Research Article
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Year 2023, , 1 - 15, 26.06.2023


This paper presents a faunal list of Macro-Heterocera species from the Botan Valley National Park, which is Turkey’s 45th national park, consists of approximately 120 thousand acres and 29 kilometers in south-eastern Turkey, comprising the superfamilies Bombycoidea, Drepanoidea, Geometroidea, Lasiocampoidea, Noctuoidea. The area has scarcely been investigated before. This study contains the first comprehensive faunal list of macro-moths of Botan Valley National Park. Totally 135 Lepidoptera species were determined. Among them, 99 moth species are newly reported from the Botan Valley National Park, and 6 of them are new discovered from Siirt province. Examined samples and the location of each species are presented. Sites information and collection dates are mentioned.


  • [1] Atalay, I., Mortan, K., Türkiye Bölgesel Coğrafyası, Inkılap Kitabevi, Istanbul, 2006.
  • [2] Alkan, A., “Orta ve Aşağı Botan Vadisi’nin Ekoturizm Potansiyeline Analitik Bir Yaklaşım”, Atatürk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 22, 475-499, 2018.
  • [3] Yangın, S., Botan çayı (Ulucay) vadisinin (Siirt) florası, Master thesis, Dicle Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Diyarbakır, Turkey, 2001.
  • [4] Official Gazette of the Republic of Turkey, Siirt ili, merkez, Aydınlar ve Eruh ilçeleri sınırları içerisinde bulunan bazı alanın ‘Botan Vadisi Milli Parkı’ olarak belirlenmesi hakkında karar (30859), Ankara: Cumhurbaskanligi Hukuk ve Mevzuat Genel Mudurlugu, 15 August 2019, pp. 9, 2019.
  • [5] Seven, E., “An Investigation on the Noctuid Moths (Lepidoptera) of Botan Valley, Southeastern Turkey”, The Black Sea Journal of Sciences, 9(2), 238-252, 2019.
  • [6] Kemal, M., Koçak, A.Ö., Seven, E., “Spring aspect of the nocturnal Lepidoptera fauna of Şirvan District (Siirt Province) (South East Turkey)”, Cesa News, 11, 1-6, 2008.
  • [7] Kemal, M., Koçak, A.Ö., Seven, E., “Calophasia lunula in South East Turkey (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae)”, Cesa News, 64, 4-6, 2011.
  • [8] Kemal, M., Seven, E., “List of the nocturnal Lepidoptera of Şirvan with new faunal records to Siirt Province and Turkey (S.E. Turkey),” Cesa News 13, 1-2, 2008.
  • [9] Kemal, M., Seven, E., “Studies on the fauna and ecology of the Geometridae (Lepidoptera) in Şirvan district (Siirt Province, SE Turkey)”, Priamus Supplement, 29, 1-48, 2013.
  • [10] Seven, E., Eco-faunistic studies on the Macroheterocera species in Şirvan district of Siirt (Lepidoptera), Ph. D. Thesis, Yüzüncü Yıl University, Van, Turkey, 2014.
  • [11] Seven, E., Contribution to the Macroheterocera (Lepidoptera) fauna of Siirt Province, 23. National Biology Congress, 5-9 September, Gaziantep, Turkey, p. 427, 2016.
  • [12] Seven, E., “Ramitia kufrana sp. n. A New Species from Turkey (Lepidoptera, Geometridae)”, Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society, 88(4), 430-433, 2016.
  • [13] Seven, E., “A new record and three little-known Eupithecia Curtis species from Turkey (Lepidoptera: Geometridae)”, Turkish Journal of Zoology, 41, 583-586, 2017.
  • [14] Seven, E., “Notes on Some Species of Gnophini (Ennominae, Geometridae, Lepidoptera) from Turkey, with New Records”, Journal of the Entomological Research Society, 20(1), 53-58, 2018.
  • [15] Koçak, A.Ö., Kemal, M., “A synonymous and distributional list of the species of the Lepidoptera of Turkey”, Memoirs, 8, 1-487, 2018.
  • [16] Seven, E., Kemal, M., Koçak, A.Ö., “On the occurrence of Idia calvaria meridiorientalis in Siirt Province of SE Turkey (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae)”, Cesa News, 102, 13-15, 2015.
  • [17] Seven, E., Ronkay, L., Ronkay, G., “Description of a new species of Deltote Reichenbach, Leipzig, 1817 (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae, Eustrotiinae) from Turkey and Turkmenistan”, Zootaxa 4576(1), 171-178, 2019.
  • [18] Kornoşor, S., “Noctuidae (Lepidoptera) species of Turkey and preliminary list on their distributions, I. Trifidae group”, Ç.U. Faculty of Arts and Sciences Yearbook, 1-2, 74-95, 1982.
  • [19] Kornoşor, S., “Noctuidae (Lepidoptera) species of Turkey and preliminary list on their distributions, II. Quadrifidae group”, Ç.U. Faculty of Arts and Sciences Yearbook, 1-2, 95-102, 1982.
  • [20] De Freina, J., Witt, T.J., Die Bombyces und Sphinges der Westpalaearktis, Band 1. München, 1987.
  • [21] Seven, S., “Studies on the fauna and the ecology of the Lepidoptera of Turkey- I”, Priamus 8(1/2), 1-52, 1996.
  • [22] Hausmann, A., The Geometrid Moths of Europe 1, Apollo Books, Stentrup, 2001.
  • [23] Hausmann, A., The Geometrid Moths of Europe 2, Apollo Books, Stenstrup, 2004.
  • [24] Ronkay, L., Yela J.L., Hreblay, M., Noctuidae Europaeae, vol. 5, Hadeninae II, Entomological Press, Denmark, 2001.
  • [25] Mironov, V., The Geometrid Moths of Europe 4, Apollo Books, Stenstrup, 2003.
  • [26] Zilli, A., Ronkay, L., Fibiger, M., Noctuidae Europaeae, vol. 8, Apemeini, Entomological Press, Denmark, 2005.
  • [27] Leraut, P., Moths of Europe. Volume 2, Geometrid moths. N.A.P. ed., Verrières-le-Buisson, 2009.
  • [28] Hausmann, A., Viidalepp, J., The Geometrid Moths of Europe 3, Apollo Books, Stenstrup, 2012.
  • [29] Lödl, M., Gaal-Haszler, S., Jovanovic-Kruspel, S., Ronkay, G., Ronkay, L., Varga, Z., Fibigeriana, The Vartian Collection. Part I. Noctuoidea, Heterocera press, 2012.
  • [30] Skou, P., Sihvonen, P., The geometrid moths of Europe 5, Brill, Leiden, 2015.
  • [31] Müller, B., Erlacher, S., Hausmann, A., Rajaei, H., Sihvonen, P., Skou, P., The Geometrid Moths of Europe 6, Leiden, Brill, 2019.
Year 2023, , 1 - 15, 26.06.2023



  • [1] Atalay, I., Mortan, K., Türkiye Bölgesel Coğrafyası, Inkılap Kitabevi, Istanbul, 2006.
  • [2] Alkan, A., “Orta ve Aşağı Botan Vadisi’nin Ekoturizm Potansiyeline Analitik Bir Yaklaşım”, Atatürk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 22, 475-499, 2018.
  • [3] Yangın, S., Botan çayı (Ulucay) vadisinin (Siirt) florası, Master thesis, Dicle Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Diyarbakır, Turkey, 2001.
  • [4] Official Gazette of the Republic of Turkey, Siirt ili, merkez, Aydınlar ve Eruh ilçeleri sınırları içerisinde bulunan bazı alanın ‘Botan Vadisi Milli Parkı’ olarak belirlenmesi hakkında karar (30859), Ankara: Cumhurbaskanligi Hukuk ve Mevzuat Genel Mudurlugu, 15 August 2019, pp. 9, 2019.
  • [5] Seven, E., “An Investigation on the Noctuid Moths (Lepidoptera) of Botan Valley, Southeastern Turkey”, The Black Sea Journal of Sciences, 9(2), 238-252, 2019.
  • [6] Kemal, M., Koçak, A.Ö., Seven, E., “Spring aspect of the nocturnal Lepidoptera fauna of Şirvan District (Siirt Province) (South East Turkey)”, Cesa News, 11, 1-6, 2008.
  • [7] Kemal, M., Koçak, A.Ö., Seven, E., “Calophasia lunula in South East Turkey (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae)”, Cesa News, 64, 4-6, 2011.
  • [8] Kemal, M., Seven, E., “List of the nocturnal Lepidoptera of Şirvan with new faunal records to Siirt Province and Turkey (S.E. Turkey),” Cesa News 13, 1-2, 2008.
  • [9] Kemal, M., Seven, E., “Studies on the fauna and ecology of the Geometridae (Lepidoptera) in Şirvan district (Siirt Province, SE Turkey)”, Priamus Supplement, 29, 1-48, 2013.
  • [10] Seven, E., Eco-faunistic studies on the Macroheterocera species in Şirvan district of Siirt (Lepidoptera), Ph. D. Thesis, Yüzüncü Yıl University, Van, Turkey, 2014.
  • [11] Seven, E., Contribution to the Macroheterocera (Lepidoptera) fauna of Siirt Province, 23. National Biology Congress, 5-9 September, Gaziantep, Turkey, p. 427, 2016.
  • [12] Seven, E., “Ramitia kufrana sp. n. A New Species from Turkey (Lepidoptera, Geometridae)”, Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society, 88(4), 430-433, 2016.
  • [13] Seven, E., “A new record and three little-known Eupithecia Curtis species from Turkey (Lepidoptera: Geometridae)”, Turkish Journal of Zoology, 41, 583-586, 2017.
  • [14] Seven, E., “Notes on Some Species of Gnophini (Ennominae, Geometridae, Lepidoptera) from Turkey, with New Records”, Journal of the Entomological Research Society, 20(1), 53-58, 2018.
  • [15] Koçak, A.Ö., Kemal, M., “A synonymous and distributional list of the species of the Lepidoptera of Turkey”, Memoirs, 8, 1-487, 2018.
  • [16] Seven, E., Kemal, M., Koçak, A.Ö., “On the occurrence of Idia calvaria meridiorientalis in Siirt Province of SE Turkey (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae)”, Cesa News, 102, 13-15, 2015.
  • [17] Seven, E., Ronkay, L., Ronkay, G., “Description of a new species of Deltote Reichenbach, Leipzig, 1817 (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae, Eustrotiinae) from Turkey and Turkmenistan”, Zootaxa 4576(1), 171-178, 2019.
  • [18] Kornoşor, S., “Noctuidae (Lepidoptera) species of Turkey and preliminary list on their distributions, I. Trifidae group”, Ç.U. Faculty of Arts and Sciences Yearbook, 1-2, 74-95, 1982.
  • [19] Kornoşor, S., “Noctuidae (Lepidoptera) species of Turkey and preliminary list on their distributions, II. Quadrifidae group”, Ç.U. Faculty of Arts and Sciences Yearbook, 1-2, 95-102, 1982.
  • [20] De Freina, J., Witt, T.J., Die Bombyces und Sphinges der Westpalaearktis, Band 1. München, 1987.
  • [21] Seven, S., “Studies on the fauna and the ecology of the Lepidoptera of Turkey- I”, Priamus 8(1/2), 1-52, 1996.
  • [22] Hausmann, A., The Geometrid Moths of Europe 1, Apollo Books, Stentrup, 2001.
  • [23] Hausmann, A., The Geometrid Moths of Europe 2, Apollo Books, Stenstrup, 2004.
  • [24] Ronkay, L., Yela J.L., Hreblay, M., Noctuidae Europaeae, vol. 5, Hadeninae II, Entomological Press, Denmark, 2001.
  • [25] Mironov, V., The Geometrid Moths of Europe 4, Apollo Books, Stenstrup, 2003.
  • [26] Zilli, A., Ronkay, L., Fibiger, M., Noctuidae Europaeae, vol. 8, Apemeini, Entomological Press, Denmark, 2005.
  • [27] Leraut, P., Moths of Europe. Volume 2, Geometrid moths. N.A.P. ed., Verrières-le-Buisson, 2009.
  • [28] Hausmann, A., Viidalepp, J., The Geometrid Moths of Europe 3, Apollo Books, Stenstrup, 2012.
  • [29] Lödl, M., Gaal-Haszler, S., Jovanovic-Kruspel, S., Ronkay, G., Ronkay, L., Varga, Z., Fibigeriana, The Vartian Collection. Part I. Noctuoidea, Heterocera press, 2012.
  • [30] Skou, P., Sihvonen, P., The geometrid moths of Europe 5, Brill, Leiden, 2015.
  • [31] Müller, B., Erlacher, S., Hausmann, A., Rajaei, H., Sihvonen, P., Skou, P., The Geometrid Moths of Europe 6, Leiden, Brill, 2019.
There are 31 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Structural Biology
Journal Section Article

Erdem Seven 0000-0002-7587-5341

Publication Date June 26, 2023
Submission Date November 23, 2021
Acceptance Date May 29, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023



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