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The Question of Protestant Morality and Philip Melancthon

Year 2005, Volume: 2 Issue: 1, 115 - 144, 01.01.2005


Protestant theology contains the doctrine of justifing by faith without good works and religious law. This doctrine has been the main reason of firm predestination idea. It also led the Protestants to religious irresponsibility in their earthly life. It has also been followed by moral indifference or being against moral laws as known antinomianism. The famous Lutheran reformist and Martin Luther’s close friend Philip Melancthon has tried to found the Protestant morality on the base of religious feelings, but could not success it. Consequently, it must be stressed that the world is under the thread of the understanding of Protestant immoralism which is based upon religious irresponsibility and predestination.


  • Calvin, John, “III: 21, Of The Eternal Election, by Which God has Predestinated Some to Salvation and Others to Destruction”, Institutes of the Christian Religion, [Christian Classics Etheral Library, 2000], 1999 Hanry Plantinga.
  • Daniel-Rops, H., The Protestant Reformation, London: J. M. Dent & Sons Ltd, 1961.
  • Documents from the History of Lutheranism 1517-1750, ed. Eric Lund, Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 2002.
  • Engels, Friedrich, “The Marxist Conception of the Peasants’ Revolt”, Problems in European Civilization: Reformation and Authority, The Meaning of the Peasants’ Revolt, ed. Kyle C. Sessions, Lexington: D. C. Heath and Company, 1968.
  • Holborn, Hajo, A History of Modern Germany: The Reformation, New Jersey: Princeton University Press, , 1959.
  • Klassen, Peter, “The Role of Masses in Shaping the Reformation”, Problems in Civilization: The Reformation, ed. Peter J. Klassen, California: Forum Press, 1985.
  • Kolb, Robert, Lutherʹs Heirs Define His Legacy, Studies on Lutheran Confessionalization, Hampshire: Variorum, 1996.
  • Lazareth, William H., Christians in Society: Luther, the Bible and Social Ethics, Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 2001.
  • Lohse, Bernhard, Martin Luther’s Theology: Its Historical and Systematic Development, tr., ed. Roy A. Harrisville, Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 1999.
  • Luther, Martin, Luther’s Works, ed. J. J. Pelikan, H. C. Oswald & H. T. Lehmann, Saint Louis, Concordia Publishing House, 1999.
  • Melanchthon, Philip, Loci communes, 1521; lateinisch und deutsch. Übers. und mit kommentiered anm. vers. Von Horst Georg Pöhlmann. Hrsg. vom Lutherischen Kirchenamt der VELKD. Gütersloh: Gütersloher Verl. Haus Mohn, 1993.
  • ____, Loci Communes, 1543, St. Luis: Concordia Publishing House, 1992.
  • Murray, Scott R., Law, Life, and the Living God: The Third Use of the Law in Modern American Lutheranism, Saint Luise: Concordia Publishing House, 2002.
  • Ökten, Kaan H., Reformasyon Dönemi Siyasal ve Dinsal Düşünce Tarihine Giriş, İstanbul: Alfa, 2003.
  • Readon, Bernard M. G., Religious Thought in the Reformation, New York: Longman, 1981.
  • The Book of Concord: The Confessions of the Evangelical Lutheran Church, tr. ve ed. Theodore G. Tappert, Philadelphia: Fortress Press, 1959.
  • Wiener, Peter F., Martin Luther: Hitler’s Spritual Ancestor, Cranford: American Atheist Press, 1999.
  • Witte, John, Law and Protestantism: The Legal Teachings of the Lutheran Reformation, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2002.

Protestan Ahlakiliği Sorunu ve Philip Melanchthon

Year 2005, Volume: 2 Issue: 1, 115 - 144, 01.01.2005


Protestan teolojisi iyi davranışlar ve dinsel kurallar olmaksızın günahlardan sadece imanla aklanma doktrinini içermektedir. Bu doktrin katı bir kaderciliğe neden olmuş ve Protestanları dünyevi yaşamlarında dinsel sorumsuzluğa yöneltmiştir. Dinsel sorumsuzluk ise antinomianizm olarak bilinen ahlak kurallarına karşı olmak ya da ahlaki aldırmazlıkla takip edilmiştir. Martin Luther’in yakın arkadaşı ve ünlü reformist Philip Melanchthon, Protestan ahlakiliğini dinsel temelleri üzerinde oluşturmaya gayret etmiş, fakat başarılı olamamıştır. Dolayısıyla dünya, Protestanlığın dinsel sorumsuzluğunun ve katı kaderci anlayışının ahlaki tehdidi altındadır.


  • Calvin, John, “III: 21, Of The Eternal Election, by Which God has Predestinated Some to Salvation and Others to Destruction”, Institutes of the Christian Religion, [Christian Classics Etheral Library, 2000], 1999 Hanry Plantinga.
  • Daniel-Rops, H., The Protestant Reformation, London: J. M. Dent & Sons Ltd, 1961.
  • Documents from the History of Lutheranism 1517-1750, ed. Eric Lund, Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 2002.
  • Engels, Friedrich, “The Marxist Conception of the Peasants’ Revolt”, Problems in European Civilization: Reformation and Authority, The Meaning of the Peasants’ Revolt, ed. Kyle C. Sessions, Lexington: D. C. Heath and Company, 1968.
  • Holborn, Hajo, A History of Modern Germany: The Reformation, New Jersey: Princeton University Press, , 1959.
  • Klassen, Peter, “The Role of Masses in Shaping the Reformation”, Problems in Civilization: The Reformation, ed. Peter J. Klassen, California: Forum Press, 1985.
  • Kolb, Robert, Lutherʹs Heirs Define His Legacy, Studies on Lutheran Confessionalization, Hampshire: Variorum, 1996.
  • Lazareth, William H., Christians in Society: Luther, the Bible and Social Ethics, Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 2001.
  • Lohse, Bernhard, Martin Luther’s Theology: Its Historical and Systematic Development, tr., ed. Roy A. Harrisville, Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 1999.
  • Luther, Martin, Luther’s Works, ed. J. J. Pelikan, H. C. Oswald & H. T. Lehmann, Saint Louis, Concordia Publishing House, 1999.
  • Melanchthon, Philip, Loci communes, 1521; lateinisch und deutsch. Übers. und mit kommentiered anm. vers. Von Horst Georg Pöhlmann. Hrsg. vom Lutherischen Kirchenamt der VELKD. Gütersloh: Gütersloher Verl. Haus Mohn, 1993.
  • ____, Loci Communes, 1543, St. Luis: Concordia Publishing House, 1992.
  • Murray, Scott R., Law, Life, and the Living God: The Third Use of the Law in Modern American Lutheranism, Saint Luise: Concordia Publishing House, 2002.
  • Ökten, Kaan H., Reformasyon Dönemi Siyasal ve Dinsal Düşünce Tarihine Giriş, İstanbul: Alfa, 2003.
  • Readon, Bernard M. G., Religious Thought in the Reformation, New York: Longman, 1981.
  • The Book of Concord: The Confessions of the Evangelical Lutheran Church, tr. ve ed. Theodore G. Tappert, Philadelphia: Fortress Press, 1959.
  • Wiener, Peter F., Martin Luther: Hitler’s Spritual Ancestor, Cranford: American Atheist Press, 1999.
  • Witte, John, Law and Protestantism: The Legal Teachings of the Lutheran Reformation, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2002.
There are 18 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Makaleler

Hakan Olgun This is me

Publication Date January 1, 2005
Submission Date November 5, 2014
Published in Issue Year 2005 Volume: 2 Issue: 1


ISNAD Olgun, Hakan. “Protestan Ahlakiliği Sorunu Ve Philip Melanchthon”. Milel ve Nihal 2/1 (January 2005), 115-144.