Research Article
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Çevresel, Sosyal ve Yönetimsel Performansın Ekonomik Performans Üzerindeki Etkileri

Year 2023, Issue: 119, 1 - 20, 03.04.2023


Çevresel, sosyal ve yönetimsel (ESG) performans'ın ekonomik performans üzerindeki etkileri her zaman tartışma konusu olmuştur. ESG performansı firma paydaşlarının firmaların ekonomik performanslarını değerlendirmek için kullandıkları bir araçtır. Paydaşlar teorisi göz önünde bulundurularak, bu alışma ESG performansı ve ekonomik performans ilişkisini incelemektedir. Çalışma İnigiltere'de faaliyet gösteren firmaları örneklem olarak almıştır. Çalışma, 2011-2015 yılları arasındaki performans değerlerini kapsamaktadır. Korelasyon ve regresyon analizleri ile ESG ve ekonomik performans ilişkisi analiz edilmiştir. Bulgulara göre sosyal ve yönetimsel performans pozitif ve anlamlı bir şekilde ekonomik performansı etkilemektedir. Ancak, çeveresel performans anlamlı bir şekilde ekonomik performansı etkilememektedir. Bu çalışma, yatırımcılara ve yöneticilere, ESG performans değerlerinin önemini kanıtlamaktadır.


  • Adams, C.A. and Larrinaga-González, C. (2007). Engaging with organizations in pursuit of improved sustainability accounting and performance. Accounting, Auditing and Accountability Journal, Vol. 20(3), pp. 333–355.
  • Aras, G., Aybars, A., and Kutlu, O. (2010). Investigating the relationship between corporate social responsibility and financial performance in emerging markets. International Journal of Productivity, 59(3), pp. 229–254.
  • Balabanis, G., Phillips, H. C., and Lyall, J. (1998) Corporate social responsibility and economic performance in the top British companies: are they linked?, European Business Review, 98 (1), pp.25-44.
  • Barnett, M.L. and Salomon, R.M. (2006). Beyond Dichotomy: The Curvilinear Relationship Between Social Responsibility and Financial Performance. Strategic Management Journal, 27 (11), pp. 1101–1156.
  • Bassen, A. (2007). Carbon Disclosure Project – Germany Report 2007, BVI Bundesverband Investment und Asset Management e. V., Frankfurt a. M. Bassen, A., and Kovacs, M. (2008). Environmental, Social and Governance Key Performance Indicators from a Capital Market Perspective. ZeitschriftfürWirtschafts- und Unternehmensethik, 9(2), pp. 182–192.
  • Bill, D. and Sessions, G. (1985). ‘Deep Ecology: Living as if Nature Mattered.’ Salt Lake City, UT: Peregrine Smith. Boerner, H. (2010). Sustainable and responsible investment: The revolution is on. Corporate Finance Review, 14, pp.39–41.
  • Boerner, H. (2011). Sustainability and ESG reporting frameworks: Issuers have GAAP and IFRS for reporting financials—What about reporting for intangibles and non-financials? Corporate Finance Review, 15, pp. 34–37.
  • Bowen, R. M., L. DuCharme and D. Shores: 1995, ‘Stakeholders’ Implicit Claims and Accounting Method Choice’, Journal of Accounting and Economics, 20, pp.255–295. Branco, M. C., and Rodrigues, L. L. (2007). Positioning stakeholder theory within the debate on corporate social responsibility. EJBO Electronic Journal of Business Ethics and Organization Studies, 12(1), pp. 5-15.
  • Brown L.D., Robinson J.M., Caylor M.C. (2004). Corporate governance and firm performance. governance. Buchholz, R. A. (1991) “Corporate Responsibility and The Good Society: From Economics to Ecology”, Business Horizons, 34 (4), pp. 19-31.
  • Bull, C. (1987), ‘The Existence of Self-enforcing Implicit Contracts’, Quarterly Journal of Economics, pp. 147–156.
  • Bushman, R., Chen, Q., Engel, E., and Smith, A. (2004), ‘Financial accounting information, organizational complexity and corporate governance systems’, Journal of Accounting and Economics, 37, pp.167-201.
  • Carroll, A. B. (1979) ‘ A three dimensional conceptual model of corporate performance’, Academy of Management Review, 4, pp. 497-505
  • Carroll, A. (1991), ‘The Pyramid Of Corporate Social Responsibility: Toward the Moral Management of Organizational Stakeholders’, Business Horizons 34, pp. 39–48
  • Cetindamar, D. and Husoy, K. (2007). Corporate social responsibility practices and environmentally responsible behavior: the case of the United Nations Global Compact. Journal of Business Ethics, 76, pp. 163–176.
  • Christmann, P. (2000). Effects of ‘‘best practices’’ of environmental management on cost competitiveness: The role of complementary assets. Academy of Management Journal, 43(4), pp. 663–680.
  • Clarkson, M. (1995). A stakeholder framework for analyzing and evaluating corporate social performance. Academy of Management Review, 20 (1), pp. 92-117. Coffee, J. (2005). “A theory of corporate scandals: why the USA and Europe differ?”, Oxford Review of Economic Policy, 21(2), pp. 198-211.
  • Cornell, B. and A. Shapiro (1987), ‘Corporate Stakeholders and Corporate Finance’, Financial Management 16(1), pp. 5–14.
  • Dahlsrud, A. (2008). How Corporate Social Responsibility is Defined: an Analysis of 37 Definitions. Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, 15, pp. 1-13.
  • Daily, C.M., and Dalton, D.R. (1992). The Relationship between governance structure and corporate performance in entrepreneurial firms. Journal of Business Venturing, 7, pp.375-386.
  • Davenport, K. (2000), ‘Corporate Citizenship: A Stakeholder Approach for Defining Corporate Social Performance and Identifying Measures.
  • de Graaf, F. J., and Stoelhorst, J. W. (2013). The role of governance in corporate social responsibility: lessons from Dutch finance. Business and society, 52(2), pp. 282-317.
  • Dolique, L, (2007). ‘Risques globaux et développement durables - Fausses pistes et vraies solutions’, Paris: L’Harmattan.
  • Donaldson, T. and Preston, L.E. (1995) ‘The stakeholder theory of the corporation: concepts, evidence, and implications’, Academy of Management Review, 20, pp.65-91.
  • Eccles, R. G., and Krzus, M. (2010). One Report: Integrated Reporting for a Sustainable Strategy. New York: John Wiley and Sons, Inc.
  • Epstein, M. and Schnietz, K. (2002). ‘Measuring the cost of environmental and labor protests to globalization: An event study of the failed 1999 Seattle WTO talks.’ The International Trade Journal, 16, pp. 19.
  • Fowler, H., Slater, D., Johnson, J., Ellstrand, A., and Romi, A. (2013). Does it Pay to be Green?. A Meta-Analysis of Moderators of the CEP—CFP Relationship. Journal of Business Ethics, 112(2), pp. 353-366
  • Freeman, R. E. (1984). Strategic management: A stakeholder approach. Boston: Pitman.
  • Gill, A. (2008). Corporate Governance as Social Responsibility: A Research Agenda, Berkeley Journal of International Law, 26 (2), pp.452-478.
  • Gillan, S. L., Hartzell, J. C., Koch, A. and Starks, L. T. (2010), Firms’ environmental, social and governance (ESG) choices, performance and managerial motivation. Working Paper. Gompers P.A., Ishii J., Metrick A. (2003). Corporate Governance and Equity Prices. Quarterly J. Econ., 118(1), pp.107-155.
  • Graafland, J. J. (2004), Collusion, reputation damage and interest in codes of conduct: the case of a Dutch construction company. Business Ethics: A European Review, 1, pp. 127–142.
  • Gray, W.B., and Shadbegian, R.J. (1993). ‘Environmental regulation and manufacturing productivity at the plant level’, NBER Working Paper No. 4321, National Bureau of Economic Research.
  • Hansen, U. and Schrader, U. (2005) Corporate Social Responsibility als aktuelles Thema der Betriebswirtschaftslehre. Die Betriebswirtschaft, 65(4), pp.373–395.
  • Hart, S. L. (1995). A natural-resource-based view of the firm. Academy of Management Review, 20, pp.996–1014.
  • He, H., and Li, Y. (2011). CSR and service brand: The mediating effect of brand identification and the moderating effect of service quality. Journal of Business Ethics, 100(4), pp.673-688.
  • Heal, G. (2005) Corporate social responsibility: An economic and financial framework. The Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance - Issues and Practice 30(3), pp.387–409.
  • Horváthová, E. (2010) Does environmental performance affect financial performance? A meta-analysis. Ecological Economics, 70, pp.52–59.
  • International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC), (2013), The International Integrated Reporting Framework, London.
  • Galbreath, J. (2013) “ESG in focus: ‘The Australian evidence’,” Journal of Business Ethics, 118 (3), pp. 529–541.
  • Jasch, C. (2006). EMA as the next step in the evolution of management accounting. Journal of Cleaner Production, 14, pp.1190-1193.
  • John, K., and Senbet, L.W. (1998). Corporate governance and board effectiveness. Journal of Banking and Finance, 22, pp.371-403.
  • Jones, T. M. (1995), ‘Instrumental Stakeholder Theory: A Synthesis of Ethics and Economics’, Academy of Management Review, pp.404–437.
  • Kapstein, E.B. (2001) ‘The Corporate Ethics Crusade’, Foreign Affairs, 80 (5), pp.105-119.
  • Klettner, A., Clarke, T., and Boersma, M. (2014) “The governance of corporate sustainability: Empirical insights into the development, leadership, and implementation of the responsible business strategy,” Journal of Business Ethics, 122 (1), pp. 145–165.
  • Kolk, A. (2008), Sustainability, accountability and corporate governance: exploring multinationals' reporting practices. Business Strategy and Environment, 17, pp. 1–15.
  • Marcus, A., and Geffen, D. (1998). The dialectics of competency acquisition: Pollution prevention in electric generation. Strategic Management Journal, 19 (12), pp. 1145.
  • Marin L., Ruiz, S., and Rubio, A. (2009). The role of identity salience in the effects of corporate social responsibility on consumer behavior. Journal of Business Research, 84(1), pp. 65-78.
  • Mayer, F (1997): “Corporate Governance, Competition, and Performance”, in Enterprise and Community: New Directions in Corporate Governance, Deakin, S., and Hughes, A. (Eds.), Blackwell Publishers, Oxford, UK.
  • McGuire, J., Sundgren, A., and Schneeweis, T. (1988). Corporate Social Responsibility and Firm Financial Performance. The Academy of Management Journal, 31(4), pp.854-872.
  • McKinsey and Company (2002), Global Investor Opinion Survey on Corporate Governance.
  • Melnyk, S.A., Sroufe, R.P., Calantone, R. (2003). Assessing the impact of environmental management systems on corporate and environmental performance. Journal of Operations Management, 21 (3), pp. 329‒351.
  • Melquiot, P. (2003). 1001 mots et abréviations de l'environnement et du développement durable, Lyon: Edition Recyconsult.
  • Nelling, E., and Webb, E. (2008). Corporate social responsibility and financial performance: the virtuous circle revisited. Springer Science and Business Media, 32(8), pp.197–209.
  • Ortas, E., Gallego-Alvarez, I., and Álvarez Etxeberria, I. (2015) Financial Factors Influencing the Quality of Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management Disclosure: A Quantile Regression Approach. Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management., 22, pp. 362–380.
  • Pallant, J. (2007), SPSS Survival Manual, 3rd Edition, Crows West, New South Wales.
  • Porter, M., and C. van der Linde (1995), Toward a New Conception of the Environment Competitiveness Relationship, Journal of Economic Perspective 9(4), pp. 97–118.
  • Porter, M.E. (1991). ‘America’s green strategy.’, Scientific America, 264 (4), pp. 168.
  • Posnikoff, J. 1997. Disinvestment from South Africa: They did well by doing good, Contemporary Economic Policy, 15, pp. 76-86.
  • Richardson, B. J. (2009). Keeping ethical investment ethical: Regulatory issues for investing for sustainability. Journal of Business Ethics, 87, pp.555–572.
  • Roberts, R. W., 1992. Determinants of Corporate Social Responsibility Disclosure: an Application of Stakeholder Theory. Accounting, Organizations and Society, 17(6), pp. 595-612.
  • Runhaar, H. and Lafferty, H. (2009). Governing Corporate Social Responsibility: An Assessment of the Contribution of the UN Global Compact to CSR Strategies in the Telecommunications Industry. Journal of Business Ethics, 84, pp.479-495.
  • Russo, M. V., and Fouts, P. A. (1997). A resource-based perspective on corporate environmental performance and profitability. Academy of Management Journal, 40, pp. 534–559.
  • Sarkar, R. (2008), Public policy and corporate environmental behavior: a broader view. Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, 15, pp. 281–297.
  • Schaltegger S, Burritt R. (2005). Corporate sustainability. In The International Yearbook of Environmental and Resource Economics 2005/2006, Folmer H, Tietenberg T (eds). Elgar: Cheltenham, pp.185–222.
  • Schaltegger, S. and Synnestvedt, T. (2002) The Link between “Green” and Economic Success: Environmental Management as the Crucial Trigger between Environmental and Economic Performance. Journal of Environmental Management, 65, pp.339-346.
  • Tarmuji, I., Maelah, R., and Tarmuji N.H. (2016), ‘The Impact of Environmental, Social and Governance Practices (ESG) on Economic Performance: Evidence from ESG Score’, International Journal of Trade, Economic and Finance, 7 (3), pp.67-74.
  • Thomson Reuters. (2015). Thomson Reuter’s data stream ASSET 4 ESG content. URL. [Online]. Available: omson_Reuters_DS_ASSET4_ESG_Content_Fact_Sheet_April_201 5.pdf.
  • Waddock, S.A., and S.B. Graves (1997). The Corporate Social Performance-Financial Performance Link, Strategic Management Journal, 18 (4), pp. 303- 319.
  • Walley, N. and B. Whitehead. (1994). It’s not easy being green. Harvard Business Review 72 (3), pp.2-7.
  • Windsor, D. (2001), ‘The Future of Corporate Social Responsibility’, The International Journal of Organizational Analysis 9(3) ,pp. 225–256.
  • Wood, D. (1991), ‘Corporate Social Performance Revisited’, The Academy of Management Review 16(4), pp. 691– 717.
  • Wood, D.J. and Jones, R.E. (1995): “Stakeholder Mismatching: A Theoretical Problem in Empirical Research on Corporate Social Responsibility”, The International Journal of Organizational Analysis, 3 (3) , pp.229-267.
  • Wright, P. and Ferris, S. (1997). Agency conflict and corporate strategy: the effect of divestment on corporate value, Strategic Management Journal, 18, pp. 77-83.
  • Zikmund W G. (2003) Business Research Methods, 7th edition, Thomson/South-Western.

Relationship between Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance Performance and Financial Performance

Year 2023, Issue: 119, 1 - 20, 03.04.2023


Environmental, social and governance (ESG) performance and their relationship with economic performance of the companies have been a subject of debate. ESG is useful for stakeholders in making decisions and evaluations about companies’ economic performance. Building on the stakeholder theory, this paper seeks to find the relationship between ESG performance and economic performance of firms. In this study, ESG data from the UK companies are used which covers the years 2011-2015. Correlation and regression analysis have been conducted in order to test the relationship between ESG and economic performance. The results showed that social and corporate governance performance of the UK companies have a positive and significant relationship with the economic performance. However, environmental performance failed to show a significant relationship with the economic performance. In addition, companies need to improve their environmental performance and find ways to increase the significance of environmental performance on the economic performance for a sustainable growth. The findings are expected to provide a road-map for companies in order to recognize and achieve the benefits of the ESG. The proposed relationship between the ESG and economic performance can contribute to the stakeholders’ decision making. This study also provides valuable information for developed countries by discussing the findings on the grounds of the UK.


  • Adams, C.A. and Larrinaga-González, C. (2007). Engaging with organizations in pursuit of improved sustainability accounting and performance. Accounting, Auditing and Accountability Journal, Vol. 20(3), pp. 333–355.
  • Aras, G., Aybars, A., and Kutlu, O. (2010). Investigating the relationship between corporate social responsibility and financial performance in emerging markets. International Journal of Productivity, 59(3), pp. 229–254.
  • Balabanis, G., Phillips, H. C., and Lyall, J. (1998) Corporate social responsibility and economic performance in the top British companies: are they linked?, European Business Review, 98 (1), pp.25-44.
  • Barnett, M.L. and Salomon, R.M. (2006). Beyond Dichotomy: The Curvilinear Relationship Between Social Responsibility and Financial Performance. Strategic Management Journal, 27 (11), pp. 1101–1156.
  • Bassen, A. (2007). Carbon Disclosure Project – Germany Report 2007, BVI Bundesverband Investment und Asset Management e. V., Frankfurt a. M. Bassen, A., and Kovacs, M. (2008). Environmental, Social and Governance Key Performance Indicators from a Capital Market Perspective. ZeitschriftfürWirtschafts- und Unternehmensethik, 9(2), pp. 182–192.
  • Bill, D. and Sessions, G. (1985). ‘Deep Ecology: Living as if Nature Mattered.’ Salt Lake City, UT: Peregrine Smith. Boerner, H. (2010). Sustainable and responsible investment: The revolution is on. Corporate Finance Review, 14, pp.39–41.
  • Boerner, H. (2011). Sustainability and ESG reporting frameworks: Issuers have GAAP and IFRS for reporting financials—What about reporting for intangibles and non-financials? Corporate Finance Review, 15, pp. 34–37.
  • Bowen, R. M., L. DuCharme and D. Shores: 1995, ‘Stakeholders’ Implicit Claims and Accounting Method Choice’, Journal of Accounting and Economics, 20, pp.255–295. Branco, M. C., and Rodrigues, L. L. (2007). Positioning stakeholder theory within the debate on corporate social responsibility. EJBO Electronic Journal of Business Ethics and Organization Studies, 12(1), pp. 5-15.
  • Brown L.D., Robinson J.M., Caylor M.C. (2004). Corporate governance and firm performance. governance. Buchholz, R. A. (1991) “Corporate Responsibility and The Good Society: From Economics to Ecology”, Business Horizons, 34 (4), pp. 19-31.
  • Bull, C. (1987), ‘The Existence of Self-enforcing Implicit Contracts’, Quarterly Journal of Economics, pp. 147–156.
  • Bushman, R., Chen, Q., Engel, E., and Smith, A. (2004), ‘Financial accounting information, organizational complexity and corporate governance systems’, Journal of Accounting and Economics, 37, pp.167-201.
  • Carroll, A. B. (1979) ‘ A three dimensional conceptual model of corporate performance’, Academy of Management Review, 4, pp. 497-505
  • Carroll, A. (1991), ‘The Pyramid Of Corporate Social Responsibility: Toward the Moral Management of Organizational Stakeholders’, Business Horizons 34, pp. 39–48
  • Cetindamar, D. and Husoy, K. (2007). Corporate social responsibility practices and environmentally responsible behavior: the case of the United Nations Global Compact. Journal of Business Ethics, 76, pp. 163–176.
  • Christmann, P. (2000). Effects of ‘‘best practices’’ of environmental management on cost competitiveness: The role of complementary assets. Academy of Management Journal, 43(4), pp. 663–680.
  • Clarkson, M. (1995). A stakeholder framework for analyzing and evaluating corporate social performance. Academy of Management Review, 20 (1), pp. 92-117. Coffee, J. (2005). “A theory of corporate scandals: why the USA and Europe differ?”, Oxford Review of Economic Policy, 21(2), pp. 198-211.
  • Cornell, B. and A. Shapiro (1987), ‘Corporate Stakeholders and Corporate Finance’, Financial Management 16(1), pp. 5–14.
  • Dahlsrud, A. (2008). How Corporate Social Responsibility is Defined: an Analysis of 37 Definitions. Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, 15, pp. 1-13.
  • Daily, C.M., and Dalton, D.R. (1992). The Relationship between governance structure and corporate performance in entrepreneurial firms. Journal of Business Venturing, 7, pp.375-386.
  • Davenport, K. (2000), ‘Corporate Citizenship: A Stakeholder Approach for Defining Corporate Social Performance and Identifying Measures.
  • de Graaf, F. J., and Stoelhorst, J. W. (2013). The role of governance in corporate social responsibility: lessons from Dutch finance. Business and society, 52(2), pp. 282-317.
  • Dolique, L, (2007). ‘Risques globaux et développement durables - Fausses pistes et vraies solutions’, Paris: L’Harmattan.
  • Donaldson, T. and Preston, L.E. (1995) ‘The stakeholder theory of the corporation: concepts, evidence, and implications’, Academy of Management Review, 20, pp.65-91.
  • Eccles, R. G., and Krzus, M. (2010). One Report: Integrated Reporting for a Sustainable Strategy. New York: John Wiley and Sons, Inc.
  • Epstein, M. and Schnietz, K. (2002). ‘Measuring the cost of environmental and labor protests to globalization: An event study of the failed 1999 Seattle WTO talks.’ The International Trade Journal, 16, pp. 19.
  • Fowler, H., Slater, D., Johnson, J., Ellstrand, A., and Romi, A. (2013). Does it Pay to be Green?. A Meta-Analysis of Moderators of the CEP—CFP Relationship. Journal of Business Ethics, 112(2), pp. 353-366
  • Freeman, R. E. (1984). Strategic management: A stakeholder approach. Boston: Pitman.
  • Gill, A. (2008). Corporate Governance as Social Responsibility: A Research Agenda, Berkeley Journal of International Law, 26 (2), pp.452-478.
  • Gillan, S. L., Hartzell, J. C., Koch, A. and Starks, L. T. (2010), Firms’ environmental, social and governance (ESG) choices, performance and managerial motivation. Working Paper. Gompers P.A., Ishii J., Metrick A. (2003). Corporate Governance and Equity Prices. Quarterly J. Econ., 118(1), pp.107-155.
  • Graafland, J. J. (2004), Collusion, reputation damage and interest in codes of conduct: the case of a Dutch construction company. Business Ethics: A European Review, 1, pp. 127–142.
  • Gray, W.B., and Shadbegian, R.J. (1993). ‘Environmental regulation and manufacturing productivity at the plant level’, NBER Working Paper No. 4321, National Bureau of Economic Research.
  • Hansen, U. and Schrader, U. (2005) Corporate Social Responsibility als aktuelles Thema der Betriebswirtschaftslehre. Die Betriebswirtschaft, 65(4), pp.373–395.
  • Hart, S. L. (1995). A natural-resource-based view of the firm. Academy of Management Review, 20, pp.996–1014.
  • He, H., and Li, Y. (2011). CSR and service brand: The mediating effect of brand identification and the moderating effect of service quality. Journal of Business Ethics, 100(4), pp.673-688.
  • Heal, G. (2005) Corporate social responsibility: An economic and financial framework. The Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance - Issues and Practice 30(3), pp.387–409.
  • Horváthová, E. (2010) Does environmental performance affect financial performance? A meta-analysis. Ecological Economics, 70, pp.52–59.
  • International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC), (2013), The International Integrated Reporting Framework, London.
  • Galbreath, J. (2013) “ESG in focus: ‘The Australian evidence’,” Journal of Business Ethics, 118 (3), pp. 529–541.
  • Jasch, C. (2006). EMA as the next step in the evolution of management accounting. Journal of Cleaner Production, 14, pp.1190-1193.
  • John, K., and Senbet, L.W. (1998). Corporate governance and board effectiveness. Journal of Banking and Finance, 22, pp.371-403.
  • Jones, T. M. (1995), ‘Instrumental Stakeholder Theory: A Synthesis of Ethics and Economics’, Academy of Management Review, pp.404–437.
  • Kapstein, E.B. (2001) ‘The Corporate Ethics Crusade’, Foreign Affairs, 80 (5), pp.105-119.
  • Klettner, A., Clarke, T., and Boersma, M. (2014) “The governance of corporate sustainability: Empirical insights into the development, leadership, and implementation of the responsible business strategy,” Journal of Business Ethics, 122 (1), pp. 145–165.
  • Kolk, A. (2008), Sustainability, accountability and corporate governance: exploring multinationals' reporting practices. Business Strategy and Environment, 17, pp. 1–15.
  • Marcus, A., and Geffen, D. (1998). The dialectics of competency acquisition: Pollution prevention in electric generation. Strategic Management Journal, 19 (12), pp. 1145.
  • Marin L., Ruiz, S., and Rubio, A. (2009). The role of identity salience in the effects of corporate social responsibility on consumer behavior. Journal of Business Research, 84(1), pp. 65-78.
  • Mayer, F (1997): “Corporate Governance, Competition, and Performance”, in Enterprise and Community: New Directions in Corporate Governance, Deakin, S., and Hughes, A. (Eds.), Blackwell Publishers, Oxford, UK.
  • McGuire, J., Sundgren, A., and Schneeweis, T. (1988). Corporate Social Responsibility and Firm Financial Performance. The Academy of Management Journal, 31(4), pp.854-872.
  • McKinsey and Company (2002), Global Investor Opinion Survey on Corporate Governance.
  • Melnyk, S.A., Sroufe, R.P., Calantone, R. (2003). Assessing the impact of environmental management systems on corporate and environmental performance. Journal of Operations Management, 21 (3), pp. 329‒351.
  • Melquiot, P. (2003). 1001 mots et abréviations de l'environnement et du développement durable, Lyon: Edition Recyconsult.
  • Nelling, E., and Webb, E. (2008). Corporate social responsibility and financial performance: the virtuous circle revisited. Springer Science and Business Media, 32(8), pp.197–209.
  • Ortas, E., Gallego-Alvarez, I., and Álvarez Etxeberria, I. (2015) Financial Factors Influencing the Quality of Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management Disclosure: A Quantile Regression Approach. Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management., 22, pp. 362–380.
  • Pallant, J. (2007), SPSS Survival Manual, 3rd Edition, Crows West, New South Wales.
  • Porter, M., and C. van der Linde (1995), Toward a New Conception of the Environment Competitiveness Relationship, Journal of Economic Perspective 9(4), pp. 97–118.
  • Porter, M.E. (1991). ‘America’s green strategy.’, Scientific America, 264 (4), pp. 168.
  • Posnikoff, J. 1997. Disinvestment from South Africa: They did well by doing good, Contemporary Economic Policy, 15, pp. 76-86.
  • Richardson, B. J. (2009). Keeping ethical investment ethical: Regulatory issues for investing for sustainability. Journal of Business Ethics, 87, pp.555–572.
  • Roberts, R. W., 1992. Determinants of Corporate Social Responsibility Disclosure: an Application of Stakeholder Theory. Accounting, Organizations and Society, 17(6), pp. 595-612.
  • Runhaar, H. and Lafferty, H. (2009). Governing Corporate Social Responsibility: An Assessment of the Contribution of the UN Global Compact to CSR Strategies in the Telecommunications Industry. Journal of Business Ethics, 84, pp.479-495.
  • Russo, M. V., and Fouts, P. A. (1997). A resource-based perspective on corporate environmental performance and profitability. Academy of Management Journal, 40, pp. 534–559.
  • Sarkar, R. (2008), Public policy and corporate environmental behavior: a broader view. Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, 15, pp. 281–297.
  • Schaltegger S, Burritt R. (2005). Corporate sustainability. In The International Yearbook of Environmental and Resource Economics 2005/2006, Folmer H, Tietenberg T (eds). Elgar: Cheltenham, pp.185–222.
  • Schaltegger, S. and Synnestvedt, T. (2002) The Link between “Green” and Economic Success: Environmental Management as the Crucial Trigger between Environmental and Economic Performance. Journal of Environmental Management, 65, pp.339-346.
  • Tarmuji, I., Maelah, R., and Tarmuji N.H. (2016), ‘The Impact of Environmental, Social and Governance Practices (ESG) on Economic Performance: Evidence from ESG Score’, International Journal of Trade, Economic and Finance, 7 (3), pp.67-74.
  • Thomson Reuters. (2015). Thomson Reuter’s data stream ASSET 4 ESG content. URL. [Online]. Available: omson_Reuters_DS_ASSET4_ESG_Content_Fact_Sheet_April_201 5.pdf.
  • Waddock, S.A., and S.B. Graves (1997). The Corporate Social Performance-Financial Performance Link, Strategic Management Journal, 18 (4), pp. 303- 319.
  • Walley, N. and B. Whitehead. (1994). It’s not easy being green. Harvard Business Review 72 (3), pp.2-7.
  • Windsor, D. (2001), ‘The Future of Corporate Social Responsibility’, The International Journal of Organizational Analysis 9(3) ,pp. 225–256.
  • Wood, D. (1991), ‘Corporate Social Performance Revisited’, The Academy of Management Review 16(4), pp. 691– 717.
  • Wood, D.J. and Jones, R.E. (1995): “Stakeholder Mismatching: A Theoretical Problem in Empirical Research on Corporate Social Responsibility”, The International Journal of Organizational Analysis, 3 (3) , pp.229-267.
  • Wright, P. and Ferris, S. (1997). Agency conflict and corporate strategy: the effect of divestment on corporate value, Strategic Management Journal, 18, pp. 77-83.
  • Zikmund W G. (2003) Business Research Methods, 7th edition, Thomson/South-Western.
There are 73 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Finance
Journal Section Articles

Kemal Çek 0000-0001-5380-4860

Early Pub Date April 3, 2023
Publication Date April 3, 2023
Submission Date March 18, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2023 Issue: 119


APA Çek, K. (2023). Çevresel, Sosyal ve Yönetimsel Performansın Ekonomik Performans Üzerindeki Etkileri. Maliye Ve Finans Yazıları(119), 1-20.
  • The journal specializes in all the fields of finance and banking.