Research Article
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Botanical composition, forage yield and quality under different improved Mediterranean rangeland

Year 2018, Volume: 31 Issue: 2, 141 - 147, 01.08.2018


Proliferation of invasive of annual plant species and thorny shrubs such as Christ’s thorn (Paliurus spina-christi) is common in Mediterranean rangelands due to climatic shifts and heavy grazing. Improved practices are needed to manage such invasive species. This study assessed how improved rangeland practices affected herbage yield and quality, botanical composition in the Canakkale in western Turkey. The rangeland practices were: 1. control (no improvement practices (C), 2. removal of Christ’s thorns followed by forage crop planting (R), 3. use of herbicides to treat Christ’s thorn shrubs (H), 4. removal of Christ’s thorn shrubs by grubbing with dozers and rippers (M), and 5. the shrubs were cut out in the rangelands dominated with Christ’s thorn. The field has been plowed deep by a tractor. Then, it had been used as field for 10 years (sown with wheat). At the end, it has been turned back in the form of rangelands by sowing forage crops (F). The seeding practice has been done into bare parts of the rangelands that were occurred due to the removal of Christ’s thorn. The treatment plots were seeded with perennial ryegrass, orchardgrass and alfalfa. Control had the greatest number of species (45 species) whereas mechanically-treated plot had the least (28 species). All treatments increased herbage yield and grazed herbage quantities of the rangelands. The mechanically-treated rangeland increased yield by 2.5 folds compared with control. Treatments did not affect herbage quality of the rangelands. Results indicate that improvement practices improved rangelands invaded with Christ’s thorn shrubs.


  • Adema EO, Buschiazzo DE, Babinec FJ, Rucc TE, Hermida VFG (2004) Mechanical control of shrubs in a semiarid region of Argentina and its effect on soil water content and grassland productivity. Agricultural Water Management 68: 185–194.
  • Altın M, Tuna M (1991) Değişik ıslah yöntemlerinin Banarlı Köyü doğal merasının verim ve vejetasyonu üzerindeki etkileri. Türkiye 2. Çayır-Mera Yembitkileri Kongresi, İzmir, pp. 95-105.
  • AOAC (1990) Official Methods of Analysis. 15 th edn. Association of Official Analytical Chemists. Arlington. VA. USA. pp. 125.
  • FAO (2015) State of the World’s Grassland 2015. fttp.
  • George M, Bartolome JW, McDougald N, Connor M, Vaughn C, Markegard G (2001) Annual Range Forage Production. Univ. of California. Division of Agriculture National Research Rangeland Management Series Publications 8018. pp. 9.
  • Heady H (1973) Structure and function of climax. Arid Shrublands. Proc. of Third Workshop of the United States/Australia Rangelands Panel. March 26-April 5. Tuscon. Arizona. 73-80.
  • Heichel GH, Henjum KI (1991) Dinotrogen fixation. nitrogen transfer. and productivity of forage legume-grass communities. Crop Science 31: 202-208.
  • Lavorel S, Rochette C, Lebreton JD (1999) Functional groups for response to disturbance in Mediterranean old fields. Oikos 84: 480-498.
  • Laycock WA, Phillips TA (1968) Long-term effects of 2.4-D on lanceleaf rabbitbrush and associated species. Journal of Range Management 21: 90-93.
  • Link A, Kobiela B, DeKeyser S, Huffington M (2017) Effectiveness of burning, herbicide, and seeding toward restoring rangelands in Southeastern North Dakota. Rangeland Ecology & Management 70: 599-603.
  • Mikhailova EA, Bryant RB, Cherney DJ, Post CJ, Vassenev II (2000) Botanical composition. soil and forage quality under different management regimes in Russian grasslands. Agriculture. Ecosystems and Environment 80: 213-226.
  • Montalvo J, Casado MA, Levassor C, Pineda FD (1993) Species-diversity patterns in Mediterranean grasslands. Journal of Vegetation Science 4: 213-222.
  • Murray RB, Mayland HF, Shewmaker GE (1991). Response of montane tall-forb communities to 2.4-D and mixtures 2.4-D and picloram. Journal of Range Management 44: 311-318.
  • Özaslan A (1996) Erzurum ekolojik şartlarında taban mera bitki örtülerinin ıslahı üzerine yırtma, gübreleme ve herbisit uygulamalarının etkileri. Atatürk Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Ens. Yüksek Lisans Tezi.
  • Özaslan A (2005) Bazı yapay mera karışımlarında ekim yöntemleri ve azot dozlarının yem verimi ve kalitesine etkileri. Ankara Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enst. Doktora Tezi.
  • Özaslan-Parlak A, Gökkuş A, Hakyemez B H, Baytekin H (2011a) Forage yield and quality of kermes oak and herbaceous species throughout a year in Mediterranean zone of western Turkey. Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment 9(1): 510-515.
  • Özaslan Parlak A, Gökkuş A, Hakyemez BH, Baytekin H (2011b) Shrub yield forage quality in Mediterranean shrublands of west Turkey during a year. African Journal of Agricultural Research 6(7): 1726-1734.
  • Özaslan Parlak A, Gökkuş A, Demiray, H (2011c) Soil seed bank and aboveground vegetation in grazing lands of southern Marmara. Turkey. Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici 39(1): 96-106.
  • Perez-Corona ME, Vazquez De Aldana BR, Garcia-Criado B, Garcia-Ciudad A (1998) Variations in nutritional quality and biomass production of semiarid grasslands. Journal of Range Management 51: 570-576.
  • Renzhong W, Ripley EA (1997) Effects of grazing on a Leymus chinensis grassland on the Songnen plain of North eastern China. Journal of Arid Environment 36: 307-318.
  • Richards RT, Chambers JC, Ross C (1997) Use of native plants on federal lands: policy and practice. Journal of Range Management 51: 625-632.
  • Rumbaugh MD, Johnson DA, Van Epps GA (1982) Forage yield and quality in Great Basin shrub, grass and legume pasture experiment. Journal of Range Management 35(5): 604-609.
  • Seligman NG (1996) Management of Mediterranean grasslands. In: J Hodgson & A W Illius (Eds). The Ecology and Management Og Grazing Systems. CAB International. Wallingford. UK. pp. 359-392.
  • Sternberg M, Gutman M, Perevolotsky A, Ungar ED, Kigel J (2000) Vegetation response to grazing management in a Mediterranean herbaceous community: A functional group approach. Journal of Applied Ecology 37: 224-237.
  • Ta TC, Faris MA (1987) Effects of alfalfa proportions and clipping frequencies on timothy-alfalfa mixtures. II. Nitrogen fixation and transfer. Agronomy Journal 79: 820-824.
  • Thilenius JF, Smith DR, Brown GR (1974) Effect of 2.4-D on composition and production of an alpine plant community in Wyoming. Journal of Range Management 27: 140-142.
  • TUIK (2017) Turkish statistical Institute. Agricultural data. http:// (accessed 30 March 2017) (in Turkish).
  • Türkeş M, Sümer UM, Demir İ (2002) Re-evaluation of trends and changes in mean. maximum and minimum temperatures of Turkey for the period 1929-1999. International Journal of Climatology 22: 947-977.
  • Vallentine JF (1989) Range Development and Improvements (3rd Ed.). Academic Press. Inc. San Diego. California. pp. 524.
  • Vallentine JF (1990) Grazing Management. Academic Press. Inc.. pp: 560.
  • Van Soest PJ, Robertson JB, Lewis BA (1991) Methods for dietary fiber. neutral detergent fiber. non-starch polysaccharides in relation to animal nutrition. Journal of Dairy Science 71: 3583-3597.

Farklı yöntemlerle ıslah edilen Akdeniz merasının botanik kompozisyonu, ot verimi ve kalitesi

Year 2018, Volume: 31 Issue: 2, 141 - 147, 01.08.2018


Akdeniz meralarında iklim ve aşırı otlatma sonucunda tek yıllık bitki türleri ile karaçalı (Paliurus spina-christi), gibi dikenli çalılarda artış olmaktadır. Bu çalışma ile Batı Türkiye’de (Çanakkale) mera iyileştirme çalışmalarının meranın botanik kompozisyonu, ot verimi ve kalitesine nasıl etki ettiği belirlenmiştir. İyileştirme uygulamalarında 1. kontrol (hiçbir işlem uygulanmayan (C)), 2. karaçalıların uzaklaştırılarak, yem bitkileri ekilen mera (R), 3. herbisitlerle çalıları yok edildiği mera (H), 4. dozer ve riper ile çalıları kökünden sökülerek uzaklaştırılmış alan (M), 5. uzun yıllar tarla olarak kullanıldıktan sonra tohumlanarak oluşturulan mera (F). Bütün uygulama alanlarında tohumlama yapılmıştır. Tohumlamada çok yıllık çim, domuz ayrığı ve yonca kullanılmıştır. Araştırma bulgularına göre; en fazla tür (45 adet) kontrol merasında, en az ise mekanik olarak karaçalının yok edildiği (28 tür) merada belirlenmiştir. Yapılan tüm ıslah çalışmaları meraların kuru ot verimi ile yenen ot miktarını önemli derecede artırmıştır. Kuru ot verimi en fazla mekanik olarak çalıların yok edildiği merada olmuş ve verim 2.5 kat artmıştır. Islah çalışmaları meraların ot kalitesini değiştirmemiştir. Bu durum ülkemizdeki karaçalı ile kaplı meralarda ıslahın kaçınılmaz olduğu sonucunu doğurmaktadır.


  • Adema EO, Buschiazzo DE, Babinec FJ, Rucc TE, Hermida VFG (2004) Mechanical control of shrubs in a semiarid region of Argentina and its effect on soil water content and grassland productivity. Agricultural Water Management 68: 185–194.
  • Altın M, Tuna M (1991) Değişik ıslah yöntemlerinin Banarlı Köyü doğal merasının verim ve vejetasyonu üzerindeki etkileri. Türkiye 2. Çayır-Mera Yembitkileri Kongresi, İzmir, pp. 95-105.
  • AOAC (1990) Official Methods of Analysis. 15 th edn. Association of Official Analytical Chemists. Arlington. VA. USA. pp. 125.
  • FAO (2015) State of the World’s Grassland 2015. fttp.
  • George M, Bartolome JW, McDougald N, Connor M, Vaughn C, Markegard G (2001) Annual Range Forage Production. Univ. of California. Division of Agriculture National Research Rangeland Management Series Publications 8018. pp. 9.
  • Heady H (1973) Structure and function of climax. Arid Shrublands. Proc. of Third Workshop of the United States/Australia Rangelands Panel. March 26-April 5. Tuscon. Arizona. 73-80.
  • Heichel GH, Henjum KI (1991) Dinotrogen fixation. nitrogen transfer. and productivity of forage legume-grass communities. Crop Science 31: 202-208.
  • Lavorel S, Rochette C, Lebreton JD (1999) Functional groups for response to disturbance in Mediterranean old fields. Oikos 84: 480-498.
  • Laycock WA, Phillips TA (1968) Long-term effects of 2.4-D on lanceleaf rabbitbrush and associated species. Journal of Range Management 21: 90-93.
  • Link A, Kobiela B, DeKeyser S, Huffington M (2017) Effectiveness of burning, herbicide, and seeding toward restoring rangelands in Southeastern North Dakota. Rangeland Ecology & Management 70: 599-603.
  • Mikhailova EA, Bryant RB, Cherney DJ, Post CJ, Vassenev II (2000) Botanical composition. soil and forage quality under different management regimes in Russian grasslands. Agriculture. Ecosystems and Environment 80: 213-226.
  • Montalvo J, Casado MA, Levassor C, Pineda FD (1993) Species-diversity patterns in Mediterranean grasslands. Journal of Vegetation Science 4: 213-222.
  • Murray RB, Mayland HF, Shewmaker GE (1991). Response of montane tall-forb communities to 2.4-D and mixtures 2.4-D and picloram. Journal of Range Management 44: 311-318.
  • Özaslan A (1996) Erzurum ekolojik şartlarında taban mera bitki örtülerinin ıslahı üzerine yırtma, gübreleme ve herbisit uygulamalarının etkileri. Atatürk Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Ens. Yüksek Lisans Tezi.
  • Özaslan A (2005) Bazı yapay mera karışımlarında ekim yöntemleri ve azot dozlarının yem verimi ve kalitesine etkileri. Ankara Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enst. Doktora Tezi.
  • Özaslan-Parlak A, Gökkuş A, Hakyemez B H, Baytekin H (2011a) Forage yield and quality of kermes oak and herbaceous species throughout a year in Mediterranean zone of western Turkey. Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment 9(1): 510-515.
  • Özaslan Parlak A, Gökkuş A, Hakyemez BH, Baytekin H (2011b) Shrub yield forage quality in Mediterranean shrublands of west Turkey during a year. African Journal of Agricultural Research 6(7): 1726-1734.
  • Özaslan Parlak A, Gökkuş A, Demiray, H (2011c) Soil seed bank and aboveground vegetation in grazing lands of southern Marmara. Turkey. Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici 39(1): 96-106.
  • Perez-Corona ME, Vazquez De Aldana BR, Garcia-Criado B, Garcia-Ciudad A (1998) Variations in nutritional quality and biomass production of semiarid grasslands. Journal of Range Management 51: 570-576.
  • Renzhong W, Ripley EA (1997) Effects of grazing on a Leymus chinensis grassland on the Songnen plain of North eastern China. Journal of Arid Environment 36: 307-318.
  • Richards RT, Chambers JC, Ross C (1997) Use of native plants on federal lands: policy and practice. Journal of Range Management 51: 625-632.
  • Rumbaugh MD, Johnson DA, Van Epps GA (1982) Forage yield and quality in Great Basin shrub, grass and legume pasture experiment. Journal of Range Management 35(5): 604-609.
  • Seligman NG (1996) Management of Mediterranean grasslands. In: J Hodgson & A W Illius (Eds). The Ecology and Management Og Grazing Systems. CAB International. Wallingford. UK. pp. 359-392.
  • Sternberg M, Gutman M, Perevolotsky A, Ungar ED, Kigel J (2000) Vegetation response to grazing management in a Mediterranean herbaceous community: A functional group approach. Journal of Applied Ecology 37: 224-237.
  • Ta TC, Faris MA (1987) Effects of alfalfa proportions and clipping frequencies on timothy-alfalfa mixtures. II. Nitrogen fixation and transfer. Agronomy Journal 79: 820-824.
  • Thilenius JF, Smith DR, Brown GR (1974) Effect of 2.4-D on composition and production of an alpine plant community in Wyoming. Journal of Range Management 27: 140-142.
  • TUIK (2017) Turkish statistical Institute. Agricultural data. http:// (accessed 30 March 2017) (in Turkish).
  • Türkeş M, Sümer UM, Demir İ (2002) Re-evaluation of trends and changes in mean. maximum and minimum temperatures of Turkey for the period 1929-1999. International Journal of Climatology 22: 947-977.
  • Vallentine JF (1989) Range Development and Improvements (3rd Ed.). Academic Press. Inc. San Diego. California. pp. 524.
  • Vallentine JF (1990) Grazing Management. Academic Press. Inc.. pp: 560.
  • Van Soest PJ, Robertson JB, Lewis BA (1991) Methods for dietary fiber. neutral detergent fiber. non-starch polysaccharides in relation to animal nutrition. Journal of Dairy Science 71: 3583-3597.
There are 31 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Agricultural Engineering
Journal Section Makaleler

Altıngül Özaslan Parlak

Ahmet Gökkuş

Fırat Alatürk

Publication Date August 1, 2018
Submission Date February 12, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2018 Volume: 31 Issue: 2


APA Özaslan Parlak, A., Gökkuş, A., & Alatürk, F. (2018). Botanical composition, forage yield and quality under different improved Mediterranean rangeland. Mediterranean Agricultural Sciences, 31(2), 141-147.
AMA Özaslan Parlak A, Gökkuş A, Alatürk F. Botanical composition, forage yield and quality under different improved Mediterranean rangeland. Mediterranean Agricultural Sciences. August 2018;31(2):141-147. doi:10.29136/mediterranean.393540
Chicago Özaslan Parlak, Altıngül, Ahmet Gökkuş, and Fırat Alatürk. “Botanical Composition, Forage Yield and Quality under Different Improved Mediterranean Rangeland”. Mediterranean Agricultural Sciences 31, no. 2 (August 2018): 141-47.
EndNote Özaslan Parlak A, Gökkuş A, Alatürk F (August 1, 2018) Botanical composition, forage yield and quality under different improved Mediterranean rangeland. Mediterranean Agricultural Sciences 31 2 141–147.
IEEE A. Özaslan Parlak, A. Gökkuş, and F. Alatürk, “Botanical composition, forage yield and quality under different improved Mediterranean rangeland”, Mediterranean Agricultural Sciences, vol. 31, no. 2, pp. 141–147, 2018, doi: 10.29136/mediterranean.393540.
ISNAD Özaslan Parlak, Altıngül et al. “Botanical Composition, Forage Yield and Quality under Different Improved Mediterranean Rangeland”. Mediterranean Agricultural Sciences 31/2 (August 2018), 141-147.
JAMA Özaslan Parlak A, Gökkuş A, Alatürk F. Botanical composition, forage yield and quality under different improved Mediterranean rangeland. Mediterranean Agricultural Sciences. 2018;31:141–147.
MLA Özaslan Parlak, Altıngül et al. “Botanical Composition, Forage Yield and Quality under Different Improved Mediterranean Rangeland”. Mediterranean Agricultural Sciences, vol. 31, no. 2, 2018, pp. 141-7, doi:10.29136/mediterranean.393540.
Vancouver Özaslan Parlak A, Gökkuş A, Alatürk F. Botanical composition, forage yield and quality under different improved Mediterranean rangeland. Mediterranean Agricultural Sciences. 2018;31(2):141-7.

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