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Ön uygulama yapılmış soğan tohumlarını -20°C’de depolamanın tohum kalitesine etkisi

Year 2020, , 175 - 180, 01.08.2020


Bu araştırmada tohum kalitesinin prime edildikten sonra -20°C’de depolanmış soğan tohumlarındaki değişimi incelenmiştir. Priming uygulaması tohum, vermikulit ve suyun 2:1:3 oranında 48 saat 15°C’de tutularak ardından %7’ye kadar kurutulmasıyla yapılmıştır. Daha sonra her tohum partisinden tohumlar -20°C’de 60 güne kadar hermetik paketlerde depolanmıştır. Bu süreçte 0 (depo öncesi), 15, 30 ve 60 gün sonra örnekler alınmış ve çimlendirme testi (20°C, 12 gün) ve ortalama çimlenme zamanı belirlenmiştir. Kontrol tohumlarında ve prime edilmiş ancak depolanmamış tohum partilerinin ortalama çimlenme oranları %80 ile %85 olmuştur. Prime edilmiş ve 15 ya da 30 gün depolanmış tohumlarda çimlenme oranı %87 olmuştur. Altmış gün depolanmış tohumlarda çimlenme oranı %82’ye düşmüştür ki bu değer kontrol ile anlamlı olarak fark göstermemiştir. Ortalama çimlenme zamanının en düşük olarak saptandığı depolama süresi 3.64 gün ile 30 günlük depolamadır. Sonuçlar prime edilmiş soğan tohumlarının -20°C’de 30 gün kalitelerini koruyarak depolanabildiklerini 60 güne kadar giden depolamaların bu olumlu etkiyi azalttığını göstermiştir. Düşük sıcaklıklarda depolamanın süre dikkate alınarak prime edilmiş soğan tohumları için alternatif bir depolama metodu olduğu belirtilebilir.


  • Akers SW, Berkowitz GA, Rabin J (1987) Germination of parsley seed primed in aerated solutions of polyethylene glycol. HortScience 22: 250-252.
  • Alvarado AD, Bradford KJ (1988) Priming and storage of tomato (Lycopersicum esculentum) seeds. I. effects of storage temperature on germination rate and viability. Seed Science and Technology 16: 601-612.
  • Argerich CA, Bradford KJ, Tarquis AM (1989) The effects of priming and aging on resistance to deterioration of tomato seeds. Journal of Experimental Botany 40: 593-598.
  • Chiu KY, Chen CL, Sung JM (2002) Effect of priming temperature on storability of primed sh-2 Sweet Corn Seed. Crop Science 42: 1996-2002.
  • Dearman J, Brocklehurs PA, Drew RLK (1986) Effects of osmotic priming and aging on onion seed germination. Annals of Applied Biology 108: 639-648.
  • Dearman J, Brocklehurst PA, Drew RLK (1987) Effects of osmotic priming and aging on the germination and emergence of carrot and leek seed. Annals of Applied Biology 111: 717-722.
  • Demir I (2002) The effect of controlled hydration treatment on germination and seedling emergence of unaged and aged pepper seeds during development. Israel Journal of Plant Sciences 50: 251-257.
  • Demir I, Ermis S, Okcu G (2005) Effect of dehydration temperature and relative humidity after priming on quality of pepper seeds. Seed Science and Technology 33: 563-569.
  • Hill HJ, Cunnigham JD, Taylor AG (2007) Primed lettuce seeds exhibit increased sensitivity to moisture content during controlled deterioration. HortScience 42(6): 1436-1439.
  • ISTA (2018) International Seed Testing Association. Zurich, Switzerland.
  • Khan FA, Maqbool R, Narayan S, Bhat SA, Narayan R, Khan, FU (2016) Reversal of age –induced seed deterioration through priming in vegetable crops-A review. Advances in Plants and Agriculture Research 4(6): 1-9.
  • Maude RB, Drew RLK, Gray D, Bujalski W, Nienow AW (1994) The effect of storage on the germination and seedling abnormalities of leek seeds primed and dried by different methods. Seed Science and Technology 22: 299-311.
  • McDonald MB (1999) Seed deterioration: Physiology, repair and assessment. Seed Science and Technology 27: 177-237.
  • McDonald MB (2000) Seed priming. In: M. Black and J. D. Bewley (eds) Seed technology and its biological basis. CRC Press, Boca Raton, Fla, pp. 287-325.
  • Olouch MO, Welbaum GE (1996) Viability and vigor of osmotically primed muskmelon seeds after 9 years of storage. Journal of American Society of for Horticultural Science 121: 416-422.
  • Ozden E, Mavi K, Sari E, Demir I (2017) Radicle emergence test predicts longevity (half viability period, p50) of leek seed lots. Seed Science and Technology 45(1): 243-247.
  • Parera CA, Cantliffe DJ (1994) Presowing seed priming. Horticultural Reviews 16: 109-141.
  • Rao RGS, Singh PM, Rai M (2006) Storability of onion seeds and effects of packaging and storage conditions on viability and vigour. Scientia Horticulturae 110: 1-6.
  • Roos E (1989) Long-term seed storage. Plant Breeding Reviews 7: 129-158.
  • Schwember AR, Bradford KJ (2005) Drying rates following priming affect temperature sensitivity of germination and longevity of lettuce seeds. HortScience 40(3): 778-781.
  • Tarquis AM, Bradford KJ (1992) Prehydration and priming treatments that advance germination also increase the rate of deterioration of lettuce seeds. Journal of Experimental Botany 43: 307-317.
  • Thanos CA, Georghiou K, Passam HC (1989) Osmoconditioning and ageing of pepper seeds during storage. Annals of Botany 63: 65-69.
  • Walters C, Wheeler LM, Grotenhuis JM (2005) Longevity of seeds stored in a genebank: species characteristics. Seed Science Research 15: 1-20.
  • Yeh YM, Chiu KY, Chen CL, Sung JM (2005) Partial vacuum extends the longevity of primed bitter gourd seeds by enhancing their anti-oxidative activities during storage. Scientia Horticulturae 104: 101-112.

Variations in seed quality of primed onion seed lots during storage at -20°C

Year 2020, , 175 - 180, 01.08.2020


This work was carried out on twenty onion seed lots to test changes in seed quality during storage at -20°C after priming treatment. Seeds were matric primed at 20°C by mixing seed, vermiculite and water at the ratio of 2:1:3 for 48 hours at 15°C and subsequently dried to 7% seed moisture content. They were then hermetically stored at -20°C over 60 days, and samples were taken after 0 (unstored), 15, 30 and 60 days. Seed germination percentages (20°C, 12 days) and mean germination times were determined. Results indicated that mean germination percentages of the control and primed but not stored seed lots were 80 and 85% respectively. Germination percentages after 15 and 30 days at -20°C remained as high as those of primed and unstored seeds, which were 87%. However, by 60 days after storage, primed seed germination percentages were reduced to 82%, which was non-significant compared to the control. The fastest germination - the lowest mean germination times - were also recorded as 3.64 days after 30 days of storage (p<0.05). Results indicated that the benefit obtained from priming may remain in onion seeds for about 30 days after storage at -20°C. Extended storage of up to 60 days can reduce the advantage that is obtained from priming. Storage of primed onion seeds at freezing temperatures can be an alternative method to reduce seed ageing and to maintain high seed quality longer for a certain period.


  • Akers SW, Berkowitz GA, Rabin J (1987) Germination of parsley seed primed in aerated solutions of polyethylene glycol. HortScience 22: 250-252.
  • Alvarado AD, Bradford KJ (1988) Priming and storage of tomato (Lycopersicum esculentum) seeds. I. effects of storage temperature on germination rate and viability. Seed Science and Technology 16: 601-612.
  • Argerich CA, Bradford KJ, Tarquis AM (1989) The effects of priming and aging on resistance to deterioration of tomato seeds. Journal of Experimental Botany 40: 593-598.
  • Chiu KY, Chen CL, Sung JM (2002) Effect of priming temperature on storability of primed sh-2 Sweet Corn Seed. Crop Science 42: 1996-2002.
  • Dearman J, Brocklehurs PA, Drew RLK (1986) Effects of osmotic priming and aging on onion seed germination. Annals of Applied Biology 108: 639-648.
  • Dearman J, Brocklehurst PA, Drew RLK (1987) Effects of osmotic priming and aging on the germination and emergence of carrot and leek seed. Annals of Applied Biology 111: 717-722.
  • Demir I (2002) The effect of controlled hydration treatment on germination and seedling emergence of unaged and aged pepper seeds during development. Israel Journal of Plant Sciences 50: 251-257.
  • Demir I, Ermis S, Okcu G (2005) Effect of dehydration temperature and relative humidity after priming on quality of pepper seeds. Seed Science and Technology 33: 563-569.
  • Hill HJ, Cunnigham JD, Taylor AG (2007) Primed lettuce seeds exhibit increased sensitivity to moisture content during controlled deterioration. HortScience 42(6): 1436-1439.
  • ISTA (2018) International Seed Testing Association. Zurich, Switzerland.
  • Khan FA, Maqbool R, Narayan S, Bhat SA, Narayan R, Khan, FU (2016) Reversal of age –induced seed deterioration through priming in vegetable crops-A review. Advances in Plants and Agriculture Research 4(6): 1-9.
  • Maude RB, Drew RLK, Gray D, Bujalski W, Nienow AW (1994) The effect of storage on the germination and seedling abnormalities of leek seeds primed and dried by different methods. Seed Science and Technology 22: 299-311.
  • McDonald MB (1999) Seed deterioration: Physiology, repair and assessment. Seed Science and Technology 27: 177-237.
  • McDonald MB (2000) Seed priming. In: M. Black and J. D. Bewley (eds) Seed technology and its biological basis. CRC Press, Boca Raton, Fla, pp. 287-325.
  • Olouch MO, Welbaum GE (1996) Viability and vigor of osmotically primed muskmelon seeds after 9 years of storage. Journal of American Society of for Horticultural Science 121: 416-422.
  • Ozden E, Mavi K, Sari E, Demir I (2017) Radicle emergence test predicts longevity (half viability period, p50) of leek seed lots. Seed Science and Technology 45(1): 243-247.
  • Parera CA, Cantliffe DJ (1994) Presowing seed priming. Horticultural Reviews 16: 109-141.
  • Rao RGS, Singh PM, Rai M (2006) Storability of onion seeds and effects of packaging and storage conditions on viability and vigour. Scientia Horticulturae 110: 1-6.
  • Roos E (1989) Long-term seed storage. Plant Breeding Reviews 7: 129-158.
  • Schwember AR, Bradford KJ (2005) Drying rates following priming affect temperature sensitivity of germination and longevity of lettuce seeds. HortScience 40(3): 778-781.
  • Tarquis AM, Bradford KJ (1992) Prehydration and priming treatments that advance germination also increase the rate of deterioration of lettuce seeds. Journal of Experimental Botany 43: 307-317.
  • Thanos CA, Georghiou K, Passam HC (1989) Osmoconditioning and ageing of pepper seeds during storage. Annals of Botany 63: 65-69.
  • Walters C, Wheeler LM, Grotenhuis JM (2005) Longevity of seeds stored in a genebank: species characteristics. Seed Science Research 15: 1-20.
  • Yeh YM, Chiu KY, Chen CL, Sung JM (2005) Partial vacuum extends the longevity of primed bitter gourd seeds by enhancing their anti-oxidative activities during storage. Scientia Horticulturae 104: 101-112.
There are 24 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Agricultural Engineering
Journal Section Makaleler

Eren Özden 0000-0001-7507-9815

Nurcan Memiş 0000-0002-8767-1186

Ebrima Njıe This is me 0000-0002-7050-7304

Cihat Özdamar This is me 0000-0003-2083-3467

Serpil Mis This is me 0000-0003-1883-6896

İbrahim Demir 0000-0003-4515-0689

Publication Date August 1, 2020
Submission Date September 30, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2020


APA Özden, E., Memiş, N., Njıe, E., Özdamar, C., et al. (2020). Variations in seed quality of primed onion seed lots during storage at -20°C. Mediterranean Agricultural Sciences, 33(2), 175-180.
AMA Özden E, Memiş N, Njıe E, Özdamar C, Mis S, Demir İ. Variations in seed quality of primed onion seed lots during storage at -20°C. Mediterranean Agricultural Sciences. August 2020;33(2):175-180. doi:10.29136/mediterranean.627287
Chicago Özden, Eren, Nurcan Memiş, Ebrima Njıe, Cihat Özdamar, Serpil Mis, and İbrahim Demir. “Variations in Seed Quality of Primed Onion Seed Lots During Storage at -20°C”. Mediterranean Agricultural Sciences 33, no. 2 (August 2020): 175-80.
EndNote Özden E, Memiş N, Njıe E, Özdamar C, Mis S, Demir İ (August 1, 2020) Variations in seed quality of primed onion seed lots during storage at -20°C. Mediterranean Agricultural Sciences 33 2 175–180.
IEEE E. Özden, N. Memiş, E. Njıe, C. Özdamar, S. Mis, and İ. Demir, “Variations in seed quality of primed onion seed lots during storage at -20°C”, Mediterranean Agricultural Sciences, vol. 33, no. 2, pp. 175–180, 2020, doi: 10.29136/mediterranean.627287.
ISNAD Özden, Eren et al. “Variations in Seed Quality of Primed Onion Seed Lots During Storage at -20°C”. Mediterranean Agricultural Sciences 33/2 (August 2020), 175-180.
JAMA Özden E, Memiş N, Njıe E, Özdamar C, Mis S, Demir İ. Variations in seed quality of primed onion seed lots during storage at -20°C. Mediterranean Agricultural Sciences. 2020;33:175–180.
MLA Özden, Eren et al. “Variations in Seed Quality of Primed Onion Seed Lots During Storage at -20°C”. Mediterranean Agricultural Sciences, vol. 33, no. 2, 2020, pp. 175-80, doi:10.29136/mediterranean.627287.
Vancouver Özden E, Memiş N, Njıe E, Özdamar C, Mis S, Demir İ. Variations in seed quality of primed onion seed lots during storage at -20°C. Mediterranean Agricultural Sciences. 2020;33(2):175-80.

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