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Squalius cephalus (L., 1758)’ un Nor Fenotipi Ve Sucul Ortam Ekotoksikolojik Çalışmalar Açısından Değerlendirilmesi (Kastamonu Beyler Barajı Populasyonu)

Year 2015, Volume: 2 Issue: 1, 23 - 28, 22.10.2015


 Su ekosisteminde toksik, kimyasal ve diğer beşeri etkenlerin sitogenetik etkilerinin izlenmesi için balık
uygun bir biyoindikatördür. Cyprinidae familyası Beyler Barajı (Kastamonu) Squalius cephalus (L.1758)
populasyonlarının “One-Step” metoduna göre belirlenen NOR fenotipi subtelo ya da akrosentik kromozomun
kısa kollarında nokta şeklindedir. Genom başına düşen NOR sayısı ikidir. NOR nehir havzalarında kirletici
karışımların biyolojik etkilerini değerlendirmek ve sucul ekosistemlerin ekolojik durumunu daha iyi karakterize
etmek amacıyla kullanılabilir. 


  • Al-Sabti, K., 1986. Karyotypes of Cyprinus carpio and Squalius cephalus. Cytobios, 47: 19-25.
  • Amemiya, C.T. and Gold, J.R., 1986. Chromomycin A3 stains nucleolus organizer regions of fish chromosomes. Cpoeia, 226- 231.
  • Amemiya, C.T. and Gold, J.R., 1990a. Cytogenetic studies in North American minnowvs (Cyprinidae). Hereditas, 112: 231-247.
  • Anderson, S.L. , Wild, G.C., 1994. Linking Genotoxic Responses to Reproductive Success in Ecotoxicology. Environmental Health Perspectives, 102: 9-12.
  • Banerjee P., Sarkar S., Dey T.K., Bakshi M., Swarnakar, S., Mukhopadhayay, A., Ghosh, S., 2014. Application of isolated bacterial consortium in UMBR for detoxification of textile effluent: Comparative analysis of resultant oxidative stress and genotoxicity in catfish (Heteropneustes fossilis) exposed to raw and treated effluents. Ecotoxicology, 23 (6): 1073-1085.
  • Berberovic, Lj. and Sofradzija, A., 1972. Pregled podataka chromosomkim garniturama slatkovonih riba, Jugoslavie. Ichthyologia, 4: 1-21.
  • Boron, Al., Porycka, K., Abe, S., Kirtiklis, L., 2009. Comparative molecular cytogenetic analysis of three Squalius species (Pisces, Cyprinidae) using chromosome banding and FISH with rDNA. Genetica, 135 (2): 199- 207.
  • Claxton, L.D., Houk V.S., Hughes T.J., 1998. Genotoxicity of industrial wastes and effluents. Mutat. Res., 410: 237–243.
  • Collares-Pereira, M.J., Pro´spero, M.I., Bile´u, R,I,, Rodrigues, E.M., 1998. Squalius (Pisces, Cyprinidae) karyotypes: transect of Portuguese populations. Genet. Mol. Biol., 21: 1–13.
  • De Flora, S., Bagnasco, S., Zanacchi, M., 1991. Genotoxic, Carcinogenic and Teratogenic Hazards in the Marine Environment, with Special Reference to the Mediterranean Sea. Mutation Research, 258: 285-320.
  • Çavaş, T., Ergene-Gözükara S., 2003. Micronuclei, nuclear lesions and interphase silver-stained nucleolar organizer regions (AgNORs) as cyto-genotoxicity indicators in Oreochromis niloticus exposed to textile mill effluent. Mutation Research/Genetic Toxicology and Environmental Mutagenesis, 538(1-2): 81- 91.
  • Galetti, P.M. Foresti, F., Bertollo, L.A.C. and Moreira, F.O., 1984. Characterization of eight species of Anostomidae (Cypriniformes) fish on the basis of the nucleolar oyrganizer region. Caryologia, 37: 401-406.
  • Geldiay, R. ve Balık, S., 1988. Türkiye Tatlısu Balıkları. Ege Üniversitesi Fen Fakültesi Kitapları Serisi, No: 97, E.Ü. Basımevi, 180s, Bornova-İzmir.
  • Gold J.R., Shıpley, N.S. and Powers, P.K., 1990. Improved methods for working with fish chromosomes with a review of metaphase chromosome banding. Journal of Fish Biology, 37: 563-75.
  • Gold, J.R., 1984. Silver-staining and heteromorphism of chromosomal nucleolus organizer regions in North American Cyprinid fishes. Copeia, 1: 133-139.
  • Güner, U., Muranli, F.D.G., 2011. Micronucleus test, nuclear abnormalities and accumulation of Cu and Cd on Gambusia affinis (Baird & Girard, 1853). Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 11(4): 635-642.
  • Hafez R., Labat R. and Quillier R., 1978. Etude cytogenetique chez quelques especes de cyprnides de la Region Midi-Pyrenees. Bull. Soc. Hist, Nat., Toulouse, 114: 85-92.
  • Jha, A.N., Cheung, V.V., Foulkes, M.E., Hill, S.J., Depledge, M.H., 2000. Detection of Genotoxins in the Marine Environment: Adoption and Evaluation of an Integrated Approach Using the Embryo-Larval Stages of the Marine Mussel, Mytilusedulis. Mutation Research, 464: 213-228.
  • Lee, R., Steinert, S., 2003. Use of the Single Cell Gel Electrophoresis/Comet Assay for Detecting DNA Damage in Aquatic (Marine and Freshwater) Animals. Mutation Research/Reviews in Mutation Research, 544: 43-64.
  • Levan, A., Fredgy, K., Sandberg, A., 1964. Nomenclatüre for cenromeric position on chromosomes. Hereditas, 52: 201.
  • Mayr, B., Kalat, M., Rab. P. and Lambrou, M., 1987. Band karyotypes and sepicific types of heterochromatin in several species of European percid fishes (Percidae, Pisces). Genetica, 75: 199-205.
  • Moreira-Filho, O., Bertello, L.A.C. and Galetti, P.M. 1984. Structure and variability of nucleolar organizer regiens in Paradontidae fish. Can. J. Genet. Cytol., 26: 564-568.
  • Ohe, T.,Watanabe, T.,Wakabayashi, K., 2004. Mutagens in surface waters: a review. Mutat. Res., 567: 109–149.
  • Omar, W.A., Zaghloul, K.H., Abdel-Khalek, A.A., Abo-Hegab, S., 2012. Genotoxic effects of metal pollution in two fish species, Oreochromis niloticus and Mugil cephalus, from highly degraded aquatic habitats. Mutation Research - Genetic Toxicology and Environmental Mutagenesis, 746(1): 7- 14.
  • Osman, A.G., Abuel-Fadl, K.Y., Kloas, W., 2012. In Situ Evaluation of the Genotoxic Potential of the River Nile: II. Detection of DNA Strand-Breakage and Apoptosis in Oreochromis niloticus niloticus (Linnaeus, 1758) and Clarias gariepinus (Burchell, 1822). Mutation Research, 747: 14-21. Papagiannis, I., Kagalou, I., Leonardos, J., Petridis, D., Kalfakaou, V., 2004. Copper and zinc in four freshwater fish species from Lake Pamvotis (Greece). Environmental International, 30: 357-362.
  • Pederson, T., 1998. The plurifunctional nucleolus. Nucleic Acids Res., 26: 3871-3876.
  • Pekol, S., 1999. Beyler Barajında (Kastamonu) Yaşayan Leuciscus cephalus’un Karyotip Analizi. Kastamonu Eğitim Dergisi, 7 (1): 179-184.
  • Pereira C.S. A., Ra´b, P., Collares-Pereira M. J., 2012. Chromosomes of European cyprinid fishes: comparative cytogenetics and chromosomal characteristics of ribosomal DNAs in nine Iberian chondrostomine species (Leuciscinae). Genetica, 140: 485- 495.
  • Polard, T., Jean, S., Merlina, G., Laplanche, C., Pinelli, E., Gauthier, L., 2011. Giemsa versus acridine orange staining in the fish micronucleus assay and validation for use in water quality monitoring. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety., 74(1): 144-149.
  • Ra´b, P., Karakousis, Y., Ra´bova´, M., Economidis, P.S., 1996. Banded karyotype of cyprinid fish Squalius borysthenicus. Ichthyol. Res., 43: 463-468.
  • Ra´bova, M., Ra´b, P., Ozouf-Costaz, C., Ene, C., Wanzebo¨ck, J., 2003. Comparative cytogenetics and chromosomal characteristics of ribosomal DNA in the fish genus Vimba (Cyprinidae). Genetica, 118: 83-91.
  • Rab, P., Pokorny J. and Roth. P., 1989. Chromosome studies of Common Carp, Cyprinus carpio, I. karyotype of Amurain carp, C. carpio haematopterus. Caryologia, 42: 27-36.
  • Rossi, A.R., Milana, V., Hett, A. K., Tancioni L., 2012. Molecular cytogenetic analysis of the Appenine endemic cyprinid fish Squalius lucumonis and three other Italian leuciscines using chromosome banding and FISH with rDNA probes. Genetica, 140: 469-476.
  • Teerarak, M., Bhinija, K., Thitavasanta, S., Laosinwattana, C., 2009. The impact of sodium chloride on root growth, cell division, and interphase silver-stained nucleolar organizer regions (AgNORs) in root tip cells of Allium cepa L. Sci. Hortic., 121: 228-232.
  • Thode, G., Martinez, G., Ruız, J.L, and lopez, J.R., 1988. A complex chromosomal polymorphism in Gabius fallax (Gabiidae, Perciformes), Genetica, 76: 65-71. Tokur, S., Zeybek, N. ve Kesercioğlu, T., 1988. Bitki tayininde sitotaksonominin önemi, Anadolu Üniv., Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi, 1: 17-23.
  • Vignardi, C.P., . Hasue, F.M., . Sartório, P.V., . Cardoso, C.M., . Machado, A.S.D., . Passos, M.J.A.C.R., . Santos, T.C.A., . Nucci, J.M., . Hewer, T.L.R., Watanabe I.S., Gomes, V., . Phan, N.V., 2015. Genotoxicity, potential cytotoxicity and cell uptake of titanium dioxide nanoparticles in the marine fish Trachinotus carolinus (Linnaeus, 1766). Aquatic Toxicology, 158: 218-229.
  • Würgler, F.E. and Kramers, P.G., 1992. Environmental Effects of Genotoxins (EcoGenotoxicology). Mutagenesis, 7: 321-327.
  • Zhang, X., Sun, H.,. Zhang, Z., Niu, Q., Chen, Y., Crittenden, J.C., 2007. Enhanced bioaccumulation of cadmium in carp in the presence of titanium dioxide nanoparticles. Chemosphere, 67: 160-166.
Year 2015, Volume: 2 Issue: 1, 23 - 28, 22.10.2015



  • Al-Sabti, K., 1986. Karyotypes of Cyprinus carpio and Squalius cephalus. Cytobios, 47: 19-25.
  • Amemiya, C.T. and Gold, J.R., 1986. Chromomycin A3 stains nucleolus organizer regions of fish chromosomes. Cpoeia, 226- 231.
  • Amemiya, C.T. and Gold, J.R., 1990a. Cytogenetic studies in North American minnowvs (Cyprinidae). Hereditas, 112: 231-247.
  • Anderson, S.L. , Wild, G.C., 1994. Linking Genotoxic Responses to Reproductive Success in Ecotoxicology. Environmental Health Perspectives, 102: 9-12.
  • Banerjee P., Sarkar S., Dey T.K., Bakshi M., Swarnakar, S., Mukhopadhayay, A., Ghosh, S., 2014. Application of isolated bacterial consortium in UMBR for detoxification of textile effluent: Comparative analysis of resultant oxidative stress and genotoxicity in catfish (Heteropneustes fossilis) exposed to raw and treated effluents. Ecotoxicology, 23 (6): 1073-1085.
  • Berberovic, Lj. and Sofradzija, A., 1972. Pregled podataka chromosomkim garniturama slatkovonih riba, Jugoslavie. Ichthyologia, 4: 1-21.
  • Boron, Al., Porycka, K., Abe, S., Kirtiklis, L., 2009. Comparative molecular cytogenetic analysis of three Squalius species (Pisces, Cyprinidae) using chromosome banding and FISH with rDNA. Genetica, 135 (2): 199- 207.
  • Claxton, L.D., Houk V.S., Hughes T.J., 1998. Genotoxicity of industrial wastes and effluents. Mutat. Res., 410: 237–243.
  • Collares-Pereira, M.J., Pro´spero, M.I., Bile´u, R,I,, Rodrigues, E.M., 1998. Squalius (Pisces, Cyprinidae) karyotypes: transect of Portuguese populations. Genet. Mol. Biol., 21: 1–13.
  • De Flora, S., Bagnasco, S., Zanacchi, M., 1991. Genotoxic, Carcinogenic and Teratogenic Hazards in the Marine Environment, with Special Reference to the Mediterranean Sea. Mutation Research, 258: 285-320.
  • Çavaş, T., Ergene-Gözükara S., 2003. Micronuclei, nuclear lesions and interphase silver-stained nucleolar organizer regions (AgNORs) as cyto-genotoxicity indicators in Oreochromis niloticus exposed to textile mill effluent. Mutation Research/Genetic Toxicology and Environmental Mutagenesis, 538(1-2): 81- 91.
  • Galetti, P.M. Foresti, F., Bertollo, L.A.C. and Moreira, F.O., 1984. Characterization of eight species of Anostomidae (Cypriniformes) fish on the basis of the nucleolar oyrganizer region. Caryologia, 37: 401-406.
  • Geldiay, R. ve Balık, S., 1988. Türkiye Tatlısu Balıkları. Ege Üniversitesi Fen Fakültesi Kitapları Serisi, No: 97, E.Ü. Basımevi, 180s, Bornova-İzmir.
  • Gold J.R., Shıpley, N.S. and Powers, P.K., 1990. Improved methods for working with fish chromosomes with a review of metaphase chromosome banding. Journal of Fish Biology, 37: 563-75.
  • Gold, J.R., 1984. Silver-staining and heteromorphism of chromosomal nucleolus organizer regions in North American Cyprinid fishes. Copeia, 1: 133-139.
  • Güner, U., Muranli, F.D.G., 2011. Micronucleus test, nuclear abnormalities and accumulation of Cu and Cd on Gambusia affinis (Baird & Girard, 1853). Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 11(4): 635-642.
  • Hafez R., Labat R. and Quillier R., 1978. Etude cytogenetique chez quelques especes de cyprnides de la Region Midi-Pyrenees. Bull. Soc. Hist, Nat., Toulouse, 114: 85-92.
  • Jha, A.N., Cheung, V.V., Foulkes, M.E., Hill, S.J., Depledge, M.H., 2000. Detection of Genotoxins in the Marine Environment: Adoption and Evaluation of an Integrated Approach Using the Embryo-Larval Stages of the Marine Mussel, Mytilusedulis. Mutation Research, 464: 213-228.
  • Lee, R., Steinert, S., 2003. Use of the Single Cell Gel Electrophoresis/Comet Assay for Detecting DNA Damage in Aquatic (Marine and Freshwater) Animals. Mutation Research/Reviews in Mutation Research, 544: 43-64.
  • Levan, A., Fredgy, K., Sandberg, A., 1964. Nomenclatüre for cenromeric position on chromosomes. Hereditas, 52: 201.
  • Mayr, B., Kalat, M., Rab. P. and Lambrou, M., 1987. Band karyotypes and sepicific types of heterochromatin in several species of European percid fishes (Percidae, Pisces). Genetica, 75: 199-205.
  • Moreira-Filho, O., Bertello, L.A.C. and Galetti, P.M. 1984. Structure and variability of nucleolar organizer regiens in Paradontidae fish. Can. J. Genet. Cytol., 26: 564-568.
  • Ohe, T.,Watanabe, T.,Wakabayashi, K., 2004. Mutagens in surface waters: a review. Mutat. Res., 567: 109–149.
  • Omar, W.A., Zaghloul, K.H., Abdel-Khalek, A.A., Abo-Hegab, S., 2012. Genotoxic effects of metal pollution in two fish species, Oreochromis niloticus and Mugil cephalus, from highly degraded aquatic habitats. Mutation Research - Genetic Toxicology and Environmental Mutagenesis, 746(1): 7- 14.
  • Osman, A.G., Abuel-Fadl, K.Y., Kloas, W., 2012. In Situ Evaluation of the Genotoxic Potential of the River Nile: II. Detection of DNA Strand-Breakage and Apoptosis in Oreochromis niloticus niloticus (Linnaeus, 1758) and Clarias gariepinus (Burchell, 1822). Mutation Research, 747: 14-21. Papagiannis, I., Kagalou, I., Leonardos, J., Petridis, D., Kalfakaou, V., 2004. Copper and zinc in four freshwater fish species from Lake Pamvotis (Greece). Environmental International, 30: 357-362.
  • Pederson, T., 1998. The plurifunctional nucleolus. Nucleic Acids Res., 26: 3871-3876.
  • Pekol, S., 1999. Beyler Barajında (Kastamonu) Yaşayan Leuciscus cephalus’un Karyotip Analizi. Kastamonu Eğitim Dergisi, 7 (1): 179-184.
  • Pereira C.S. A., Ra´b, P., Collares-Pereira M. J., 2012. Chromosomes of European cyprinid fishes: comparative cytogenetics and chromosomal characteristics of ribosomal DNAs in nine Iberian chondrostomine species (Leuciscinae). Genetica, 140: 485- 495.
  • Polard, T., Jean, S., Merlina, G., Laplanche, C., Pinelli, E., Gauthier, L., 2011. Giemsa versus acridine orange staining in the fish micronucleus assay and validation for use in water quality monitoring. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety., 74(1): 144-149.
  • Ra´b, P., Karakousis, Y., Ra´bova´, M., Economidis, P.S., 1996. Banded karyotype of cyprinid fish Squalius borysthenicus. Ichthyol. Res., 43: 463-468.
  • Ra´bova, M., Ra´b, P., Ozouf-Costaz, C., Ene, C., Wanzebo¨ck, J., 2003. Comparative cytogenetics and chromosomal characteristics of ribosomal DNA in the fish genus Vimba (Cyprinidae). Genetica, 118: 83-91.
  • Rab, P., Pokorny J. and Roth. P., 1989. Chromosome studies of Common Carp, Cyprinus carpio, I. karyotype of Amurain carp, C. carpio haematopterus. Caryologia, 42: 27-36.
  • Rossi, A.R., Milana, V., Hett, A. K., Tancioni L., 2012. Molecular cytogenetic analysis of the Appenine endemic cyprinid fish Squalius lucumonis and three other Italian leuciscines using chromosome banding and FISH with rDNA probes. Genetica, 140: 469-476.
  • Teerarak, M., Bhinija, K., Thitavasanta, S., Laosinwattana, C., 2009. The impact of sodium chloride on root growth, cell division, and interphase silver-stained nucleolar organizer regions (AgNORs) in root tip cells of Allium cepa L. Sci. Hortic., 121: 228-232.
  • Thode, G., Martinez, G., Ruız, J.L, and lopez, J.R., 1988. A complex chromosomal polymorphism in Gabius fallax (Gabiidae, Perciformes), Genetica, 76: 65-71. Tokur, S., Zeybek, N. ve Kesercioğlu, T., 1988. Bitki tayininde sitotaksonominin önemi, Anadolu Üniv., Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi, 1: 17-23.
  • Vignardi, C.P., . Hasue, F.M., . Sartório, P.V., . Cardoso, C.M., . Machado, A.S.D., . Passos, M.J.A.C.R., . Santos, T.C.A., . Nucci, J.M., . Hewer, T.L.R., Watanabe I.S., Gomes, V., . Phan, N.V., 2015. Genotoxicity, potential cytotoxicity and cell uptake of titanium dioxide nanoparticles in the marine fish Trachinotus carolinus (Linnaeus, 1766). Aquatic Toxicology, 158: 218-229.
  • Würgler, F.E. and Kramers, P.G., 1992. Environmental Effects of Genotoxins (EcoGenotoxicology). Mutagenesis, 7: 321-327.
  • Zhang, X., Sun, H.,. Zhang, Z., Niu, Q., Chen, Y., Crittenden, J.C., 2007. Enhanced bioaccumulation of cadmium in carp in the presence of titanium dioxide nanoparticles. Chemosphere, 67: 160-166.
There are 38 citations in total.


Journal Section Araştırmalar

Sefa Pekol

Orhan Arslan This is me

Publication Date October 22, 2015
Acceptance Date October 22, 2015
Published in Issue Year 2015 Volume: 2 Issue: 1


APA Pekol, S., & Arslan, O. (2015). Squalius cephalus (L., 1758)’ un Nor Fenotipi Ve Sucul Ortam Ekotoksikolojik Çalışmalar Açısından Değerlendirilmesi (Kastamonu Beyler Barajı Populasyonu). Menba Kastamonu Üniversitesi Su Ürünleri Fakültesi Dergisi, 2(1), 23-28.
AMA Pekol S, Arslan O. Squalius cephalus (L., 1758)’ un Nor Fenotipi Ve Sucul Ortam Ekotoksikolojik Çalışmalar Açısından Değerlendirilmesi (Kastamonu Beyler Barajı Populasyonu). Menba Kastamonu Üniversitesi Su Ürünleri Fakültesi Dergisi. January 2015;2(1):23-28.
Chicago Pekol, Sefa, and Orhan Arslan. “Squalius Cephalus (L., 1758)’ Un Nor Fenotipi Ve Sucul Ortam Ekotoksikolojik Çalışmalar Açısından Değerlendirilmesi (Kastamonu Beyler Barajı Populasyonu)”. Menba Kastamonu Üniversitesi Su Ürünleri Fakültesi Dergisi 2, no. 1 (January 2015): 23-28.
EndNote Pekol S, Arslan O (January 1, 2015) Squalius cephalus (L., 1758)’ un Nor Fenotipi Ve Sucul Ortam Ekotoksikolojik Çalışmalar Açısından Değerlendirilmesi (Kastamonu Beyler Barajı Populasyonu). Menba Kastamonu Üniversitesi Su Ürünleri Fakültesi Dergisi 2 1 23–28.
IEEE S. Pekol and O. Arslan, “Squalius cephalus (L., 1758)’ un Nor Fenotipi Ve Sucul Ortam Ekotoksikolojik Çalışmalar Açısından Değerlendirilmesi (Kastamonu Beyler Barajı Populasyonu)”, Menba Kastamonu Üniversitesi Su Ürünleri Fakültesi Dergisi, vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 23–28, 2015.
ISNAD Pekol, Sefa - Arslan, Orhan. “Squalius Cephalus (L., 1758)’ Un Nor Fenotipi Ve Sucul Ortam Ekotoksikolojik Çalışmalar Açısından Değerlendirilmesi (Kastamonu Beyler Barajı Populasyonu)”. Menba Kastamonu Üniversitesi Su Ürünleri Fakültesi Dergisi 2/1 (January 2015), 23-28.
JAMA Pekol S, Arslan O. Squalius cephalus (L., 1758)’ un Nor Fenotipi Ve Sucul Ortam Ekotoksikolojik Çalışmalar Açısından Değerlendirilmesi (Kastamonu Beyler Barajı Populasyonu). Menba Kastamonu Üniversitesi Su Ürünleri Fakültesi Dergisi. 2015;2:23–28.
MLA Pekol, Sefa and Orhan Arslan. “Squalius Cephalus (L., 1758)’ Un Nor Fenotipi Ve Sucul Ortam Ekotoksikolojik Çalışmalar Açısından Değerlendirilmesi (Kastamonu Beyler Barajı Populasyonu)”. Menba Kastamonu Üniversitesi Su Ürünleri Fakültesi Dergisi, vol. 2, no. 1, 2015, pp. 23-28.
Vancouver Pekol S, Arslan O. Squalius cephalus (L., 1758)’ un Nor Fenotipi Ve Sucul Ortam Ekotoksikolojik Çalışmalar Açısından Değerlendirilmesi (Kastamonu Beyler Barajı Populasyonu). Menba Kastamonu Üniversitesi Su Ürünleri Fakültesi Dergisi. 2015;2(1):23-8.