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Cinsiyete Göre Üniversite Öğrencilerinde Akademik Erteleme Davranışı: Akademik Güdülenme, Akademik Özyeterlik ve Akademik Yükleme Stillerinin Rolü

Year 2010, Volume: 6 Issue: 1, 60 - 78, 01.11.2011


Bu çalışmanın amacı, cinsiyete göre akademik güdülenme, akademik yükleme stilleri ve akademik özyeterlik inancının üniversite öğrencilerinin akademik erteleme davranışlarını ne derecede yordadığını incelemektir. Araştırmanın örneklemi, Mersin Üniversitesi’nde öğrenim görmekte olan 763 (363’ü erkek ve 400’ü kız) lisans öğrencisinden oluşmaktadır. Bu çalışmada, Kişisel Bilgi Formu, Erteleme Davranışı Değerlendirme Ölçeği Öğrenci Formu, Akademik Güdülenme Ölçeği, Akademik Özyeterlik Ölçeği ve Akademik Yükleme Stilleri Ölçeği olmak üzere beş ölçme aracı kullanılmıştır. Verilerin analizinde adımsal regresyon analizi yöntemi kullanılmıştır. Toplam örneklem ve erkek örneklem grubu için yapılan regresyon analizi sonuçlarına göre, akademik güdülenme, akademik özyeterlik ve akademik yükleme stillerinin üniversite öğrencilerinin akademik erteleme davranışını anlamlı düzeyde yordadığı görülmektedir. Diğer yandan, kız örneklem grubu için yapılan regresyon analizi sonucunda ise, akademik güdülenme ve akademik yükleme stillerinin akademik erteleme davranışını anlamlı düzeyde yordadığı, ancak akademik özyeterlik inancının kızların akademik erteleme eğilimlerine bir katkısı olmadığı belirlenmiştir.


  • Akkaya, E. (2007). Academic procrastination among faculty of education students: the role of gender, age, academic achievement, perfectionism and depression. Yayınlanmamış yüksek lisans tezi. Ortadoğu Teknik Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Ankara.
  • Aydoğan, D. (2008). Akademik erteleme davranışının benlik saygısı, durumluluk kaygı ve öz-yeterlik ile açıklanabilirliği. Yayınlanmamış yüksek lisans tezi. Gazi Üniversitesi Eğitim Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Ankara.
  • Balkıs, M., Buluş, M., Duru, E., ve Duru, S. (2006). Üniversite Öğrencilerinde akademik erteleme eğiliminin çeşitli değişkenler açısından incelenmesi. Ege Eğitim Dergisi, 7, 57-73.
  • Bandura, A. (1986). Social foundations of thought and action: A social cognitive theory. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall.
  • Bond, M. J., ve Feather, N. T. (1988). Some correlates of structure and purpose in the use of time. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 55, 321–329.
  • Bozanoğlu, İ. (2004). Akademik güdülenme ölçeği: Geliştirilmesi, geçerliği ve güvenirliği. Ankara Üniversitesi Eğitim Bilimleri Fakültesi Dergisi, 37, 83-98.
  • Bridges , K. R., ve Roig, M. (1997). Academic procrastination and irrational thinking: A re- examination with context controlled. Person Indioid, 22, 941-944.
  • Brownlow, S., ve Reasinger, R.D. (2000). Putting off until tomorrow what is better done today: Academic procrastination as a function of motivation toward college work. Journal of Social Behavior and Personality, 15 (5), 15-34.
  • Camgöz, M.S., Tektaş, Ö.Ö., ve Metin, İ. (2008). Academic attributional style, self-efficacy and gender: A cross-cultural comparison. Social Behavior and Personality, 36, 97-114.
  • Chun, A.H.C., ve Choi, J.N. (2005). Rethinking procrastination: Positive effects of “active” procrastination behavior on attitudes and performance. The Journal of Social Psychology, 145, 245-264.
  • Clark, J.L., ve Hill, O.W. (1994). Academic procrastination among African-American college students. Psychological Reports, 75, 931-936.
  • Cohen J.R., Ferrari J.R., ve Díaz-Morales, J.F. (2008). An integrated view of personality styles related to avoidant procrastination. Personality and Individual Differences, 45, 554–558.
  • Day, V., Mensink, D., ve O'Sullivan, M. (2000). Patterns of academic procrastination. Journal of College Reading and Learning, 30, 120-134.
  • Eggen, P. ve Kauchak, D. (1999). Educational Psychology. (4th ed.). New Jersey: Printice-Hall, Inc.
  • Ferrari, J. R. (1989). Reliability of academic and dispositional measures of procrastination. Psychological Reports, 64, 1057-1058.
  • Ferrari, J.R., Parker, J.T., ve Ware, C.B. (1992). Academic procrastination: Personality correlates with Myers-Briggs types, self-efficacy, and academic locus of control. Journal of Social Behavior and Personality, 7, 595–602.
  • Flett, G.L. Blankstein, K.R., Hewwit, P.L. ve Koledin, S. (1992). Components of perfectionism and procrastination. Social Behavior and Personality, 20, 85-94.
  • Haycock, L.A., McCarthy, P., ve Skay, C.L. (1998). Procrastination in college students: The role of self and anxiety. Journal of Counseling ve Development, 76, 317-325.
  • Jerusalem, M., & Schwarzer, R. (1992). Self-efficacy as a resource factor in stress appraisal processes. R. Schwarzer (Ed.), Self-efficacy: Thought control of action (ss. 195-213). Washington, DC: Hemisphere.
  • Klassen, R.M., Krawchuk, L.L., ve Rajani, S. (2007). Academic procrastination of undergraduates low self-efficacy to self-regulate predicts higher levels of procrastination. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 33, 915-931.
  • LaForge, M.C. (2005). Applying explanatory style to academic procrastination. Clemson University, South Carolina, USA. Erişim Tarihi: 12 Aralık 2008, < laforge.pdf>.
  • Lamba, G. (1999). Effect of gender-role and self-efficacy on academic procrastination in college students. Unpublished master’s thesis. Truman State University, Kirksville, Missouri, USA.
  • Lee, E. (2005). The relationship of motivation and flow experience to academic procrastination in university students. Journal of Genetic Psychology, 166, 5-14.
  • Lekich, N. (2006). The Relationship Between Academic Motivation, Self-Esteem, And Academic Procrastination in college student. Unpublished masters’s thesis. Truman State University, Kirksville. Missouri, USA.
  • Loebenstein, A. (1996). The effects of subgoal setting and academic self-efficacy on procrastination. Unpublished doctoral dissertation. California School of Professional Psychology, San Diego, USA.
  • McKean, K.J. (1990). An investigation of academic procrastination as a behavioral manifestation of learned helplessness. Unpublished doctoral dissertation. Seton Hall University, New Jersey, USA.
  • McKean, K.J. (1994). Academic helplessness: Applying learned helplessness theory to undergraduates who give up when faced with academic setbacks. College Student Journal, 28, 456-462.
  • Milgram, N., Marshevsky, S., ve Sadeh, C. (1995). Correlates of academic procrastination: Discomfort, task aversiveness, and task capability. The Journal of Psychology, 129, 145–155.
  • O'Brien, W.K. (2002). Applying the transtheoretical model to academic procrastination. Unpublished doctoral dissertation. University of Houston, Houston, USA.
  • Onwuegbuzie, A.J. (2004). Academic procrastination and statistics anxiety. Assessment ve Evaluation in Higher Education, 29 (1), 3-19.
  • Orpen, C. (1998). The causes and consequences of academic procrastination: A research note. Westminister Studies in Education, 21, 73-75.
  • Özer, B. U. (2005). Academic procrastination: Prevalance, self-reported reasons, gender difference and it’s relation with academic achievement. Yayınlanmamış yüksek lisans tezi. Ortadoğu Teknik Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Ankara.
  • Paludi, M.A. ve Frankell-Hauser, J. (1986). An idiographic approach to the study of women’s achivement striving. Psychology of Women Quarterly, 10, 89-100.
  • Peterson, C. ve Barrett, L. (1987). Explanatory style and academic performance among university freshmen. Journal of Personality and Psychology, 53, 603-607.
  • Potts, T. J. (1987). Predicting procrastination on academic tasks with self-report personality measures. Unpublished doctoral dissertation. Hofstra University, New York, USA.
  • Rothblum, E.D., Solomon, L.J., ve Murakami, J. (1986). Affective, cognitive, and behavioral differences between high and low procrastinators. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 33 (3), 387- 394.
  • Saddler, C.D., ve Sacks, L.A. (1993). Multidimensional perfectionism and academic procrastination: Relationships with depression in university students. Psychological Reports, 73, 863–871.
  • Schouwenburg, H. C. (1992). Procrastinators and fear failure: An exploration of reasons for procrastination. European Journal of Personality, 6 (3), 225-236.
  • Schunk, D.H., ve Pajares, F. (2001). The Development of academic self-efficacy. A. Wigfield ve J. Eccles (Ed.), Development of achievement motivation içinde (ss.15-31). San Diego: Academic Press.
  • Senecal, C., Julien, E., ve Guay, F., (2003). Role conflict and academic procrastination: A self- determination perspective. European Journal of Social Psychology, 33, 135-145.
  • Senecal, C., Koestner, R., ve Vallerand, R. J. (1995). Self-regulation and academic procrastination. Journal of Social Psychology, 135, 607-619.
  • Solomon, L.J., ve Rothblum, E.D. (1984). Academic procrastination: Frequency and cognitive- behavioral correlates. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 31, 503-509.
  • Steel, P. (2007). The nature of procrastination: A meta- analytic and theoretical review of quintessential self-regularty failure. Psychological Bulletin, 133 (1), 65-94.
  • Tuckman, B.W. (1991). The development and concurrent validity of the procrastination scale. Education and Psychological Measurement, 51, 473–480.
  • Tuckman, B. (1998). Using tests as an incentive to motivate procrastinators to study. Journal of Experimental Education, 66, 141–147.
  • Tuckman, B.W., ve Sexton, T.L. (1992). Self-Believers Are Self-Motivated; Self-Doubters Are Not. Personality and Individual Differences, 13, 425-428.
  • Türküm, A.S. (2007). Üniversite gençliğine yönelik PDR hizmetleri. Özyürek, R., Owen Korkut, F., ve Owen D. (Ed.), Gelişen psikolojik danışma ve rehberlik (meslekleşme sürecindeki ilerlemeler) içinde (ss. 201-219). Ankara, Nobel Yayın Dağıtım.
  • Vallerand, R., ve Bissonnette, R. (1992). On the predictive effects of intrinsic, extrinsic, and amotivational styles on behavior: A prospective study. Journal of Personality, 60, 599–620.
  • Vallerand, R., Pelletier, L., Blais, M., Briere, N., Senécal, C., ve Vallieres, E. (1992). The academic motivation scale: A measure of intrinsic, extrinsic, and amotivation in education. Education and Psychological Measurement, 52, 1003–1017.
  • Vallerand, R., Pelletier, L., Blais, M., Briere, N., Senécal, C., ve Vallieres, E. (1993). On the assessment of intrinsic, extrinsic, and amotivation in education: Evidence on the concurrent and construct validity of the Academic Motivation Scale. Education ve Psychological Measurement, 53, 159–172.
  • Van Eerde, W. (2003) Procrastination at work and time management training. Journal of Psychology, 137, 421- 435.
  • Washington, J.A. (2004). The relationship between procrastination and depression among graduate and professional students across academic programs: Implications for counseling. Unpublished doctoral dissertation. Texas Southern University, Texas, USA.
  • Wolters, C. A. (2003). Understanding procrastination from a self-regulated learning perspective. Journal of Educational Psychology, 95 (1), 179-187.
  • Yılmaz, M., Gürçay, D. ve Ekici, G. (2007). Akademik özyeterlik ölçeğinin Türkçe’ye uyarlanması. Hacettepe Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 33, 253-259.
Year 2010, Volume: 6 Issue: 1, 60 - 78, 01.11.2011



  • Akkaya, E. (2007). Academic procrastination among faculty of education students: the role of gender, age, academic achievement, perfectionism and depression. Yayınlanmamış yüksek lisans tezi. Ortadoğu Teknik Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Ankara.
  • Aydoğan, D. (2008). Akademik erteleme davranışının benlik saygısı, durumluluk kaygı ve öz-yeterlik ile açıklanabilirliği. Yayınlanmamış yüksek lisans tezi. Gazi Üniversitesi Eğitim Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Ankara.
  • Balkıs, M., Buluş, M., Duru, E., ve Duru, S. (2006). Üniversite Öğrencilerinde akademik erteleme eğiliminin çeşitli değişkenler açısından incelenmesi. Ege Eğitim Dergisi, 7, 57-73.
  • Bandura, A. (1986). Social foundations of thought and action: A social cognitive theory. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall.
  • Bond, M. J., ve Feather, N. T. (1988). Some correlates of structure and purpose in the use of time. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 55, 321–329.
  • Bozanoğlu, İ. (2004). Akademik güdülenme ölçeği: Geliştirilmesi, geçerliği ve güvenirliği. Ankara Üniversitesi Eğitim Bilimleri Fakültesi Dergisi, 37, 83-98.
  • Bridges , K. R., ve Roig, M. (1997). Academic procrastination and irrational thinking: A re- examination with context controlled. Person Indioid, 22, 941-944.
  • Brownlow, S., ve Reasinger, R.D. (2000). Putting off until tomorrow what is better done today: Academic procrastination as a function of motivation toward college work. Journal of Social Behavior and Personality, 15 (5), 15-34.
  • Camgöz, M.S., Tektaş, Ö.Ö., ve Metin, İ. (2008). Academic attributional style, self-efficacy and gender: A cross-cultural comparison. Social Behavior and Personality, 36, 97-114.
  • Chun, A.H.C., ve Choi, J.N. (2005). Rethinking procrastination: Positive effects of “active” procrastination behavior on attitudes and performance. The Journal of Social Psychology, 145, 245-264.
  • Clark, J.L., ve Hill, O.W. (1994). Academic procrastination among African-American college students. Psychological Reports, 75, 931-936.
  • Cohen J.R., Ferrari J.R., ve Díaz-Morales, J.F. (2008). An integrated view of personality styles related to avoidant procrastination. Personality and Individual Differences, 45, 554–558.
  • Day, V., Mensink, D., ve O'Sullivan, M. (2000). Patterns of academic procrastination. Journal of College Reading and Learning, 30, 120-134.
  • Eggen, P. ve Kauchak, D. (1999). Educational Psychology. (4th ed.). New Jersey: Printice-Hall, Inc.
  • Ferrari, J. R. (1989). Reliability of academic and dispositional measures of procrastination. Psychological Reports, 64, 1057-1058.
  • Ferrari, J.R., Parker, J.T., ve Ware, C.B. (1992). Academic procrastination: Personality correlates with Myers-Briggs types, self-efficacy, and academic locus of control. Journal of Social Behavior and Personality, 7, 595–602.
  • Flett, G.L. Blankstein, K.R., Hewwit, P.L. ve Koledin, S. (1992). Components of perfectionism and procrastination. Social Behavior and Personality, 20, 85-94.
  • Haycock, L.A., McCarthy, P., ve Skay, C.L. (1998). Procrastination in college students: The role of self and anxiety. Journal of Counseling ve Development, 76, 317-325.
  • Jerusalem, M., & Schwarzer, R. (1992). Self-efficacy as a resource factor in stress appraisal processes. R. Schwarzer (Ed.), Self-efficacy: Thought control of action (ss. 195-213). Washington, DC: Hemisphere.
  • Klassen, R.M., Krawchuk, L.L., ve Rajani, S. (2007). Academic procrastination of undergraduates low self-efficacy to self-regulate predicts higher levels of procrastination. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 33, 915-931.
  • LaForge, M.C. (2005). Applying explanatory style to academic procrastination. Clemson University, South Carolina, USA. Erişim Tarihi: 12 Aralık 2008, < laforge.pdf>.
  • Lamba, G. (1999). Effect of gender-role and self-efficacy on academic procrastination in college students. Unpublished master’s thesis. Truman State University, Kirksville, Missouri, USA.
  • Lee, E. (2005). The relationship of motivation and flow experience to academic procrastination in university students. Journal of Genetic Psychology, 166, 5-14.
  • Lekich, N. (2006). The Relationship Between Academic Motivation, Self-Esteem, And Academic Procrastination in college student. Unpublished masters’s thesis. Truman State University, Kirksville. Missouri, USA.
  • Loebenstein, A. (1996). The effects of subgoal setting and academic self-efficacy on procrastination. Unpublished doctoral dissertation. California School of Professional Psychology, San Diego, USA.
  • McKean, K.J. (1990). An investigation of academic procrastination as a behavioral manifestation of learned helplessness. Unpublished doctoral dissertation. Seton Hall University, New Jersey, USA.
  • McKean, K.J. (1994). Academic helplessness: Applying learned helplessness theory to undergraduates who give up when faced with academic setbacks. College Student Journal, 28, 456-462.
  • Milgram, N., Marshevsky, S., ve Sadeh, C. (1995). Correlates of academic procrastination: Discomfort, task aversiveness, and task capability. The Journal of Psychology, 129, 145–155.
  • O'Brien, W.K. (2002). Applying the transtheoretical model to academic procrastination. Unpublished doctoral dissertation. University of Houston, Houston, USA.
  • Onwuegbuzie, A.J. (2004). Academic procrastination and statistics anxiety. Assessment ve Evaluation in Higher Education, 29 (1), 3-19.
  • Orpen, C. (1998). The causes and consequences of academic procrastination: A research note. Westminister Studies in Education, 21, 73-75.
  • Özer, B. U. (2005). Academic procrastination: Prevalance, self-reported reasons, gender difference and it’s relation with academic achievement. Yayınlanmamış yüksek lisans tezi. Ortadoğu Teknik Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Ankara.
  • Paludi, M.A. ve Frankell-Hauser, J. (1986). An idiographic approach to the study of women’s achivement striving. Psychology of Women Quarterly, 10, 89-100.
  • Peterson, C. ve Barrett, L. (1987). Explanatory style and academic performance among university freshmen. Journal of Personality and Psychology, 53, 603-607.
  • Potts, T. J. (1987). Predicting procrastination on academic tasks with self-report personality measures. Unpublished doctoral dissertation. Hofstra University, New York, USA.
  • Rothblum, E.D., Solomon, L.J., ve Murakami, J. (1986). Affective, cognitive, and behavioral differences between high and low procrastinators. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 33 (3), 387- 394.
  • Saddler, C.D., ve Sacks, L.A. (1993). Multidimensional perfectionism and academic procrastination: Relationships with depression in university students. Psychological Reports, 73, 863–871.
  • Schouwenburg, H. C. (1992). Procrastinators and fear failure: An exploration of reasons for procrastination. European Journal of Personality, 6 (3), 225-236.
  • Schunk, D.H., ve Pajares, F. (2001). The Development of academic self-efficacy. A. Wigfield ve J. Eccles (Ed.), Development of achievement motivation içinde (ss.15-31). San Diego: Academic Press.
  • Senecal, C., Julien, E., ve Guay, F., (2003). Role conflict and academic procrastination: A self- determination perspective. European Journal of Social Psychology, 33, 135-145.
  • Senecal, C., Koestner, R., ve Vallerand, R. J. (1995). Self-regulation and academic procrastination. Journal of Social Psychology, 135, 607-619.
  • Solomon, L.J., ve Rothblum, E.D. (1984). Academic procrastination: Frequency and cognitive- behavioral correlates. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 31, 503-509.
  • Steel, P. (2007). The nature of procrastination: A meta- analytic and theoretical review of quintessential self-regularty failure. Psychological Bulletin, 133 (1), 65-94.
  • Tuckman, B.W. (1991). The development and concurrent validity of the procrastination scale. Education and Psychological Measurement, 51, 473–480.
  • Tuckman, B. (1998). Using tests as an incentive to motivate procrastinators to study. Journal of Experimental Education, 66, 141–147.
  • Tuckman, B.W., ve Sexton, T.L. (1992). Self-Believers Are Self-Motivated; Self-Doubters Are Not. Personality and Individual Differences, 13, 425-428.
  • Türküm, A.S. (2007). Üniversite gençliğine yönelik PDR hizmetleri. Özyürek, R., Owen Korkut, F., ve Owen D. (Ed.), Gelişen psikolojik danışma ve rehberlik (meslekleşme sürecindeki ilerlemeler) içinde (ss. 201-219). Ankara, Nobel Yayın Dağıtım.
  • Vallerand, R., ve Bissonnette, R. (1992). On the predictive effects of intrinsic, extrinsic, and amotivational styles on behavior: A prospective study. Journal of Personality, 60, 599–620.
  • Vallerand, R., Pelletier, L., Blais, M., Briere, N., Senécal, C., ve Vallieres, E. (1992). The academic motivation scale: A measure of intrinsic, extrinsic, and amotivation in education. Education and Psychological Measurement, 52, 1003–1017.
  • Vallerand, R., Pelletier, L., Blais, M., Briere, N., Senécal, C., ve Vallieres, E. (1993). On the assessment of intrinsic, extrinsic, and amotivation in education: Evidence on the concurrent and construct validity of the Academic Motivation Scale. Education ve Psychological Measurement, 53, 159–172.
  • Van Eerde, W. (2003) Procrastination at work and time management training. Journal of Psychology, 137, 421- 435.
  • Washington, J.A. (2004). The relationship between procrastination and depression among graduate and professional students across academic programs: Implications for counseling. Unpublished doctoral dissertation. Texas Southern University, Texas, USA.
  • Wolters, C. A. (2003). Understanding procrastination from a self-regulated learning perspective. Journal of Educational Psychology, 95 (1), 179-187.
  • Yılmaz, M., Gürçay, D. ve Ekici, G. (2007). Akademik özyeterlik ölçeğinin Türkçe’ye uyarlanması. Hacettepe Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 33, 253-259.
There are 54 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Makaleler

Sinem Akbay This is me

Cem Gizir This is me

Publication Date November 1, 2011
Published in Issue Year 2010 Volume: 6 Issue: 1


APA Akbay, S., & Gizir, C. (2011). Cinsiyete Göre Üniversite Öğrencilerinde Akademik Erteleme Davranışı: Akademik Güdülenme, Akademik Özyeterlik ve Akademik Yükleme Stillerinin Rolü. Mersin Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 6(1), 60-78.

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