Research Article
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British Aristocracy and Christian Zionism: The Case of Lord Shaftesbury VII

Year 2023, , 135 - 165, 31.12.2023


This study examines the transformation of Zionist ideas that took root in 19th century British Evangelicalism into an effective argument in the political arena by focusing on Lord Shaftesbury, one of the most important aristocrats in the socio-political public of the period. The ideas, beliefs and political actions of the 7th Lord Shaftesbury Ashley Cooper, a devout evangelical Christian and one of the notable aristocrats of the period, are considered to be explanatory in terms of revealing how Christian Zionism shaped British policies. The main question of our study is “What are the origins of 19th-century Christian Zionism in British politics, and what are the role and activities of Lord Shaftesbury, one of the actors involved in the consolidation of this theo-political ideology?” This study aims to contribute to the elucidation of the British theo-political framework on the road to the Balfour Declaration, which is considered as a turning point for international Zionism. Our study descriptively reveals how Christian Zionism was constructed in British political circles, based on Lord’s memoirs


  • Albayrak, H. Şule. “ABD’de Hıristiyan Siyonizmi: Kökeni, İnanç Esasları ve Günümüz Amerikan Siyasetine Etkisi” Darülfünun İlahiyat. 30. 1 (2019), 141-169.
  • Altunışık, Mehmet Akif. “Shaftesbury’de Din-Ahlak İlişkisi” FLSF Felsefe ve Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi. 30 (Güz 2020), 497-516.
  • Barat, Frank. (ed.). Filistin Üzerine Konuşmalar: Noam Chomsky, İlan Pappe. Solmaz Kamuran (çev.). İstanbul: İnkılap Yayınları, 2016.
  • Buzpınar, Ş. Tufan. “Suriye ve Filistin’de Avrupa Nüfuz Mücadelesinde Yeni Bir Unsur: İngiliz Misyonerleri (19.yüzyıl)” İslam Araştırmala-rı Dergisi 10 (2003), 107-120.
  • Buzpınar, Ş. Tufan. “II. Abdülhamid ve Hıristiyan Siyonizmi” Bir Sultan Bir Paşa: II. Abdülhamid ve Gazi Osman Paşa. (Gazi Osman Paşa Belediyesi 2018), 149-161.
  • Ellis, James J. Lord Shaftesbury. London: James Nisbet & Co., 1892.
  • Habeeb, Sameh ve Stefanini, Pietro. (ed.). Giving Away Other People’s Land: The Making of the Balfour Declaration. Palestinian Return Center, 2017.
  • Hammond, J. L. ve Hamoond, Barbara. Lord Shaftesbury. Second Edition. London: Constable & Company Ltd., 1923.
  • Hodder, Edwin. The Life and Work of The Seventh Earl of Shaftesbury, K.G. Vol. 1. London: Cassell&Company, Limited, 1886.
  • Hodder, Edwin. The Life and Work of the Seventh Earl of Shaftesbury, K.G. Vol. 2. London: Casell&Company, Limited, 1888.
  • Hodder, Edwin. The Life and Work of the Seventh Earl of Shaftesbury, K.G. Vol. 3. London: Casell&Company, Limited, 1886.
  • Hodder, Edwin. The Life and Work of the Seventh Earl of Shaftesbury. Popular Edition. London: Cassell & Company Limited, 1893.
  • Jack, Sybil M. “No Heavenly Jerusalem: The Anglican Bishopric, 1841-83” The Journal of Religious History. Vol. 19, No. 2 (December 1995)
  • Lewis, Donald M. The Origins of Christian Zionism. New York: Cambridge Uni. Press, 2010. Matthew, H.C.G. ve Harrison Brian. “Cooper, Anthony Ashley, Seventh Earl of Shaftesbury (1801-1885)” Oxford Dictionary of National Biog-raphy. Vol. 13. (Oxford University Press, 2004), 223-227.
  • Parfitt, Tudor. “Sir Moses Montefiore and Palestine” Sir Moses Montefiore, A Symposium, V. D. Lipman (Ed.). Oxford: the Oxford Centre for Postgraduate Hebrew Studies and the Jewish Historical Society of England, 1982.
  • Sharif, Regina. “Christians for Zion, 1600-1919”. Journal of Palestine Stu-dies. Vol. 5. No. 3/4 (Spring-Sumer 1976), 123-141.
  • Sizer, Stephen. The Promised Land: A Critical Investigation of Evangelical Christian Zionism in Britain and the United States of America since 1800. A Thesis submitted to Middlesex University and Oak Hill Theological College (July 2002)
  • Tuchman, Barbara W. Bible and Sword, England and Palestine from the Bronze Age to Balfour. New York: Random House Trade Paperbacks, 1984.
  • Willetts, Margaret M. Glory and Empire: The London Society for Promoting Christianity amongst the Jews and the Road to the Balfour Declaration. A Thesis Approved for the Department of History, University of Oklahoma Graduate College, 2016.

İngiliz Aristokrasisi ve Hıristiyan Siyonizmi: VII. Lord Shaftesbury Örneği

Year 2023, , 135 - 165, 31.12.2023


Bu çalışma 19. yüzyıl İngiliz Evanjelizminde kök salan siyonist fikirlerin politik sahada etkili bir argümana dönüşmesini dönemin sosyopolitik kamusunda yer alan önemli aristokratlarından Lord Shaftesbury’i merkeze alarak incelemektedir. Dindar bir Evanjelik Hıristiyan olan 7. Lord Shaftesbury Ashley Cooper’ın fikir, inanç, politik eylem ve etkilerinin dikkate alınmasının Hıristiyan siyonizminin İngiliz siyasetine verdiği şekli ortaya koymak açısından açıklayıcı olacağı düşünülmektedir. Çalışmamızın temel sorusu “19. yüzyıl İngiliz siyasetinde belirginleşen Hıristiyan siyonizminin kökeni nedir ve bu teopolitik ideolojinin güç kazanmasında dahli olan aktörlerden Lord Shaftesbury’nin rolü ve faaliyetleri nelerdir?” olarak belirlenmiştir. Bu çalışmayla dünya siyonizmi açısından bir dönüm noktası olarak değerlendirilen Balfour Deklarasyonuna giden yolda İngiliz teo-politik çerçevenin aydınlatılmasına katkı sunmak hedeflenmektedir. Çalışmamız Hıristiyan siyonizminin İngiliz politik çevrelerinde nasıl inşa edildiğini Lord Shaftesbury’nin hatıratından hareketle doküman incelemesini esas alarak tasvirî analizle ortaya koymaktadır.


  • Albayrak, H. Şule. “ABD’de Hıristiyan Siyonizmi: Kökeni, İnanç Esasları ve Günümüz Amerikan Siyasetine Etkisi” Darülfünun İlahiyat. 30. 1 (2019), 141-169.
  • Altunışık, Mehmet Akif. “Shaftesbury’de Din-Ahlak İlişkisi” FLSF Felsefe ve Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi. 30 (Güz 2020), 497-516.
  • Barat, Frank. (ed.). Filistin Üzerine Konuşmalar: Noam Chomsky, İlan Pappe. Solmaz Kamuran (çev.). İstanbul: İnkılap Yayınları, 2016.
  • Buzpınar, Ş. Tufan. “Suriye ve Filistin’de Avrupa Nüfuz Mücadelesinde Yeni Bir Unsur: İngiliz Misyonerleri (19.yüzyıl)” İslam Araştırmala-rı Dergisi 10 (2003), 107-120.
  • Buzpınar, Ş. Tufan. “II. Abdülhamid ve Hıristiyan Siyonizmi” Bir Sultan Bir Paşa: II. Abdülhamid ve Gazi Osman Paşa. (Gazi Osman Paşa Belediyesi 2018), 149-161.
  • Ellis, James J. Lord Shaftesbury. London: James Nisbet & Co., 1892.
  • Habeeb, Sameh ve Stefanini, Pietro. (ed.). Giving Away Other People’s Land: The Making of the Balfour Declaration. Palestinian Return Center, 2017.
  • Hammond, J. L. ve Hamoond, Barbara. Lord Shaftesbury. Second Edition. London: Constable & Company Ltd., 1923.
  • Hodder, Edwin. The Life and Work of The Seventh Earl of Shaftesbury, K.G. Vol. 1. London: Cassell&Company, Limited, 1886.
  • Hodder, Edwin. The Life and Work of the Seventh Earl of Shaftesbury, K.G. Vol. 2. London: Casell&Company, Limited, 1888.
  • Hodder, Edwin. The Life and Work of the Seventh Earl of Shaftesbury, K.G. Vol. 3. London: Casell&Company, Limited, 1886.
  • Hodder, Edwin. The Life and Work of the Seventh Earl of Shaftesbury. Popular Edition. London: Cassell & Company Limited, 1893.
  • Jack, Sybil M. “No Heavenly Jerusalem: The Anglican Bishopric, 1841-83” The Journal of Religious History. Vol. 19, No. 2 (December 1995)
  • Lewis, Donald M. The Origins of Christian Zionism. New York: Cambridge Uni. Press, 2010. Matthew, H.C.G. ve Harrison Brian. “Cooper, Anthony Ashley, Seventh Earl of Shaftesbury (1801-1885)” Oxford Dictionary of National Biog-raphy. Vol. 13. (Oxford University Press, 2004), 223-227.
  • Parfitt, Tudor. “Sir Moses Montefiore and Palestine” Sir Moses Montefiore, A Symposium, V. D. Lipman (Ed.). Oxford: the Oxford Centre for Postgraduate Hebrew Studies and the Jewish Historical Society of England, 1982.
  • Sharif, Regina. “Christians for Zion, 1600-1919”. Journal of Palestine Stu-dies. Vol. 5. No. 3/4 (Spring-Sumer 1976), 123-141.
  • Sizer, Stephen. The Promised Land: A Critical Investigation of Evangelical Christian Zionism in Britain and the United States of America since 1800. A Thesis submitted to Middlesex University and Oak Hill Theological College (July 2002)
  • Tuchman, Barbara W. Bible and Sword, England and Palestine from the Bronze Age to Balfour. New York: Random House Trade Paperbacks, 1984.
  • Willetts, Margaret M. Glory and Empire: The London Society for Promoting Christianity amongst the Jews and the Road to the Balfour Declaration. A Thesis Approved for the Department of History, University of Oklahoma Graduate College, 2016.
There are 19 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Christian Studies
Journal Section Articles

H. Şule Albayrak 0000-0003-0311-5121

Early Pub Date December 26, 2023
Publication Date December 31, 2023
Submission Date June 26, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023


ISNAD Albayrak, H. Şule. “İngiliz Aristokrasisi Ve Hıristiyan Siyonizmi: VII. Lord Shaftesbury Örneği”. Milel ve Nihal 20/2 (December 2023), 135-165.