Research Article
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Understanding the Counter-Enlightenment Discourse through Palissot’s Les Philosophes

Year 2025, Volume: 1 Issue: 1, 91 - 103, 27.02.2025


Although Les Philosophes was an ordinary comedy, and Palissot was far from the caliber of Molière or Voltaire, it successfully consolidated conservative criticisms of the philosophes within a satirical framework, enjoying a successful three-month run in 1760. The reason behind its success was that it was at the center of a debate between the Enlightenment philosophers and the Counter-Enlightenment figures. In addition to being an example of 18th-century French comédie, the play serves as a valuable source for understanding the key points of conservative discourse of the time. While Palissot seemed to focus on attacking individual philosophes’ personalities, he paired these attacks with conceptual critiques, and directed the most of his criticism primarily at Diderot and Rousseau. The play remains significant for two reasons: First, it captures almost all of the concerns and arguments of the conservative reaction to the Enlightenment. Second, it sheds light on Enlightenment thinkers’ personal and intellectual struggles. This paper examines Palissot’s Les Philosophes not as a mere literary dispute but as a rich text that reveals the Counter-Enlightenment discourse that emerged in the second half of the 18th century.


  • Bachaumont, L. P. (1830). Mémoires secrets de Bachaumont, de 1762 à 1787. Brissot-Thivars.
  • Barbier, E. J. F. (1857). Chronique de la régence et du règne de Louis XV (1718-1763) (Vol. 7). Charpentier.
  • Bonnefon, P. (1899). Diderot prisonnier à Vincennes. Revue d’Histoire Littéraire de La France, 6(2), 200–224.
  • D'Alembert, J. B., & Mallet, E. F. (2003). College [abridged]. In The Encyclopedia of Diderot & d’Alembert Collaborative Translation Project (N. S. Hoyt & T. Cassirer, Trans.). Michigan Publishing, University of Michigan Library.
  • D’Aquin, P. L. (1760). Le Censeur hebdomadaire (Vol. 2). Dufour.
  • De Pompignan, J. J. L. (1760). Discours de réception à l’Académie française.
  • Diderot, D. (2022). Encyclopedia. In The Encyclopedia of Diderot & d’Alembert Collaborative Translation Project (P. Stewart, Trans.). Michigan Publishing.
  • Fréron, É. C. (1760). L’Année littéraire ou Suite des Lettres sur quelques écrits de ce temps (Vol. 3). Lambert.
  • Gay, P. (1966). The Enlightenment: An interpretation (Vol. 1). Knopf.
  • Goodman, J., & Ferret, O. (2021). Introduction. In The Philosophes by Charles Palissot. Open Book Publishers.
  • Grimm, F. M., & Diderot, D. (1878). Correspondance littéraire, philosophique et critique de Grimm et de Diderot depuis 1753 jusqu'en 1790 (Vol. 4). Garnier frères.
  • Kafker, F. A. (1973). The risks of contributing to Diderot’s Encyclopedia. Diderot Studies, 16, 119–143.
  • Lancaster, H. C. (1951). The Comédie Française, 1701-1774: Plays, actors, spectators, finances. American Philosophical Association, 41, 592-855.
  • Palissot, C. (1777). Oeuvres de M. Palissot (Vol. 2). Clément Plomteux.
  • Palissot, C. (2021). The Philosophes by Charles Palissot (J. Goodman & O. Ferret, Trans.). Open Book Publishers.
  • Parlement de Paris. (1753). Recueil de pièces concernant la thèse de M. l’abbé de Prades, soutenue en Sorbonne le 18 novembre 1751, censurée par la Faculté de Théologie le 27 janvier 1752, & par M. l’Archevêque de Paris le 29 du même mois, divisé en trois parties.
  • Wade, I. O. (1760). The structure and form of the French Enlightenment. Princeton University Press.

Karşı Aydınlanmacı Söylemi Palissot’nun Les Philosophes’undan Hareketle Anlamak

Year 2025, Volume: 1 Issue: 1, 91 - 103, 27.02.2025


Les Philosophes sıradan bir komedi olmasına ve Palissot yetenek bakımından Molière’den ve Voltaire’den oldukça uzak olmasına rağmen, muhafazakâr eleştirileri alaycı bir çerçevede birleştirerek 1760 yılında üç ay süren bir sahne başarısı elde etmiştir. Oyunun başarısının nedeni, Aydınlanma filozofları ile Karşı-Aydınlanma figürleri arasındaki tartışmanın merkezinde yer almasıdır. 18. yüzyıl Fransız komedisi türüne bir örnek olmasının yanı sıra, oyun, dönemin muhafazakâr söyleminin temel noktalarını anlamak için değerli bir kaynak olarak değerlendirilmelidir. Palissot, ilk bakışta filozofların kişiliklerini hedef alıyor gibi görünse de, bu saldırıları aydınlanma filolarının kullandığı kavramlara yönelik eleştirilerle birleştirmiş ve eleştirilerinin çoğunu özellikle Diderot ve Rousseau’ya yöneltmiştir. Oyun iki açıdan önemini korumaktadır: Birincisi, Aydınlanma’ya karşı muhafazakâr tepkinin hemen hemen tüm kaygılarını ve gerekçelerini ortaya koymaktadır. İkincisi, Aydınlanma düşünürlerinin kişisel ve entelektüel mücadelelerine ışık tutmaktadır. Bu makale, Palissot’nun Les Philosophes yapıtını basit bir edebi tartışma olarak değil, 18. yüzyılın ikinci yarısında ortaya çıkan Karşı-Aydınlanma söylemini açığa çıkaran zengin bir metin olarak incelemektedir.


  • Bachaumont, L. P. (1830). Mémoires secrets de Bachaumont, de 1762 à 1787. Brissot-Thivars.
  • Barbier, E. J. F. (1857). Chronique de la régence et du règne de Louis XV (1718-1763) (Vol. 7). Charpentier.
  • Bonnefon, P. (1899). Diderot prisonnier à Vincennes. Revue d’Histoire Littéraire de La France, 6(2), 200–224.
  • D'Alembert, J. B., & Mallet, E. F. (2003). College [abridged]. In The Encyclopedia of Diderot & d’Alembert Collaborative Translation Project (N. S. Hoyt & T. Cassirer, Trans.). Michigan Publishing, University of Michigan Library.
  • D’Aquin, P. L. (1760). Le Censeur hebdomadaire (Vol. 2). Dufour.
  • De Pompignan, J. J. L. (1760). Discours de réception à l’Académie française.
  • Diderot, D. (2022). Encyclopedia. In The Encyclopedia of Diderot & d’Alembert Collaborative Translation Project (P. Stewart, Trans.). Michigan Publishing.
  • Fréron, É. C. (1760). L’Année littéraire ou Suite des Lettres sur quelques écrits de ce temps (Vol. 3). Lambert.
  • Gay, P. (1966). The Enlightenment: An interpretation (Vol. 1). Knopf.
  • Goodman, J., & Ferret, O. (2021). Introduction. In The Philosophes by Charles Palissot. Open Book Publishers.
  • Grimm, F. M., & Diderot, D. (1878). Correspondance littéraire, philosophique et critique de Grimm et de Diderot depuis 1753 jusqu'en 1790 (Vol. 4). Garnier frères.
  • Kafker, F. A. (1973). The risks of contributing to Diderot’s Encyclopedia. Diderot Studies, 16, 119–143.
  • Lancaster, H. C. (1951). The Comédie Française, 1701-1774: Plays, actors, spectators, finances. American Philosophical Association, 41, 592-855.
  • Palissot, C. (1777). Oeuvres de M. Palissot (Vol. 2). Clément Plomteux.
  • Palissot, C. (2021). The Philosophes by Charles Palissot (J. Goodman & O. Ferret, Trans.). Open Book Publishers.
  • Parlement de Paris. (1753). Recueil de pièces concernant la thèse de M. l’abbé de Prades, soutenue en Sorbonne le 18 novembre 1751, censurée par la Faculté de Théologie le 27 janvier 1752, & par M. l’Archevêque de Paris le 29 du même mois, divisé en trois parties.
  • Wade, I. O. (1760). The structure and form of the French Enlightenment. Princeton University Press.
There are 17 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Consumption and Everyday Life
Journal Section Research Articles

Ali Can Tural 0000-0002-2564-0130

Early Pub Date February 26, 2025
Publication Date February 27, 2025
Submission Date January 7, 2025
Acceptance Date February 11, 2025
Published in Issue Year 2025 Volume: 1 Issue: 1


APA Tural, A. C. (2025). Understanding the Counter-Enlightenment Discourse through Palissot’s Les Philosophes. Metin & Analiz, 1(1), 91-103.