Year 2024,
Volume: 51 Issue: 1, 105 - 126, 28.06.2024
Berna Tarı Kasnakoğlu
Yunus Kalender
Volkan Dogan
- AKAKA, M. A., SCHAU, H. J., & VARGO, S. L. (2013), The co-creation of value-in-culturalcontext. In Consumer culture theory. Emerald Group Publishing Limited.
- AKHTER, S. H., ANDREWS, J. C., & DURVASULA, S. (1994), The influence of retail store environment on brand-related judgments. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 1(2), 67-76.
- ALVES, H., & MAINARDES, E. W. (2017), Self-efficacy, trust, and perceived benefits in the cocreation of value by consumers. International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management. 45(11), 1159-1180.
- ARNOULD, E. J., PRICE, L. L., & MALSHE, A. (2014), Toward a cultural resource-based theory of the customer. In The service-dominant logic of marketing (pp. 109-122), Routledge.
- BABIN, L. A., BABIN, B. J., & BOLES, J. S. (1999), The effects of consumer perceptions of the salesperson, product and dealer on purchase intentions. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 6(2), 91-97.
- BALTAS, G. (1997), Determinants of store brand choice: a behavioral analysis. Journal of Product & Brand Management. 6(5), 315-324.
- BAUMANN, J., & LE MEUNIER-FITZHUGH, K. (2014), Trust as a facilitator of co-creation in customer-salesperson interaction–an imperative for the realization of episodic and relational value?. AMS review, 4(1-2), 5-20.
- BECKER, L. C., & PIZZUTTI, C. (2017), C2C value creation: social anxiety and retail environment. Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing, 11(4), 398-415.
- CAMBRA-FIERRO, J., PEREZ, L., & GROTT, E. (2017), Towards a co-creation framework in the retail banking services industry: Do demographics influence? Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 34, 219-228.
- CHANDLER, J., & VARGO, S. L. (2011), Contextualization: network intersections, value-incontext, and the co-creation of markets. Marketing Theory, 11(1), 35–49.
- CHOI, Y. H., & CHOO, H. J. (2016), Effects of Chinese customers' relationship benefits and satisfaction on attitudes toward foreign fashion brands: The moderating role of country of salesperson. Journal of Retailing and Customer Services, 28, 99-106.
- CHURCHILL JR, G. A., FORD, N. M., HARTLEY, S. W., & WALKER JR, O. C. (1985), The determinants of salesperson performance: A meta-analysis. Journal of Marketing Research, 22(2), 103-118.
- CLOPTON, S. W., STODDARD, J. E., & CLAY, J. W. (2001), Salesperson characteristics affecting consumer complaint responses. Journal of Consumer Behaviour: An International Research Review, 1(2), 124-139.
- COLLINS-DODD, C., & LINDLEY, T. (2003), Store brands and retail differentiation: the influence of store image and store brand attitude on store own brand perceptions. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 10(6), 345-352.
- DELPECHITRE, D., BEELER-CONNELLY, L. L., & CHAKER, N. N. (2018), Customer value co-
creation behavior: A dyadic exploration of the influence of salesperson emotional intelligence on customer participation and citizenship behavior. Journal of Business Research, 92, 9-24.
- DIALLO, M. F. (2012), Effects of store image and store brand price-image on store brand purchase intention: Application to an emerging market. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 19(3), 360-367.
- ECHVERRİ, P. & SKALEN, P. (2011), Co-creation and co-destruction: A practice-theory based study of interactive value formation. Marketing Theory, 11(3), 351-373.
- EDVARDSSON, B., TRONVOLL, B., & GRUBER, T. (2011), Expanding understanding of service exchange and value co-creation: a social construction approach. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 39(2), 327-339.
- FINE, L. M., & SCHUMANN, D. W. (1992), The nature and role of salesperson perceptions: The interactive effects of salesperson/customer personalities. Journal of Consumer Psychology, 1(3), 285-296.
- GIACOBBE, R. W., JACKSON JR, D. W., CROSBY, L. A., & BRIDGES, C. M. (2006), A contingency approach to adaptive selling behavior and sales performance: Selling situations and salesperson characteristics. Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management, 26(2), 115142.
- GRÖNROOS, C. (2012), “Conceptualising value co-creation: A journey to the 1970s and back to the future”, Journal of Marketing Management, 28(13-14), 1520-1534.
- GRÖNROOS, C. (2020), “Service marketing research priorities”, Journal of Services Marketing, 34(3), 291-298.
- GRÖNROOS, C., AND VOIMA, P. (2013), “Critical service logic: making sense of value creation and co-creation”, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 41(2), 133-150.
- HAIR JR, J.F., BLACK, W.C., BABIN, B.J., ANDERSON, R.E. (2019), Multivariate Data Analysis: A Global Perspective, 8th edition, Cengage Learning: London; Upper Saddle River, N.J.
- HATCH, M. J., & SCHULTZ, M. (2010), Toward a theory of brand co-creation with implications for brand governance. Journal of Brand Management, 17(8), 590-604.
- HOMBURG, C., WIESEKE, J., & BORNEMANN, T. (2009), Implementing the marketing concept at the employee-customer interface: the role of customer need knowledge. Journal of Marketing, 73(4), 64-81.
- JAAKKOLA, E., HELKKULA, A., & AARIKKA-STENROOS, L. (2015), Service experience co-
creation: conceptualization, implications, and future research directions. Journal of Service Management, 26(2), 182-205.
- KASHIF, M., & ZARKADA, A. (2015), Value co-destruction between customers and frontline employees: A social system perspective. International Journal of Bank Marketing. 6, 672-691.
- LEE, H. J. (2017), Personality determinants of need for interaction with a retail employee and its impact on self-service technology (SST) usage intentions. Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing, 11(3), 214-231.
- LIM, E. A. C., LEE, Y. H., & FOO, M. D. (2017), Frontline employees’ nonverbal cues in service encounters: a double-edged sword. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 45(5), 657676.
- LLOYD, A. E., & LUK, S. T. (2011), Interaction behaviors leading to comfort in the service encounter. Journal of Services Marketing. 25(3), 176-189.
- MARTIN, C. L. & ADAMS, S. (1999), Behavioral biases in the service encounter: empowerment by default? Marketing Intelligence & Planning, 17(4), 192-201.
- MAXHAM III, J. G., NETEMEYER, R. G., & LICHTENSTEIN, D. R. (2008), The retail value chain:
linking employee perceptions to employee performance, customer evaluations, and store performance. Marketing Science, 27(2), 147-167.
- MOHD-RAMLY, S., & OMAR, N. A. (2017), Exploring the influence of store attributes on customer experience and customer engagement. International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, 45(11), 1138-1158.
- NANGPIIRE, C., SILVA, J., & ALVES, H. (2021), Customer engagement and value co-
creation/destruction: the internal fostering and hindering factors and actors in the tourist/hotel experience. Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing. 16 (2), 173-188.
- RANJAN, K. R. AND READ, S. (2019), Bringing the individual into the co-creation of value. Journal of Services Marketing, 33(7), 904-920.
- SARKER, M. A. R., & ASHRAFI, D. M. (2018), The relationship between internal marketing and employee job satisfaction: A study from retail shops in Bangladesh. Journal of Business and Retail Management Research, 12(3), 149-159.
- SHAMIM, A., GHAZALI, Z., & ALBINSSON, P. A. (2016), An integrated model of corporate brand experience and customer value co-creation behaviour. International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management. 44(2), 139-158.
- SHARMA, S., & CHADHA, S. K. (2020), Customer Perceptions about Retail Store Attributes: A Comparative Analysis between Supermarkets, Department Store and Specialty Stores in India. IIMS Journal of Management Science, 11(1), 1-15.
- SIRIANNI, N. J., BITNER, M. J., BROWN, S. W., & MANDEL, N. (2013), Branded service encounters: Strategically aligning employee behavior with the brand positioning. Journal of Marketing, 77(6), 108-123.
- SUHARTANTO, D., & BRIEN, A. (2018), Multidimensional engagement and store performance. International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management, 67(5), 809-824.
- SWOBODA, B., HAELSIG, F., MORSCHETT, D., & SCHRAMM‐KLEIN, H. (2007), An intersector analysis of the relevance of service in building a strong retail brand. Managing Service Quality: An International Journal, 17(4), 428-448.
- TARI KASNAKOGLU, B. (2016), Antecedents and consequences of co-creation in credence-based service contexts. The Service Industries Journal, 36(1-2), 1-20.
- TARI KASNAKOĞLU, B., KALENDER, Y., AND GOKKAYA, H. (2022), Types of consumer operant resources and co-creation in dialogical service relationships, Service Science, 14 (3), 213-271.
- TSOUKAS, H. (2009), A dialogical approach to the creation of new knowledge in organizations. Organization Science, 20(6), 941-957.
- VARGO, S. L. (2020), Assessing and advancing marketing’s value propositions: a disciplinary dialog. AMS Review, 10, 149-150.
- VARGO, S. L., AND LUSCH, R. F. (2004), “Evolving to a new dominant logic for marketing”, Journal of Marketing, 68(1), 1-17.
- VARGO, S. L., AND LUSCH, R. F. (2016), Institutions and axioms: an extension and update of service-dominant logic. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 44(1), 5-23.
- VARGO, S. L., AND LUSCH, R. F. (2017), Service-dominant logic 2025. International Journal of Research in Marketing, 34(1), 46-67.
- WANG, C. L. (2021), New frontiers and future directions in interactive marketing: inaugural Editorial. Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing. 15(1), 1-9.
- WU, Y. C., TSAI, C. S., HSIUNG, H. W., & CHEN, K. Y. (2015), Linkage between frontline employee service competence scale and customer perceptions of service quality. Journal of Services Marketing, 29 (3), 224-234.
- YI, Y., & GONG, T. (2013), Customer value co-creation behavior: Scale development and validation. Journal of Business Research, 66(9), 1279-1284.
Effects of situational and structural factors on co-creation in retail stores
Year 2024,
Volume: 51 Issue: 1, 105 - 126, 28.06.2024
Berna Tarı Kasnakoğlu
Yunus Kalender
Volkan Dogan
This paper focuses on the dialogical components of a service relationship and their effects on co-creation. We attempt to investigate the effects of one situational variable (partner’s perceptions of the other partner’s resources) and one non-situational variable (store brand perceptions) on co-creative behavior. To test the proposed model, dyadic survey data of 364 pairs was collected in retail stores where one customer and one salesperson interacted in a sales exchange. Data were analyzed using the structural equation modeling technique. Results support that store brand perceptions, directly and indirectly, increase co-creation through the perceptions of the partners’ resources
- AKAKA, M. A., SCHAU, H. J., & VARGO, S. L. (2013), The co-creation of value-in-culturalcontext. In Consumer culture theory. Emerald Group Publishing Limited.
- AKHTER, S. H., ANDREWS, J. C., & DURVASULA, S. (1994), The influence of retail store environment on brand-related judgments. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 1(2), 67-76.
- ALVES, H., & MAINARDES, E. W. (2017), Self-efficacy, trust, and perceived benefits in the cocreation of value by consumers. International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management. 45(11), 1159-1180.
- ARNOULD, E. J., PRICE, L. L., & MALSHE, A. (2014), Toward a cultural resource-based theory of the customer. In The service-dominant logic of marketing (pp. 109-122), Routledge.
- BABIN, L. A., BABIN, B. J., & BOLES, J. S. (1999), The effects of consumer perceptions of the salesperson, product and dealer on purchase intentions. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 6(2), 91-97.
- BALTAS, G. (1997), Determinants of store brand choice: a behavioral analysis. Journal of Product & Brand Management. 6(5), 315-324.
- BAUMANN, J., & LE MEUNIER-FITZHUGH, K. (2014), Trust as a facilitator of co-creation in customer-salesperson interaction–an imperative for the realization of episodic and relational value?. AMS review, 4(1-2), 5-20.
- BECKER, L. C., & PIZZUTTI, C. (2017), C2C value creation: social anxiety and retail environment. Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing, 11(4), 398-415.
- CAMBRA-FIERRO, J., PEREZ, L., & GROTT, E. (2017), Towards a co-creation framework in the retail banking services industry: Do demographics influence? Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 34, 219-228.
- CHANDLER, J., & VARGO, S. L. (2011), Contextualization: network intersections, value-incontext, and the co-creation of markets. Marketing Theory, 11(1), 35–49.
- CHOI, Y. H., & CHOO, H. J. (2016), Effects of Chinese customers' relationship benefits and satisfaction on attitudes toward foreign fashion brands: The moderating role of country of salesperson. Journal of Retailing and Customer Services, 28, 99-106.
- CHURCHILL JR, G. A., FORD, N. M., HARTLEY, S. W., & WALKER JR, O. C. (1985), The determinants of salesperson performance: A meta-analysis. Journal of Marketing Research, 22(2), 103-118.
- CLOPTON, S. W., STODDARD, J. E., & CLAY, J. W. (2001), Salesperson characteristics affecting consumer complaint responses. Journal of Consumer Behaviour: An International Research Review, 1(2), 124-139.
- COLLINS-DODD, C., & LINDLEY, T. (2003), Store brands and retail differentiation: the influence of store image and store brand attitude on store own brand perceptions. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 10(6), 345-352.
- DELPECHITRE, D., BEELER-CONNELLY, L. L., & CHAKER, N. N. (2018), Customer value co-
creation behavior: A dyadic exploration of the influence of salesperson emotional intelligence on customer participation and citizenship behavior. Journal of Business Research, 92, 9-24.
- DIALLO, M. F. (2012), Effects of store image and store brand price-image on store brand purchase intention: Application to an emerging market. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 19(3), 360-367.
- ECHVERRİ, P. & SKALEN, P. (2011), Co-creation and co-destruction: A practice-theory based study of interactive value formation. Marketing Theory, 11(3), 351-373.
- EDVARDSSON, B., TRONVOLL, B., & GRUBER, T. (2011), Expanding understanding of service exchange and value co-creation: a social construction approach. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 39(2), 327-339.
- FINE, L. M., & SCHUMANN, D. W. (1992), The nature and role of salesperson perceptions: The interactive effects of salesperson/customer personalities. Journal of Consumer Psychology, 1(3), 285-296.
- GIACOBBE, R. W., JACKSON JR, D. W., CROSBY, L. A., & BRIDGES, C. M. (2006), A contingency approach to adaptive selling behavior and sales performance: Selling situations and salesperson characteristics. Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management, 26(2), 115142.
- GRÖNROOS, C. (2012), “Conceptualising value co-creation: A journey to the 1970s and back to the future”, Journal of Marketing Management, 28(13-14), 1520-1534.
- GRÖNROOS, C. (2020), “Service marketing research priorities”, Journal of Services Marketing, 34(3), 291-298.
- GRÖNROOS, C., AND VOIMA, P. (2013), “Critical service logic: making sense of value creation and co-creation”, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 41(2), 133-150.
- HAIR JR, J.F., BLACK, W.C., BABIN, B.J., ANDERSON, R.E. (2019), Multivariate Data Analysis: A Global Perspective, 8th edition, Cengage Learning: London; Upper Saddle River, N.J.
- HATCH, M. J., & SCHULTZ, M. (2010), Toward a theory of brand co-creation with implications for brand governance. Journal of Brand Management, 17(8), 590-604.
- HOMBURG, C., WIESEKE, J., & BORNEMANN, T. (2009), Implementing the marketing concept at the employee-customer interface: the role of customer need knowledge. Journal of Marketing, 73(4), 64-81.
- JAAKKOLA, E., HELKKULA, A., & AARIKKA-STENROOS, L. (2015), Service experience co-
creation: conceptualization, implications, and future research directions. Journal of Service Management, 26(2), 182-205.
- KASHIF, M., & ZARKADA, A. (2015), Value co-destruction between customers and frontline employees: A social system perspective. International Journal of Bank Marketing. 6, 672-691.
- LEE, H. J. (2017), Personality determinants of need for interaction with a retail employee and its impact on self-service technology (SST) usage intentions. Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing, 11(3), 214-231.
- LIM, E. A. C., LEE, Y. H., & FOO, M. D. (2017), Frontline employees’ nonverbal cues in service encounters: a double-edged sword. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 45(5), 657676.
- LLOYD, A. E., & LUK, S. T. (2011), Interaction behaviors leading to comfort in the service encounter. Journal of Services Marketing. 25(3), 176-189.
- MARTIN, C. L. & ADAMS, S. (1999), Behavioral biases in the service encounter: empowerment by default? Marketing Intelligence & Planning, 17(4), 192-201.
- MAXHAM III, J. G., NETEMEYER, R. G., & LICHTENSTEIN, D. R. (2008), The retail value chain:
linking employee perceptions to employee performance, customer evaluations, and store performance. Marketing Science, 27(2), 147-167.
- MOHD-RAMLY, S., & OMAR, N. A. (2017), Exploring the influence of store attributes on customer experience and customer engagement. International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, 45(11), 1138-1158.
- NANGPIIRE, C., SILVA, J., & ALVES, H. (2021), Customer engagement and value co-
creation/destruction: the internal fostering and hindering factors and actors in the tourist/hotel experience. Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing. 16 (2), 173-188.
- RANJAN, K. R. AND READ, S. (2019), Bringing the individual into the co-creation of value. Journal of Services Marketing, 33(7), 904-920.
- SARKER, M. A. R., & ASHRAFI, D. M. (2018), The relationship between internal marketing and employee job satisfaction: A study from retail shops in Bangladesh. Journal of Business and Retail Management Research, 12(3), 149-159.
- SHAMIM, A., GHAZALI, Z., & ALBINSSON, P. A. (2016), An integrated model of corporate brand experience and customer value co-creation behaviour. International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management. 44(2), 139-158.
- SHARMA, S., & CHADHA, S. K. (2020), Customer Perceptions about Retail Store Attributes: A Comparative Analysis between Supermarkets, Department Store and Specialty Stores in India. IIMS Journal of Management Science, 11(1), 1-15.
- SIRIANNI, N. J., BITNER, M. J., BROWN, S. W., & MANDEL, N. (2013), Branded service encounters: Strategically aligning employee behavior with the brand positioning. Journal of Marketing, 77(6), 108-123.
- SUHARTANTO, D., & BRIEN, A. (2018), Multidimensional engagement and store performance. International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management, 67(5), 809-824.
- SWOBODA, B., HAELSIG, F., MORSCHETT, D., & SCHRAMM‐KLEIN, H. (2007), An intersector analysis of the relevance of service in building a strong retail brand. Managing Service Quality: An International Journal, 17(4), 428-448.
- TARI KASNAKOGLU, B. (2016), Antecedents and consequences of co-creation in credence-based service contexts. The Service Industries Journal, 36(1-2), 1-20.
- TARI KASNAKOĞLU, B., KALENDER, Y., AND GOKKAYA, H. (2022), Types of consumer operant resources and co-creation in dialogical service relationships, Service Science, 14 (3), 213-271.
- TSOUKAS, H. (2009), A dialogical approach to the creation of new knowledge in organizations. Organization Science, 20(6), 941-957.
- VARGO, S. L. (2020), Assessing and advancing marketing’s value propositions: a disciplinary dialog. AMS Review, 10, 149-150.
- VARGO, S. L., AND LUSCH, R. F. (2004), “Evolving to a new dominant logic for marketing”, Journal of Marketing, 68(1), 1-17.
- VARGO, S. L., AND LUSCH, R. F. (2016), Institutions and axioms: an extension and update of service-dominant logic. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 44(1), 5-23.
- VARGO, S. L., AND LUSCH, R. F. (2017), Service-dominant logic 2025. International Journal of Research in Marketing, 34(1), 46-67.
- WANG, C. L. (2021), New frontiers and future directions in interactive marketing: inaugural Editorial. Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing. 15(1), 1-9.
- WU, Y. C., TSAI, C. S., HSIUNG, H. W., & CHEN, K. Y. (2015), Linkage between frontline employee service competence scale and customer perceptions of service quality. Journal of Services Marketing, 29 (3), 224-234.
- YI, Y., & GONG, T. (2013), Customer value co-creation behavior: Scale development and validation. Journal of Business Research, 66(9), 1279-1284.