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State of the Albanian Autocephalous Orthodox Church after 1990

Year 2006, Volume: 3 Issue: 1-2, 161 - 173, 01.06.2006


After fall of the communist system of Enver Hoxha, there appeared the reappearance of religions and religious bodies. First aid for Orthodox Albanians came from Greek Orthodox Church. The activities of Greek priests in Albania seemed to have the aim of Hellenizing Albanians rather then helping them. The new archbishop, Anastas Yanullatos was brought and nominated from outside. His nomination was strongly criticized by Albanian orthodox patriots.

State of the Albanian Autocephalous Orthodox Church after 1990

Year 2006, Volume: 3 Issue: 1-2, 161 - 173, 01.06.2006


Enver Hoca dönemi sonrası Arnavutluk’da yeniden bir dini canlanma faaliyeti başladı. Arnavut Ortodoks Kilisesinin yeniden yapılanması konusunda ilk adım Yunan Ortodoks Kilisesinden geldi. Ancak bu, Arnavut Ortodokslara yardımdan ziyade onları Helenleştirme amacına yönelik bir yapı arzetmekteydi. Bu bağlamda başpiskopos Anastas Yanullatos devreye sokuldu. Ancak bu, Arnavut Ortodoskları arasında ciddi rahatsızlıkların da sebebi oldu

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Primary Language English
Journal Section Articles

Qani Nesımı This is me

Publication Date June 1, 2006
Submission Date November 5, 2014
Published in Issue Year 2006 Volume: 3 Issue: 1-2


ISNAD Nesımı, Qani. “State of the Albanian Autocephalous Orthodox Church After 1990”. Milel ve Nihal 3/1-2 (June 2006), 161-173.