Articles should be submitted to the journal only in electronic format through the online submission system. (Ready Templates are at the Bottom.) Types of manuscript submissions Original research articles, review articles, technical notes, technical reports, letters to the editor, and book reviews are published. • Original research articles; must not exceed 7500 words or 25 pages and should not have been previously published. • Review articles; on current topics and not exceeding 10,000 words or 25 pages • Technical notes and reports; should describe work that may be of preliminary nature and should preferably include tables and figures, not exceeding 3000 words or 10 pages. • Letters to the Editor; should address current topics and must not exceed 2000 words or 10 pages including tables and figures. Journal fee The journal does not have a publication fee. Preparation of Manuscripts The works should be prepared in Turkish or English. Prepare your text using a word processing software and save it in ".doc" or ".docx" format. The texts should be prepared in the following order; • Title pages (relevant links are below.) o Title (Short and informative. Avoid abbreviations and formulas) Avoid abbreviations and formulas. o Author names and membership addresses (Full names should be provided, abbreviations should not be used. The corresponding author should be indicated with an asterisk. Each membership address must include the institution, faculty/school, department, city, and country. o The corresponding author's email, phone number, fax, and address o ORCID number and email addresses for all authors. o Number of figures (drawings, images, graphs, maps, flowcharts, etc.) o Number of tables (e.g., charts) o Acknowledgments• Main text (Relevant links are below.) o Title Summary (between 150 and 250 words) o Keywords (Maximum 5 keywords) o Introduction o Materials and Methods o Results o Discussion o Conclusion Compliance with Ethical Standards) Authors' Contributions b) Conflict of Interest c) Statement on Animal Welfare d) Statement on Human Rights e) Statement declaring that they do not use artificial intelligence o Sources o Table (in an appropriate position in the text) o Figure (in the appropriate position in the text) o Appendix (if any) Throughout the article, use a 12-point font (Times New Roman) with double spacing and 25 mm margins on all sides of A4-sized paper, including references, table titles, and figure titles. Use 25 mm margins on all sides of the page. The text should be in a single-column format. Authors are advised to download the template files from the following links: • Each page should be numbered with Arabic numerals, and the lines should be continuously numbered from the beginning to the end of the text. • Use italics for emphasis. • Use only SI (International System) units. • Use "dot" for decimal places. • Use italics for the species name. Compliance with Ethical Standards The corresponding author will include a summary statement in a separate section before the reference list in the article text. Look at the following example descriptions: a) Authors' Contributions Please provide the authors' contributions for the article. Use the initials of their first and last names (for example; Author MO designed the study, MF wrote the first draft of the article, AF conducted and managed the statistical analyses). All authors read and approved the final manuscript. b) Conflict of Interest Any existing conflicts of interest should be disclosed here. If there is no conflict, the authors should state the following: Conflict of Interest: The authors declare that there is no conflict of interest. c) Statement on Animal Welfare If animals were used in the study; the welfare of the animals used in the research should be respected. When reporting experiments on animals, authors should include the following statement: Ethical approval: All international, national, and/or institutional guidelines for the care and use of animals were followed. Or for retrospective studies; a summary statement in the article text should be as follows: Ethical approval: Official approval is not required for this type of study. d) Human Rights Statement When reporting studies involving human participants, authors should include the following statement: Ethical approval: The studies were approved by the appropriate institutional and/or national research ethics committee and conducted in accordance with the ethical standards specified in the 1964 Declaration of Helsinki and its later amendments or comparable ethical standards. Or for retrospective studies; the article text should include a summary statement as follows: Ethical approval: Official approval is not required for this type of study. e) Declaration of Not Using Artificial Intelligence Authors must declare and explain one of the following options. • The author(s) declare(s) that they did not use any type of generative artificial intelligence in the writing of this article, including the creation of visuals, graphics, tables, or corresponding titles. • The author(s) declare that they used generative artificial intelligence in the writing of this article for the creation of visuals, graphics, tables, or corresponding titles, and accept full responsibility for all outcomes resulting from the use of artificial intelligence. Sections where generative artificial intelligence was used (the sections used and the manner of use should be explained) SOURCES Citation in the text; Please ensure that each citation in the text is also presented in the list of references. List the literature in the text chronologically, then alphabetically as in these examples "(Elp et al., 2018; Biswas et al., 2016; Elp and Osmanoğlu, 2019)". If the cited source is the subject of a sentence, only the date should be provided in parentheses. It is formatted like this example: "Durmaz (2007) .... investigated the activity." • Single author: the author's surname and publication year (Elp, 2017) • Two authors: both authors' last names and the publication year (Adem and Elp, 2017) • Three or more authors: the first author's surname followed by "et al." (Adem et al., 2018 publication year) Citation in the References List; References should first be sorted alphabetically and then chronologically at the end of the article. Multiple sources by the same author(s) published in the same year should be indicated with letters (2016a, 2016b, 2016c, etc.) after the publication date. Citations of articles, books, multi-authored books, and articles published online should conform to the following examples: Article: Adem, S. S., & Elp, M. (2017). Kas iğcikleri ve balık kas iğciklerinin diğer omurgalılarla karşılaştırılması. Alinteri Journal of Agriculture Sciences, 32(2): 113-117 Durmaz, Y. (2007). Producción de vitamina E (alfa-tocoferol) por las microalgas marinas Nannochloropsis oculata (Eustigmatophyceae) en condiciones de limitación de nitrógeno. Acuicultura, 272(4): 717-722. Elderwish, N., M., Taştan, Y. & Sönmez, A. Y., (2019). Seasonal examination of heavy metal accumulation in the coastal waters of the western Black Sea in Turkey. Source: Kastamonu University Journal of Fisheries Faculty, 5(2): 1-8. Elp, M., Osmanoğlu, M. İ., Kadak, A. E., & Turan, D., (2018). Características de Capoeta oguzelii, una nueva especie de pez ciprínido del arroyo Ezine, cuenca del Mar Negro, Turquía (Teleostei: Cyprinidae). Zoología en el Medio Oriente. 64(2): 102–111. https://doi.org/10.1080/09397140.2018.1442295 Añadir al proyecto Citavi por DOIS önmez, A. Y., Kale, S., Özdemir, R. C. & Kadak, A. E. (2018). Un sistema de inferencia neuro-difuso adaptativo (ANFIS) para predecir la concentración de cadmio (Cd) en el río Filyos, Turquía. Türk Sucul Bilimler Dergisi, 18(12): 1333-1343. https://doi.org/10.4194/1303-2712-v18_12_01 Añadir al proyecto Citavi por DOIKitap: Brown, C., Laland, K. & Krause, J. (Eds.) (2011). Cognición y Comportamiento de los Peces. 2. baskı. Oxford, Birleşik Krallık: Wiley-Blackwell. 472s. Book chapter: Langston, W. J. (1990). Metallerin toksik etkileri ve deniz ekosistemlerinin yaygınlığı, s. 102-122. En: Furness, R. W. (Ed.), Rainbow Heavy Metals in the Marine Environment. Nueva York, EE. UU.: CRC Press. 256p. Vassallo, A. I. & Mora, M. S. (2007). Escalado interespecífico y patrones de crecimiento ontogenético del cráneo en roedores ctenomíidos y octodóntidos vivos y fósiles (Caviomorpha: Octodontoidea). pp. 945-968. En: Kelt, D. A., Lessa, E., Salazar-Bravo, J. A., Patton, J. L. (Eds.), The Quintessential Naturalist: Honoring the Life and Legacy of Oliver P. Pearson. 1ª ed. Berkeley, CA, EE. UU.: University of California Press. 981 p. Thesis: Elp, M. (2002). A study on the populations of siraz (Capoeta capoeta, Guldensteadt, 1772) and pearl mullet (Chalcalburnus tarichi, Pallas, 1811) living in the Koçköprü reservoir (Van). Doktora Tezi. İstanbul Üniversitesi, İstanbul, Türkiye. Conference proceedings: Notev, E. & Uzunova, S. (2008). Yeni bir biyolojik yöntemle su kalitesinin iyileştirilmesi. Actas de la 2ª Conferencia de Plantas de Tratamiento de Agua y Aguas Residuales Pequeñas y Descentralizadas, Grecia, pp. 487-492. Institute publications: FAO. (2016). El Estado de la Pesca y la Acuicultura Mundial: Contribuyendo a la seguridad alimentaria y la nutrición para todos. Roma. 200 pp. Report: FAO. (2018). Informe de la novena sesión del Subcomité de Acuicultura. Informe de la FAO sobre Pesca y Acuicultura No. 1188. Roma, Italia. Internet sources: Froese, R. & Pauly, D. (Eds.) (2018). FishBase. Dünya Çapında Web elektronik yayını. Consultado el 11 de enero de 2018 en http://www.fishbase.org. TurkStat. (2019). Estadísticas pesqueras. Retrieved on December 28, 2019 from http://www.turkstat.gov.tr/ Table(s) Tables numbered in Arabic should be placed on separate pages with a short explanatory title at the top. Place footnotes at the bottom of the tables in the body of the chart and indicate them with lowercase letters (or with asterisks for significance values and other statistical data). Avoid vertical rules. The data presented in tables should not repeat the results explained elsewhere in the article. Figure(s) In the text, all images should be labeled as 'Figure' and numbered with consecutive Arabic numerals, Figure 1, Figure 2, etc. If the panels of a figure are labeled (a, b, etc.), use the same labeling in the text when referring to these panels. It is recommended that the figures be in electronic formats such as PNG or JPEG. TIFF (min. 300 dpi) should also be arranged in the available sizes. All figures or tables should be presented within the text. Font sizes should be between 9 and 11 points. ALL LINKS - Article Title Template (Turkish) - Article Title Template (English) - Copyright transfer form (Turkish) - Copyright transfer form (English) - Full Text Initial_Submission Template (Turkish) - Full Text Initial_Submission Template (English) - Spelling Rules (Turkish) - Spelling Rules (English) - MEMBA Final Template (Turkish and English)