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Türkiye’de satışa sunulan arı sütlerinin kimyasal özellikleri

Year 2017, Volume: 30 Issue: 3, 281 - 285, 01.12.2017


Son yıllarda arı sütü tüketimi
hızlı bir şekilde artmasına karşın, Türkiye’de satılan arı sütlerinin
kaliteleri ile ilgili yeterli bilgi bulunmamaktadır. Kalite özelliklerini
belirlemek için 12 adedi ticari firmalardan bir adedi ise
Akdeniz Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Zootekni Bölümü bal arısı
kolonilerinden üretilen (kaynağı bilinen, saf)
üzere toplam 13 farklı arı sütü örneği nem, ham protein, asitlik, pH, kül,
toplam şeker, fruktoz, glukoz, sakkaroz ve 10-HDA içeriği bakımından analiz
Arı sütü örneklerinin nem içeriği % 63.10 ile % 73.55,
ham protein içeriği % 9.76 ile % 12.57, pH değerleri 3.66 ile 4.02,
kül içeriği % 0.92 ile 1.17, toplam şeker içeriği % 7.68 ile % 11.66
ve 10-HDA içeriği % 0.57 ile % 3.11 aralıklarında değişim
göstermişlerdir. Bu çalışmada ölçülen 10-HDA değerleri yürürlükte olan ulusal
(TS 6666) ve uluslararası arı sütü standardı (ISO 1842) ile karşılaştırıldığında
arı sütü örneklerinin % 50 sinin % 1.4 olarak belirtilen ulusal ve
uluslararası arı sütü 10-HDA standardı sınırının altında olduğu saptanmıştır.


  • Antinelli JF, Zeggane S, Davico R, Rognone C, Faucon JP, Lizzani L (2003) Evaluation of (E)-10-hydroxydec-2-enoic acid as a freshness parameter for royal jelly. Food Chemistry 80(1): 85-89.
  • Buttstedt A, Moritz RFA, Erler S (2014) Origin and function of the major royal jelly proteins of the honeybee (Apis mellifera) as members of the yellow gene family. Biological Reviews 89(2): 255-269.
  • Chen C, Chen SY (1995) Changes in protein components and storage stability of royal jelly under various conditions. Food Chemistry 54(2): 195-200.
  • Ferioli F, Marcazzan GL, Caboni MF (2007) Determination of (E)-10-hydroxy-2- decenoic acid content in pure royal jelly: A comparison between a new CZE method and HPLC. Journal of Separation Science 30(7): 1061-1069.
  • Ferioli F, Armaforte E, Caboni MF (2014) Comparison of the lipid content, fatty acid profile and sterol composition in local Italian and commercial royal jelly samples. Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society 91: 875-884.
  • Garcia-Amedo LH, Almedia-Muradian LB (2007) Physicochemical composition of pure and adulterated royal jelly. Quimica Nova 30(2): 257-259.
  • ISO (2016) International Standard. Royal jelly specifications ISO:12824:2016 (E). p. 35.
  • Jianke L, Shenglu C (2003) Royal jelly and human health. American Bee Journal 143(5): 398-402.
  • Jianke L, Lan Z, Boxiong Z, Shenglu C (2005) How royal jelly maintains its quality within the colony. American Bee Journal 145(9): 736-738.
  • Kanelis D, Tananaki C, Liolios V, Dimou M, Goras G, Rodopoulou MA, Karazafiris E, Thrasyvoulou A (2015) A suggestion for royal jelly specification. Archives of Industrial Hygiene and Toxicology 66 (4): 275-284.
  • Kösoğlu M, Yücel B, Gökbulut C, Konak R, Bircan C (2013) Hasat zamanının arı sütünün kimi biyokimyasal ve iz element kompozisyonları üzerine etkileri. Kafkas Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 19(2): 233-237.
  • Marconi E, Caboni MF, Messia MC, Panfili G (2002) Furosine: a suitable marker for assessing the freshness of royal jelly. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 50(10): 2825-2829.
  • Messia MC, Caboni MF, Marconi E (2005) Storage stability assessment of freeze-dried royal jelly by furosine determination. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 53(11): 4440-4443.
  • Munstedt K, Von Georgi R (2003) Royal jelly - A miraculous product from the bee hive? American Bee Journal 143(8): 647-650.
  • Pavel CI, Marghitaş LA, Dezmirean DS, Tomoş LI, Bonta AŞ, Buttstedt A (2014) Comparison between local and commercial royal jelly-use of antioxidant activity and 10-hydroxy-2-deconoic acid as quality parameter. Journal of Apicultural Research 53(1): 116-123.
  • Ramadan MF, Al-Ghamdi A (2012) Bioactive compounds and health-promoting properties of royal jelly: A review. Journal of Functional Foods 4(1): 39-52.
  • Sabatini AG, Marcazzan GL, Caboni MF, Bogdanov S, Almeida-Muradian L (2009) Quality and standardisation of royal jelly. Journal of ApiProduct and ApiMedical Science 1(1): 1-6.
  • Serra- Bonvehi J (1991) Study of adulteration of royal jelly with other honey bee products and water. Production Sanidad Animales, 6(2): 99-111.
  • Shen LR, Wang YR, Zhai L, Zhou WX, Tan LL, Li ML, Liu DD, Xiao F (2015). Determination of royal jelly freshness by ELISA with a highly specific anti-apalbumin 1, major royal jelly protein 1 antibody. Journal of Zhejiang University-Science B 16(2): 155-166.
  • Turkish Standard (2000) Royal Jelly Standard. ICS 65.140; 67.230. TS 6666.
  • Vujic M, Pollak L (2015) Composition and safety of food supplements based on bee products in the legislative framework of the European Union-Croatian experience. Archives of Industrial Hygiene and Toxicology 66(4): 243-249.
  • Wu LM, Zhou JH, Xue XF, Li Y, Zhao J (2009) Fast determination of 26 amino acids and their content changes in royal jelly during storage using ultra-performance liquid chromatography. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis 22(3): 242-249.
  • Wu LM, Wei Y, Du B, Chen LZ, Wang Y, Li Y, Zhao J, Xue XF (2015) Freshness determination of royal jelly by analyzing decomposition products of adenosine triphosphate. Lwt-Food Science and Technology 63(1): 504-510.
  • Wytrychowski M, Chenavas S, Daniele G, Casabianca H, Batteau M, Guibert S, Brion B (2013) Physicochemical characterisation of French royal jelly: Comparison with commercial royal jellies and royal jellies produced through artificial bee-feeding. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis 29(2): 126-133.
  • Wytrychowski M, Paisse JO, Casabianca H, Daniele G (2014) Assessment of royal jelly freshness by HILIC LC-MS determination of furosine. Industrial Crops and Products 62: 313-317.
  • Zheng HQ, Wei WT, Wu LM, Hu FL, Dietemann V (2012) Fast determination of royal jelly freshness by a chromogenic reaction. Journal of Food Science 77(6): 247-252.

Chemical properties of the royal jellies in Turkish markets

Year 2017, Volume: 30 Issue: 3, 281 - 285, 01.12.2017


the consumption of royal jelly has been rapidly increased in recent years,
there is a lack of knowledge about the quality of commercial royal jelly
purchased in Turkey. In order to evaluate quality properties, a total of
thirteen different royal jelly samples, consisting of 12 commercial samples in
Turkish markets, and 1 sample of known origin obtained freshly harvested from
honeybee colony in Akdeniz University were analyzed for water, crude protein,
acidity, pH, ash, total sugar, fructose, glucose, sucrose and 10-HDA content.
Water, crude protein, pH values, ash, total sugars and 10-HDA content of the 13
royal jelly samples varied from 63.10 to 73.55%, 9.76 to 12.57%, 3.66 to 4.02,
0.92 to 1.17%, 7.68 to 11.66% and 0.57 to 3.11% respectively. Comparison of the
10-HDA values measured in this study with the Turkish (TS 6666) and currently
available royal jelly international standard (ISO 12842) showed that 50% of the
royal jelly samples had lower values than the allowed ISO and Turkish standards
of 1.4%.


  • Antinelli JF, Zeggane S, Davico R, Rognone C, Faucon JP, Lizzani L (2003) Evaluation of (E)-10-hydroxydec-2-enoic acid as a freshness parameter for royal jelly. Food Chemistry 80(1): 85-89.
  • Buttstedt A, Moritz RFA, Erler S (2014) Origin and function of the major royal jelly proteins of the honeybee (Apis mellifera) as members of the yellow gene family. Biological Reviews 89(2): 255-269.
  • Chen C, Chen SY (1995) Changes in protein components and storage stability of royal jelly under various conditions. Food Chemistry 54(2): 195-200.
  • Ferioli F, Marcazzan GL, Caboni MF (2007) Determination of (E)-10-hydroxy-2- decenoic acid content in pure royal jelly: A comparison between a new CZE method and HPLC. Journal of Separation Science 30(7): 1061-1069.
  • Ferioli F, Armaforte E, Caboni MF (2014) Comparison of the lipid content, fatty acid profile and sterol composition in local Italian and commercial royal jelly samples. Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society 91: 875-884.
  • Garcia-Amedo LH, Almedia-Muradian LB (2007) Physicochemical composition of pure and adulterated royal jelly. Quimica Nova 30(2): 257-259.
  • ISO (2016) International Standard. Royal jelly specifications ISO:12824:2016 (E). p. 35.
  • Jianke L, Shenglu C (2003) Royal jelly and human health. American Bee Journal 143(5): 398-402.
  • Jianke L, Lan Z, Boxiong Z, Shenglu C (2005) How royal jelly maintains its quality within the colony. American Bee Journal 145(9): 736-738.
  • Kanelis D, Tananaki C, Liolios V, Dimou M, Goras G, Rodopoulou MA, Karazafiris E, Thrasyvoulou A (2015) A suggestion for royal jelly specification. Archives of Industrial Hygiene and Toxicology 66 (4): 275-284.
  • Kösoğlu M, Yücel B, Gökbulut C, Konak R, Bircan C (2013) Hasat zamanının arı sütünün kimi biyokimyasal ve iz element kompozisyonları üzerine etkileri. Kafkas Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 19(2): 233-237.
  • Marconi E, Caboni MF, Messia MC, Panfili G (2002) Furosine: a suitable marker for assessing the freshness of royal jelly. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 50(10): 2825-2829.
  • Messia MC, Caboni MF, Marconi E (2005) Storage stability assessment of freeze-dried royal jelly by furosine determination. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 53(11): 4440-4443.
  • Munstedt K, Von Georgi R (2003) Royal jelly - A miraculous product from the bee hive? American Bee Journal 143(8): 647-650.
  • Pavel CI, Marghitaş LA, Dezmirean DS, Tomoş LI, Bonta AŞ, Buttstedt A (2014) Comparison between local and commercial royal jelly-use of antioxidant activity and 10-hydroxy-2-deconoic acid as quality parameter. Journal of Apicultural Research 53(1): 116-123.
  • Ramadan MF, Al-Ghamdi A (2012) Bioactive compounds and health-promoting properties of royal jelly: A review. Journal of Functional Foods 4(1): 39-52.
  • Sabatini AG, Marcazzan GL, Caboni MF, Bogdanov S, Almeida-Muradian L (2009) Quality and standardisation of royal jelly. Journal of ApiProduct and ApiMedical Science 1(1): 1-6.
  • Serra- Bonvehi J (1991) Study of adulteration of royal jelly with other honey bee products and water. Production Sanidad Animales, 6(2): 99-111.
  • Shen LR, Wang YR, Zhai L, Zhou WX, Tan LL, Li ML, Liu DD, Xiao F (2015). Determination of royal jelly freshness by ELISA with a highly specific anti-apalbumin 1, major royal jelly protein 1 antibody. Journal of Zhejiang University-Science B 16(2): 155-166.
  • Turkish Standard (2000) Royal Jelly Standard. ICS 65.140; 67.230. TS 6666.
  • Vujic M, Pollak L (2015) Composition and safety of food supplements based on bee products in the legislative framework of the European Union-Croatian experience. Archives of Industrial Hygiene and Toxicology 66(4): 243-249.
  • Wu LM, Zhou JH, Xue XF, Li Y, Zhao J (2009) Fast determination of 26 amino acids and their content changes in royal jelly during storage using ultra-performance liquid chromatography. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis 22(3): 242-249.
  • Wu LM, Wei Y, Du B, Chen LZ, Wang Y, Li Y, Zhao J, Xue XF (2015) Freshness determination of royal jelly by analyzing decomposition products of adenosine triphosphate. Lwt-Food Science and Technology 63(1): 504-510.
  • Wytrychowski M, Chenavas S, Daniele G, Casabianca H, Batteau M, Guibert S, Brion B (2013) Physicochemical characterisation of French royal jelly: Comparison with commercial royal jellies and royal jellies produced through artificial bee-feeding. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis 29(2): 126-133.
  • Wytrychowski M, Paisse JO, Casabianca H, Daniele G (2014) Assessment of royal jelly freshness by HILIC LC-MS determination of furosine. Industrial Crops and Products 62: 313-317.
  • Zheng HQ, Wei WT, Wu LM, Hu FL, Dietemann V (2012) Fast determination of royal jelly freshness by a chromogenic reaction. Journal of Food Science 77(6): 247-252.
There are 26 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Agricultural Engineering
Journal Section Makaleler

İbrahim Yavuz This is me

Fehmi Gürel

Publication Date December 1, 2017
Submission Date July 6, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2017 Volume: 30 Issue: 3


APA Yavuz, İ., & Gürel, F. (2017). Türkiye’de satışa sunulan arı sütlerinin kimyasal özellikleri. Mediterranean Agricultural Sciences, 30(3), 281-285.
AMA Yavuz İ, Gürel F. Türkiye’de satışa sunulan arı sütlerinin kimyasal özellikleri. Mediterranean Agricultural Sciences. December 2017;30(3):281-285. doi:10.29136/mediterranean.360013
Chicago Yavuz, İbrahim, and Fehmi Gürel. “Türkiye’de satışa Sunulan Arı sütlerinin Kimyasal özellikleri”. Mediterranean Agricultural Sciences 30, no. 3 (December 2017): 281-85.
EndNote Yavuz İ, Gürel F (December 1, 2017) Türkiye’de satışa sunulan arı sütlerinin kimyasal özellikleri. Mediterranean Agricultural Sciences 30 3 281–285.
IEEE İ. Yavuz and F. Gürel, “Türkiye’de satışa sunulan arı sütlerinin kimyasal özellikleri”, Mediterranean Agricultural Sciences, vol. 30, no. 3, pp. 281–285, 2017, doi: 10.29136/mediterranean.360013.
ISNAD Yavuz, İbrahim - Gürel, Fehmi. “Türkiye’de satışa Sunulan Arı sütlerinin Kimyasal özellikleri”. Mediterranean Agricultural Sciences 30/3 (December 2017), 281-285.
JAMA Yavuz İ, Gürel F. Türkiye’de satışa sunulan arı sütlerinin kimyasal özellikleri. Mediterranean Agricultural Sciences. 2017;30:281–285.
MLA Yavuz, İbrahim and Fehmi Gürel. “Türkiye’de satışa Sunulan Arı sütlerinin Kimyasal özellikleri”. Mediterranean Agricultural Sciences, vol. 30, no. 3, 2017, pp. 281-5, doi:10.29136/mediterranean.360013.
Vancouver Yavuz İ, Gürel F. Türkiye’de satışa sunulan arı sütlerinin kimyasal özellikleri. Mediterranean Agricultural Sciences. 2017;30(3):281-5.

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