This research was carried out for 3 years in order to determine the effect of two different training types and three different bud load levels on the yield and quality characteristics of the Trakya İlkeren grape variety. In all of the bud load levels, 20 buds were left for the first 500 g pruning weight and for each additional 500 g pruning weight. 10 more buds left for control; 5 more buds left for first bud load and 15 more buds left for second bud load. Number of the burst into buds in 2GY treatments of the grapevines and cluster number was obtained higher level in the form of Y training and 2GY treatments. The yield was determined as 9763 g and 19168 g in the 1st and 2nd years of the trial in the form of Y training. In terms of bud loads, 2GY treatment yielded 10845 g in the first year, 19693 g in the second year and 14097 g in the third year. In Y-shaped vines, during the 1st, 2nd and 3rd years of the experiment, respectively; bunch weight has been determined as 210 g, 279.7 g and 364.4 g. The antioxidant activity level was found to be similar in the grapes obtained from the vines with T and Y shapes. Different results were recorded according to all treatments and years in terms of must. Based on these results, it seems possible to recommend Y training system and 2GY level for Trakya İlkeren grape variety.