Current Issue

Volume: 1 Issue: 1, 2/27/25

Year: 2025

Research Articles

Late Modern Renewal History, History of Economics
Ottoman history, Early Modern Ottoman History, Early Modern Mediterranean History
Res. Assist. Bilge CANBAY DOKUZ EYLÜL ÜNİVERSİTESİ 0000-0003-4977-7462
Early Modern Ottoman History
American Studies
Educational Sociology, Sociology
Ottoman history, Late Modern Ottoman History, Late Modern American History, American Political History, American Studies
North American Language, Literature and Culture, Italian Language, Literature and Culture, British and Irish Language, Literature and Culture, English As A Second Language
Classical Turkish Literature
Turkish Education
Classical Greek and Roman History
Dr. Instructor Mustafa İLTER İZMİR YÜKSEK TEKNOLOJİ ENSTİTÜSÜ 0000-0002-1376-9981
Late Modern History, Ottoman Central Organization, History of The Republic of Turkiye
Urban Sociology and Community Studies, Communication Sociology, Sociology of Family and Relationships
American Studies
Romantic Literature, Ecocriticism, North American Language, Literature and Culture, British and Irish Language, Literature and Culture
Dr. Oğuzhan DURSUN George Mason University, Institute for Immigration Research 0000-0002-2061-0258
History of The Republic of Turkiye, Filmmaking and Directing, Social Change, Sociology of Migration, Ethnicity and Multiculturalism, Conflict Resolution, Communication and Media Studies
History of The Republic of Turkiye
Medieval European History
Politics in International Relations, Turkish Foreign Policy, Turkish Political Life
Late Modern History, Terrorism in International Relations, International Security
Late Modern Ottoman History, Late Modern Balkan History, Late Modern European History, Contemporary American History

Text & Analysis is dedicated to publishing scientific research in cultural and strategic studies on an academic platform. We aim to promote interdisciplinary collaboration by uniting scholars from various fields, integrating theoretical knowledge with field studies and applied research, and facilitating the global exchange of knowledge through new and innovative research methods and approaches for the academic community.

Text & Analysis welcomes original theoretical and applied research and review articles that contribute to the academic literature covering various topics in cultural and strategic studies. Our journal encompasses themes such as visual culture, cultural heritage preservation and transmission, memory studies, education, cultural exchanges, analysis of literary texts from a cultural perspective, the interplay between ideology, language and culture, studies on national identity, women’s studies, social transformation, globalization, international politics, and national and regional studies.

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Click here to download article title page form.

Text & Analysis accepts original theoretical and applied research articles written in Turkish or English that contribute to the academic literature in the fields of cultural and strategic studies. Articles submitted to the journal must be prepared in accordance with the ethical principles, publication policy and writing rules. The editors will return articles that do not comply with the writing rules to the authors.

Articles prepared according to Text & Analysis’s Writing Rules and Article Template are uploaded to the system at DergiPark by the respective author.

Articles submitted to Text & Analysis are checked with iThenticate plagiarism detection software. Articles with a similarity rate exceeding 15% are excluded from the evaluation process.
Articles that meet these requirements and are deemed appropriate in terms of writing rules and format during the editors’ preliminary evaluation are sent to two referees who do not have access to the author’s information. This process is carried out under the supervision of editors and assistant editors within the framework of a double-blind refereeing system.

Articles in Text & Analysis are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International CC BY-NC 4.0 License. Text & Analysis adopts “Libre Open Access” policy. This policy ensures that authors retain the copyright of their work published in Text & Analysis, and there is no demand for payment. By removing permission barriers, “Libre Open Access” allows studies to be shared, copied, reproduced in any size and format, except for commercial use, and re-edited, transformed, and built upon, with proper attribution to the original work.

Publication Process

For articles submitted to Text & Analysis, the editors initially conduct the preliminary evaluation process, review the writing rules and format, and then prepare a plagiarism and similarity report. After this stage, the evaluation and blind referee processes are initiated under the supervision of editors and assistant editors.

Based on the opinions of the referees, the article is accepted or rejected. The accepted articles are edited by language, writing, and proofreading editors during the publication process. During this process, authors must edit their articles per the recommendations of the respective editors and upload the final version of their articles to the system for typesetting and layout.

Citation and Referencing

Text & Analysis adopts APA 7 in-text citation and referencing system. Authors are encouraged to use citation management software (Endnote, Zotero, Mendeley, etc.).

Click here for more information about APA 7 in-text citation and referencing rules and examples of different works.

Citation and Referencing Examples

In-text Citation (General):
• Smith (2020) discusses the development of modern art...
• The development of modern art has gone through certain stages (Smith, 2020).
Direct Quote with Page Number:
• Smith (2020, p. 45) claims modern art “has gone through certain stages to become what we know today.”
• “Modern art has gone through certain stages to become what we know today” (Smith, 2020, p. 45).
• Smith, J. A. (2020). The history of modern art. Random House.

In-text Citation (General):
• Brown and Green (2019) have examined the significant movements of 20th-century art...
• 20th-century art has been shaped by various movements (Brown & Green, 2019).
Direct Quote with Page Number:
• Brown and Green (2019, pp. 123-24) state that “20th-century art has been shaped by various Movements.”
• “20th-century art has been shaped by various movements” (Brown & Green, 2019, pp. 123-24).
• Brown, T., & Green, S. (2019). Art in the 20th century. Penguin Press.

In-text Citation (General):
• Freud (2019) explains the concept of the unconscious in detail...
• The concept of the unconscious has been extensively discussed (Freud, 2019).
Direct Quote with Page Number:
• Freud (2019, p. 57) emphasizes that “the unconscious is a hidden force that influences a large part of human behavior.”
• “The unconscious is a hidden force that influences a large part of human behavior” (Freud, 2019, p. 57).
• Freud, S. (2019). Psychology. (T. Thornes, Trans.). Penguin Press.

In-text Citation (General):
• Brown (2020) has examined the impact of surrealism on modern culture...
• The impact of surrealism on modern culture is significant (Brown, 2020).
Direct Quote with Page Number:
• Brown (2020) states that “the impact of surrealism on modern culture is significant” (p. 53).
• “The impact of surrealism on modern culture is significant” (Brown, 2020, p. 53).
• Brown, K. L. (2020). Surrealism and its impact on modern culture. In J. R. Turner (Ed.), Art movements of the 20th century (pp. 45-67). Oxford University Press.

In-text Citation (General):
• Turner (2022) discusses the digitization of contemporary culture...
• The digitization of contemporary culture has become an important issue (Turner, 2022).
Direct Quote with Page Number:
• Turner (2022, p. 102) mentions that “digital culture has transformed traditional art forms.”
• “Digital culture has transformed traditional art forms” (Turner, 2022, p. 102).
• Turner, J. R. (2022). The digital transformation of contemporary culture. In P. L. Anderson (Ed.), Proceedings of the International Conference on Contemporary Arts (pp. 100-120). Art World Press

In-text Citation (General):
• Johnson (2018) explains the evolution of contemporary sculpture...
• Contemporary sculpture has been influenced by different periods (Johnson, 2018).
Direct Quote with Page Number:
• Johnson (2018, p. 132) explains that “contemporary sculpture has been influenced by different periods.”
• “Contemporary sculpture has been influenced by different periods” (Johnson, 2018, p. 132).
• Johnson, L. M. (2018). The evolution of contemporary sculpture. Journal of Modern Art, 45(2), 123-145.

In-text Citation (General):
• Williams and Clark (2021) present a comprehensive review of abstract expressionism...
• A comprehensive study has been conducted on abstract expressionism (Williams & Clark, 2021).
Direct Quote with Page Number:
• Williams and Clark (2021, p. 215) note that “a comprehensive study has been conducted on abstract expressionism.”
• “A comprehensive study has been conducted on abstract expressionism” (Williams & Clark, 2021, p. 215).
• Williams, R. T., & Clark, D. A. (2021). Abstract expressionism: A comprehensive review. Art History Quarterly, 52(3), 210-233.

In-text Citation (General):
• Doe (2021) has researched the role of women in post-war American art...
• The role of women in post-war American art is a broad area of research (Doe, 2021).
Direct Quote with Page Number:
• Doe (2021, p. 87) states that “the role of women in post-war American art is a broad area of Research.”
• “The role of women in post-war American art is a broad area of research” (Doe, 2021, p. 87).
• Doe, J. R. (2021). The role of women in post-war American art (Doctoral dissertation). Marmara University, Istanbul.

In-text Citation (General):
• Britannica (2021) explains the historical development of art...
• The historical development of art includes many different periods (Britannica, 2021).
Direct Quote with Page Number:
• Britannica (2021, p. 135) explains that “art has existed in various forms throughout History.”
• “Art has existed in various forms throughout history” (Britannica, 2021, p. 135).
• Britannica. (2021). Art history. In Encyclopedia Britannica (15th ed., Vol. 2, pp. 130-145). Encyclopedia Britannica, Inc.

In-text Citation (General):
• Smith (2021) explains the characteristics of Renaissance art...
• Renaissance art is defined by certain techniques (Smith, 2021).
Direct Quote with Page Number:
• Smith (2021, p. 210) states that “Renaissance art is known for its masterful use of Perspective.”
• “Renaissance art is known for its masterful use of perspective” (Smith, 2021, p. 210).
• Smith, J. A. (2021). Renaissance art. In M. K. Jones (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Art and History (3rd ed., Vol. 4, pp. 200-215). Art World Publishing.

In-text Citation (General):
• Encyclopedia Britannica (2022) explains modern art...
• Modern art emerged in the early 20th century (Encyclopedia Britannica, 2022).
Direct Quote with Paragraph Number:
• Encyclopedia Britannica (2022, para. 3)) explains that “modern art emerged in the early 20th century and includes various Movements.”
• “Modern art emerged in the early 20th century and includes various movements” (Encyclopedia Britannica, 2022, para. 3).
• Encyclopedia Britannica. (2022). Modern art. In Encyclopedia Britannica.

In-text Citation (General):
• Thompson (2022) explains the development of modern architecture...
• The development of modern architecture is a result of many factors (Thompson, 2022).
Direct Quote with Paragraph Number:
• Thompson (2022, para. 5) explains that “Modern architecture is known for its simple and functional designs.”
• “Modern architecture is known for its simple and functional designs” (Thompson, 2022, para. 5).
• Thompson, R. (2022). Modern architecture. In Encyclopedia Britannica.

In-text Citation (General):
• Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) (2023) celebrates the 100th anniversary of abstract art...
• The 100th anniversary of abstract art is celebrated with various events (Museum of Modern Art [MoMA], 2023).
Direct Quote with Paragraph Number:
• Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) (2023, (para. 2)) tweeted, “The 100th anniversary of abstract art is celebrated with various events”.
• “The 100th anniversary of abstract art is celebrated with various events” (Museum of Modern Art [MoMA], 2023, para. 2).
• Museum of Modern Art [MoMA]. (2023, March 15). Celebrating 100 years of abstract art! [Image attached] [Tweet]. Twitter.

In-text Citation (General):
• Scorsese’s (2011) film Hugo...
• Various cinematographic techniques were used in the film Hugo (Scorsese, 2011).
Direct Quote with Timestamp:
• Scorsese’s (2011, 00:45:32) film Hugo features “various cinematographic techniques.”
• “Various cinematographic techniques” were used (Scorsese, 2011, 00:45:32).
• Scorsese, M. (Director). (2011). Hugo [Film]. Paramount Pictures.

In-text Citation (General):
• Johnson (2023) discusses the impacts of climate change...
• Climate change affects many different sectors (Johnson, 2023).
Direct Quote with Page Number:
• Johnson (2023, p. 3) states that “Climate change could lead to serious issues in the future.”
• “Climate change could lead to serious issues in the future” (Johnson, 2023, p. 3).
• Johnson, M. (2023, July 10). Climate change impacts and solutions. The New York Times, p. 3.

In-text Citation (General):
• The article “Climate change effects” (2023) discusses the impacts of climate change...
• Climate change affects many different sectors (“Climate change effects,” 2023).
Direct Quote with Page Number:
• The article “Climate change effects” (2023, p. 3) states that “Climate change could lead to serious issues in the future.”
• “Climate change could lead to serious issues in the future” (“Climate change effects,” 2023, p. 3).
• Climate change effects. (2023, July 10). The New York Times, p. 3.

Text & Analysis adheres to international standards of research and publication ethics. Our journal adopts the International Ethical Publishing Principles published by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), Open Access Scholarly Publishers Association (OASPA), and the World Association of Medical Editors (WAME). Authors submitting articles to the journal must comply with the ethical rules listed below, which are determined under these principles.

Text & Analysis expects authors to submit original research that has not been previously published. These articles should not be submitted to another journal at the same time. Under ethical principles, authors should not present research results in more than one publication in a way that disrupts the integrity of research and inappropriately divides research results into sections; they should share the preliminary data of their study if requested by editors and referees, and they should keep these data after the article is published. When authors detect a significant error or inaccuracy in their published papers, they should immediately inform the journal editor and cooperate to retract or correct the paper.

All articles published in Text & Analysis are open access. During the article evaluation and publication process, no fee is charged to the authors and no royalties are paid to the authors.
Authors of the article submitted to Text & Analysis should be limited to those who have contributed significantly to the study. Authors should be determined before the article is submitted. It is not acceptable to add people who have not contributed to the work as authors (“gift authorship”) or to remove people who have contributed (“ghost authorship”)

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The papers submitted to Text & Analysis must be the authors' original research. When the work of other researchers is included in the article, it should be appropriately cited and listed in the references. All submitted articles are checked and evaluated using iThenticate plagiarism detection software. Articles with a similarity rate higher than 15% are not assessed.

Articles submitted to Text & Analysis requiring data collection through questionnaires, scales, interviews, or observations must obtain ethics committee permission. The article should state evidence of compliance with ethical rules during the data collection (e.g., securing permission for scales, questionnaires, or photographs belonging to others).

Ethical Responsibilities for Authors
• Authors bear academic, ethical, and social responsibilities.
• Authors must submit original and previously unpublished research to the journal and follow the writing guidelines specified on the journal’s website.
• Authors should not commit ethical violations such as plagiarism, exploitation of labor, inaccurate reference, or forgetting references in their articles; otherwise, the article will be rejected.
• Authors should indicate the organizations that support their work in their articles.
• If there are more than one author contributing to the study, the order of the authors' names should be decided consensually by the authors.
• Authors should inform the journal editors immediately if they detect errors or inaccuracies in their published articles.
• Authors should inform the journal editors immediately if they detect errors or inaccuracies in their published articles.
• Authors cannot publish the same article in more than one journal, partly or completely, without any justification, permission or cross-reference.
• Authors may withdraw their articles only during preliminary evaluation (before the blind refereeing process is initiated).
• For studies involving human participants that require ethics committee approval, authors must obtain approval from the ethics committee and submit a statement confirming that the necessary permissions have been obtained from the participants and that their rights have been respected. Studies requiring ethics committee approval are as follows:
     o Qualitative or quantitative research that requires data collection from participants using surveys, interviews, focus groups, observations, experiments, and interviews,
     o The use of humans and animals (including materials/data) for experimental or other scientific purposes,
     o Clinical studies on humans,
     o Research on animals,
     o Retrospective studies under the law on the protection of personal data.
• In addition to the requirements above, it is also mandatory to obtain the necessary permissions regarding the following issues:
     o Stating that the “informed consent form” has been obtained in the case reports,
     o Obtaining permission from the owners for the use of scales, questionnaires, and photographs belonging to others and indicating these permissions,

     o Indication of compliance with copyright regulations for the intellectual and artistic works used.                                                                                                      

Ethical Responsibilities for Referees
• Referees should be aware that they take the primary role in determining the academic quality of the articles to be published in the journal and should act with the responsibility of increasing academic quality.
• Referees should only agree to review articles that belong to their area of expertise, where they can respect the blind review process and keep information about the article confidential. Also, they should avoid sharing any information about the article with others after the review process.
• The role of the referees is solely to evaluate the accuracy of the paper's content and its compliance with academic standards; the fact that the views presented in the paper differ from the personal views of the referees should not affect the evaluation.
• Referee reports should be objective and moderate, avoiding insulting, demeaning, and accusatory statements. They should not use superficial and ambiguous statements, and they should clearly state the deficient and inaccurate issues that lead to negative conclusions.
• Referees should evaluate the articles within the deadline given to them. If they cannot, they should notify the journal within one week.
Ethical Responsibilities for Editors
• Editors are responsible for ensuring the quality of published material and maintaining the integrity of the published record.

• Editors can follow one of the following steps according to the referees’ recommendations:
     o Accepting the article without any changes,
     o Accepting the article after minor revisions or corrections,
     o Requesting authors to edit their papers and reinitiating the referee review process,
     o Rejecting the study.
• Editors’ decisions are based solely on academic criteria, and they take full responsibility for these decisions.
• Editors ensure a fair and impartial evaluation of the studies and act under the principle of freedom of expression.
• Editors conduct processes under intellectual property rights and ethical standards.
• Editors protect the confidentiality of authors and referees; they manage the review process following these confidentiality principles. Since the evaluation process is carried out in a double-blind system, identity information is kept confidential. The referee list of each issue is announced in the relevant issue.
• Editors ensure that all papers are reviewed by qualified referee
• Detailed information about the process for authors is provided in the Editorial Guidelines.
• Editors consider whether there are any potential conflicts of interest between authors and referees during referee assignments.
• Referees are urged to use impartial, scientific, and objective language when evaluating the manuscript.
• Discourteous and unscientific reviews are banned or censored.
• Editors are responsible for protecting the intellectual property rights of all published articles and defending the rights of the journal and authors in case of possible violations.
• Editors consider criticism of the articles published in the journal and constructively approach these criticisms. They publish criticism and discussion papers on the article.

Ethical Responsibilities for the Editorial Board
• The members of the Editorial Board accept the editorial ethics principles and policies of Text & Analysis and evaluate decisions related to them,
• The Editorial Board provides suggestions to increase the recognition of the journal, 

• In cases of suspected violations of scientific publication ethics, such as misconduct, plagiarism, conflict of interest, and copyright violations, they inform the journal’s editorial team to clarify the situation,
• The Editorial Board provides suggestions about indexes in which the journal can be included to increase its academic quality.
• The members of the Editorial Board must refrain from submitting articles to the journal or serving as referees during their term of office.

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• The publisher of Text & Analysis is Dokuz Eylül University Publications on behalf of Dokuz Eylül University.
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