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Yeşil renkli gölgeleme ağlarının bazı radyometrik özellikleri ve ortam mikrokliması ile bitki gelişimi üzerine etkisi

Year 2019, , 57 - 64, 01.04.2019


Bu çalışma, Antalya'da Akdeniz Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Araştırma
ve Uygulama Çiftliğinde açık tarla (756 m
2) koşullarında
yürütülmüştür. Denemede gölgeleme materyali olarak % 40, % 55, % 75
ve % 95 gölgeleme oranlı 4 farklı yeşil ışık seçici ağ kullanılmıştır.
Araştırmada, ışık seçici ağların bazı radyometrik özellikleri (toplam ışınım ve
fotosentetik etkin ışınım (PAR)) belirlenmiştir. Çalışmada ağların ortam
mikroklimasına etkisini belirlemek için iç ortam hava sıcaklığı ile nem
değerleri uygun algılayıcılarla ölçülmüştür. Ağların bitki gelişimi üzerine
etkisini belirlemek amacıyla ışık seçici ağlar ve açık tarla koşullarında
domates bitkisi yetiştirilmiştir. Elde edilen bulgulara göre % 40
gölgeleme oranlı yeşil ağ toplam ışınım ve PAR bandında en yüksek geçirgenliği


  • Abdrabbo MAA, Farag AA, Hassanein MK, Abou-Hadid AF (2010) Water consumption of eggplant under different microclimates. J. BioL Chem. Environ. Sci. 5(3): 239-255.
  • Arthurs SP, Stamps RH, Giglia FF (2013) Environmental modification inside photoselective shadehouses. Hort. Science 48(8): 975–979.
  • Barroso MR, Meneses JF, Mexia JT (1999) Comparison between greenhouse type, and their effects on two lettuce cultivars yield, and botrytis incidence. Acta Horticulturae 491: 137-142.
  • Briassoulis D, Mistriotis A, Eleftherakis D (2007) Mechanical behaviour and properties of agricultural nets. Part II: Analysis of the performance of the main categories of agricultural nets. Polymer Testing 26: 970-984.
  • Castellano S, Candura A, Scarascia Mugnozza G (2005) Relationship between solidity ratio, colour and shading effect of agricultural nets. Acta Horticulturae 801: 253-258.
  • Castellano S, Scarascia Mugnozza G, Russo G, Briassoulis D, Mistriotis A, Hemming S, Waaijenberg D (2008) Plastic nets in agriculture: A general review of types and applications. Applied Engineering in Agriculture 801: 253-258.
  • Castronuovo D, Statuto D, Muro N, Picuno P, Candido V (2015) Tecnical and agronomic behaviour of plastic nets for the greenhouse cultivation of sweet pepper in the mediterranean area. International Syposium on New Tecnologies and Management for Greenhouses, July of 19-23, Evora, Portekiz.
  • Cemek B, Demir Y (2005) Testing of the condensation characteristics and light transmissions of different plastic film covering materials. Polymer Testing 24(3): 269-404.
  • Doorenbos J, Pruitt WO (1977) Guidelines for Predicting Crop Water Requirements. Irrigation and Drainage paper 24, FAO, Rome.
  • Doorenbos J, Kassam AH (1979) Yield response to water. FAO, Irrigation and Drainage Paper No. 33, pp. 193.
  • Geoola F, Peiper UM, Geoola F (1994) Outdoor Testing of the Condensation Characteristics of Plastic Film Covering Materials Using a Model Greenhouse. Journal of Agricultural Engineering Research 57(3): 167-172.
  • Geoola F, Kashti Y, Peiper UM (1998) A model greenhouse for testing the role of condensation, dust and dirt on the solar radiation transmissivity of greenhouse cladding materials. Journal of Agricultural Engineering Research 71: 339-346.
  • Geoola F, Kashti Y, Levi A, Brickman R (2004) Quality evaluation of anti-drop properties of greenhouse cladding materials. Polymer Testing 23: 755-761.
  • Ilic Z, Milenkovic L, Durovka M, Kapoulas N (2011) The effect of color shade nets on the greenhouse climate and pepper yield, 46th Croatian and 6th International Symposium on Agriculture, Opatija, Croatia.
  • Ilic ZS, Milenkovic L, Sunic L, Barac S, Mastilovic J, Kevresan Z, Fallik E (2017) Effect of shading by coloured nets on yield and fruit quality of sweet pepper. Zemdirbyste-Agriculture 104(1): 53-62.
  • Justen VL, Fritz VA, Cohen JD (2012) Seasonal variation in glucosinolate accumulation in turnips grown under photoselective nettings. Horticulture Environment and Biotechnology 53(2): 108-115.
  • Kırda C, Cetin M, Dasgan Y, Topcu S, Kaman H, Ekici B, Derici MR, Ozguven AI (2004). Yield response of greenhouse grown tomato to partial root drying and conventional deficit irrigation. Agr. Water Manage. 69: 191-201.
  • Kittas C, Baille A, Giaglaras P (1999) Influence of covering material and shading on the spectral distribution of light in greenhouses. Journal of Agricultural Engineering Research 73: 341-351.
  • Kittas C, Tchamitchian M, Katsoulas N, Karaiskou P, Papaioannou Ch. (2006) Effect of two UV absorbing greenhouse covering films on growth and yield of an eggplant soilless crop. Scientia Horticulturae 110: 30-37.
  • Kittas C, Rigakis MK (2009) Influence of Shading Screens on Microclimate, Growth and Productivity of Tomato. Acta Horticulturae 807(1): 97-102.
  • Nangare DD, Singh J, Meena VS, Bhushan B, Bhatnagar PR (2015) Effect of green shade nets on yield and quality of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill) in semi-arid region of Punjab. Asian Journal of Advances in Basic and Applied Science 1(1): 1-8.
  • Nemera DB, Zur N, Lukyanov V, Shlizerman L, Ratner K, Shahak Y, Cohen S, Sadka A (2015) Top photoselective netting results in improved microclimate, productivity, physiological performance and water-use efficiency in citrus. International Syposium on New Tecnologies and Management for Greenhouses, July of 19-23, Evora, Portekiz.
  • Schettini E (2011) Nets For Peach Protected Cultivation. J. of Ag. Eng. Eng. 4: 25-31.
  • Shahak Y, Gussakovsky EE, Gal E, Ganelevin R (2004) Color Nets: Crop protection and Light Quality Manipulation in One Technology. Acta Horticulturae 659: 143-151.
  • Shahak Y (2008) Photo selective Netting for Improved Performance of Horticultural Crops. A Review of Ornamental and Vegetable Studies Carried in Israel. Acta Horticulturae 770: 161-168.
  • Teitel M, Liron O, Haim Y, Seginer I (2008) Flow Through Inclined and Concertina-Shape Screens. Acta Horticulturae 801: 99-106.

Some radiometric properties of green coloured shade nettings and its effect on ambient microclimate and plant growth

Year 2019, , 57 - 64, 01.04.2019


This study was conducted at the research and application farm of Faculty of Agriculture, Akdeniz University in Antalya under open field (756 m2) conditions. The green shade nettings with shade factor of 40%, 55%, 75% and 95% were used as shading material in this study. Some radiometric properties (the global radiation and photosynthetically active radiation (PAR)) of shade nettings were determined in this study. Environment conditions inside the shade nets were also investigated. The air temperature and relative humidity were measured by appropriate sensors. In order to determine the effect of nets on plant growth, tomato plants were grown in shade nets and in open field conditions. According to the results, 40% shading green net showed the highest transmittance in total radiation and PAR band.


  • Abdrabbo MAA, Farag AA, Hassanein MK, Abou-Hadid AF (2010) Water consumption of eggplant under different microclimates. J. BioL Chem. Environ. Sci. 5(3): 239-255.
  • Arthurs SP, Stamps RH, Giglia FF (2013) Environmental modification inside photoselective shadehouses. Hort. Science 48(8): 975–979.
  • Barroso MR, Meneses JF, Mexia JT (1999) Comparison between greenhouse type, and their effects on two lettuce cultivars yield, and botrytis incidence. Acta Horticulturae 491: 137-142.
  • Briassoulis D, Mistriotis A, Eleftherakis D (2007) Mechanical behaviour and properties of agricultural nets. Part II: Analysis of the performance of the main categories of agricultural nets. Polymer Testing 26: 970-984.
  • Castellano S, Candura A, Scarascia Mugnozza G (2005) Relationship between solidity ratio, colour and shading effect of agricultural nets. Acta Horticulturae 801: 253-258.
  • Castellano S, Scarascia Mugnozza G, Russo G, Briassoulis D, Mistriotis A, Hemming S, Waaijenberg D (2008) Plastic nets in agriculture: A general review of types and applications. Applied Engineering in Agriculture 801: 253-258.
  • Castronuovo D, Statuto D, Muro N, Picuno P, Candido V (2015) Tecnical and agronomic behaviour of plastic nets for the greenhouse cultivation of sweet pepper in the mediterranean area. International Syposium on New Tecnologies and Management for Greenhouses, July of 19-23, Evora, Portekiz.
  • Cemek B, Demir Y (2005) Testing of the condensation characteristics and light transmissions of different plastic film covering materials. Polymer Testing 24(3): 269-404.
  • Doorenbos J, Pruitt WO (1977) Guidelines for Predicting Crop Water Requirements. Irrigation and Drainage paper 24, FAO, Rome.
  • Doorenbos J, Kassam AH (1979) Yield response to water. FAO, Irrigation and Drainage Paper No. 33, pp. 193.
  • Geoola F, Peiper UM, Geoola F (1994) Outdoor Testing of the Condensation Characteristics of Plastic Film Covering Materials Using a Model Greenhouse. Journal of Agricultural Engineering Research 57(3): 167-172.
  • Geoola F, Kashti Y, Peiper UM (1998) A model greenhouse for testing the role of condensation, dust and dirt on the solar radiation transmissivity of greenhouse cladding materials. Journal of Agricultural Engineering Research 71: 339-346.
  • Geoola F, Kashti Y, Levi A, Brickman R (2004) Quality evaluation of anti-drop properties of greenhouse cladding materials. Polymer Testing 23: 755-761.
  • Ilic Z, Milenkovic L, Durovka M, Kapoulas N (2011) The effect of color shade nets on the greenhouse climate and pepper yield, 46th Croatian and 6th International Symposium on Agriculture, Opatija, Croatia.
  • Ilic ZS, Milenkovic L, Sunic L, Barac S, Mastilovic J, Kevresan Z, Fallik E (2017) Effect of shading by coloured nets on yield and fruit quality of sweet pepper. Zemdirbyste-Agriculture 104(1): 53-62.
  • Justen VL, Fritz VA, Cohen JD (2012) Seasonal variation in glucosinolate accumulation in turnips grown under photoselective nettings. Horticulture Environment and Biotechnology 53(2): 108-115.
  • Kırda C, Cetin M, Dasgan Y, Topcu S, Kaman H, Ekici B, Derici MR, Ozguven AI (2004). Yield response of greenhouse grown tomato to partial root drying and conventional deficit irrigation. Agr. Water Manage. 69: 191-201.
  • Kittas C, Baille A, Giaglaras P (1999) Influence of covering material and shading on the spectral distribution of light in greenhouses. Journal of Agricultural Engineering Research 73: 341-351.
  • Kittas C, Tchamitchian M, Katsoulas N, Karaiskou P, Papaioannou Ch. (2006) Effect of two UV absorbing greenhouse covering films on growth and yield of an eggplant soilless crop. Scientia Horticulturae 110: 30-37.
  • Kittas C, Rigakis MK (2009) Influence of Shading Screens on Microclimate, Growth and Productivity of Tomato. Acta Horticulturae 807(1): 97-102.
  • Nangare DD, Singh J, Meena VS, Bhushan B, Bhatnagar PR (2015) Effect of green shade nets on yield and quality of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill) in semi-arid region of Punjab. Asian Journal of Advances in Basic and Applied Science 1(1): 1-8.
  • Nemera DB, Zur N, Lukyanov V, Shlizerman L, Ratner K, Shahak Y, Cohen S, Sadka A (2015) Top photoselective netting results in improved microclimate, productivity, physiological performance and water-use efficiency in citrus. International Syposium on New Tecnologies and Management for Greenhouses, July of 19-23, Evora, Portekiz.
  • Schettini E (2011) Nets For Peach Protected Cultivation. J. of Ag. Eng. Eng. 4: 25-31.
  • Shahak Y, Gussakovsky EE, Gal E, Ganelevin R (2004) Color Nets: Crop protection and Light Quality Manipulation in One Technology. Acta Horticulturae 659: 143-151.
  • Shahak Y (2008) Photo selective Netting for Improved Performance of Horticultural Crops. A Review of Ornamental and Vegetable Studies Carried in Israel. Acta Horticulturae 770: 161-168.
  • Teitel M, Liron O, Haim Y, Seginer I (2008) Flow Through Inclined and Concertina-Shape Screens. Acta Horticulturae 801: 99-106.
There are 26 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Agricultural Engineering
Journal Section Makaleler

Nefise Yasemin Tezcan

Publication Date April 1, 2019
Submission Date August 31, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2019


APA Tezcan, N. Y. (2019). Yeşil renkli gölgeleme ağlarının bazı radyometrik özellikleri ve ortam mikrokliması ile bitki gelişimi üzerine etkisi. Mediterranean Agricultural Sciences, 32(1), 57-64.
AMA Tezcan NY. Yeşil renkli gölgeleme ağlarının bazı radyometrik özellikleri ve ortam mikrokliması ile bitki gelişimi üzerine etkisi. Mediterranean Agricultural Sciences. April 2019;32(1):57-64. doi:10.29136/mediterranean.456180
Chicago Tezcan, Nefise Yasemin. “Yeşil Renkli gölgeleme ağlarının Bazı Radyometrik özellikleri Ve Ortam Mikrokliması Ile Bitki gelişimi üzerine Etkisi”. Mediterranean Agricultural Sciences 32, no. 1 (April 2019): 57-64.
EndNote Tezcan NY (April 1, 2019) Yeşil renkli gölgeleme ağlarının bazı radyometrik özellikleri ve ortam mikrokliması ile bitki gelişimi üzerine etkisi. Mediterranean Agricultural Sciences 32 1 57–64.
IEEE N. Y. Tezcan, “Yeşil renkli gölgeleme ağlarının bazı radyometrik özellikleri ve ortam mikrokliması ile bitki gelişimi üzerine etkisi”, Mediterranean Agricultural Sciences, vol. 32, no. 1, pp. 57–64, 2019, doi: 10.29136/mediterranean.456180.
ISNAD Tezcan, Nefise Yasemin. “Yeşil Renkli gölgeleme ağlarının Bazı Radyometrik özellikleri Ve Ortam Mikrokliması Ile Bitki gelişimi üzerine Etkisi”. Mediterranean Agricultural Sciences 32/1 (April 2019), 57-64.
JAMA Tezcan NY. Yeşil renkli gölgeleme ağlarının bazı radyometrik özellikleri ve ortam mikrokliması ile bitki gelişimi üzerine etkisi. Mediterranean Agricultural Sciences. 2019;32:57–64.
MLA Tezcan, Nefise Yasemin. “Yeşil Renkli gölgeleme ağlarının Bazı Radyometrik özellikleri Ve Ortam Mikrokliması Ile Bitki gelişimi üzerine Etkisi”. Mediterranean Agricultural Sciences, vol. 32, no. 1, 2019, pp. 57-64, doi:10.29136/mediterranean.456180.
Vancouver Tezcan NY. Yeşil renkli gölgeleme ağlarının bazı radyometrik özellikleri ve ortam mikrokliması ile bitki gelişimi üzerine etkisi. Mediterranean Agricultural Sciences. 2019;32(1):57-64.

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