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Tarihsel Eleştiri ve Kutsal Metnin Otoritesi: 17. ve 18. Yüzyılda Kutsal Kitap Eleştirisi ile Metne Sadakat Arasındaki Gerilim Üzerine Bir İnceleme

Year 2019, Volume: 16 Issue: 2, 305 - 329, 31.12.2019


Bu makale, on yedinci ve on sekizinci yüzyılda tarihsel eleştirinin verilerine değil, bu dönemlerdeki eleştirel çalışmalar ile metne sadakat arasındaki gerilime odaklanmaktadır. Bu bağlamda yazıda, tarihsel-eleştirel çalışmalar ile kutsal metnin otoritesi arasındaki ilişkinin boyutları ele alınmaktadır. Makalede dönemin önemli eleştirmenlerinin kutsal metnin otoritesini büyük oranda reddetmedikleri, bilakis eleştirel bilim karşısında otoritesi sarsılan metne, modern kültür içinde bir uyum sorunu olarak farklı bir otorite sağ-lamaya çalıştıkları varsayılmaktadır. Bu bağlamda ilgili ilahiyatçıların inanç ve kutsal metin ile modern eleştirilerin verileri arasında bağ kurmaya çalışan nasıl bir teoloji geliştirdiklerini göstermek amaçlanmaktadır. Bu yüzden makale, her ne kadar doğrudan Kitab-ı Mukaddes üzerine olsa bile, dolaylı bir biçimde son dönem İslam dünyasında hadislerin otoritesine dair tartışmaların içeriği konusunda muhtemel ipuçları barındırması dolayısıyla önem arz etmektedir. İslam dünyasında hadislerin geleneksel otoritesine dair tartışmalara aşina olan bir okur, bu tür tartışmaların Kitabı-ı Mukaddes ile benzerliğini fark etmekte zorlanmayacaktır.


  • Adam, A.K.M. Faithful Interpretation: Reading the Bible in a Postmodern World. Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 2006.
  • Altunışık, Mehmet Akif. “Deizmin Meydan Okumalarına Karşı İslam Düşüncesinin Sorun Çözme Kabiliyeti: Yeni Bir Nübüvvet Teorisi Geliştirme Teklifi”. İslam ve Yorum II: Temel Tartışmalar, İmkânlar ve Sorunlar. Yayına hazırlayan Fikret Kahraman. Ed. Mehmet Kubat vd. 1:397-414. Malatya: İnönü Üniversitesi Yayınları, 2018.
  • Barr, James. Holy Scripture: Canon, Authority, Criticism. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1983.
  • Barton, John. The Nature of Biblical Criticism. Louisville and London: Westminster John Knox Press, 2007.
  • Bravo, Benedetto. “Critice in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries and the Rise of the Notion of Historical Criticism”. History of Scho-larship. Ed. Christopher Ligota-Jean- Louis Quantin. 135-195. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2006.
  • Capetz, Paul E. “Theology and the Historical-Critical Study of the Bible”. The Harvard Theological Review 104/4 (2011): 459-488.
  • Childs, Brevard S. “The Sensus Literalis of Scripture: An Ancient and Modern Problem”. Bieträge zur Alttestamentlichen Theologie. Ed. Herbert Donner vd. 80-93. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1977.
  • Conybeare, F. C. History of New Testament Criticism. London: Watts & Co. 1910.
  • Davids, Peter H. “Authority, Hermeneutics, and Criticism”. New Testa-ment Criticism and Interpretation. Ed. David Alan Black ve David S. Dockery. 2-21. Michigan: Zondervan Pub. House, 1991.
  • Duran, Asim. Aydınlanma ve Kutsal Kitap. Samsun: Üniversite Yayınları, 2017.
  • Fitzmyer, Joseph A. The Interpretation of Scripture: In Defense of the Histori-cal-Critical Method. New York: Paulist Press, 2008.
  • Gray, Edward McQueen. Old Testament Criticism: Its Rise and Progress, From Second Century to the End of the Eighteenth, A Historical Sketch. New York-London: Harper & Brothers Publishers, 1923.
  • Grotius, Hugo. The Truth of the Christian Religion: In six Books. Corrected and Illustrated with Notes by Mr. Le Clerc, İngilizceye çeviren John Clarke, Eklemelerle on beşinci baskı. Oxford: Printed by W. Baxter, 1818.
  • Hardy, Nicholas. Criticism and Confession: The Bible in the Seventeeth Cen-tury Republic of Letters. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2017.
  • Hayes, John H. & Holladay, Carl R. Biblical Exegesis: A Beginner’s Hand-book. Gözden Geçirilmiş Baskı. Atlanta: John Knox Press, 1973.
  • Hays, Christopher M. “Towards a Faithful Criticism”. Evangelical Faith and the Challenge of Historical Criticism. Eds. Christopher M. Hays ve Christopher B. Ansberry. 1-23. Grand Rapids: Baker Academic, 2013.
  • Jaroslav Pelikan, Historical Theology: Continuity and Change in Christian Doctrine (Eugene, Oregon: Wipf&Stock, 2014).
  • Jenkins, Allan K. & Preston, Patrick. Biblical Scholarship and the Church: A Sixteenth-Century Crisis of Authority. Ed. Allan K. Jenkins ve Patrick Preston. Hampshire: Ashgate, 2008.
  • Jowett, Benjamin. “On the Interpretation of Scripture”. Essays and Re-views. Ed. Frederick Temple vd. 330-433. London: John W. Parker and Son, 1860.
  • Kantzer, Kenneth S. “Evangelicals and the Doctrine of Inerrancy”. The Foundation of Biblical Authority. Ed. James Montgomery Boice. 147-156. London-Glasgow: Pickering & Inglis, 1979.
  • Kar, Sait. “Din, Aydınlanma ve Eleştirisi”. Atatürk Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi 42 (2014): 173-192.
  • Kar, Sait. “Felsefi Açıdan İslamofobi ve Eleştirisi”. İlahiyat Tetkikleri Dergi-si (İLTED). 47 (2017): 199-222.
  • Kar, Sait. John Toland’ın Din Felsefesi. Saarbrücken: Lap Lambert Aca-demic Publishing, 2017.
  • Knight, Douglas A. Rediscovering the Traditions of Israel. Third Edition. Atlanta: Society of Biblical Literature, 2006.
  • Kolp, Robert. “The Bible in the Reformation and Protestant Orthodoxy”. The Enduring Authority of the Christian Scriptures. Ed. D. A. Carson. 89-114. Grand Rapids/Cambridge: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., 2016.
  • Kümmel, Werner Georg. The New Testament: The History of the Investigation of Its Problems. İngilizceye çeviren S. McLean Gilmour & Howard C. Kee. Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1972.
  • Lee, Michael J. The Erosion of Biblical Certainty: Battles over Authority and Interpretation in America. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2013.
  • Legaspi, Michael C. The Death of Scripture and the Rise of Biblical Studies. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2010.
  • Linnemann, Eta. “Historical-Critical Theology and Evangelical Theory”. Journal of the Adventist Theological Society 5/2 (Bahar 1994): 19-36.
  • Maier, Gerhard. The End of the Historical-Critical Method. St. Louis: Concordia Publishing House, 1977.
  • McGrath, Alister E. Historical Theology: An Introduction to the History of Christian Thought. İkinci basım. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell, 2013.
  • Morgan, Robert & Barton, John. Biblical Interpretation. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1988.
  • Nash, Henry S. The History of the Higher Criticism of the New Testament. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1900.
  • Noll, Mark A. Between Faith and Criticism: Evangelicals, Scholarship, and the Bible in America. Vancouver: Regent College Publishing, 2004.
  • Price, Robert M. Inerrant the Wind: Evangelical Crisis of Biblical Authority. Amherst, New York: Prometheus Books, 2009.
  • Richardson, Alan. “The Rise of Modern Biblical Scholarship and Recent Discussion of the Authority of the Bible”. The Cambridge History of the Bible: The West from the Reformation to the Present Day. Ed. S. L. Greenslade. 294-338. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1976.
  • Rogerson, John W. “Historical Criticism and the Authority of the Bible”. The Oxford Handbook of Biblical Studies. Ed. J. W. Rogerson ve Jud-dith M. Lieu. 841-859. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2006.
  • Scholtz, Gunter. “The Phenomenon of ‘Historicism’ as a Backcloth of Biblical Scholarship”. Hebrew Bible/Old Testament: The History of Its Interpretation, III/1: Nineteenth Century. Ed. Magne Sӕbø. III/1:64-89. Vandenhoeck &Ruprecht, Göttingen 2013.
  • Simon, Richard. A Critical History of the Old Testament. London: Walter Davis, 1682.
  • Sparks, Kenton L. God’s Word in Human Words: An Evangelical Appropriation of Critical Biblical Scholarship. Grand Rapids: Baker Academic, 2008.
  • Steiger, Johann Anselm. “The Develepment of the Reformatin Legacy”. Hebrew Bible Old Testament: The Histoy of Its Interperetaion. Ed. Mag-ne Sӕbø. II/691-757. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2008.
  • Tatar, Burhanettin. “Kur’ân’ı Yorumlama Sorunu”. Kur’an ve Dil: Dilbilim ve Hermenötik Sempozyumu Bildirileri (Van, 17-18 Mayıs 2001). Ed. Necati Kara. 493-508. Erzurum: Bakanlar Matbaası, 2001.
  • Tatar, Burhanettin. “Kutsal Metin ve Otorite: Tarihsel-Fenomenolojik Bir Analiz”. Milel ve Nihal 14/1 (2017): 64-76.
  • The Confession of Faith of the Assembly of Divines at Westminster. Ed. S. W. Carruthers. London: Publishing Office of the Presbyterian Church of England, 1946. van den Belt, Henk. The Authority of Scripture in Reformed Theology: Truth and Trust. Leiden, Boston: Brill, 2008.
  • van Vlastuin, Willem. “Sola Scriptura: The Relevance of Luther’s Use of Sola Scriptura in De Servo Arbitrio”. Sola Scriptura: Biblical and Theological Perspectives on Scripture, Authority, and Hermeneutics. Ed. Hans Burger vd. 243-259. Leiden, Boston: Brill, 2018.
  • Wright, N. T. “How Can the Bible Be Authoritative? (The Laing Lecture for 1989)”. Vox Evangelica 21 (1991): 7-32.

Historical Criticism and the Authority of Scripture: A Study on the Tension Between Biblical Criticism and Faithfulness to the Scripture in the 17th and 18th Centuries

Year 2019, Volume: 16 Issue: 2, 305 - 329, 31.12.2019


This article focuses on the tension between critical studies and faithfulness to the Scripture rather than the findings of historical criticism in the seven-teenth and eighteenth centuries. In this context, the dimensions of the rela-tionship between historical-critical studies and the authority of the Scrip-ture are discussed in the article. In the paper, it is assumed that the major critics of this period did not largely reject the authority of the Scripture, but rather they tried to provide with a different authority as a problem of harmony within the modern culture in the face of critical studies. In this context, it is aimed to show what kind of theology did they develop, which tries to make a connection between faith and the Bible and the findings of modern biblical studies. Therefore, although the article is directly about the Bible, it is indirectly important for it contains possible clues about the con-tent of the discussions about the authority of the Hadiths in the Muslim world.


  • Adam, A.K.M. Faithful Interpretation: Reading the Bible in a Postmodern World. Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 2006.
  • Altunışık, Mehmet Akif. “Deizmin Meydan Okumalarına Karşı İslam Düşüncesinin Sorun Çözme Kabiliyeti: Yeni Bir Nübüvvet Teorisi Geliştirme Teklifi”. İslam ve Yorum II: Temel Tartışmalar, İmkânlar ve Sorunlar. Yayına hazırlayan Fikret Kahraman. Ed. Mehmet Kubat vd. 1:397-414. Malatya: İnönü Üniversitesi Yayınları, 2018.
  • Barr, James. Holy Scripture: Canon, Authority, Criticism. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1983.
  • Barton, John. The Nature of Biblical Criticism. Louisville and London: Westminster John Knox Press, 2007.
  • Bravo, Benedetto. “Critice in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries and the Rise of the Notion of Historical Criticism”. History of Scho-larship. Ed. Christopher Ligota-Jean- Louis Quantin. 135-195. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2006.
  • Capetz, Paul E. “Theology and the Historical-Critical Study of the Bible”. The Harvard Theological Review 104/4 (2011): 459-488.
  • Childs, Brevard S. “The Sensus Literalis of Scripture: An Ancient and Modern Problem”. Bieträge zur Alttestamentlichen Theologie. Ed. Herbert Donner vd. 80-93. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1977.
  • Conybeare, F. C. History of New Testament Criticism. London: Watts & Co. 1910.
  • Davids, Peter H. “Authority, Hermeneutics, and Criticism”. New Testa-ment Criticism and Interpretation. Ed. David Alan Black ve David S. Dockery. 2-21. Michigan: Zondervan Pub. House, 1991.
  • Duran, Asim. Aydınlanma ve Kutsal Kitap. Samsun: Üniversite Yayınları, 2017.
  • Fitzmyer, Joseph A. The Interpretation of Scripture: In Defense of the Histori-cal-Critical Method. New York: Paulist Press, 2008.
  • Gray, Edward McQueen. Old Testament Criticism: Its Rise and Progress, From Second Century to the End of the Eighteenth, A Historical Sketch. New York-London: Harper & Brothers Publishers, 1923.
  • Grotius, Hugo. The Truth of the Christian Religion: In six Books. Corrected and Illustrated with Notes by Mr. Le Clerc, İngilizceye çeviren John Clarke, Eklemelerle on beşinci baskı. Oxford: Printed by W. Baxter, 1818.
  • Hardy, Nicholas. Criticism and Confession: The Bible in the Seventeeth Cen-tury Republic of Letters. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2017.
  • Hayes, John H. & Holladay, Carl R. Biblical Exegesis: A Beginner’s Hand-book. Gözden Geçirilmiş Baskı. Atlanta: John Knox Press, 1973.
  • Hays, Christopher M. “Towards a Faithful Criticism”. Evangelical Faith and the Challenge of Historical Criticism. Eds. Christopher M. Hays ve Christopher B. Ansberry. 1-23. Grand Rapids: Baker Academic, 2013.
  • Jaroslav Pelikan, Historical Theology: Continuity and Change in Christian Doctrine (Eugene, Oregon: Wipf&Stock, 2014).
  • Jenkins, Allan K. & Preston, Patrick. Biblical Scholarship and the Church: A Sixteenth-Century Crisis of Authority. Ed. Allan K. Jenkins ve Patrick Preston. Hampshire: Ashgate, 2008.
  • Jowett, Benjamin. “On the Interpretation of Scripture”. Essays and Re-views. Ed. Frederick Temple vd. 330-433. London: John W. Parker and Son, 1860.
  • Kantzer, Kenneth S. “Evangelicals and the Doctrine of Inerrancy”. The Foundation of Biblical Authority. Ed. James Montgomery Boice. 147-156. London-Glasgow: Pickering & Inglis, 1979.
  • Kar, Sait. “Din, Aydınlanma ve Eleştirisi”. Atatürk Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi 42 (2014): 173-192.
  • Kar, Sait. “Felsefi Açıdan İslamofobi ve Eleştirisi”. İlahiyat Tetkikleri Dergi-si (İLTED). 47 (2017): 199-222.
  • Kar, Sait. John Toland’ın Din Felsefesi. Saarbrücken: Lap Lambert Aca-demic Publishing, 2017.
  • Knight, Douglas A. Rediscovering the Traditions of Israel. Third Edition. Atlanta: Society of Biblical Literature, 2006.
  • Kolp, Robert. “The Bible in the Reformation and Protestant Orthodoxy”. The Enduring Authority of the Christian Scriptures. Ed. D. A. Carson. 89-114. Grand Rapids/Cambridge: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., 2016.
  • Kümmel, Werner Georg. The New Testament: The History of the Investigation of Its Problems. İngilizceye çeviren S. McLean Gilmour & Howard C. Kee. Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1972.
  • Lee, Michael J. The Erosion of Biblical Certainty: Battles over Authority and Interpretation in America. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2013.
  • Legaspi, Michael C. The Death of Scripture and the Rise of Biblical Studies. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2010.
  • Linnemann, Eta. “Historical-Critical Theology and Evangelical Theory”. Journal of the Adventist Theological Society 5/2 (Bahar 1994): 19-36.
  • Maier, Gerhard. The End of the Historical-Critical Method. St. Louis: Concordia Publishing House, 1977.
  • McGrath, Alister E. Historical Theology: An Introduction to the History of Christian Thought. İkinci basım. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell, 2013.
  • Morgan, Robert & Barton, John. Biblical Interpretation. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1988.
  • Nash, Henry S. The History of the Higher Criticism of the New Testament. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1900.
  • Noll, Mark A. Between Faith and Criticism: Evangelicals, Scholarship, and the Bible in America. Vancouver: Regent College Publishing, 2004.
  • Price, Robert M. Inerrant the Wind: Evangelical Crisis of Biblical Authority. Amherst, New York: Prometheus Books, 2009.
  • Richardson, Alan. “The Rise of Modern Biblical Scholarship and Recent Discussion of the Authority of the Bible”. The Cambridge History of the Bible: The West from the Reformation to the Present Day. Ed. S. L. Greenslade. 294-338. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1976.
  • Rogerson, John W. “Historical Criticism and the Authority of the Bible”. The Oxford Handbook of Biblical Studies. Ed. J. W. Rogerson ve Jud-dith M. Lieu. 841-859. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2006.
  • Scholtz, Gunter. “The Phenomenon of ‘Historicism’ as a Backcloth of Biblical Scholarship”. Hebrew Bible/Old Testament: The History of Its Interpretation, III/1: Nineteenth Century. Ed. Magne Sӕbø. III/1:64-89. Vandenhoeck &Ruprecht, Göttingen 2013.
  • Simon, Richard. A Critical History of the Old Testament. London: Walter Davis, 1682.
  • Sparks, Kenton L. God’s Word in Human Words: An Evangelical Appropriation of Critical Biblical Scholarship. Grand Rapids: Baker Academic, 2008.
  • Steiger, Johann Anselm. “The Develepment of the Reformatin Legacy”. Hebrew Bible Old Testament: The Histoy of Its Interperetaion. Ed. Mag-ne Sӕbø. II/691-757. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2008.
  • Tatar, Burhanettin. “Kur’ân’ı Yorumlama Sorunu”. Kur’an ve Dil: Dilbilim ve Hermenötik Sempozyumu Bildirileri (Van, 17-18 Mayıs 2001). Ed. Necati Kara. 493-508. Erzurum: Bakanlar Matbaası, 2001.
  • Tatar, Burhanettin. “Kutsal Metin ve Otorite: Tarihsel-Fenomenolojik Bir Analiz”. Milel ve Nihal 14/1 (2017): 64-76.
  • The Confession of Faith of the Assembly of Divines at Westminster. Ed. S. W. Carruthers. London: Publishing Office of the Presbyterian Church of England, 1946. van den Belt, Henk. The Authority of Scripture in Reformed Theology: Truth and Trust. Leiden, Boston: Brill, 2008.
  • van Vlastuin, Willem. “Sola Scriptura: The Relevance of Luther’s Use of Sola Scriptura in De Servo Arbitrio”. Sola Scriptura: Biblical and Theological Perspectives on Scripture, Authority, and Hermeneutics. Ed. Hans Burger vd. 243-259. Leiden, Boston: Brill, 2018.
  • Wright, N. T. “How Can the Bible Be Authoritative? (The Laing Lecture for 1989)”. Vox Evangelica 21 (1991): 7-32.
There are 46 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Religious Studies
Journal Section Articles

Asim Duran 0000-0003-2153-8451

Publication Date December 31, 2019
Submission Date October 10, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019 Volume: 16 Issue: 2


ISNAD Duran, Asim. “Tarihsel Eleştiri Ve Kutsal Metnin Otoritesi: 17. Ve 18. Yüzyılda Kutsal Kitap Eleştirisi Ile Metne Sadakat Arasındaki Gerilim Üzerine Bir İnceleme”. Milel ve Nihal 16/2 (December 2019), 305-329.

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