Research Article
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Evaluation of burn injuries in children under seven years of age

Year 2024, Volume: 17 Issue: 2, 323 - 331, 16.08.2024


Aim: Childhood burns caused by parental/caregiver safety neglect is an important public health problem that plays an importatnt role in childhood morbidity and mortality. In this study, we aimed to investigate the descriptive characteristics of children who presented to the emergency department with burns injuries caused by safety negligence. Method: Our study was conducted with a total of 122 burn patients aged <7 years who applied to Aksaray Training and Research Hospital Pediatric Emergency Department between 01.01.2020 and 31.12.2023. Sociodemographic and burn-related information were obtained by questionnaires questionnaire application and retrospective review of patient files. Results: Of the burns, 84.4% (n=103) occurred inside the house and 15.6% (n=19) occurred outside the house. Of the burns at home, 45.1% (n=55) occurred in the living room/living room and 29.5% (n=36) occurred in the kitchen. Burns due to spillage of hot liquids such as water and soup were 49.2% (n=60); burns due to contact with stove or iron were 12.3% (n=15); burns due to spillage during tea and coffee drinking were 20.5% (n=25). In 72.1% (n=88) of the children, the burn occurred between 12.00-21.50 hours. The most common cause of burns in children under three years of age was scald burns caused by spilling hot liquids on them, while the most common causes of burns in children over five years of age were playing with fire and burns caused by electric shock (p=0.005). Conclusion: Parents should pay more attention to scald burns in children under three years of age. Mothers should pay attention to neglect of monitoring during the hours when they are more active and busy at home. Parental education and awareness should be provided to reduce the incidence of burns.


  • World Health Organization. Burns.2018. https:// Date Accessed 20 January 2020.
  • Öztorun Cİ, Demir S, Azılı MN, Şenaylı A, Livanelioğlu Z. The outcome of becoming a pediatric burn center in Turkey. Ulus Travma Acil Cerrahi Derg. 2016;22(1):34-39.
  • Avdibegović E, Brkić M. Child Neglect - Causes and Consequences. Psychiatr Danub. 2020;32( 3):337-342.
  • World Health Organization. World report on child injury prevention. 2008.
  • Loos MLH, Meij-de Vries A, Nagtegaal M, et al. Child abuse and neglect in paediatric burns: The majority is caused by neglect and thus preventable. Burns. 2022; 48(3): 688-697.
  • Demirtaş MS. "Aksaray ilindeki ebeveynlerin 1-5 yaş arası çocuklarda görülebilen ev kazalarındaki güvenlik önlemleri konusunda bilgi düzeyleri." Aksaray University Journal of Sport and Health Researches. 2022; 3(1): 1-12.
  • UNICEF. Research Study On Child Abuse and Domestic Violence in Turkey - Summary Report 2010. Date Accessed 8 February 2022.
  • Al Rumhi A, Al Awisi H, Al Buwaiqi M et al. Home accidents among children: a retrospective study at a tertiary care center in Oman. Oman medical journal, 2020;35(1): e85.
  • Asirdizer M, Yavuz MS, Albek E, Canturk G. Infant and adolescent deaths in Istanbul due to home accidents. Turk J Pediatr. 2005;47(2):141-149.
  • Basaran A, Narsat MA. Clinical outcome of pediatric hand burns and evaluation of neglect as a leading cause: A retrospective study. Ulus Travma Acil Cerrahi Derg. 2022;28(1): 84.
  • Tuşat M. Thermal Injuries. İn. Hüseyin Mutlu, Ramiz Yazıcı, Burak Bekgöz, İshak Şan, Eyüp Sarı, ed. Emergency Treatment Protocols of the Critically ill Patient and Intensive Care. 1.Baskı. Ankara. Platanus Publishing, 2023(9): 193-264.
  • Elrod J, Adathal A, Mohr C et al. As time goes by–Overlooking 40 years of inpatient burn treatment at a national pediatric burn center in Switzerland. Burns. 2024; 50(1): 236-243.
  • Asefa L, Abebe MW, Negussie AG. Patterns And Outcomes Of Pedıatrıc Burn Injurıes In A Tertıary Hospıtal’s Burn Unıt. Burns Open. 2024
  • Armstrong M, Wheeler KK, Shi J, et al. Epidemiology and trend of US pediatric burn hospitalizations, 2003–2016. Burns. 2021;47(3): 551-559.
  • Tadele A. Magnitude, clinical presentation, and outcome of pediatric burn injuries at Yekatit 12 hospital. Addis Ababa. Ethiopia. PhD Thesis. Addis Ababa University. 2014
  • Lin TM, Wang KH, Lai CS, Lin SD. Epidemiology of pediatric burn in southern Taiwan. Burns. 2005; 31(2):182-187.
  • Chien WC, Pai L, Lin CC, Chen HC. Epidemiology of hospitalized burns patients in Taiwan. Burns. 2003;29(6): 582-588.
  • Armstrong M, Wheeler KK, Shi J, et al. Epidemiology and trend of US pediatric burn hospitalizations, 2003-2016. Burns. 2021 May;47(3):551-559. doi: 10.1016/j.burns.2020.05.021
  • Edelman LS. Social and economic factors associated with the risk of burn injury. Burns. 2007;33(8): 958-965.
  • Delagado J, Ramı´rez-Cardich ME, Gilamn RH et al. Risk factors for burns in children: crowding, poverty, and poor maternal education. Inj Prev. 2002;8:38–41
  • Cox SG, Burahee A, Albertyn R, Makahabane J, Rode H. Parent knowledge on paediatric burn prevention related to the home environment. Burns. 2016;(42)8: 1854-1860.
  • Istre GR, McCoy M, Carlin DK, McClain J. Residential fire related deaths and injuries among children: fireplay, smoke alarms, and prevention. Inj Prev. 2002;8:128–132.
  • Patel D, Rosenberg M, Rosenberg L, et al. Poverty, population density, and the epidemiology of burns in young children from Mexico treated at a US pediatric burn facility. Burns. 2018;44(5); 1269-1278.
  • Koç Z, Sağlam Z. Burn epidemiology and cost of medication in paediatric burn patients. Burns 2012;38(6): 813-819
  • Xin W, Yin Z, Qin Z, et al. Characteristics of 1494 pediatric burn patients in Shanghai. Burns 2006; 32(5): 613-618.
  • Kemp AM, Jones S, Lawson Z, Maguire SA. Patterns of burns and scalds in children. Arch Dis Child. 2014; 99(4): 316-321.
  • Balseven-Odabaşi A, Tümer AR, Keten A, Yorganci K. Burn injuries among children aged up to seven years. Turk J Pediatr. 2009; 51(4);328-335.
  • Erkuran MK, Ceylan A, Düzenli E, Büyükcam F. Şanlıurfa Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi’nde Yatırılarak İzlenmiş Olan Yanık Vakaları. Abant Tıp Dergisi. 2013; 2.2: 123-129.
  • Dhopte A, Tiwari VK, Patel P, Bamal R. Epidemiology of pediatric burns and future prevention strategies—a study of 475 patients from a high-volume burn center in North India. Burns & trauma. 2017; 5.
  • Akansel N, Yılmaz S, AydinN, Kahveci R. Etiology of burn injuries among 0-6 aged children in one University Hospital Burn Unit, Bursa, Turkey. International Journal of Caring Sciences. 2013; 6(2): 208-215.

Yedi yaş altı çocuklarda yanık yaralanmalarının değerlendirilmesi

Year 2024, Volume: 17 Issue: 2, 323 - 331, 16.08.2024


Amaç: Ebeveyn/bakıcı güvenlik ihmalinden kaynaklanan çocukluk çağı yanıkları, çocukluk çağı morbidite ve mortalitesinde rol oynayan önemli bir halk sağlığı sorunudur. Bu çalışmada, güvenlik ihmali sonucu oluşan yanık yaralanması nedeniyle acil servise başvuran çocukların tanımlayıcı özelliklerini araştırmayı amaçladık. Yöntem: Çalışmamız 01.01.2020 ile 31.12.2023 tarihleri arasında Aksaray Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi Çocuk Acil Servisine başvuran yedi yaş altı toplam 122 yanık hastası ile yürütüldü. Sosyodemografik özellikler ve yanıkla ilgili bilgiler anket uygulamasıyla ve hasta dosyalarının geriye dönük taranmasıyla elde edildi. Bulgular: Yanıkların %84.4'ü (n=103) ev içinde, %15.6'sı (n=19) ev dışında meydana gelmiş idi. Evdeki yanıkların %45.1'i (n=55) oturma odasında/salonda ve %29.5'i (n=36) mutfakta meydana gelmiş idi. Su, çorba gibi sıcak sıvı dökülmesine bağlı yanıklar %49.2 (n=60); soba veya ütü temasına bağlı yanıklar %12.3 (n=15); çay ve kahve içimi sırasında dökülme sonucu yanıklar %20.5 (n=25) sıklıkta saptandı. Çocukların %72.1’inde (n=88) yanığın 12.00-21.50 saatleri arasında gerçekleştiği görüldü. Üç yaş altı çocuklarda en sık görülen yanık nedeni üzerlerine sıcak sıvı dökülmesi sonucu oluşan haşlanma yanıkları iken, beş yaş üstü çocuklarda en sık ateşle oynama ve elektrik çarpması sonucu oluşan yanıklar tespit edildi (p=0.005). Sonuç: Ebeveynler üç yaş altı çocuklarda haşlanma yanıkları konusunda daha dikkatli olmalıdır. Anneler, evde daha aktif ve yoğun çalıştıkları saatlerde gözetim ihmali durumuna dikkat etmelidir. Yanıkların görülme sıklığını azaltmak için ebeveyn eğitimi ve farkındalığı sağlanmalıdır.


  • World Health Organization. Burns.2018. https:// Date Accessed 20 January 2020.
  • Öztorun Cİ, Demir S, Azılı MN, Şenaylı A, Livanelioğlu Z. The outcome of becoming a pediatric burn center in Turkey. Ulus Travma Acil Cerrahi Derg. 2016;22(1):34-39.
  • Avdibegović E, Brkić M. Child Neglect - Causes and Consequences. Psychiatr Danub. 2020;32( 3):337-342.
  • World Health Organization. World report on child injury prevention. 2008.
  • Loos MLH, Meij-de Vries A, Nagtegaal M, et al. Child abuse and neglect in paediatric burns: The majority is caused by neglect and thus preventable. Burns. 2022; 48(3): 688-697.
  • Demirtaş MS. "Aksaray ilindeki ebeveynlerin 1-5 yaş arası çocuklarda görülebilen ev kazalarındaki güvenlik önlemleri konusunda bilgi düzeyleri." Aksaray University Journal of Sport and Health Researches. 2022; 3(1): 1-12.
  • UNICEF. Research Study On Child Abuse and Domestic Violence in Turkey - Summary Report 2010. Date Accessed 8 February 2022.
  • Al Rumhi A, Al Awisi H, Al Buwaiqi M et al. Home accidents among children: a retrospective study at a tertiary care center in Oman. Oman medical journal, 2020;35(1): e85.
  • Asirdizer M, Yavuz MS, Albek E, Canturk G. Infant and adolescent deaths in Istanbul due to home accidents. Turk J Pediatr. 2005;47(2):141-149.
  • Basaran A, Narsat MA. Clinical outcome of pediatric hand burns and evaluation of neglect as a leading cause: A retrospective study. Ulus Travma Acil Cerrahi Derg. 2022;28(1): 84.
  • Tuşat M. Thermal Injuries. İn. Hüseyin Mutlu, Ramiz Yazıcı, Burak Bekgöz, İshak Şan, Eyüp Sarı, ed. Emergency Treatment Protocols of the Critically ill Patient and Intensive Care. 1.Baskı. Ankara. Platanus Publishing, 2023(9): 193-264.
  • Elrod J, Adathal A, Mohr C et al. As time goes by–Overlooking 40 years of inpatient burn treatment at a national pediatric burn center in Switzerland. Burns. 2024; 50(1): 236-243.
  • Asefa L, Abebe MW, Negussie AG. Patterns And Outcomes Of Pedıatrıc Burn Injurıes In A Tertıary Hospıtal’s Burn Unıt. Burns Open. 2024
  • Armstrong M, Wheeler KK, Shi J, et al. Epidemiology and trend of US pediatric burn hospitalizations, 2003–2016. Burns. 2021;47(3): 551-559.
  • Tadele A. Magnitude, clinical presentation, and outcome of pediatric burn injuries at Yekatit 12 hospital. Addis Ababa. Ethiopia. PhD Thesis. Addis Ababa University. 2014
  • Lin TM, Wang KH, Lai CS, Lin SD. Epidemiology of pediatric burn in southern Taiwan. Burns. 2005; 31(2):182-187.
  • Chien WC, Pai L, Lin CC, Chen HC. Epidemiology of hospitalized burns patients in Taiwan. Burns. 2003;29(6): 582-588.
  • Armstrong M, Wheeler KK, Shi J, et al. Epidemiology and trend of US pediatric burn hospitalizations, 2003-2016. Burns. 2021 May;47(3):551-559. doi: 10.1016/j.burns.2020.05.021
  • Edelman LS. Social and economic factors associated with the risk of burn injury. Burns. 2007;33(8): 958-965.
  • Delagado J, Ramı´rez-Cardich ME, Gilamn RH et al. Risk factors for burns in children: crowding, poverty, and poor maternal education. Inj Prev. 2002;8:38–41
  • Cox SG, Burahee A, Albertyn R, Makahabane J, Rode H. Parent knowledge on paediatric burn prevention related to the home environment. Burns. 2016;(42)8: 1854-1860.
  • Istre GR, McCoy M, Carlin DK, McClain J. Residential fire related deaths and injuries among children: fireplay, smoke alarms, and prevention. Inj Prev. 2002;8:128–132.
  • Patel D, Rosenberg M, Rosenberg L, et al. Poverty, population density, and the epidemiology of burns in young children from Mexico treated at a US pediatric burn facility. Burns. 2018;44(5); 1269-1278.
  • Koç Z, Sağlam Z. Burn epidemiology and cost of medication in paediatric burn patients. Burns 2012;38(6): 813-819
  • Xin W, Yin Z, Qin Z, et al. Characteristics of 1494 pediatric burn patients in Shanghai. Burns 2006; 32(5): 613-618.
  • Kemp AM, Jones S, Lawson Z, Maguire SA. Patterns of burns and scalds in children. Arch Dis Child. 2014; 99(4): 316-321.
  • Balseven-Odabaşi A, Tümer AR, Keten A, Yorganci K. Burn injuries among children aged up to seven years. Turk J Pediatr. 2009; 51(4);328-335.
  • Erkuran MK, Ceylan A, Düzenli E, Büyükcam F. Şanlıurfa Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi’nde Yatırılarak İzlenmiş Olan Yanık Vakaları. Abant Tıp Dergisi. 2013; 2.2: 123-129.
  • Dhopte A, Tiwari VK, Patel P, Bamal R. Epidemiology of pediatric burns and future prevention strategies—a study of 475 patients from a high-volume burn center in North India. Burns & trauma. 2017; 5.
  • Akansel N, Yılmaz S, AydinN, Kahveci R. Etiology of burn injuries among 0-6 aged children in one University Hospital Burn Unit, Bursa, Turkey. International Journal of Caring Sciences. 2013; 6(2): 208-215.
There are 30 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Surgery (Other), Preventative Health Care
Journal Section Articles

Mustafa Tuşat 0000-0003-2327-4250

Mehmet Semih Demirtaş 0000-0003-2965-1811

Early Pub Date August 2, 2024
Publication Date August 16, 2024
Submission Date June 11, 2024
Acceptance Date July 24, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024 Volume: 17 Issue: 2


APA Tuşat, M., & Demirtaş, M. S. (2024). Yedi yaş altı çocuklarda yanık yaralanmalarının değerlendirilmesi. Mersin Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi, 17(2), 323-331.
AMA Tuşat M, Demirtaş MS. Yedi yaş altı çocuklarda yanık yaralanmalarının değerlendirilmesi. Mersin Univ Saglık Bilim derg. August 2024;17(2):323-331.
Chicago Tuşat, Mustafa, and Mehmet Semih Demirtaş. “Yedi Yaş Altı çocuklarda yanık yaralanmalarının değerlendirilmesi”. Mersin Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi 17, no. 2 (August 2024): 323-31.
EndNote Tuşat M, Demirtaş MS (August 1, 2024) Yedi yaş altı çocuklarda yanık yaralanmalarının değerlendirilmesi. Mersin Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi 17 2 323–331.
IEEE M. Tuşat and M. S. Demirtaş, “Yedi yaş altı çocuklarda yanık yaralanmalarının değerlendirilmesi”, Mersin Univ Saglık Bilim derg, vol. 17, no. 2, pp. 323–331, 2024.
ISNAD Tuşat, Mustafa - Demirtaş, Mehmet Semih. “Yedi Yaş Altı çocuklarda yanık yaralanmalarının değerlendirilmesi”. Mersin Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi 17/2 (August 2024), 323-331.
JAMA Tuşat M, Demirtaş MS. Yedi yaş altı çocuklarda yanık yaralanmalarının değerlendirilmesi. Mersin Univ Saglık Bilim derg. 2024;17:323–331.
MLA Tuşat, Mustafa and Mehmet Semih Demirtaş. “Yedi Yaş Altı çocuklarda yanık yaralanmalarının değerlendirilmesi”. Mersin Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi, vol. 17, no. 2, 2024, pp. 323-31.
Vancouver Tuşat M, Demirtaş MS. Yedi yaş altı çocuklarda yanık yaralanmalarının değerlendirilmesi. Mersin Univ Saglık Bilim derg. 2024;17(2):323-31.

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