on milk composition and dairy farm profitability. International Journal of Dairy Technology, 63(3): 463-469.
  • Erdem H, Atasever S, Kul E (2010) Determination of milk production characteristics and milk losses related to somatic cell count in Jersey cows raised in the black sea region of Turkey. Asian Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances, 5(3): 217-222.
  • Erfani‐Asl Z, Hashemi A, Farhadian M (2015) Estimates of repeatability and heritability of productive trait in Holstein dairy cattle. Iranian Journal of Applied Animal Science, 5(4): 827-832.
  • Gencurova V, Hanu O (1997) The effect of season on the composition of individual samples of cow milk with a focus on nitrogen fractions. Vyzkum-v-Chovu-Scotu, 39(1): 11-15.
  • Gurmesa J, Melaku A (2012) Effect of lactation stage, pregnancy, parity and age on yield and major components of raw milk in bred cross Holstein Friesian cows. World Journal of Dairy & Food Sciences, 7(2): 146-149.
  • Javed K, Atzal M, Mirza RH (2003) Estimated breeding values and genetic trend for milk yield in Jersey cows. Pakistan Veterinary Journal, 23(2): 103-105.
  • Lofgren DL, Vinson WE, Pearson RE, Powell RL (1985) Heritability of milk yield at different herd means and variance for production. J Dairy Sci, 68: 2737-2739.
  • Maiwashe A, Nephawe KA, Theron HE (2008) Estimates of genetic parameters and effect of inbreeding on milk yield and composition in South African Jersey cows. South African Journal of Animal Science, 38 (2): 119-125.
  • Meyer K, Hammond K, Parnell PF, Mackinnon MJ, Sivarajasingam S (1990) Estimates of heritability and repeatability for reproductive traits in Australian beef cattle. Livest. Prod. Sci, 25: 15-30.
  • Missanjo E, Imbayarwo-Chikosi V, Halimani T (2013) Estimation of genetic and phenotypic parameters for production traits and somatic cell count for Jersey dairy cattle in Zimbabwe. ISRN Veterinary Science, 1-5.
  • Pavel ER, Gavan C (2011) Seasonal and milking-to-milking variations in cow milk fat, protein and somatic cell counts. Not Sci Biol, 3(2): 20-23.
  • Pelmus SR, Grosu H, Rotar MC, Gras MA, Ghita E, Lazar C (2017) Estimation of the genetic parameters for test-day milk yield in Holstein cattle. Animal Science and Biotechnologies, 50(1): 85-89.
  • Rahayu AP, Johari S, Kurnianto E (2015) Genetic gains of milk yield and milk composition as realized response to dairy cow selection in Bbptu-Hpt Baturraden, Indonesia. J. Indonesian Trop. Anim. Agric, 40(2): 79-86.
  • Roman RM, Wilcox CJ, Martin FG (2000) Estimates of repeatability and heritability of productive and reproductive traits in a herd of Jersey cattle. Genet Mol Biol, 23(1): 113-119.
  • Sahin A, Ulutas Z, Adkinson AY, Adkinson RW (2012) Genetic and environmental parameters and trends for milk production of Holstein cattle in Turkey. Italian Journal of Animal Science, 11(3): 242-248.
  • Sargeant JM, Wayne Martin S, Lissemore KD, Leslie KE, Gibson JP, Scott HM, Kelton DF (1998) Associations between individual cow factors and milk-protein production. Preventive Veterinary Medicine, 34: 57-72.
  • Şahin A, Ulutaş A (2010) Genetic Parameters of Milk Production and Reproduction Traits of Holstein Cattle at a Tahirova State Farm Conditions. Kafkas Univ Vet Fak Derg, 16(6): 1051-1056.
  • SPSS (2004) Windows User’s Guide. Version 13.0, SPSS Inc., Michigan Ave., Illinois, USA, Chicago.
  • Ulutas Z, Sahin A, Saaatci M (2008) Genetic parameters of milk yield in Jersey cows. J. Appl. Anim. Res. 34: 29-32.
  • Unalan A, Cankaya S (2010) Genetic parameters and correlations for lactation milk yields according to lactation numbers in Jersey cows. Turk J. Vet. Anim. Sci, 28: 1043-1049.
  • Yoon JT, Lee JH, Kim CK, Chung YC, Kim CH (2004) Effects of milk production, season, parity and lactation period on variations of milk urea nitrogen concentration and milk components of Holstein dairy cows. Asian-Aust. J. Anim. Sci, 17(4): 479-484.
There are 29 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Agricultural Engineering
Journal Section Makaleler

Ertuğrul Kul

Samet Hasan Abacı

Özden Çobanoğlu This is me

Eser Kemal Gürcan

Soner Çankaya

Publication Date December 3, 2018
Submission Date March 8, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2018


APA Kul, E., Abacı, S. H., Çobanoğlu, Ö., Gürcan, E. K., et al. (2018). Estimation of genetic and environmental parameters for milk traits in jersey cows. Mediterranean Agricultural Sciences, 31(3), 311-315.
AMA Kul E, Abacı SH, Çobanoğlu Ö, Gürcan EK, Çankaya S. Estimation of genetic and environmental parameters for milk traits in jersey cows. Mediterranean Agricultural Sciences. December 2018;31(3):311-315. doi:10.29136/mediterranean.403500
Chicago Kul, Ertuğrul, Samet Hasan Abacı, Özden Çobanoğlu, Eser Kemal Gürcan, and Soner Çankaya. “Estimation of Genetic and Environmental Parameters for Milk Traits in Jersey Cows”. Mediterranean Agricultural Sciences 31, no. 3 (December 2018): 311-15.
EndNote Kul E, Abacı SH, Çobanoğlu Ö, Gürcan EK, Çankaya S (December 1, 2018) Estimation of genetic and environmental parameters for milk traits in jersey cows. Mediterranean Agricultural Sciences 31 3 311–315.
IEEE E. Kul, S. H. Abacı, Ö. Çobanoğlu, E. K. Gürcan, and S. Çankaya, “Estimation of genetic and environmental parameters for milk traits in jersey cows”, Mediterranean Agricultural Sciences, vol. 31, no. 3, pp. 311–315, 2018, doi: 10.29136/mediterranean.403500.
ISNAD Kul, Ertuğrul et al. “Estimation of Genetic and Environmental Parameters for Milk Traits in Jersey Cows”. Mediterranean Agricultural Sciences 31/3 (December 2018), 311-315.
JAMA Kul E, Abacı SH, Çobanoğlu Ö, Gürcan EK, Çankaya S. Estimation of genetic and environmental parameters for milk traits in jersey cows. Mediterranean Agricultural Sciences. 2018;31:311–315.
MLA Kul, Ertuğrul et al. “Estimation of Genetic and Environmental Parameters for Milk Traits in Jersey Cows”. Mediterranean Agricultural Sciences, vol. 31, no. 3, 2018, pp. 311-5, doi:10.29136/mediterranean.403500.
Vancouver Kul E, Abacı SH, Çobanoğlu Ö, Gürcan EK, Çankaya S. Estimation of genetic and environmental parameters for milk traits in jersey cows. Mediterranean Agricultural Sciences. 2018;31(3):311-5.

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