Markör destekli piramit potivirüs direnç genleri, Ruanda fasulye (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) genotipleri
Year 2019,
, 381 - 385, 01.12.2019
Charles Ruhımbana
Nedim Mutlu
Doğu ve Orta Afrika'da bulunan ve fasulye veriminde önemli bir tehdit olan
fasulye adi mozaik virüsü ve fasulye adi mozaik nekroz virüsü potirviruse
aittir. Dayanıklılığı arttırmak ve verimi stabilize etmek için dominant ve
resesif direnç genlerini birleştirmek virüsün bilinen tüm suşlarına karşı en
etkili hastalık kontrol stratejisidir. Çalışmanın amacı, hem dominant I hem de resesif bc-3 genlerini, marker destekli geri melezleme ıslahı yoluyla
hassas Ruanda fasulyelerine transfer etmektir. I geni (BCMV-48289723-CAPS) ve bc-3
geni (ENM-CAPS) için spesifik markerler BC progenlerinde seçilim için
kullanıldı. Başarılı gen kombinasyonu progenilerde BC1F1 ve BC2F1'in %33'ünde,
BC3F1'in %43'ünde ve BC3F2 %16'sında başarıyla gerçekleştirilmiştir. Tohum
rengi, bazı BC3 progenilerinde kombine direnç genleriyle tamamen geri
kazanılmıştır. Gelişmiş hatların, mahsulü Doğu ve Orta Afrika koşullarında hem
BCMV hem de BCMNV'ye karşı koruması beklenmektedir.
- Beauchemin C, Boutet N, Laliberte JF (2007) Visualization of the interaction between the precursors of VPg, the viral protein linked to the genome of Turnip mosaic virus, and the translation eukaryotic initiation factor iso 4E in planta. Journal of Virology 81(2): 775-782.
- Bello MH, Moghaddam SM, Massoudi M, McClean PE, Cregan PB, Miklas PN (2014) Application of in silico bulked segregant analysis for rapid development of markers linked to Bean common mosaic virus resistance in common bean. Bmc Genomics, 15.
- Blair MW, González LF, Kimani PM, Butare L (2010) Genetic diversity, inter-gene pool introgression and nutritional quality of common beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) from Central Africa. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 121(2): 237-248.
- Doyle JJ, Doyle JL (1990) Isolation of plant DNA from fresh tissue. Focus 12(13): 39-40.
- Drijfhout E (1978) Genetic interaction between Phaseolus vulgaris and bean common mosaic virus with implications for strain identification and breeding for resistance. Agricultural research reports (872), Centre for Agricultural Publishing and Documentation, Wageningen, Netherlands.
- Fisher M, Kyle M (1994) Inheritance of resistance to potyviruses in Phaseolus vulgaris L. III. Cosegregation of phenotypically similar dominant responses to nine potyviruses. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 89(7-8): 818-823.
- Freyre R, Skroch PW, GeffroyV, Adam-Blondon AF, Shirmohamadali A, Johnson WC,Gepts P (1998) Towards an integrated linkage map of common bean. 4. Development of a core linkage map and alignment of RFLP maps. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 97(5-6): 847-856.
- Haley SD, Afanador L, Kelly JD (1994) Identification and application of a random amplified polymorphic DNA marker for the I gene (potyvirus resistance) in common bean. Phytopathology 84(2): 157-160.
- Hwang J, Li J, Liu WY, An SJ, Cho H, Her NH, Kang BC (2009) Double mutations in eIF4E and eIFiso4E confer recessive resistance to Chilli veinal mottle virus in pepper. Molecules and Cells 27(3): 329-336.
- Johnson WC, Guzman P, Mandala D, Mkandawire ABC, Temple S, Gilbertson RL, Gepts P (1997) Molecular tagging of the bc-3 gene for introgression into Andean common bean. Crop Science 37(1): 248-254.
- Kang BC, Yeam I, Frantz JD, Murphy JF, Jahn MM (2005) The pvr1 locus in Capsicum encodes a translation initiation factor eIF4E that interacts with Tobacco etchvirus VPg. Plant Journal 42(3): 392-405.
- Kelly JD, Afanador L, Haley SD (1995) Pyramiding genes for resistance to bean common mosaic-virus. Euphytica 82(3): 207-212.
- Kelly JD, Gepts P, Miklas PN, Coyne DP (2003) Tagging and mapping of genes and QTL and molecular marker-assisted selection for traits of economic importance in bean and cowpea. Field Crops Research 82(2-3): 135-154.
- Larochelle C, Alwang JR (2014) Impacts of improved bean varieties on food security in Rwanda. 2014 Annual Meeting, July 27-29, 2014, Minneapolis, Minnesota, Agricultural and Applied Economics Association.
- Melotto M, Afanador L, Kelly J (1996) Development of a SCAR marker linked to the I gene in common bean. Genome 39(6): 1216-1219.
- Miklas PN, Larsen RC, Riley R, Kelly JD (2000) Potential marker-assisted selection for bc-12 resistance to bean common mosaic potyvirus in common bean. Euphytica 116(3): 211-219.
- Miklas PN, Kelly, JD, Beebe SE, Blair MW (2006) Common bean breeding for resistance against biotic and abiotic stresses: From classical to MAS breeding. Euphytica 147(1-2): 105-131.
- Mukeshimana G, Paneda A, Rodriguez-Suarez C, Ferreira JJ, Giraldez R, Kelly JD (2005) Markers linked to the bc-3 gene conditioning resistance to bean common mosaic potyviruses in common bean. Euphytica 144(3): 291-299.
- Naderpour M, Lund OS, Larsen R, Johansen E (2010) Potyviral resistance derived from cultivars of Phaseolus vulgaris carrying bc-3 is associated with the homozygotic presence of a mutated eIF4E allele. Molecular Plant Pathology 11(2): 255-263.
- Njau P, Lyimo H (2000) Incidence of bean common mosaic virus and bean common mosaic necrosis virus in bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) and wild legume seedlots in Tanzania. Seed Science and Technology 28(1): 85-92.
- Provvidenti R, Silbernagel M, Wang W (1984) Local epidemic of NL-8 strain of bean common mosaic virus in bean fields of western New York. Plant Disease 68(12): 1092-1094.
- Robaglia C, Caranta C (2006) Translation initiation factors: a weak link in plant RNA virus infection. Trends in Plant Science 11(1): 40-45.
- Saiz M, Deblas C, Carazo G, Fresno J, Romero J, Castro S (1995) Incidence and characterization of bean common mosaic-virus isolates in spanish bean fields. Plant Disease 79(1): 79-81.
- Schmutz J, McClean PE, Mamidi, S, Wu GA, Cannon SB, Grimwood J, Torres-Torres, M (2014) A reference genome for common bean and genome-wide analysis of dual domestications. Nature Genetics 46(7): 707.
- Spence NJ, Walkey D (1995) Variation for pathogenicity among isolates of bean common mosaic virus in Africa and a reinterpretation of the genetic relationship between cultivars of Phaseolus vulgaris and pathotypes of BCMV. Plant Pathology 44(3): 527-546.
- Strausbaugh CA, Myers JR, Forster RL, McClean PE (1999) Bc-1 and bc-u - Two loci controlling bean common mosaic virus resistance in common bean are linked. Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science 124(6): 644-648.
Marker-assisted pyramiding potyvirus resistance genes into Rwandan common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) genotypes
Year 2019,
, 381 - 385, 01.12.2019
Charles Ruhımbana
Nedim Mutlu
Bean common mosaic virus and Bean common mosaic
necrosis virus belong to Potyvirus and the disease poses significant threat to
bean yield especially in East and Central Africa. Combining the dominant and
recessive resistance genes is the most effective disease control against all
known strains of the virus, a strategy to enhance the durability and stabilize
the yield. The aim of the study was to transfer both the dominant I and recessive bc-3 genes into susceptible Rwandan common beans via
marker-assisted backcross breeding. The markers specific for I gene (BCMV-48289723-CAPS) and for bc-3
gene (ENM-CAPS) were used for
selection in BC progenies. Successful gene combination was established
in 33% of BC1F1 and BC2F1, 43% of BC3F1 and 16% of BC3F2 progenies. The seed
color was fully recovered on some of the BC3 progenies with combined resistance
genes. The advanced lines are expected to shield the crop against both BCMV and
BCMNV under East and Central African conditions.
- Beauchemin C, Boutet N, Laliberte JF (2007) Visualization of the interaction between the precursors of VPg, the viral protein linked to the genome of Turnip mosaic virus, and the translation eukaryotic initiation factor iso 4E in planta. Journal of Virology 81(2): 775-782.
- Bello MH, Moghaddam SM, Massoudi M, McClean PE, Cregan PB, Miklas PN (2014) Application of in silico bulked segregant analysis for rapid development of markers linked to Bean common mosaic virus resistance in common bean. Bmc Genomics, 15.
- Blair MW, González LF, Kimani PM, Butare L (2010) Genetic diversity, inter-gene pool introgression and nutritional quality of common beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) from Central Africa. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 121(2): 237-248.
- Doyle JJ, Doyle JL (1990) Isolation of plant DNA from fresh tissue. Focus 12(13): 39-40.
- Drijfhout E (1978) Genetic interaction between Phaseolus vulgaris and bean common mosaic virus with implications for strain identification and breeding for resistance. Agricultural research reports (872), Centre for Agricultural Publishing and Documentation, Wageningen, Netherlands.
- Fisher M, Kyle M (1994) Inheritance of resistance to potyviruses in Phaseolus vulgaris L. III. Cosegregation of phenotypically similar dominant responses to nine potyviruses. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 89(7-8): 818-823.
- Freyre R, Skroch PW, GeffroyV, Adam-Blondon AF, Shirmohamadali A, Johnson WC,Gepts P (1998) Towards an integrated linkage map of common bean. 4. Development of a core linkage map and alignment of RFLP maps. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 97(5-6): 847-856.
- Haley SD, Afanador L, Kelly JD (1994) Identification and application of a random amplified polymorphic DNA marker for the I gene (potyvirus resistance) in common bean. Phytopathology 84(2): 157-160.
- Hwang J, Li J, Liu WY, An SJ, Cho H, Her NH, Kang BC (2009) Double mutations in eIF4E and eIFiso4E confer recessive resistance to Chilli veinal mottle virus in pepper. Molecules and Cells 27(3): 329-336.
- Johnson WC, Guzman P, Mandala D, Mkandawire ABC, Temple S, Gilbertson RL, Gepts P (1997) Molecular tagging of the bc-3 gene for introgression into Andean common bean. Crop Science 37(1): 248-254.
- Kang BC, Yeam I, Frantz JD, Murphy JF, Jahn MM (2005) The pvr1 locus in Capsicum encodes a translation initiation factor eIF4E that interacts with Tobacco etchvirus VPg. Plant Journal 42(3): 392-405.
- Kelly JD, Afanador L, Haley SD (1995) Pyramiding genes for resistance to bean common mosaic-virus. Euphytica 82(3): 207-212.
- Kelly JD, Gepts P, Miklas PN, Coyne DP (2003) Tagging and mapping of genes and QTL and molecular marker-assisted selection for traits of economic importance in bean and cowpea. Field Crops Research 82(2-3): 135-154.
- Larochelle C, Alwang JR (2014) Impacts of improved bean varieties on food security in Rwanda. 2014 Annual Meeting, July 27-29, 2014, Minneapolis, Minnesota, Agricultural and Applied Economics Association.
- Melotto M, Afanador L, Kelly J (1996) Development of a SCAR marker linked to the I gene in common bean. Genome 39(6): 1216-1219.
- Miklas PN, Larsen RC, Riley R, Kelly JD (2000) Potential marker-assisted selection for bc-12 resistance to bean common mosaic potyvirus in common bean. Euphytica 116(3): 211-219.
- Miklas PN, Kelly, JD, Beebe SE, Blair MW (2006) Common bean breeding for resistance against biotic and abiotic stresses: From classical to MAS breeding. Euphytica 147(1-2): 105-131.
- Mukeshimana G, Paneda A, Rodriguez-Suarez C, Ferreira JJ, Giraldez R, Kelly JD (2005) Markers linked to the bc-3 gene conditioning resistance to bean common mosaic potyviruses in common bean. Euphytica 144(3): 291-299.
- Naderpour M, Lund OS, Larsen R, Johansen E (2010) Potyviral resistance derived from cultivars of Phaseolus vulgaris carrying bc-3 is associated with the homozygotic presence of a mutated eIF4E allele. Molecular Plant Pathology 11(2): 255-263.
- Njau P, Lyimo H (2000) Incidence of bean common mosaic virus and bean common mosaic necrosis virus in bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) and wild legume seedlots in Tanzania. Seed Science and Technology 28(1): 85-92.
- Provvidenti R, Silbernagel M, Wang W (1984) Local epidemic of NL-8 strain of bean common mosaic virus in bean fields of western New York. Plant Disease 68(12): 1092-1094.
- Robaglia C, Caranta C (2006) Translation initiation factors: a weak link in plant RNA virus infection. Trends in Plant Science 11(1): 40-45.
- Saiz M, Deblas C, Carazo G, Fresno J, Romero J, Castro S (1995) Incidence and characterization of bean common mosaic-virus isolates in spanish bean fields. Plant Disease 79(1): 79-81.
- Schmutz J, McClean PE, Mamidi, S, Wu GA, Cannon SB, Grimwood J, Torres-Torres, M (2014) A reference genome for common bean and genome-wide analysis of dual domestications. Nature Genetics 46(7): 707.
- Spence NJ, Walkey D (1995) Variation for pathogenicity among isolates of bean common mosaic virus in Africa and a reinterpretation of the genetic relationship between cultivars of Phaseolus vulgaris and pathotypes of BCMV. Plant Pathology 44(3): 527-546.
- Strausbaugh CA, Myers JR, Forster RL, McClean PE (1999) Bc-1 and bc-u - Two loci controlling bean common mosaic virus resistance in common bean are linked. Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science 124(6): 644-648.